Author Topic: The Man Thread  (Read 130825 times)

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Re: The Man Thread
« Reply #90 on: March 23, 2014, 04:34:27 PM »
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Re: The Man Thread
« Reply #91 on: March 23, 2014, 10:03:55 PM »
Ok, I breezed thru everything but didn't see it in here so if I missed it I apologize... 

These guys did a great job editing this & it has to be about the funnest "balls to the wall race car video"
"balls to the wall race car video"  that I've seen, even if it is a commercial;  this guy's going all out, I like how they entertain or taunting the rush hour drivers during the final credits.  So for those that haven't see it, enjoy.
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Re: The Man Thread
« Reply #92 on: March 23, 2014, 10:50:48 PM »
That's... pretty fuckin' cool actually, hehe. I'm surprised San Fransisco would close everything to allow someone to do that on public streets. Then again... they let Steve McQueen do it. But how the hell do you say no to Steve McQueen in the 70's? Dude was a fuckin' rock star.

But I'm somewhat skeptical that was done all in one take. At around the 4:40 mark, looks kinda like the left rear wheel is sticking out farther than it should be, like maybe he broke something in that previous jump and the CV axle came apart or something else. You can clearly some kinda clip or bracket or something coming out from under the rear just before that big jump when he short-hopped it over the little makeshift bridge coming off that barge in the port.

Then again, I kinda notice the same thing with the left rear as he's rounding that hairpin to the finish line. Maybe it's just the color of the rims on the rear giving the illusion that it's hanging out. Or maybe the rear wheels actually do adjust out during cornering for added stability and control. Never heard of cars doing that though. Dunno.

About the only tires you can use for tricks with that kinda precise close clearance to obstacles is those little thin rim-hugger fuckers, because normal tires will roll over on the sidewalls pushing that hard sideways. So if by chance he DID do all that in one take, I'm pretty impressed with how the tires held up getting that unbelievably hot without exploding or ripping clean through them.
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Re: The Man Thread
« Reply #93 on: March 24, 2014, 03:07:53 PM »
That's... pretty fuckin' cool actually, hehe. I'm surprised San Fransisco would close everything to allow someone to do that on public streets. Then again... they let Steve McQueen do it. But how the hell do you say no to Steve McQueen in the 70's? Dude was a fuckin' rock star.

But I'm somewhat skeptical that was done all in one take. At around the 4:40 mark, looks kinda like the left rear wheel is sticking out farther than it should be, like maybe he broke something in that previous jump and the CV axle came apart or something else. You can clearly some kinda clip or bracket or something coming out from under the rear just before that big jump when he short-hopped it over the little makeshift bridge coming off that barge in the port.

Then again, I kinda notice the same thing with the left rear as he's rounding that hairpin to the finish line. Maybe it's just the color of the rims on the rear giving the illusion that it's hanging out. Or maybe the rear wheels actually do adjust out during cornering for added stability and control. Never heard of cars doing that though. Dunno.

About the only tires you can use for tricks with that kinda precise close clearance to obstacles is those little thin rim-hugger fuckers, because normal tires will roll over on the sidewalls pushing that hard sideways. So if by chance he DID do all that in one take, I'm pretty impressed with how the tires held up getting that unbelievably hot without exploding or ripping clean through them.

I agree, he may of used more than one take for this video because of unforeseen problems; you can definitely see tire marks from previous/practice runs so...   it's just that they did a great job editing it & giving the viewer the best perception of experiencing this ride with him.
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Re: The Man Thread
« Reply #94 on: March 24, 2014, 05:17:33 PM »
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Re: The Man Thread
« Reply #95 on: March 24, 2014, 07:59:13 PM »
^^ !nsf ^^ this the best I can do :smiley_acbk:    :boff:    :nana: 

Oh, Focalor, the Rolls does look pretty much stock, just with a nice/modern paint job
note they made Planes before they started doing cars. >

Here's a modernized version >

« Last Edit: March 24, 2014, 08:44:37 PM by Fraginstein »
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Re: The Man Thread
« Reply #96 on: March 24, 2014, 08:58:46 PM »
Holy shit, haha. So maybe I was wrong. I guess Rolls was kinda setting the trend then. Most of the cars you see from the late 20's and early 30's all had pretty unforgiving angles to the cockpit. I know I've seen where lots of movie stars (like Clark Gable, etc) used to drive those huge land-yachts like that with the raked out limousine front ends and 400 billion cylinder engines that really didn't produce enough power for the block size. Just poor inefficient design sometimes I guess. I guess I know where they got the idea for the Batmobile from the old Tim Burton's Batman movies. Looked like one of those 29 Rolls' fucked a SR-71 Blackbird jet engine. :D And as ugly as I do think it is, it's still WAY more attractive than 98% of the cars made since the mid to late 70's. Seems like the 80's hit and all the car manufacturers got together and said, "It's time to make some truly hideously grotesque looking shit that people will be embarrassed to be seen driving. LET'S DO THIS!"

And Velveeta... Men do not watch Manga. Teenage virgin dorks do.
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Re: The Man Thread
« Reply #97 on: March 24, 2014, 09:46:09 PM »
Here's what I'd like to get a hold of... 1934 Ford Coupe >
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Re: The Man Thread
« Reply #98 on: March 24, 2014, 09:53:05 PM »
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Re: The Man Thread
« Reply #99 on: March 24, 2014, 10:57:02 PM »
Theres a guy several miles down the road from me who runs a bail bond business and also has several old rusty junker cars beside his house/business. And while they may be pretty rusty and sitting out in the weather, most of them are actually decent starting points for a good rare collectible restore. One he's had sitting out there for years was an old 38 Willys coupe. Had my eye on it for years now and REALLY wanted to drag that thing home and start restoring it. But I rode past there on my way home this weekend from picking up some parts for my lawn tractor at the John Deere place and the god damn thing was GONE.
That REALLY fucking sucks. Those things are NOT easy to come by anymore. Was actually working towards being able to have space to haul that thing home this coming fall and start working on it. Well... that ain't happenin' now.
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Re: The Man Thread
« Reply #100 on: March 25, 2014, 03:21:09 AM »
I can remember the day My Stepfather pulled up in a red 1970 Ford Mustang convertible,  it was the last convertible Mustang put out during the muscle car era.   I was eight years old then, & I've watched him drive, tow & ship this car thru 9 different states for the last 40 yrs, turning down offers for more than it was worth.  All while threatening to restore it for the last 10 or 15 yrs; but something always came up that demanded his time &/or money over it.  Then he ended up dying  before he got around to it.... it's like part of the family & now I've got it & my son & I are going to try & start on it this summer & do as much our self as we can.  I found a good place online where I can get everything, all the body parts I need + new roof & a few other things will run me about $2000 & I think we'll just drop a Ford racing 347/302 Boss in it.  I figure by the time we're done we'll have about 14k into it, & according to Nadaguide it should retail around $40k.   So we're going to take our time & do it right/all out!

I'm figuring on a deep blood red (similar to blood starting to dry) with silver ghost stripes, outlined w/gold pin stripes down the hood & trunk.  A design you don't notice from afar, a classy silent muscle!  Also want to swap out & use the hood snorkel & grill off the fast back
hood snorkel & grill off the fast back

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Re: The Man Thread
« Reply #101 on: March 25, 2014, 04:22:53 AM »
Dude I went to high school with back in the mid 90's had about a 68 Stang convertible, white with blue racing stripes. Thing was beautiful. He was the envy of the entire school. His old man probably spent a fortune restoring it. Then in his junior year, he was showing off like an ass and skidded it into the rear end of a dump truck. That was the end of that car. :mrdead:

This is why people under 30 probably shouldn't be driving around high powered classic muscle cars every day. Daddy and son spend so much time and money fixing it up into something to be truly proud of, then daddy lets sonny boy drive it to school everyday to impress the chicks and be the cool kid on the block, and more often than not, sonny wrecks the shit out of it being a dumbass.

My roommate was the same way, even though it wasn't until AFTER he left high school that he started getting into hotrods. First he had an old 73 or 74 Dodge Dart Swinger, and he'd drive that thing around town like a maniac sometimes. When he left to join the Army, he sold it another one of our friends, so he didn't have a chance to wreck it. But when he got discharged from service with an injury, he came home and spent all the money he made during the service on a brand new Trans Am that he tuned up to be a little less than street legal. And sure enough he was out acting a fool in the thing one night, slid it sideways around a curve, overcorrected and slung it into the path of an oncoming VW. There was 4 people in the car at the time. The crash was so violent when it hit the other car that it twisted the body of the car just right to where the rear window hatch busted open and one of the hydraulic arms that held it open snapped in half and pierced through the back of another one our friends skulls and killed her instantly. Hadn't been for that, she would've survived probably. Everyone else made it out without any broken bones, just some cuts and bruises and minor concussions. HE, on the other hand, was really the only one in the car that got fucked up. He ended up breaking his arm, several ribs, his pelvis, ruptured his liver, and ruptured one of his kidneys beyond repair. Damn near died.

And then I also had a couple other friends from high school who died in car crashes doing dumb shit. One wasn't even IN a car when he was killed. He was horsing around riding on the hood of a friends car as he was driving slowly through the neighborhood when the guy driving, just to be funny, slammed on brakes to throw him off the hood... but then accidentally gunned it again and ended up running over his head.

And on top of that, I know how I used to drive in my teens and 20's sometimes, even in my beat up old piece of shit 89 Pontiac Bonneville, which is far from a "high performance" car. That didn't stop me from driving it like a fucking race car sometimes though. :D

I ain't got kids, and don't really plan on ever having any, but IF I DID... I've seen (and done myself) too much shit to allow any son of mine to drive something that'll do over 90mph until he's too old to be interested in doing dumb shit behind the wheel. Ain't NO FUCKIN' WAY. :nosign: :nosign: :nosign: :nosign: :nosign:
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Re: The Man Thread
« Reply #102 on: March 25, 2014, 07:45:34 AM »
Yeah I look back at me & my friends & wonder how we made it with only minor accidents, especially me, I went thru 5 motorcycles, wrecking the 1st 4, but selling the 5th before I killed myself, lol.

I think everyone in my family has wrecked the mustang, me, my mom, & both sister's, never serious, just little fender benders.   My Mom, lol, the house down in New Orleans has an "S" shaped driveway, on a corner lot,  like 2 cars wide, 75' long... it's "S" shape because it has to go around a fire-hydrant, lol   Lets just say my stepfather has had the rear-end on several cars fixed, & was the only time I'd ever seen him actually cry, lol.   He ended up spending like $3500 to have the city move the hydrant like 50' to the left , into the front yard & had the driveway straightened, lol.   Lets just say, those scene's in the movie where someone drive's over a fire-hydrant..... bullsh!t, those are some tough sumbitches!
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 07:58:46 AM by Fraginstein »
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Re: The Man Thread
« Reply #103 on: March 25, 2014, 01:07:35 PM »
Luckily I've never been in anything too serious either. I ride motorcycles now, but didn't for several years because I became afraid of them. When I was a teenager, a friend of mine had a Katana 1100 fitted with god damn nitrous. :D Cuz THAT'S a bright idea for a bike like that, oh hell yeah! I rode from his house back to my house and he was supposed to be following behind me on another bike, but I was going... pretty fast ;), and of course he was a good ways behind me by a few minutes. Rode it just fine at high speeds. But then I got to my neighborhood. I was going down a gradual hill and making a turn onto another street in my neighborhood that headed uphill. I cut the turn pretty close to the raised curb, and there was enough of a pile of gravel sitting close to the curb that when I eased back into the throttle, the rear tire just shot out from underneath me. The bike goes sliding on it's side to the opposite curb, and so did I. I was wearing shorts, a short sleeved shirt, and no helmet. Luckily I didn't hit my head. Couldn't say the same for the rest of me though. Both of my knees and elbows were skinned almost down to the bone. I was bleeding all over the place. Picked the bike up and saw where it busted the mirror off, scratched the shit outta the paint, bent the pegs up on one side. I had these MASSIVE scabs on my knees and elbows for about 2 or 3 months and had to walk like a hunched over decrepit 90 year old man everywhere I went. That shit taught me some genuine respect for motorcycles.

Another time in college, I came home late one night after hanging out at a bar for several hours. The second I got in, my old man started playing 20 questions with me about something stupid and got me distracted. And I was a little drunk too, so that aided in confusing me a little too. But I reached in my back pocket looking to take my wallet out and set it on my nightstand by the bed... and it wasn't in my pocket. So I remembered stopping at a gas station to get a pack of smokes before coming home, and I was thinking I must've left it sitting on the counter. So I told my dad "OHSHIT,IFORGOTMYWALLETATTHEGASSTATION,GONNAGOGETIT,BYE!!!" and took off out the door in a total freaked out panic. I was doing shit in that car that it was NEVER meant to do. And it was a big heavy 4 door beast with a suspension that was completely shot. So I came roaring over this hill that had a pretty sharp turn over the top of it, and as soon as I got to the top, the speed I was going working along with gravity and the shitty worn out suspension allowed the weight of the car to drift way too high... the wheels lost grip with the road, and I go sliding right the fuck off the shoulder and face-first into a big fucking brick masonry mailbox. EXPLODED that fucking mailbox into a shower of god damn brick shrapnel. :D And since it was front wheel drive, and one of the front wheels was lodged in the ditch at just the right angle, I couldn't back up to get out. Wasn't wearing a seat belt! Hell no, not me, cuz I'm a fuckin' genius, right? I get out and look at the front of my car, and amazingly it was only "minor" damage around the left front headlight. Didn't even bust the headlight, just bent some of the body back like a banana peel along the top corner of the headlight. And about a week before that, I had just spent a buttload of money putting a brand new radiator in it. Luckily I didn't hit the mailbox square on the front and trash the brand new radiator. But I called a tow truck to come wench me out. As I'm waiting there, a fucking COP comes by, rolls his window down, and starts asking me if I'm okay or need any help. I was thinking, "Oh fuck me running, tell me he's not gonna suspect that I've been drinking.", because I had been. Then he said he was on his way to another call but would come back to check on me afterwards. So I was praying to god that the tow truck would get there and pull me out before the cop could come back and possibly get out of his car and possibly smell something on my breath.

So tow truck man got there, wenched me out, I paid him 30 bucks that I just so happened to have stashed in my car luckily, then tore off up to the gas station. And of course, the dude at the gas station said he didn't find my wallet. I didn't believe him really, but since theres not much I could do, I just went back home. I get back in my room, turn the light on... and my fucking wallets sitting right there on the nightstand already where I always laid it. :frustration: I just laughed.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 01:12:47 PM by |iR|Focalor »
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Re: The Man Thread
« Reply #104 on: March 27, 2014, 08:59:54 AM »
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February 14, 2025, 12:41:48 PM


February 13, 2025, 07:31:24 AM
I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.


February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


February 03, 2025, 01:20:14 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:15:35 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:06:54 AM


December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


December 19, 2024, 04:55:07 AM
correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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