Poetry is Poetry is Poetry is Poetry.I like the first one because it is a one sided conversation that falls on deaf ears. Both are letters, than poems that use imagery, diction and all that other stuff to convey their meanings. They are straight-forward and to the point. I don't think you have to "dress up" in order to "go out"
I don't have adequate time to fully counterpoint what you have said... But i will say Yes I did graduate college with an english degree. Yes I have been to those courses that teach professional writing, but sometimes you have to take a discourse from what you were taught. and Tennyson is a bore.
Wild LifeEvery road sign passing by shined brightly from our head Lights, marking the last bastions of civilization,As we crossed into the depths of wilderness.Crawling up around the contours of the mountain, I knew something was not quite right. My chaufferEnvisioned veering off the dusty road into some lovely pines,Some distance down the side of the colossus.Colossus I say, because as we rode further into that paganLand, I acknowledged that the mountain had a life of itsOwn. In the dust kicked up from the wheels of passengerVehicles, the boney spine protruded down the center of the road.Anxiously, I told my driver that the mountain was not dead,But she refused to hear it. The desire to drive off into ElysianFields was strong, and god-forbid that driving on the mountain