I am emailing ETG now.The only people that didn't take a part in ANY OF IT whatsoever that were there were:mya - not bannedkickro - bannedpenith - banneddyn - bannedthere were also a few people like sean who said a few things and got banned still... adam was having fun in the channel but he pm'd cobra` and gave him a hug and made everything better then left.and everyone was op'd.so basically, kismet is an estrogen infatuated psycho bitch that really needs to find the very bold line between reality and IRC.
by locked we mean that the admin removed all of the ops from the channels chanserv +o list, therefore no one can do anything with the channel, and after a short while of no one coming in there with ops, the chanserv will go away by itself (it's like a month of no op traffic and then the channel goes back to nothing) so in essence theyve just killed his channel, didn't mean locked as in password protected.
this is a gay thread