Author Topic: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago  (Read 57561 times)

Offline krez

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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #90 on: June 23, 2007, 09:53:39 AM »
Don't mean to barge in, but I could prolly write a script to help search for demos... provided the names of the players are known.

I.e. could scan the demos for certain playernames and print out all the filenames that match, if that would help.

NOTE: Not taking sides here, just interested in seeing some cool oldskool demos...


:exqueezeme: :beer:

Thresh vs. immortal dm3 - this is the one where thresh wins, classic demo.  I believe Thresh playing like this in 98 would still hold his own against most q2 players today.
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Krez stfu i admit u owned me with 3 times my ping i dont deny the truth.

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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #91 on: June 23, 2007, 10:18:03 AM »

Funny you should mock my matches with b100d

Is getting your ass handed to you on a silver platter 30-0 really a match?

fail to post a best of 3 map duel proving as much

Blood never took that challenge? might be difficult to post?

matches that include dm1...thats how it's done

No, its not.  There are much better duel maps than dm1 (noob?)

it is funny though watching you talk all this shit about him on the board, yet when in game with him it's all "GG! :)".

Him banning b100d twice doesn't seem like GG (idiot?)

basically you're like a q2 groupie, you swing off the nuts of the elite in order to get a "good job sport"

Speaking of being on someone's nuts..

I figured id start a list

1. Haunted

next?  :yessign:

 :raincloud: :raincloud: :raincloud: :raincloud: :raincloud:
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Offline DWxchzrles

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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #92 on: June 23, 2007, 11:13:56 AM »
« Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 03:08:48 PM by DWxchzrles »
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I paid my dues and played by the rules!

Offline Arm0r

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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #93 on: June 23, 2007, 11:16:26 AM »
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Offline Arm0r

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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #94 on: June 23, 2007, 11:21:35 AM »
glad u could involve yourself metal, 1v1?...OH SHIT thats right, you don't play--so why the fuck even bother?   Allow me to hold this conversation by myself to bes simulate it's outcome.

Me:  1v1 metal, im tired of your talking.
You: My computer is broke! it has been for like 3 years and im to cheap to get it fixed
Me:  Well then what right do you have to talk any shit without the means to back said shit talking up? Krez will agree
You: I look just like haunted, except my head is bigger and one of my eyes droops.
Me:  Wtf are u talking about
You: Horny toads are funny
Me:  Ok dude, enough
You: hehehehe =D I r funny
Me:  ............
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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #95 on: June 23, 2007, 11:39:57 AM »
wow, you truly are pathetic.  as sad as that attempt was to put me down, it reeks of effort.  i LAN with haunted whenever he vists, and we usually have very close matches.  You'd be more owned than a gay black gypsie at a KKK meeting.  anything involving online play is just out the question for me, for obvious reasons.  I have not fixed my computer because it is pointless lol.. plus, my internet here blows (screenshot of netgraph posted in "mouse issues" on troubleshooting) i'm buying a new computer next year after i move into my house and when i find the right deal.  God you're stupid.  :ohlord:
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Offline Arm0r

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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #96 on: June 23, 2007, 01:26:38 PM »
« Last Edit: June 23, 2007, 01:30:47 PM by V!c0din »
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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #97 on: June 23, 2007, 01:41:09 PM »
lets hope best buy takes food stamps   :oops:

If not, its a good thing your mom does  :idhitit:
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Offline Arm0r

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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #98 on: June 24, 2007, 10:14:43 AM »
hmm yet still no sign of Haunted with his "I HAVE THE DEMO", funny how he neglected to post either, I guess when you're called on your bullshit, the best thing to do it be silent and hope noone notices, good tactic.
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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #99 on: June 24, 2007, 10:51:47 AM »
Let me clarify some things for you v!codin:

1. You suck ass at this game.
2. I've been in the tdm scene for the majority of time since q2 has been played, the opinion of a no-skilled, random newb, that comes out of nowhere talking shit means jack shit to me, and to everyone else.
3. You look like you have down syndrome.
4. I am visiting my parents currently and I'm on dial up. I don't have internet access for my laptop, where my demos are, and I didn't care much to give you an immediate response when considering who I was dealing with (see #2).
5. Any kind of shit talking that you do is immediately disregarded by me being that I own you effortlessly in this game. (speaking of effortlessly, when I move again I have a nice demo of me raping slugs completely carelessly, and it's easily seen by my consecutive arena jumps--so much for that blood/slugs demo)
6. I can personally vouche for krez being that I witnessed the match he keeps calling you out on. It was on ztn2dm3, and krez immediately started giving you shit when you started losing, and you started giving excuses and demanding a rematch. We then did a 2v2 on the same map you got raped on, with the aforementioned players (me, krez, his friend, you, and others speccing) being involved.
7. I will play you on any map, in any mod, and on any ping, starting out with -10 and I will rape you with little or no effort. If you'd like I will use other handicaps as well, I'd feel to guilty not to handicap myself with how handicapped your face looks.
8. It is not 'GG' between blood and I being that he talks shit to me every single time I connect, but still hasn't had the balls to accept my challenge.
9. Blood's demos/screenshots of 'wins' on me do not exist. (hmm, I wonder why?)
10. So, where are the demos/screenshots of you beating blood? LMAO, me getting called out on BS? I think it's blatant who is full of shit here. Blood owns you kid, I mean your most cherished win is vs xanax, who is inactive, sucks ass, is dm1-only, wasn't trying, and you ran and spammed the whole time. Lol?

Rest assured that all demos that I have mentioned will be posted, along with many v!codin rape demos, and more blood/slugs rape demos. However, being that it's online and you are eager to be humiliated, I will post the condump(totally unmodified, shows the first thing you said in game til you disconnected, and everything either of us said is highlighted) of you being a pussy:

.Slugs: he is color blind
.Slugs: i want competetion
C0lor b1ind: stfu slugs, im sure ur boner for this shit will subside

Obviously his intent was to alias and talk shit, being that q2 definitely isn't his thing  ::)

Current teamskin: "male/viper"
Match has started!
(kreator): [UNDERGROUND]
Out of item: grenade launcher
C0lor b1ind was melted by .B100D's hyperblaster
Out of item: chaingun
C0lor b1ind almost dodged .B100D's rocket
Out of item: grenade launcher
C0lor b1ind was railed by .Slugs
Out of item: chaingun
Out of item: grenade launcher
Wildthing (TV) was railed by .Slugs
Wildthing (TV) ate rage''s rocket
Out of item: shotgun
C0lor b1ind was railed by .Slugs
abso1ute connected
kreator was cut in half by .Slugs's chaingun
C0lor b1ind was railed by .Slugs
kreator was railed by .B100D
Wildthing (TV) was railed by .B100D
kreator ate .Slugs's rocket
abso1ute wimped out and left. (clients = 6)
kreator was cut in half by .B100D's chaingun
kreator: most newbie teamates ever
kreator: abandon me at mega

Wildthing (TV) was railed by .Slugs
kreator: they just grab a weapon
C0lor b1ind: cry
kreator: and run at you guys
kreator: and get railed

.Slugs: cool
Out of item: chaingun
C0lor b1ind: whine more
C0lor b1ind: plz
C0lor b1ind: its funny

--I get shot at, over 10 times, by this point NEITHER teams are serious and people are just messing around due to a ridiculously stacked team vs a ridiculously idiotic team.

kreator: pointless
rage': :)
kreator: most idiotic team to ever live
Wildthing (TV) was railed by .Slugs
.Slugs ate C0lor b1ind's rocket
Wildthing (TV): WOW
C0lor b1ind was cut in half by kreator's chaingun  ** Teammate Kill **
C0lor b1ind was railed by rage'
Out of item: bfg10k
C0lor b1ind: ur a faggot (bundle of sticks) haunted
Wildthing (TV) was popped by .B100D's grenade
Wildthing (TV): gimmi a chain
Wildthing (TV):
kreator ate rage''s rocket
rage': :)
.Slugs was railed by C0lor b1ind
kreator was railed by .B100D
Out of item: machinegun
kreator ate .B100D's rocket
Wildthing (TV) cratered.
rage': :)
Wildthing (TV): ahahah wow
Wildthing (TV) was railed by rage'
Out of item: bfg10k
C0lor b1ind ate kreator's rocket  ** Teammate Kill **
C0lor b1ind caught .Slugs's handgrenade
.Slugs ate kreator's rocket
rage': :)
.Slugs was blown away by Wildthing (TV)'s super shotgun
kreator almost dodged rage''s rocket
C0lor b1ind: haunted must be pissed cuz b100d owns him
kreator was railed by .B100D
.Slugs ate rage''s rocket  ** Teammate Kill **
Wildthing (TV) was blasted by .Slugs
kreator ate rage''s rocket
.Slugs almost dodged rage''s rocket  ** Teammate Kill **
kreator: i dont give a shit about q2, i care about people not even knowing the
 basic concepts of teamplay

rage': :)
C0lor b1ind was railed by .B100D
kreator: so i can have fun though
kreator ate rage''s rocket
kreator: blood will agree w/ me there
rage' caught Wildthing (TV)'s handgrenade
C0lor b1ind: bald eddie munster lookin mother fucker
kreator was railed by .B100D
Wildthing (TV) was cut in half by .B100D's chaingun
kreator was machinegunned by rage'
kreator: lol im not bald
rage': :)
Out of item: shotgun
C0lor b1ind almost dodged .Slugs's rocket
.Slugs was blown away by kreator's super shotgun
kreator was blown away by .B100D's super shotgun
kreator was cut in half by .B100D's chaingun
.Slugs didn't see kreator's handgrenade
.Slugs: ahah
1 minute remaining in match.
C0lor b1ind: ya w/e, talk to me when u find your path off hangs nuts
Out of item: bfg10k
C0lor b1ind: bitch
rage': :)
kreator was railed by .B100D
kreator: hmm
kreator: that makes sense!

Wildthing (TV) was railed by .B100D
kreator: talk to me when you unalias
.Slugs: recall
kreator: and have the balls to play me
kreator: :>

C0lor b1ind: ur aliasd now bitch
.Slugs was railed by .B100D  ** Teammate Kill **
C0lor b1ind: stfu
.Slugs: NO
kreator: everyone knows this is me
kreator: it's my new name

Wildthing (TV) almost dodged .Slugs's rocket
kreator: therefore not an alias
C0lor b1ind changed name to :<
Wildthing (TV) ate .Slugs's rocket
:<: hehe im an alias noob
kreator was railed by rage'
rage': :)
:<: I wish I was fuckin cool

---scoreboard etc. etc.

.Slugs: i own
.Slugs: !
.B100D: lol lol
.Slugs: haha
.B100D joined team "Hometeam"
.B100D entered the game (clients = 1)
.Slugs joined team "Visitors"
.Slugs entered the game (clients = 2)
kreator joined team "Visitors"
kreator entered the game (clients = 3)
rage' joined team "Visitors"
rage' entered the game (clients = 4)
kreator: lolw
.Slugs joined team "Hometeam"
Type "ready" at console to start.
4 players not ready.
Wildthing (TV) joined team "Hometeam"
Wildthing (TV) entered the game (clients = 5)
falcon joined team "Hometeam"
falcon entered the game (clients = 6)
rage': goto
kreator was railed by .B100D
Wildthing (TV): HEY BLOOD
:<: so haunted, do u own b100d like you claim multiple times on ts forums?
:<: lets find out now

rage': goto tourney
rage' removed from team "Visitors"
rage' wimped out and left. (clients = 5)
.B100D was railed by kreator
Wildthing (TV): 100% railgun baby check it
.Slugs: i own all
.Slugs: im god
.Slugs was railed by falcon  ** Teammate Kill **
kreator: please stop trying to stir up shit, this is your warning.
:<: do you own b100d haunted?
kreator: thanks
.Slugs: bow to me
.Slugs: pesents
:<: well?
falcon was railed by .B100D  ** Teammate Kill **
.Slugs: !
abso1ute connected
kreator was railed by .B100D
:<: lol warning?
.Slugs joined team "Visitors"
Type "ready" at console to start.
5 players not ready.
Wildthing (TV) was railed by .B100D  ** Teammate Kill **
:<: wtf u gonna do
:<: this aint jump bitch

kreator: dude, you were bitching at me the whole game
.B100D was railed by .Slugs
Wildthing (TV): hey blood last round i got 100% railgun = ))
kreator: i am warning you again
.B100D: rofl
.B100D was railed by falcon  ** Teammate Kill **
kreator: please be quiet
.B100D: u shot 3 shots ?
:<: no
.B100D: lol
:<: I dont have to
falcon was railed by .Slugs
:<: I can talk if I want to
.Slugs was cut in half by Wildthing (TV)'s chaingun
kreator: if you're going to start trouble, yes you do
falcon was railed by .Slugs
Wildthing (TV): as many as i could
kreator: so please stop
.B100D was railed by .Slugs
kreator: last warning
:<: u started it
:<: dick

Wildthing (TV) was railed by .Slugs
.Slugs was railed by .B100D
kreator was cut in half by falcon's chaingun
]referee ***********
kreator now has referee status.

Type "r_help" for listing of ref commands.

Wildthing (TV) was railed by .B100D  ** Teammate Kill **
]r_kick :<
:< has been kicked!
:< joined team "Visitors"
:< entered the game (clients = 6)
:< removed from team "Visitors"
:< wimped out and left. (clients = 5)
:< wimped out and left. (clients = 5)

falcon was railed by .B100D  ** Teammate Kill **
.B100D was cut in half by Wildthing (TV)'s chaingun  ** Teammate Kill **
:< connected
Wildthing (TV) was railed by falcon  ** Teammate Kill **
:<: ty
abso1ute wimped out and left. (clients = 5)
Wildthing (TV): blood cant handle me = )) ahahgaga
falcon was railed by .B100D  ** Teammate Kill **
:<: for the demo
.Slugs was railed by .B100D
:<: of you tking me
falcon was railed by .B100D  ** Teammate Kill **
Team Visitors skin changed to "cyborg/oni911"
:<: then talking shit
Type "ready" at console to start.
5 players not ready.
:<: then kicking me
falcon was railed by .B100D  ** Teammate Kill **
:<: ty for the demo
Wildthing (TV) was railed by falcon  ** Teammate Kill **
.B100D removed from team "Hometeam"
.B100D joined team "Visitors"
.B100D entered the game (clients = 5)
Type "ready" at console to start.
5 players not ready.
kreator: lol, zzz i followed the rules, warned you multiple times, was nice
:<: im sure quadz will enjoy it
(.B100D): :)
(.B100D): hahaha
(.B100D): i wanna rape more
(.Slugs): ugot
(.Slugs): admin?
(.Slugs): how!
:<: u were killing me on my team during game
(.Slugs): hacker
:<: then said im noob
.Slugs was railed by .B100D  ** Teammate Kill **
:<: very admin of you
kreator was railed by .B100D  ** Teammate Kill **
:<: ty for demo
Wildthing (TV): everyone was killing eachother = )
.Slugs was railed by .B100D  ** Teammate Kill **
Wildthing (TV): even slugs
kreator was railed by .B100D  ** Teammate Kill **
:<: ill send it to quadz asap
.B100D was railed by .Slugs  ** Teammate Kill **
kreator: you were shooting me, so i shot you back
rage' connected
kreator: horrible teamate
kreator: has nothing to do with you talking shit

Wildthing (TV): DUDE
:<: ya, demo shows different
.Slugs was railed by .B100D  ** Teammate Kill **
:<: ty
Wildthing (TV): lets go
kreator: do onto others as you want done to you
:<: I have a demo, what do u have?
:<: nothing

Wildthing (TV) was railed by falcon  ** Teammate Kill **
kreator: you're acting like a retard, i followed the rules, i have nothing to
say to you

.Slugs was railed by .B100D  ** Teammate Kill **
:<: so gg, and ty
kreator: now, if you don't be quiet
kreator: it will result in a ban
kreator: you're still being disruptive

falcon was railed by .B100D
kreator: and you avoided my kick
kreator: you were kicked for a reason
:<: LOL im gonna go send this to quadz now, u power tripping bitch

The game wasn't being taken seriously, rampage was teamkilling just as much as me, as were others as well and it is seen CLEARLY in this condump. You then proceeded to change your name to my secondary name to kreator which people know me by, ':<' , and proceeded to talk more shit. You're just the typical e-punk that thinks he can bend the rules to get people with authority in trouble. Your confidence of doing so was beyond pathetic. Hate to tell ya, but this obviously doesn't work. You're raped on so many accounts, and even if you weren't you were owned at birth due to down syndrome. Nothing you can say idiot.  :sorry:
« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 02:37:20 PM by haunted »
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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #100 on: June 24, 2007, 11:34:45 AM »
wow, still no demos   :zzz:  I didn't even read your post, just looked for said demos (which fail even now to exzist on your end) gj though
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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #102 on: June 24, 2007, 11:49:49 AM »
Totally raped by all aspects of my posts so hard that you could not reply.  :busted: Pretending to not read it =  :zzz: . Even if you didn't read it, you're still blatantly owned. Haha yeah deft, the dude sucks, it's 20-0 every time we play with no effort applied.
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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #103 on: June 24, 2007, 12:02:18 PM »
So the fact that you claim to have the demos yet fail to show them=me owned?  I see how you come to your "I win" conclusions now, you just act as if you're on to something and then hope people follow suit--you have not given the proof you claim to have so in conclusion you wasted your time, post the demos or stfu, it's really very simple.     

Do you have the said demos?

 :zzz: :zzz:
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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #104 on: June 24, 2007, 12:04:13 PM »
Yes I do have them, if you actually read my post, but then again reading/comprehension are way too high of expectations for someone with down syndrome,  :sorry:

Oh and just reminding you, I asked you to post your demos first, it is YOU that's neglecting demos, not me, rofl. As I said, everything about the demos is in my post, which you already know but you are claiming not to have read, haha raped.

Maybe you're just unable to read it, I mean look how retarded your speech is:

hmm yet still no sign of Haunted with his "I HAVE THE DEMO", funny how he neglected to post either, I guess when you're called on your bullshit, the best thing to do it be silent and hope noone notices, good tactic.

Do I have to lower myself to your level of retardation to understand? If so just ask..
« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 12:09:32 PM by haunted »
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