The map is made for the Action Quake2 MoD.The spawn pads are up off the ground & the pad model is not used in Action Q2...Also the layout of this map is influenced by the map Teamjungle, and is more teamplay orientated
i aggree, koth6 is fun, but it sucks in railz, also border, marics35 and koth are now lined up to be next maps, makes it very annoying, id like for marics35 to be stay in there as it is, and border and koth6 only possible to request thru mymap..
why was my maps removed from list? I know its votable, but I no longer see it on railz in rotation? Is this a retaliation of my maps?
Can you add arena01 to mymap?
We have another one, dont know the name right now, VERY annoying map, its square, 4 spawnpoints, all in the corners, 2 floors, 4 lifts, totally red, should ring a bell for someone.. GET IT THE FUCK OFF
if i was able to play here on even ping i would probably be in the top 5 insta players easily.