Author Topic: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago  (Read 57539 times)

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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #150 on: July 04, 2007, 05:00:38 PM »
Quote from: playboy
Reaper, you're just dumb.

care to elaborate?

I'll assume you are referring to my last comment that "i dont buy into the fact that the old players were better".
« Last Edit: July 04, 2007, 06:17:48 PM by reaper »
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VaeVictus "reaper is a lying sack of shit and ragequit then had, probably slugs, come alias and beat me, wasnt even the same person playing OBVIOUSLY, accuracies basicly doubled, and strategy

Offline haunted

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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #151 on: July 04, 2007, 11:22:41 PM »
Q2 was a different game then dude, do you know nothing about the physics changes? The real good players from 97-98 went to q3 (and so on to other games) and didn't have the 7 years of practice with the new physics that we have had. OF COURSE an upper tier player has the advantage, that's common sense. You're not using your head here man, back then most of the jumps and movement were not even feasible; strategy was key. Don't let emo fags like blood fool you, most of everyone that plays sucks today by old school standard. Skill is not determined by dm1 pick ups. (not taking anything away from them, they're fun)

Speaking of blood's infinite knowledge of q2:

(Dobin): 1v1 damiah derek
(Dobin): :)

(.B100D): hehe
protagonist was railed by fuckface  ** Teammate Kill **
(.B100D): thinking about it
Robot almost dodged 4s-Nem's rocket
(.B100D): :)
protagonist caught va.Leopard's handgrenade
4s-Nem almost dodged >8).ltr's rocket
(Dobin): hes better 1v1 right
fuckface almost dodged >8).ltr's rocket
(.B100D): yeah aim wise
(.B100D): not brains

5 minutes remaining in match.
(.B100D): lol
protagonist was railed by 0r4ng3
(Dobin): i meant then his teaming
(Dobin): hehe

(.B100D): if u want to bea t him
(.B100D): u want to camp
(.B100D): lol

(Dobin): hehe
Damiah was railed by 0r4ng3
.B100D: i played him once 1v1
fuckface was cut in half by >8).ltr's chaingun
(.B100D): i was raping him
(.B100D): lol

Damiah almost dodged Robot's rocket
(.B100D): 8 to 0
(.B100D): and
(.B100D): he talked shit actually

fuckface tripped on her own grenade.
(.B100D): lol
4s-Nem was blown away by va.Leopard's super shotgun
fuckface was railed by 0r4ng3
fuckface was railed by >8).ltr
(Dobin): do it
(Dobin): :)

Damiah was railed by >8).ltr
(.B100D): he called me a pussy who wouldnt leave mega
fuckface was popped by 0r4ng3's grenade
(.B100D): i was up 8 to 0
(.B100D): i left mega

fuckface was popped by 0r4ng3's grenade
(.B100D): so he would stop crying
(.B100D): and he owned me
(.B100D): lol

Robot was railed by protagonist
(Dobin): lol
(.B100D): i never scored again
4s-Nem blew herself up.
Robot was railed by protagonist
(.B100D): camping mega
(.B100D): with the lead

Robot was railed by Damiah
(.B100D): is not being a pussy
(.B100D): its the way to control dm1

fuckface was railed by 0r4ng3
(.B100D): lol
Robot almost dodged 4s-Nem's rocket
(.B100D): with rl
(hmm,): is purri going to qcon again?
(.B100D): because
fuckface was cut in half by >8).ltr's chaingun
(.B100D): damiah cant get to me
(hmm,): what about doze?
va.Leopard was cut in half by Damiah's chaingun
Damiah almost dodged 0r4ng3's rocket
(.B100D): without making sound
(Dobin): hehe
(.B100D): or coming in the open
(.B100D): which is why i did it
(.B100D): so he couldnt sneak up on me

>8).ltr was cut in half by Damiah's chaingun
>8).ltr was railed by protagonist
(.B100D): and i could hear him coming
(Dobin): purri>damiah
(Dobin): :)
(.B100D): i just kept listening for his feet
(.B100D): and as soon as i heard him

>8).ltr was railed by Damiah
Robot tripped on his own grenade.
fuckface didn't see Robot's handgrenade
(.B100D): timed rockets
(kreator): back
(.B100D): and kept owning him
(.B100D): but if he gets control

protagonist almost dodged va.Leopard's rocket
>8).ltr was machinegunned by 4s-Nem
(.B100D): he;s tough as fuck to break it
(kreator): damiah=purri=provi, really
protagonist was railed by 0r4ng3
4s-Nem was railed by Robot
(kreator): can't put one above the other
fuckface was railed by 0r4ng3
(.B100D): near impossible
(.B100D): if he has cg and rg

fuckface was railed by va.Leopard
protagonist was railed by >8).ltr
(.B100D): he is near impossible to sotp
4s-Nem was railed by 0r4ng3
fuckface was railed by va.Leopard
>8).ltr was railed by Damiah
Robot was railed by Damiah
Dobin: lol
protagonist was blown away by 0r4ng3's super shotgun
fuckface was railed by >8).ltr
(.B100D): u gotta score on him
>8).ltr was railed by Damiah
(.B100D): and either hunt him down
4s-Nem was railed by 0r4ng3
(.B100D): repeatidly
>8).ltr ate fuckface's rocket
(.B100D): or camp mega with rl
0r4ng3 was melted by 4s-Nem's hyperblaster
(.B100D): lol
4s-Nem was railed by va.Leopard
[color=green(kreator): oh and derek, damiah has better aim and a better brain than you :<[/color]
0r4ng3: dumbass teammate
(.B100D): because if he gets close enough yer fucked
protagonist ate va.Leopard's rocket
(.B100D): lol
fuckface was railed by va.Leopard
(kreator): perhaps what you said applies to playing on only dm1 and a huge ping difference :>
fuckface ate Robot's rocket
(kreator): or not :<
(.B100D): rofl
fuckface was railed by va.Leopard
(.B100D): take damiah's aim away
(.B100D): he's not good

(.B100D): aim makes a player or breaks a player
(Dobin): take anyones aim away theyre not good
(Dobin): hehe
0r4ng3 was railed by 4s-Nem
(.B100D): exactly
1 minute remaining in match.
>8).ltr was railed by 4s-Nem
(.B100D): he shoots 25 percent chaingun
(.B100D): with 120 ping

0r4ng3 was melted by fuckface's hyperblaster
]accuracy Damiah

Accuracy info for "Damiah"
Blaster   : 0.0% (0/2 hits)
S.Shotgun : 0.0% (0/20 hits)
Machinegun: 10.3% (18/174 hits)
Chaingun  : 15.2% (127/834 hits)
Grenades  : 0.0% (0/7 hits)
G.Launcher: 0.0% (0/8 hits)
R.Launcher: 17.9% (5/28 hits)
Railgun   : 22.6% (14/62 hits)
Total damage given: 2751
Total damage rcvd : 2183

protagonist almost dodged >8).ltr's rocket
(.B100D): those statistics are hard to beat
protagonist was cut in half by Robot's chaingun
protagonist ate >8).ltr's rocket
>8).ltr ate Damiah's rocket
4s-Nem was railed by va.Leopard
protagonist was railed by 0r4ng3
(hmm,): i see 15  chain
(Dobin): :P
(kreator): damiah is known for being one of the best strategic players in the
world derek.. lol.

fuckface almost dodged Robot's rocket
>8).ltr was railed by 4s-Nem
protagonist: fuck 4s
(kreator): you can't compare to him
(.B100D): yeah he hasnt played in months
(.B100D): thats why
(.B100D): lol

fuckface was railed by 0r4ng3

Visitors defeats Hometeam: 60 - 35

Frt: Fratricides          F  S  E
EK : Enemy Kills       E  r  u  f
 S : Score         S   K  t  i  f
Visitors          60  62  1  1 57%
Hometeam          35  43  4  4 34%

Timelimit hit.
fuckface: worst game ive ever played
>8).ltr: gg
fuckface: by far.
>8).ltr removed from team "Visitors"
>8).ltr wimped out and left. (clients = 7)
kreator joined team "Hometeam"
*** You are team captain of "Hometeam". ***
The team joincode has not been set.

kreator entered the game (clients = 1)
fuckface joined team "Visitors"
Damiah joined team "Hometeam"
Damiah entered the game (clients = 3)
0r4ng3 joined team "Visitors"
0r4ng3 entered the game (clients = 4)
.B100D: rofl

Of course blood didn't join once dami joined my team, lol. He's a person who loves this game and his e-reputation dearly; when he chooses not to play it is solely due to fear. :< So he talked shit until enough people showed up for 4's, and he joined my team. What a surprise :>

Color coded, Red = Blood's blatant bullshit that can be spotted by a 2 year old | Yellow = Blood's usual bullshit | Green = The voice of reason.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2007, 08:08:13 AM by haunted »
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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #152 on: July 05, 2007, 04:38:17 AM »
LOL nice work there Haunted =)  :headbang:
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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #153 on: July 06, 2007, 07:28:53 AM »
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I wish haunted would RTFM

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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #154 on: July 06, 2007, 08:54:41 AM »
funniest part is not how inaccurate b100d's description of Damiah's game is.  Its that he doesn't even realize that he just described himself to a T.  No brains (which is fully supported by the condump) and above average aim.
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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #155 on: July 09, 2007, 09:13:00 AM »
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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #156 on: July 09, 2007, 03:31:25 PM »
Lol still no luci.  The nub is ACED.
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Krez stfu i admit u owned me with 3 times my ping i dont deny the truth.

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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #157 on: July 09, 2007, 04:34:26 PM »
hmm :<
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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #158 on: July 27, 2007, 03:53:58 PM »
you guys are stupid as shit , ok damiah has a better strat than half of u dumbasses . This log is of damiah playing for like the 3rd time in months. So he's rusty , when he played every day the guy chained like 25 - 30 percent continuously lmfao. You guys can play the beat on B100D game all day long if you want to. If you want to look at it like that because damiah sprayed foolishly those statistics because he is extremely rusty as a reason to call me a bullshitter then whatever. Fact of the matter is when he is playing every day he out chains the best u.s players chainguns. You can have strategy all fucking day but if you cant hit the broad side of a fucking barn your just not going to fucking win.
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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #159 on: July 27, 2007, 04:28:13 PM »
before any of you continue to talk shit about me not being old school , if you knew anything about fucking computers you would know you could easily download my demo , right click and go to properties and look at the created date. I didnt get that aim with that ping or learn to move well in a couple of months. More like at least years which would at least give me like 1999 or 1998. GG and i started to play quake 2 in dec 1997 upon the games release and even got a copy of it before the official release. So i am more old school than most of you for that matter , the only thing was i had a pentium 166 mhz , 64 mb of ram and a piece of shit fucking internet connection and modem. I guess i would remember the 14.4 k u.s robotics isa modem which uses no system resources. Hhhmmmm how the hell would i remember all these things that any of you can check on the dates of this hardware and they date back to that time period. There were different type of ram slots back then too , i think they were simm slots now known as dimms. Maybe its vice versa on those names i dont remember because its been over a year or so since ive built my last rig. STFU know yer facts and quit stating false bullshit. Krez i dont mean to be taking sides about things but you look like a total ass with half the bullshit your talking about dates and shit of you saying players didnt even play back then. I can point you out a total fool to say to luci that cl0ud 7 left quake 2 in well before i think u said 2000 or even if you said 2001. F0cus and DKARN and nigma's aka neticz i believe even though there was another got busted for the whole wall hack shit. Then at the time dz aka demise was playing da aka dark angelz for the # 1 spot in ogl in which DA held. Demise players were helping to teach karn players tdm and then got busted with the first publicly known wall hack and rigg5's was banned from tournament for botting. I remember all these incidents and the times better than you do obviously, quit posting blasphemies like a fool before i get on irc talk to zoya and she can re-paste me the link to the old karn website which was still up without pictures but plenty of info about the time.
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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #160 on: July 27, 2007, 04:31:27 PM »
most importantly so it does not look like i rambled on for no reason because i forgot to post it. Cl0ud7 was the leader if i am not mistaken or 2nd leader of DARK ANGELZ at that time you fucking fool.
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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #161 on: July 27, 2007, 06:42:52 PM »
Krez i dont mean to be taking sides about things but you look like a total ass with half the bullshit your talking about dates and shit of you saying players didnt even play back then. I can point you out a total fool to say to luci that cl0ud 7 left quake 2 in well before i think u said 2000 or even if you said 2001.

learn to read.  i stated that players like c7, dz etc. werent shit before 2000.  Most everyone good left q2 in september-october 1999, and that is when clans like HcT, b|d and later d|a and dz took over as #1.  They sucked in old school quake.  And blood you are probably just some zoner kid from 1998-9 if im not mistaken.
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Krez stfu i admit u owned me with 3 times my ping i dont deny the truth.

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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #162 on: July 27, 2007, 06:44:57 PM »
Blood needs :help:

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Offline mR_RoGeRz

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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #163 on: October 07, 2007, 10:26:50 PM »
mR_RoGeRz is back on the q2 scene, anyone still on this post?
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Re: B100D as hpb almost 8 years ago
« Reply #164 on: October 07, 2007, 11:28:50 PM »
Well we are now  :)

This started while I was away,   
I dunno if its interesting enough to go thru all the pages?

 :welcome: back

Blood has so few threads running,  try not to bump too many of them.  :beer:
  • Insightful
    Nice Job / Good Work
    Rock On
    Flawless Logic
    Well-Reasoned Argument and/or Conclusion
    Demonstrates Exceptional Knowlege of the Game
    Appears Not to Comprehend Game Fundamentals
    Frag of the Week
    Frag Hall of Fame
    Jump of the Week
    Jump Hall of Fame
    Best Solution
    Wins The Internet
    Whoosh! You done missed the joke thar Cletus!
    Obvious Troll Is Obvious
    Factually Challenged
    Preposterously Irrational Arguments
    Blindingly Obvious Logical Fallacies
    Absurd Misconstrual of Scientific Principles or Evidence
    Amazing Conspiracy Theory Bro
    Racist Ignoramus
Sometimes I think it’s a sin when I feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again


El Box de Shoutamente

Last 10 Shouts:



September 03, 2024, 05:15:49 PM
And wow Derrick is still playing lol


September 03, 2024, 05:15:15 PM
Just know yesterday is gone and soon tomorrow will be gone too  :)


August 08, 2024, 07:28:01 PM
It's tiem to QuakeCon!!!  ;)


July 26, 2024, 09:34:53 PM
In nomine Quake II et Id Software et Spiritus John Carmack, Amen.


July 26, 2024, 05:10:30 PM
Hey, shout, summertime blues
Jump up and down in you blue suede shoes
Hey, did you rock and roll? Rock on!!  ...QD


July 24, 2024, 01:31:20 PM
Ayer me mato 5 veces para robarme en la vida real hará lo mismo? [img]<iframe src=";show_text=true&amp;width=500" width="500"


July 24, 2024, 01:25:59 PM
hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


July 24, 2024, 01:25:59 PM
hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


July 05, 2024, 05:20:36 AM

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