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Offline ReCycled

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Re: Obscure Music Videos
« Reply #45 on: February 22, 2009, 08:30:22 PM »
I've hesitated to post this one because I'll be accused of having somewhat flaky, feminist taste. You know, the solo female artist on stage, surrounded by candles, and playing "serious" emotional music. Lillith Fair stuff. I definitely have no patience for that stuff and it's pretensions.

But I came across one song last summer, by Laura Nyro. I vaguely remembered her as a bit of an eccentric back in the 60s, who played piano, was quite shy in performance and had the odd OK song - then disappeared. Turns out she wrote a lot of hits for other artists back then and made enough money to retire from working, and just do the odd concert here and there. She died at the early age of 49 from ovarian cancer - exactly like her mother and at the same age.  While her successful hits were very ordinairy pop hits of the 60's, her solo debut album, New York Tendaberry, was not. Recorded in 1969 it was very intimate, introspective and had an edge of melancholy. This is one cut off that. I was somewhat stunned at her depth of feeling in her voice when I first heard this. Kate Bush, Tori Amos and others must have been influenced by her. I can do without the game-show horns in the middle, but that was probably the producers idea. Other similar cuts are Gibsom Street, Upstairs by a China Lamp and New York Tendaberry.

But this is: Captain for Dark Mornings
« Last Edit: February 22, 2009, 08:33:03 PM by ReCycled »
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Re: Obscure Music Videos
« Reply #46 on: February 28, 2009, 04:47:35 PM »
That song would do good in a movie, very classical feel. Don't listen to that kind of stuff often, too unmoving...
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Re: Obscure Music Videos
« Reply #47 on: March 04, 2009, 06:35:12 PM »
I like her use of silence, and pausing to hold a note.

Here's some rare footage of the Velvet Underground with Nico. Lou Reed and John Cale were in the group then. Never got into these guys back then. Too avant-garde and had that gay chic/heroin thing that was part of Andy Warhol's world. But this footage is interesting:
« Last Edit: March 04, 2009, 06:37:49 PM by ReCycled »
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Re: Obscure Music Videos
« Reply #48 on: March 08, 2009, 08:19:01 AM »
Obscure. It doesn't get a whole lot more obscure than this.

In the early days of rock and roll, a lot of the musicians got their inspiration from listening to old blues records from the 30's and 40's, guys like Leadbelly. I actually have a few CDs of Leadbelly in my own collection, and I actually enjoy listening to them from time to time. The video says that this is the only video recording of Leadbelly ever made, I'm not really sure if this is true, but I'd assume so since the height of his popularity during his own lifetime was before television came along. The three songs chosen for this video are really not even close to his best songs in my opinion.

Leadbelly - Three Songs

The Animals did an EXCELLENT cover of one of Leadbelly's best tunes, House Of The Rising Sun. Eric Burdon's powerful wailing voice really made the entire song. In my opinion, The Animals were one of the best bands that the early and mid 60's ever produced.

The Animals - House of the Rising Sun

Even Nirvana did a cover of Leadbelly's "Where Did You Sleep Last Night" for their MTV Unplugged special.

Nirvana - Where Did You Sleep Last Night
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Re: Obscure Music Videos
« Reply #49 on: March 08, 2009, 10:53:58 AM »
Ha ha ...nice find Foc. The Leadbelly stuff doesn't have very much "blues" oreintation but still interesting. A lot of people, when listening to early Lead or Robert Johnson, will think it's pretty crude and the playing is sub-par compared to today. What they fail to realize is that these guys created the whole genre of Blues from nothing, back then. All the basic patterns, the licks, the pull-offs, the progressions. Just from their mind and trying different things on their inexpensive, acoustic guitars. And spawned a huge category of music when it was re-discovered by the Brits and Americans in the 60's and onwards.

As far as the Animals go, I was a big fan of them back in the 60s. They had many, many hits that were all solid. Funny thing thing about "House of the Rising Sun" - nowadays when some kid walks into a music store, the standard cliches he will play will be Stairway, Sweet Child or Smoke. Back in my day it was House. It was simple, but showed you could play chords, arpeggios and the song was instantly recognisable. Check out "It's My LIfe" and "We Gotta Get Outta This Place". They hold up well.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2009, 11:12:07 AM by ReCycled »
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Offline Chocobo Joe

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Re: Obscure Music Videos
« Reply #50 on: March 08, 2009, 06:33:45 PM »
The Animals did an EXCELLENT cover of one of Leadbelly's best tunes, House Of The Rising Sun.
It's not a cover... "House of the Rising Sun" is a folk song, which can't be covered, just reworked. Possibly the best classic blues musician I've ever heard. Sings very clearly, and is handy with his 12-string (whoa, THAT'S ORIGINAL!). Better than Robert Johnson IMO.
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Re: Obscure Music Videos
« Reply #51 on: March 08, 2009, 06:34:55 PM »
The Animals did an EXCELLENT cover of one of Leadbelly's best tunes, House Of The Rising Sun.
It's not a cover... "House of the Rising Sun" is a folk song, which can't be covered, just reworked. Possibly the best classic blues musician I've ever heard. Sings very clearly, and is handy with his 12-string (whoa, THAT'S ORIGINAL!). Better than Robert Johnson IMO.
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Re: Obscure Music Videos
« Reply #52 on: March 08, 2009, 07:20:55 PM »
It is a cover... when the band specifies that they are "covering" a song originally recorded by Leadbelly. The original title of the song was "New Orleans", and it was written by John and Alan Lomax, whom Leadbelly worked for as a chauffeur and recording artist. You have never, nor will ever find any record of this particular song being transcribed before the 1940's by someone other than John or Alan Lomax.

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Re: Obscure Music Videos
« Reply #53 on: March 09, 2009, 04:03:58 AM »
He's a FOLK musician, it makes sense for him to have a version of that song. The oldest existing recording is that of Clarence Ashley and Gwen Foster in 1933. Alan curated the Archive of American folk music, and preserved the song there.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 04:11:02 AM by Fmsisstupid6 »
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Re: Obscure Music Videos
« Reply #54 on: March 09, 2009, 04:11:48 AM »


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Re: Obscure Music Videos
« Reply #55 on: March 09, 2009, 06:56:58 AM »
He's a FOLK musician, it makes sense for him to have a version of that song. The oldest existing recording is that of Clarence Ashley and Gwen Foster in 1933. Alan curated the Archive of American folk music, and preserved the song there.

Eh, he's not exclusively categorized as "folk" by a lot of people even though several of his recordings were folkish. Early in his career, he played with Blind Lemon Jefferson, another famous blues/folk musician of that era. He also played and recorded a few tunes with the likes Josh White and Sonny Terry.

Perhaps I am wrong, do you have a reference for that other than wikipedia? I'm wasn't trying to be a 1-up butthole or nothing, I was under the impression that John and Alan Lomax actually co-wrote (transcribed) that version of the song as written/performed by Georgia Turner, another one of their "artists" who they had commissioned to record that song. I'm using an old Leadbelly guitar tab song book as the reference for that, as that is who it lists as the song writers. Unfortunately, this book doesn't go into detail about the songs origins, but I don't doubt that it was originally a song from sometime around the turn of the century. Songs like that, it's hard to put a finger on exactly who originally wrote them, the best that you can hope for is to find a copyrighted version of the lyrics by someone who chose to include it in one of their sessions.

Doesn't negate the fact that The Animals version of the song is still basically a Leadbelly cover. It's long been rumored that they actually got their inspiration for that particular arrangement from a previous version of the song recorded by Bob Dylan, who got HIS inspiration for his version from listening to an old Leadbelly record. So... in that way, you can't actually say who they were covering. When doing a "cover" of any song, it's usually customary to consider the song a cover version of the version of the song that provided the inspiration for the covering of that song, which is not necessarily the original author.

These days, we don't have these problems. Everything is fully documented, and if you record a song that sounds close to something else, get ready to be sued.


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« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 08:34:24 AM by Focalor »
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Offline Chocobo Joe

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Re: Obscure Music Videos
« Reply #56 on: March 09, 2009, 06:51:47 PM »
Well you gotta choose one version of a folk song to redo, because I really doubt someone has that little of a life to collect many versions and make their own.
P.S, another and band from Baltimore (My hometown is in its county), Crack the Sky:
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Re: Obscure Music Videos
« Reply #57 on: March 10, 2009, 06:21:59 AM »
Had the lyrics for this one for years,  never heard the song before.

Thank you utube :)

It was a better read than a listen..  but the guy has passion and talent.

It is an early Monday morning.
The sun is becoming bright on the land.
No one is watching as he comes a-walking.
Two bulky suitcases hang from his hands.

He heads towards the tower that stands in the campus.
He goes through the door, he starts up the stairs.
The sound of his footsteps, the sound of his breathing,
The sound of the silence when no one was there.

I didn't really know him.
He was kind of strange.
Always sort of sat there.
He never seemed to change.

He reached the catwalk. He put down his burden.
The four sided clock began to chime.
Seven AM, the day is beginning.
So much to do and so little time.

He looks at the city where no one had known him.
He looks at the sky where no one looks down.
He looks at his life and what it has shown him.
He looks for his shadow it cannot be found.

He was such a moody child, very hard to touch.
Even as a baby he never smiled too much. No no.No no.

You bug me, she said.
You're ugly, she said.
Please hug me, I said.
But she just sat there
With the same flat stare
That she saves for me alone
When I'm home.
When I'm home.
Take me home.

He laid out the rifles, he loaded the shotgun,
He stacked up the cartridges along the wall.
He knew he would need them for his conversation.
If it went as it he planned, then he might use them all.

He said Listen you people I've got a question
You won't pay attention but I'll ask anyhow.
I found a way that will get me an answer.
Been waiting to ask you 'till now.
Right now !

Am I ?
I am a lover who's never been kissed.
Am I ?
I am a fighter who's not made a fist.
Am I ?
If I'm alive then there's so much I've missed.
How do I know I exist ?
Are you listening to me ?
Are you listening to me ?
Am I ?

The first words he spoke took the town by surprise.
One got Mrs. Gibbons above her right eye.
It blew her through the window wedged her against the door.
Reality poured from her face, staining the floor.

He was kind of creepy,
Sort of a dunce.
I met him at the corner bar.
I only dated the poor boy once,
That's all. Just once, that was all.

Bill Whedon was questioned as stepped from his car.
Tom Scott ran across the street but he never got that far.
The police were there in minutes, they set up baricades.
He spoke right on over them in a half-mile circle.
In a dumb struck city his pointed questions were sprayed.

He knocked over Danny Tyson as he ran towards the noise.
Just about then the answers started comming. Sweet, sweet joy.
Thudding in the clock face, whining off the walls,
Reaching up to where he sat, their answering calls.

Thirty-seven people got his message so far.
Yes, he was reaching them right were they are.

They set up an assault team. They asked for volunteers.
They had to go and get him, that much was clear.
And the word spread about him on the radios and TV's.
In appropriately sober tone they asked "Who can it be ?"

He was a very dull boy, very taciturn.
Not much of a joiner, he did not want to learn.
No no.No no.

They're coming to get me, they don't want to let me
Stay in the bright light too long.
It's getting on noon now, it's goin to be soon now.
But oh, what a wonderful sound !

Mama, won't you nurse me ?
Rain me down the sweet milk of your kindness.
Mama, it's getting worse for me.
Won't you please make me warm and mindless ?

Mama, yes you have cursed me.
I never will forgive you for your blindness.
I hate you!

The wires are all humming for me.
And I can hear them coming for me.
Soon they'll be here, but there's nothing to fear.
Not any more though they've blasted the door.

As the copter dropped the gas he shouted " Who cares ?" .
They could hear him laughing as they started up the stairs.
As they stormed out on the catwalk, blinking at the sun,
With their final fusillade his answer had come.

Am I ?
There is no way that you can hide me.
Am I ?
Though you have put your fire inside me.
Am I ?
You've given me my answer can't you see ?
I was !
I am !
and now I will be,
I will be,
I will be,
I will be,
I will be,

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Re: Obscure Music Videos
« Reply #58 on: March 10, 2009, 01:00:37 PM »
When they did the autopsy on Charles Whitman they found a brain tumor which apparently was in an area that would cause personality change. Far from the Freudian "tortured psychological childhood" that armchair psychologists used as an explanation for his 'kill the world' episode.

Harry Chapin is an acquired taste. I liked the song Taxi, but I found his delivery and lyrics pretentious.
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Re: Obscure Music Videos
« Reply #59 on: March 13, 2009, 09:47:26 PM »
So, here are few, the band??, I haven't seen listed here.  Good stuff.  We all know the basics.  Yet many, don't know the real goodness.  I think Recyled will feel it....
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September 03, 2024, 05:15:49 PM
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In nomine Quake II et Id Software et Spiritus John Carmack, Amen.


July 26, 2024, 05:10:30 PM
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Jump up and down in you blue suede shoes
Hey, did you rock and roll? Rock on!!  ...QD


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hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


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September 20, 2024, 10:20:55 AM

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