Author Topic: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David  (Read 113476 times)

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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #195 on: June 21, 2012, 05:19:47 AM »
Back in the day I was a notorious douchebag

Didn't know then, just had gut feeling nowadays

Only i can admit your English is way better then mine well known engrish


This topic was start as product of action one of your minor EDL admins who asked me about that hallway rail shot (he didn't watch live) Didn't plan to watch David live or check his demos at all this season (i believe in redemption, but not in same league season)
what i find on official demo is posted here

Minor = less important admins who liked idea about Wild Card but you 'douchebag' didn't, and now we know why
You are THE WINER of div3 and what would happen if you joined div2 and what we could expect from you:

I was a notorious douchebag - I was a whiner, a rage-quitter, and a stuck-up bitch in general. While I'm not perfect today

So u played 'safe': better 1st in 'village' instead last in 'city' or u was to afraid u will do a same you did in past

Like i said before: for smart once is enough so let check your 'douchebag' theory on your head admin EDL role

EDL LB 2div Final Numavezi vs st1gmata

Game started on stan0x and after 1st map players needed to change server because stan0x dont have koldduel1
changed to fwr - OpentDM (without AC)

game started and then:

stg: lags(
stg was cut in half by NumaveZi's chaingun
stg called a time out. Match will resume automatically in 5:00.
stg: lets chage server plz
stg: cnat play here(
NumaveZi: yea after u lose here
NumaveZi: :)
NumaveZi: we cant change in the middle of the map
stg: we have time to continue other server with same score and time
NumaveZi: I have full control
NumaveZi: u kill me once then we change
stg: welk
stg: what we gonna to do?
NumaveZi: he s not here I think
stg: i cant play here
stg: we should change3 server
NumaveZi: I cant give u this map
NumaveZi: sorry no offence
welk: ?
stg: welk
NumaveZi: but I m 178/104
welk: stig, you agreed on this server before the game started
stg: i cant continue here because i have lags
stg: spikes
welk: then you shouldnt have agreed on playing here
welk: and switched servers straight away
stg: if lags starts in middle of game we cant change server?
NumaveZi: I have spikes red/gren too
NumaveZi: no because I cant give u a continuin map in my position
stg: welk?
NumaveZi: u kill me once then we can change
NumaveZi: if not we stay here
stg: ok
stg: same time
stg: 8 mins
NumaveZi: if u can kill me once
Automatically resuming in 1 minute.
stg: we change server with score 8-0 and same time as right now
NumaveZi: dont u get it?
NumaveZi: I m 178/104 FULL CONTROL
NumaveZi: why should I give away all of this?
stg: coz i can play here
stg: cant
NumaveZi: well no offense I cant help u atm
stg: there is no lags when we started and now i have
stg: welk
NumaveZi: I have too
Game resuming in 10 seconds. Match time remaining: 8:22
NumaveZi: why u call dad?
NumaveZi called a time out. Match will resume automatically in 5:00.
stg: timeout
welk: you finish the game at the server you agreed on..
stg: forget
Cazer Sozze: :]
welk: youve done this once before, and warrior ended up with a huge disadvantage because of it
stg: peoples changed servers till playin edl
stg: and now we cant
stg: nice
stg: ok go
Game resuming in 10 seconds. Match time remaining: 8:22

What would real admin do:

- Before match check agreed server - map list AC status
- After server changed check the same and warn players about absence of AC and possible consequences
- after one of players start complaining about lags, admin should stop game check lag command and ask player to send him screenshot with netgraph ON on irc and then make decision about continue or server change

Your action on server : (how your notorious douchebag mind imagine fair play)

- no server change because player agreed on it before lags start and he must lose because it no meter what happen
- no server change because player who have lags on this server could win on server where he don't have lags

Welkin whats wrong with you? seriously

i was cheer for Numavezi til this time out, but both of your actions just disgust me  

Don't know st1gmata to advice him on server what to do against unfair player and doushebag admin :

in future when u have guys like this as admin and unfair player as opponent don't argue with them because they talk the same like twisted sisters:

- take screenshot with netgraph ON
- turn off router/modem or just pull out network cable (on server you will overflow)
- wait few min. then connect to irc and say u cant connect back to server and send screenshot
- do same every time when u have douchebag as admin

Only way to get fair solution for your connection problems...

btw welkin even if im spectator i still menage to play more EDL seasons then you (i was with best in groups and didn't run in div3) and u can read how i play and why opinion of mine  is so different from yours: ( insult welkin = say him u disagree with him is worst kind of insult :p)

EDL game vs Jol from Poland
Jol: gl
Muerte: hf
Voting now disabled.
(Jol): %
 JOL  [][Gun 30] [RL] []
Time-Out called by Muerte
Muerte: dont do that
Muerte: i can see
Muerte: your messages
Jol: w8 momenbt
Jol: gl_celshading "0"
Jol: gl_coloredlightmaps "0"
Jol changed name to b
b: NoCheat V2.34 Code\8275\ Server[]
b changed name to Jol
Jol: ok
Muerte: go
Time-In called by Muerte
Jol: thx
Muerte: :)
Sorry, you have no more timeouts to call.
Muerte does a back flip into the lava.
Jol defeats Muerte: 11 - 8
Timelimit hit.
Muerte: gg

So i 'well know' 'poles hater' spent my only time out to warn my opponent i could get advantage of his messages

hah my gut feeling rox
peter@xxxxxxx  Subject:Welkin needs your help! ;)    Thu, 9/8/11
til this

I do not wish to continue this debate. The way Muerte approaches it, it's all pain, no gain for me.

yeah welkin i already told ya in mail i wont participate in your investigation so your participation on this topic look just your douche way to undermine me (must inform you i grow up in false country ex Yougoslavia where is 'normal' to expect from ppl to be douche) and highlight your greatness as admin

peter@xxxxxxx Subject: David vs IsBjorn video and David cfg/pak Monday, June 4, 2012 3:19 PM

Or u respect own rules and respect anticheat servers logs about players caught in violation
or whole anticheat policy is senseless

PS Dont listen to me only (ofc u wont)
consult purri, Damiah, syanid, gerdt, odium...

For all brave who wasted time to read this terrible engrish of mine   little gift

2 most achievement EDL players on EDGE duel 11 years old demo (winner playing with 50fps! pc if remember well)

[Edit: obscured email address by request]
« Last Edit: June 22, 2012, 03:18:31 AM by Admin »
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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #196 on: June 21, 2012, 05:35:58 AM »
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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #197 on: June 21, 2012, 08:14:07 AM »
...why are you bringing Fla into this now?
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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #198 on: June 21, 2012, 09:46:21 AM »
...why are you bringing Fla into this now?

well.. Muerte is clearly polonophobic and looks like I am the only Pole on this forum he hasn't involved in some shit yet

What Muerte said right after David proved his legitimacy in EDL final

Well this is awkward. What do we say to him now?

same i said few years back:

One day poles will win all q2 leagues because all other players will stop playing...

Obviously Damiah and Purri are not in their top shape but what is it bringing to the subject of David cheating?
Or maybe you have your own subject in your head that we can't see?

When did that start? Looks like years ago when you were trying to create an image of yourself as a best q2dm3 dueler lol by uploading demos on demosquad you allready had some issues with Scooby's nationality and called him "polish pussy" after losing to him.

Who is David and who is hasiu ?

maybe this 'fla' guy could help ;) obviously he know David well

I have no idea who hasiu is and I surely don't know David more then you do.
Same like you don't know every Serbian player.

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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #199 on: June 21, 2012, 09:53:53 AM »
don't argue with them because they talk the same like twisted sisters


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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #200 on: June 21, 2012, 11:53:36 AM »

When did that start? Looks like years ago when you were trying to create an image of yourself as a best q2dm3 dueler lol by uploading demos on demosquad you allready had some issues with Scooby's nationality and called him "polish pussy" after losing to him.

1st. fla ru from Radomsko or not ?

2nd when u writing fairytale get fact straight
Scooby description in demo is lie "Muerte came and asked me 2 play so i played... and also played re game :]"|

i didn't come i was there whole night watching how zyz&moppa rape Scooby&Monument

my 'lovely' voodoo2 ;) (check my and Scooby ping)

during game Scooby was complaining all time about zyz ping so when zyz/moppa get bored with whine and left
Scooby ask would anyone play duel: ofc i was joking when i said i will (i was highest ping on server): but Scooby took it for real
i asked him if we could change server 2 hinet (where other poland players have same ping like on that server and i have little lower and no lags at all) he didnt want to change and i didnt want to take offer back so we played he won and i guess his 'wound' after losing vs unmatched was heal

Scooby upload demos on DS with false description and demos was approved in min. after games. but for days no one from DS crew didn't want to approve demo's where zyz&moppa raping poland team
2 weeks later after that demo find way here
finally is approved on DS read zyz comment
so when poland player lose its ping rape and when serbian player lose with 200ms ping its lack of skill ;)
i mean i was rly confused with Scooby behavior and his fear to play on 'my server' because i had very big respect for him and whole Poland NDML team (especially when i heard: some of Poland players traveled 400km to nearest net cafe with decent connection so they could play NDML games with decent ping)
btw we also played 3rd map then=q2duel5 (my voodoo2 overheated during that game dunno what happen) so demo is not good

pff i guess someone in Poland 'hate' me: because after i in September 2009 restored demosquad demo base (irresponsible admins lost all demos til then ) my demos on DS missing  :P

so i feel obligated after your and welkin words about my skill to upload movie where readers of this topic could watch:

- my insane aiming skill
- my unique movement skill
- my tremendous skill in communication over ventrilo and live

Time line: 6 years ago before final game 2x2 league

Actors: Gerdt, arch, zilla, Muerte

Guy's who directed this 'frag movie' get essence why is my nick Muerte

Quote from: Flapjack
Same like you don't know every Serbian player.

I know every player in Serbia and they 'know' me very well :P

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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #201 on: June 21, 2012, 11:57:38 AM »
unrelated, just a side note though:

purri didn't rape doze into retirement.

he was already retired, doze came back to q2 in 2005 after a good 2.5-3 years probably, just a few months before quakecon 2005. I remember him saying that purri was coming a few weeks early to stay with him to practice before the tournament. so he was practicing with good people a few months beforehand in usa(not me), and then lanned purri loads before the event.

Anyway, quakecon 2005 had q2 in it specifically, which is why doze came back for it + he had the opportunity to maybe even get in the best shape he'd ever been in for duel.
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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #202 on: June 21, 2012, 12:55:03 PM »
he was already retired, doze came back to q2 in 2005 after a good 2.5-3 years probably, just a few months before quakecon 2005. I remember him saying that purri was coming a few weeks early to stay with him to practice before the tournament. so he was practicing with good people a few months beforehand in usa(not me), and then lanned purri loads before the event.

yea i remember same and also i read purri couldn't signup for QuakeCon 2005 without doze help
also purri wouldn't attend on QuakeCon without this guys help

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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #203 on: June 22, 2012, 01:07:23 AM »
unrelated, just a side note though:

purri didn't rape doze into retirement.

he was already retired, doze came back to q2 in 2005 after a good 2.5-3 years probably, just a few months before quakecon 2005. I remember him saying that purri was coming a few weeks early to stay with him to practice before the tournament. so he was practicing with good people a few months beforehand in usa(not me), and then lanned purri loads before the event.

Anyway, quakecon 2005 had q2 in it specifically, which is why doze came back for it + he had the opportunity to maybe even get in the best shape he'd ever been in for duel.

Ah, awesomeness.  I remember the q2 tournament had lots of old school players fired up.  Maybe iD should do another one at the next Qcon.  I might even play (and lose).  :D
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i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim

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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #204 on: June 23, 2012, 09:45:43 AM »
Muerte writes here, cause maybe it's the last place where his ideas are accepted.

Despite whatever superiority complex you or anyone else has in regard to the euro scene > usa scene... tell me why you think this is the only place where anyone would listen to his ideas?

Is it because there's several people here that know more about anticheat/cheating in q2 than anyone in the euro scene? obviously not, it must be because you think a bunch of american newbs can't spot cheats to save their lives...right? and that's why muerte has a good chance from posting it here. Great reasoning.

Cheat speculation/suspicion is different in USA than in europe, and not just from over-all difference in skill/talent like your thinking. Europe has never had a head server admin who is proficient with coding and knows how ac works.. there are a few measures, some more crucial than others, that usa/tasty zone servers have been implementing for 7 years and even longer that the euro scene doesn't have. these measures do allow us to err.. better target our suspicions with cheats. without them, even the best cheat spotter in the world would be hindered. the lack of measures taken is even border-line embarrassing(no offense to anyone, just imo here) which is why I'm not being too specific.

..which brings me to ideas being accepted here. I'm inclined to be very open-minded to someone who brought a legitimate walk around to anticheat.dll to our attention.
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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #205 on: June 24, 2012, 01:01:54 AM »
I've never said that you don't know the anticheat system, I've never wrote: euro scene > american scene.

I know you from the comments alleging the honest players to use cheats, without any evidence, because as you may have dowoy since neither I nor David, nor Norman, nor the warrior never deceived nor deceive.

Of course, it does not change your approach. So I did not want to write anything here. Just signed the fasting of your friend who perfectly summed up this entire topic.

I omit a primitive type of comments -> FDJ who thinks that all nicknames of the world should be read as if they were written in English.

I appreciate the professional statement containing the particulars (Skuller, Welkin) unfortunately posts of muerte, whrindervish and several other members not give the impression that their authors have an open mind, but I feel it they comments xenophobia.

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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #206 on: June 24, 2012, 01:04:13 AM »
You never answered my question. How is it pronounced? I'm honestly stumped. :<
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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #207 on: June 24, 2012, 01:31:52 AM »
I feel it they comments xenophobia.

 :lolsign: Aw snap! Shit just got real, y'all!
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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #208 on: June 24, 2012, 04:17:57 AM »
I'm inclined to be very open-minded to someone who brought a legitimate walk around to anticheat.dll to our attention.

Dunno how i noticed this 'walk around' so late. I discussed with Rich 5 years ago about my problem with AC server.
Never cross my mind it could be used for cheating til recently. Dunno how Rich miss this, even if wrote what im 'doing'


I know ur disappointing with your 'performance' in final and absence of you 'ventrilo buddies' on server but i toldya
" life is hard ... and then you die " 

Guess what: only one 'false accusation' i made against Anathema members Welkin accepted: where he could be harmed!
So no Anathema members on server during Welkin games  :P

But i was hoping u could explain how is possible in game Adrenaline vs Michaq where your tm norman wasn't admin: he make decisions on server

Also im interested in your explanation what kind of 'french word' you are, to ask smth like this?

[03.06.12.| 21:06:15] [@Welkin]: yea, michaq vs adren now
[03.06.12.| 21:06:18] [@Welkin]: go!
[03.06.12.| 21:06:27] [[W]adreN_-]: not unless it is h/a
[03.06.12.| 21:06:39] [MCS_FaderJok0]: :o
[03.06.12.| 21:06:52] [[W]adreN_-]: otherwise i have to "practice"
[03.06.12.| 21:07:04] : @Welkin slaps [SUPERB]michaq around a bit with a large trout
[03.06.12.| 21:07:49] [[SUPERB]michaq]: unless for me
[03.06.12.| 21:07:58] [@norman`]: go uk
[03.06.12.| 21:07:59] [[SUPERB]michaq]: if h/a
[03.06.12.| 21:08:01] [@norman`]: adren champ
[03.06.12.| 21:08:15] [[SUPERB]michaq]: I cant play on yor server
[03.06.12.| 21:08:33] [[SUPERB]michaq]: If u cant play on my we can flip a coin
[03.06.12.| 21:08:44] [[SUPERB]michaq]: or if u want go play final vs welkin
[03.06.12.| 21:08:49] [[SUPERB]michaq]: I dont mind
[03.06.12.| 21:09:26] [[W]adreN_-]: ..
[03.06.12.| 21:09:33] [@Welkin]: figure something out without turning to walkovers..
[03.06.12.| 21:10:04] [[SUPERB]michaq]: its hard
[03.06.12.| 21:10:37] [[SUPERB]michaq]: hard to hit him when he had 140 ping, hard to aim him when I have 150
[03.06.12.| 21:10:49] [[SUPERB]michaq]: shit game
[03.06.12.| 21:11:05] [Muerte||]: yeye life is hard and then... u die...
[03.06.12.| 21:11:11] [[SUPERB]michaq]: :)
[03.06.12.| 21:11:13] [[W]adreN_-]: are you trying to suggest i warp on high ping?
[03.06.12.| 21:11:28] [[SUPERB]michaq]: u are very very good player on high ping
[03.06.12.| 21:11:31] [[SUPERB]michaq]: tahts true
[03.06.12.| 21:11:47] [[SUPERB]michaq]: I wrote it before
[03.06.12.| 21:12:05] [[SUPERB]michaq]: Im not able to win over you on yor server
[03.06.12.| 21:12:06] [[SUPERB]michaq]: for sure

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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #209 on: June 24, 2012, 10:42:01 AM »
I've never said that you don't know the anticheat system, I've never wrote: euro scene > american scene.

I know you from the comments alleging the honest players to use cheats, without any evidence, because as you may have dowoy since neither I nor David, nor Norman, nor the warrior never deceived nor deceive.

Just because I didn't post evidence on this thread doesn't mean I didn't it for people to see. Norman would just say it was a joke if I did, waste of time.  Euro admins aren't under the same supervision that I am... I would never even "joke" about being on vent(and a 3rd person "joking" the same with someone during a league match). But, when the cats away the mice will play, and y'all don't have a cat(quadz in usa) watching over you. The europeon league admins are 1) people with good intentions/motives or 2) people that pretend they have good intentions/motives. No fair server admin to oversee, no trustworthy person to help out with cheat protection. Nothing more, nothing less. And despite whatever y'all may say in defense to norman, that guy does NOT have the composure to make 100% fair calls when someone he dislikes is involved. You all know it deep down, despite whatever contributions he has made to the scene, if any. Same situation with sofiene. Welkin should hit up kolt about adding me to the crew so I can straighten up the shift a little. ;)

and yes your post did imply euro>usa; you were indirectly criticizing USA for being a safe haven for muerte's ideas that are nonsense in your opinion. someone who says something like that isn't thinking that 1) there's people in U.S. that know more about the subject and 2) there are cheat protection measures that europe has never taken that are crucial, to the extent that cheat suspicion is redefined.

I just wanted you to realize how you were making yourself look like by saying that, because in the cheat speculation meta euros are back in 04(despite how good of a player you were for 04, you're still in 04).

I am in agreement with the vast majority of comments being unwarranted as this thread progressed, I would have preferred welkin and muerte just discussing whatever they had to discuss without any outside opinion or provocation from others.. apparently not many shared this thought since I was about the only one who didn't get involved. . .
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 10:58:18 AM by haunted »
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February 14, 2025, 12:41:48 PM


February 13, 2025, 07:31:24 AM
I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.


February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


February 03, 2025, 01:20:14 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:15:35 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:06:54 AM


December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


December 19, 2024, 04:55:07 AM
correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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