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Quake / Seattle FFA Frag Night In Memory of Pepp
Rock On Rock On
on February 08, 2025, 12:18:14 AM to RailWolf
Long time Quake II player pepp has passed away on Feb 5th, 2025 after some health battles in the hospital.

He managed the Seattle FFA server which been around for many years. Come by Seattle FFA server Saturday night 2/8/25 to frag and chat in memory of our quake buddy, pepp.

Rest In Peace Pepp
tastyspleen.net / .
Racist Ignoramus Racist Ignoramus
on July 19, 2024, 11:49:47 PM to Costigan_Q2
/dev/random / Re: Whatcha listening to?
Wins The Internet Wins The Internet
on March 06, 2024, 08:24:50 AM to zyx


he is one of the bestest ....

poetry / essays / short stories? / Re: Quotes
Funny Funny
on August 18, 2023, 03:54:35 AM to 0rbisson
The best quote in human history

Who do you think you are? I AM! - Pete Webber

Quake / Re: Quadz, the Loquaciously Multiloquent Member
Rock On Rock On
on May 13, 2023, 12:03:30 AM to Mrs Quadz
Hi all,

So it’s been a minute, and I am not sure if it’s even proper etiquette to revive such an old thread (probably not), but I was too shy to start a new one.

I just wanted to state once again your contributions to keep Tastyspleen alive and kicking are so appreciated. I may not get around to thanking you personally but please know your generosity is acknowledged and I am thankful for every dime. It warms my heart to see this community still going strong just shy of 2 years since Bill’s untimely passing. He would definitely be thrilled to know his pet project is still thriving!

Big love to all you ‘Spleeners!

Mrs Quadz
Quake / Digital Paint: Paintball 2 engine for Vanilla Quake 2 (Happy 25th Anniversary!)
Nice Job / Good Work Nice Job / Good Work
on December 09, 2022, 10:24:31 AM to jitspoe
Decided to do something special for the Quake2 25th anniversary and release a version of the Paintball 2 engine that's compatible with vanilla Quake2.  Don't want to say how many hours it took to get things (mostly) working again, like save games, legacy HUD behavior, etc, BUT it's here and brings a lot of improvements:
- Improved texture filtering and handling to make things look less washed out and blurry
- Gamma adjustment on lightmap instead of gl_modulate to make things brighter without losing detail.
- Reflective water
- High-res textures (have to be put in the hr4 directory and will be 4x higher resolution than base textures, can also be larger to reduce tiling).
- Non-qwerty keyboard support.
- Faster file downloads over UDP (if connecting to a server also using this feature).
- Tweaks and fixes to make movement physics smoother (no random stops mid strafe jump and things like that -- also has to be on the server for this to work in multiplayer).

A couple screenshots are attached for comparison between vanilla Q2 (about as good as I could make it look) and PB2Q2.

You can download it at http://digitalpaint.org/

Edit: I have a server running at quake2.digitalpaint.org -- we'll be organizing some play time starting at 3PM EST.  http://discord.digitalpaint.org if you want to hang out on voice while we play.
Quake FAQs, HOWTOs, and Articles / Re: Tastyspleen admin theives users abusers manipulators
Racist Ignoramus Racist Ignoramus
on November 22, 2022, 02:55:41 AM to mcbass
Don't ever give in to the bullying trolls Shloo. You two really are a piece of work. The worst the community has to offer.
art, music, etc. / Spooky Soundtracks
Nice Job / Good Work Nice Job / Good Work
on October 30, 2022, 01:34:39 PM to quadz
Happy Halloween!

Just fer fun, hastily put together a Halloween Haunted House Dungeon track yesterday evening to hopefully creep out the Trick-or-Treaters tonight (made using ACID pro 7 and samples from the Sony Pictures Sound Effects Series library)


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