Author Topic: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David  (Read 107277 times)

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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #300 on: July 12, 2012, 10:48:33 AM »
...these 2 guys are taking this 15 yo video game way too seriously...

Agreed, but aren't we taking everything alittle bit too seriously?

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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #301 on: July 12, 2012, 01:37:25 PM »
@ Welkin

I'm sorry. I didn't reply you correct  in the first reply to your e-mail "Welkin need your help"

I am not qualified to help you. You need professional help. Take two Valium's and go to see the doctor in the morning  :(

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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #302 on: July 12, 2012, 03:02:02 PM »
My apologies for not replying to the slander quicker. (Absolutely not saying everything replied to is slander, but I'm not apologizing for that. =])

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
fuck it. send the cheater 200 euro and let the poles laugh about it behind your back. Wouldn't be the first time.

1) In many of your posts, it seems obvious that you consider getting stuck in the Hall of Shame to be hard evidence to being a cheater. Then what is your opinion (Muerte, this goes for you too) on the entries made by syanid, provi, Covell, thaigo, gerppa, goat, AlexJ, Murdock, Barton and Muerte (in fact, the list goes on and on)? I'm guessing you don't have one, and you'll probably answer with something along the lines of "faggot (bundle of sticks), what the fuck do I care about some third world cheating nobodies" (Barton excluded of course).

Mouthstuff someone else you fucktard. I've actually caught people cheating. What the fuck have you done other than try to brush proxy hits under the rug?

I myself do not consider the proof of Hall of Shame entries to be sufficient, on their own, to call someone a cheater. There are several different reasons why somebody could end up there, and as long as that is the case, a player should be granted the benefit of the doubt.

Why would someone get 4 hits for proxy usage in 2010? Enlighten me as to the several non-cheat related reasons for this.

"Innocent until proven guilty" - does that ring a bell?

You aren't even in the USA, and here we don't apply the law to catching cheaters in video games. What a stupid nonpoint.

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
Hasiu's IP is about as close as you will ever see in q2 to being the same as David's.
I've seen legit players' IP change exactly that "little" in a single day many times over.

You sound so sure about yourself, yet you had no reason to be, as quadz has already made clear. Perhaps in the future one shouldn't take your word for things you claim to know so well, since you seem to have a bad sense of your own knowledge's limits.

I run servers, and log plenty of quake 2 player IP addresses. These 2 are as close as you can get without 100% certainty compared to the VAST MAJORITY of the ones I've seen. I can show you logs of players whos IP addresses change that little 100 times a week. You can't show me shit. Perhaps in the future you should shut the fuck up about things you know jack shit about.

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
While you're at it, please support your assertion that Hasiu does play now if you're going to shoot down someone else's that he doesn't.

For a 2010 Hall of Shame entry, how is it relevant whether or not Hasiu still plays today?

It's relevant because YOU brought it up as if it were evidence of something. Support your assertions or shut the fuck up.

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
it's poland and it's rare that someone owns a computer good enough to play a new game

Or that people over there are clever enough to realize that 'new' does not necessarily equal 'good'.

Surely. Poles are known for their cleverness the world over.
Taste means nothing in the face of a shitty 3rd world GDP.

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
When you consider that these were both players "good" enough to play in euro league clans, the probability that they are not the same person gets that much lower.

Players of all skill levels play in "euro league clans", so this assertion makes no sense.

No they don't. Find me some bare ffa newbies who show up in clans with good players over there. The vast majority of q2 players are not in leagues or clans. THAT WAS THE POINT YOU INTENTIONALLY IGNORED. Try harder to avoid addressing the actual points.

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
You probably won't reply and if you do it will be some normanesque nonlogic that skirts the actual issues and puts everything off to some mythical tomorrow when all will supposedly become clear.

You have no reason to believe that the investigation will not be published - if you do, do tell.

Perhaps it has something to do with the 2 consecutive years of inaction while this guy has been playing in leagues? I have plenty of reasons. Would I share them with a shitty admin who shoehorned what is quite possibly the crappiest duel map into the latest league so he could gay up a couple wins vs people who NEVER play it? NO.

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
4 of which are for a proxy which I find to be a lot worse than the models.
modified client and unknown renderer can be a variety of shit. proxies are proxies. [...] proxy tends to be something intentional [...] I know what a lot of the hits for that violation happen to be and it usually starts with R and ends with atbot.

Supposing this is the case; do you think that intentionally trying out a ratbot once in 2010 (and not so during an official game) should get you banned from the EDL? Also, keep in mind that David has not been widely accused of using any aim improving cheat so far.

Suppose that you actually don't give a shit if he is cheating, only that nobody finds out for sure so you don't look bad? That's what it looks like when you attempt to brush his AC hits under the rug like a fucking apologist.

I can give questions instead of answers too. Look how useful it is.

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
but I definitely take issue with the people acting as though an over the shoulder cam video from someone who knows he's being watched closely negates any previous actions of his and/or proves he never cheated.

I haven't. Thus the investigation.

Of course you mean the mythical investigation that nobody believes is actually occurring, of the guy whos been allowed to play in the league already after multiple suspect games last year, none of which were addressed THIS YEAR.


Not only is it too little too late, but the fact that you think you're going to be able to conclusively catch someone for cheating if they were (to your stupidly high standard ofc), this long after the fact just highlights how very fucking worthless any investigation you are doing will be.

There were steps that could have been taken DURING THE LEAGUE that would have been useful in verifying his legitimacy or catching him hacking in the act. They weren't. You failed.
Instead of useful action you sat on your hands.

Post 3 more pages of baloney and it will not disguise this fact.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 03:19:59 PM by Whirlingdervish »
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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #303 on: July 13, 2012, 10:18:17 AM »
Arm0r: congrats.. you just lost posting privs on this thread.
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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #304 on: July 13, 2012, 03:26:58 PM »
Quote from: Whirlingdervish
pages later and nobody addresses the anticheat violations. surprise surprise!

You haven't really done any digging of your own, have you? You've just mentioned that they exist. That's the easiest thing in the world to do.

While you were typing up this little gem, did you even once consider that I DUG AND FOUND THE VIOLATIONS, WHILE NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOUR EDL ADMINS EVEN MENTIONED THAT THEY EXIST?

I've also viewed many of his demos from EDL and other games with and without the cheats required to see what stimuli he is "responding" to.
I uploaded clips to youtube more than a YEAR AGO of his game vs ws7 when multiple people agree he was probably walling.
I showed people the demos to view on their own rigs and they agreed as well, and these were good tdm players so don't go into your stupid "oh you just aren't good enough to understand his headgame" routine.

You and yours apparently couldn't do "the easiest thing in the world" in regards to checking the legitimacy of the player in YOUR league, so why should anyone assume that you're going to go a step further in the direction of more difficult methods of determining someone's legitimacy?

Remind me again why we should all wait for the results of the nonexistent investigation being handled by such utterly incompetent admins?

PS: :peaock:
« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 08:12:00 PM by Whirlingdervish »
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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #305 on: July 13, 2012, 09:55:10 PM »
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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #306 on: July 13, 2012, 10:11:04 PM »
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Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« Reply #307 on: July 13, 2012, 10:13:38 PM »

Actually, I don't even care if you do or you don't. It's just not happening on that thread, and you are completely powerless to change that fact.

Speaking of completely powerless, welcome to it.  Thread moved.  :rockon:
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i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim

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