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Offline Arm0r

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Re: im drunk
« Reply #615 on: August 21, 2010, 05:51:23 PM »
worked over a bottle of Jim Beam Black .

good stuff man..and you're right, I can't really tell the difference either haha
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Re: im drunk
« Reply #616 on: August 22, 2010, 07:31:01 AM »
I think it's aged a little longer and has about 5% more alcohol. You can't really tell the difference unless you water it down a little and sip it slow. It has the same taste but a little bolder finish. I still like the taste of Jack Daniels better.
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Re: im drunk
« Reply #617 on: August 22, 2010, 03:31:04 PM »
So I went to visit my dad in Bellingham WA over the weekend to use his new boat and we bought a couple cases of beer for the outings.

My god you guys south of the boarder have it good when it comes to the sauce. I bought a 12 bottle case of Kokanee for $12USD whice would normally be $20CAD.

:banghead: I've been buying my booze all wrong!
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Re: im drunk
« Reply #618 on: August 23, 2010, 04:18:47 AM »
There are even cheaper ways to get alcohol. Moonshine is pretty easy to make. Us rednecks got it down to an art form. ;)

Some corn meal, some sugar, a little yeast. Actually you can use lots of different things instead of corn meal, but corn meal is probably the cheapest and easiest.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 04:21:25 AM by |iR|Focalor »
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Re: im drunk
« Reply #619 on: August 27, 2010, 03:53:58 PM »
woman  is bring home some Patron tonight, never had it so it should be interesting!

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Re: im drunk
« Reply #620 on: September 18, 2010, 08:09:53 PM »
I've been trying to make my own alcohol just for fun. I decided to make some prison hooch from OJ to make some weird modified Focalorian screwdrivers with. This shit is AWESOME! I highly recommend it if you're a screwdriver fan... which is pretty much anyone who drinks vodka because lets face it, the OJ is to mask that horrible rotten rice flavor native to the vodker.

I thought it would taste like total complete shit, but it's actually pretty good. You could actually drink the hooch straight if you wanted to. I'm pouring it in 12oz glasses: 1/3 OJ prison hooch, 1/3 Grey Goose L'orange vodka. 1/3 Sprite. Good shit.

Maybe later I'll post the recipe for making it. It's quite simple. Next time I'm going to use more OJ or fresh squeezed oranges and orange pulp in the recipe instead of sugar and try distilling it. Hopefully it'll end up being a slight orange flavored 180 proof asskicking spirit.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2010, 08:12:05 PM by |iR|Focalor »
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Re: im drunk
« Reply #621 on: September 18, 2010, 09:02:05 PM »
Hell yeah man, I was thinking of stuff like this the other day.  Would love the input on it.
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Re: im drunk
« Reply #622 on: September 19, 2010, 10:32:03 PM »
Well I've got a about half a gallon left of it still. Seems like the stuff poured from the top layers of it is a little cleaner tasting, possibly even more alcohol content too. There's a bit of a sludge that forms on the bottom of the jug from fermentation, probably some kind of gluten. I've used a metal screen strainer to try to separate out as much of it as I can tonight. I originally tried to filter it using paper coffee filters and a funnel, but it wouldn't run through so apparently theres a decent amount of that gluten shit throughout it.

It's quite a simple recipe. But don't bitch if you make it and don't like the taste, remember this is what folks in prison drink, and they are DESPERATE.

Take a clean gallon milk jug. Pour it with 1/4 a gallon of water. You can use distilled water and it will be better because it contains no trace amounts of chlorine or sodium like tap water or bottled water, but tap water will work just fine too. Mainly you want to use distilled water if you plan on distilling the fermented product into a high alcohol spirit. Make sure the water is somewhat warm, but definitely NOT boiling, as boiling water will kill the yeast when you add it later. The warm water will allow the sugar to dissolve better.

Next, pour in about 3 to 3 and 1/2 cups of sugar. The sugar itself along with sugars in the OJ will be consumed by the yeast which will give off ethanol (alcohol) and carbon dioxide. Screw the lid on, and shake up the sugar and water vigorously until all the sugar is dissolved in the water.

Next, pour in 1/4 a gallon of OJ (NOT FROM CONCENTRATE! - VERY IMPORTANT!!!). Some Tropicana or Publix brand OJ will work just fine as long as it clearly states that it is NOT FROM CONCENTRATE. It's better if it's been sitting out of the fridge long enough for it to be room temperature, because sugar dissolves better if it's not cold. ALSO, the yeast will react better and faster if its not cold. Screw the lid on again, and shake vigorously for a while until it is all one nice light orange color and well mixed.

At this point, the gallon milk jug will be only half full, which is fine because you want a bit of space for the carbon dioxide to collect as the solution ferments.

Next, take one packet of Flieshman's active yeast (not "brewers yeast" - they usually come in a strip of 3 packets at the store) and pour half of that packet into the hooch. If you want to make more hooch (like I did), you can use the other half for another gallon jug filled half way with the same shit. Then, once again, screw the lid on and shake vigorously.

After you have shaken it all up and dissolved the yeast, take the lid and unscrew it maybe 1/4 of a full turn. After an hour or two, the yeast will begin reacting and consuming the sugar in the solution, which will give off carbon dioxide. If you leave the lid on as tight as it will go, the jug will expand and burst, so DON'T DO THAT OR YOU'LL HAVE A MESS. The idea is to let the carbon dioxide collect in the top half of the container and force its way out of the lid. You'll know that the yeast is reacting because it will start making a fizzing noise. As long as it is still fizzing, the yeast is still alive and consuming sugars. 3 and 1/2 cups of sugar should be enough for the yeast to feed on for 2 weeks. Keep the containers in a place where they won't be subject to lots of sunlight and drastic temperature changes, and keep them room temperature. DO NOT store them in a refrigerator for the fermentation process. In a cabinet under the bathroom sink is where I keep mine.

I'm not sure how ALL milk jugs are made, some might have threads different. If you want to see how far you're turning the lid to give it room to force carbon dioxide out, try taking a marker and drawing a line on part of the lid to gauge how much you're turning it. DON'T LEAVE THE CONTAINER COMPLETELY OPEN, as this could possibly allow dangerous bacteria to form. People who usually ferment their own mash/wash like this for making moonshine or other spirits, will often use a sealed bucket with an airlock/check valve device for allowing air to force its way out without allowing air to flow in. I'm hypothesizing that by allowing half the container to fill with carbon dioxide, it removes any risk of containing oxygen that bacteria would survive in.

Allow it to sit and ferment like that for 2 weeks (14 days).

Check it every day or so to make sure it's still fizzing and thusly fermenting. You should be able to hear it through the container. If you notice that is making very little of a fizzing sound anymore before 2 weeks is up, then it's starting to run out of sugars and you may elect to add more.

The idea is to begin drinking it as soon as the fizzing and fermentation stops. It seems to me like the longer it sits after it stops fermenting, the worse it starts tasting. Although... it isn't going to taste GREAT anyway, it's basically fermented OJ, how good could it possibly taste? But if you're a screwdriver fan like me, it'll make for a great kick-your-ass cocktail. My shit turned out to be probably 20 to 30% or more alc/vol content. So once you add some good 90 to 100 proof vodka and something else to cut the mix and flavor it further, it'll be pretty damn stout. If you're mixing it with vodka, it will go a long way. You COULD just mix it 1/2 and 1/2 with sprite, but it'd take several 12oz glasses and you might not like the taste.

Like I said at the beginning, there will be a layer of light orange sludge resting in the bottom, so it's probably a good idea to run the mix through a fine metal screened strainer a few times to filter out that goopey snotty shit.

I'm gonna try fucking with this recipe a little further and distill it like moonshine. I'm hoping the end result will be at least 190 proof and retain a slight sweet orange flavor. I've actually got quite a few ideas I'm wanting to try. I wanting to try using brown sugar in some kind of different non-OJ concoction instead of regular cane sugar. I'm also wanting to try making my own wheat beer with a few weird ingredients like a little bit hops in addition to the wheat as well as a little cinnamon.

I'm gonna start buying up some REAL brewing and distilling equipment in the next few weeks. I started off by trying to make some cheap homemade moonshine (which was a total failure), and now I'm considering turning this shit into a serious hobby.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2010, 10:42:06 PM by |iR|Focalor »
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Re: im drunk
« Reply #623 on: September 21, 2010, 05:03:00 PM »
It might take some time but I wanna try that, you said it tasted ok as far as homestyle hooch goes....but who the fuck makes homestyle hooch for taste? :bananaw00t:  I just wanna get smashed!  :rockon:

I appriciate you posting what you did, already printed it.
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Re: im drunk
« Reply #624 on: September 21, 2010, 09:43:05 PM »
Well let me warn you, unless you're a heavy drinker like me, making up cocktails of 1/3 vodka plus 1/3 alcohol hooch is like an expressway to the emergency room. I drink a good bit every day so my tolerance is probably much higher than yours. If you use vodka and 12oz glasses like I said, take it slow at the start. Make sure you have a full day to recoop. With homemade shit, you never know how alcoholic it might be. If one isn't accustomed to drinking, they could probably drink the hooch after being fermented for 2 weeks without vodka and still get pretty messed up. Just use caution and take it slow. Last thing I want is to tell someone to do something that ends up hurting them.
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Re: im drunk
« Reply #625 on: September 21, 2010, 11:10:38 PM »
Ive had moonshine before, I kind of get the idea of what i'm in for but I always move forward with caution when dealing with a liquid with X amount of alcohol in it....but hey, if shit would go bad of course it would be my own dumbfuck fault for letting it go bad  :beer:
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Re: im drunk
« Reply #626 on: September 21, 2010, 11:19:49 PM »
All I'm saying is I'm not a good judge of how to properly drink. :D Hopefully you can taste how much alcohol would be in it and try to guage your speed of drinking accordingly. I was having a party Saturday night, during parties I usually toss them back faster. I got hammered outta mind. I had plenty left over though and have been drinking it every night since, but haven't been as sloshed as I was Saturday night, probably because I'm using a little less vodka and not swilling it down at record speeds. Although I ran out of Grey Goose, so I'm drinking some cheap shitty Gilbeys now. Same alc/vol content of vodka though, just gilbeys tastes like a dead rats asshole.
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Re: im drunk
« Reply #627 on: September 23, 2010, 11:07:53 AM »
sie hax maps
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Re: im drunk
« Reply #628 on: September 23, 2010, 12:03:29 PM »
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Re: im drunk
« Reply #629 on: September 30, 2010, 05:36:27 PM »
Just saw this...

I hada friend who'd ferment his own honey mead...more winelike than licquorlike,but a thick sparkling champale that would put you on your ass holding your empty glass :)
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