Author Topic: what is sheridan and mutant  (Read 19710 times)

Offline Arm0r

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Re: what is sheridan and mutant
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2007, 07:34:53 PM »
Sheridan is a queer mod that is just a question of "who can collect the most cells and camp the RL area" basically...ive tried to get the people who talk shit on there to 1v1 on tourney then they say "all you know is dm1, loser"...and im left thinking...isn't Sheridan 1 map you fuckin moron?   Anyways it's really lame, it's like putting an overload of armor in a little area (enough to take 4 head on BFG blast) and calling it ownege because you're damn near invincible...epic battles?  more like spam-fest until someone happens to get killed (usually the person not camping the RL)
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Re: what is sheridan and mutant
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2007, 05:13:57 AM »
ive tried to get the people who talk shit on there to 1v1 on tourney

ahhhhhhh hahaahahahah! That whining little bitch is you? First off I don't start the shit talking. It's you who starts crying and then you proceed to get SO angry! I just find it fun once you get the fire going to stir up the coals.

Sheridan is a queer mod that is just a question of "who can collect the most cells and camp the RL area" basically...

Oh and DM1 (The Edge) is a over played map that is a question of "who can control the mega health and yellow armor" basiclly... Give me a break buddy. All maps are about control. You're just pissed because you have no control on this one, you don't know how.

then they say "all you know is dm1, loser"...and im left thinking...isn't Sheridan 1 map you fuckin moron?

This is funny because whenever an Edge fiend joins Sheridan and gets tossed around by me they ALWAYS, 100% of the time want to 1on1 me on DM1... Why? Because they are not a versatile player and know they only stand a chance on the one map they have played a million times. I would of played you the other night however I was streaking at 140+ frags... wasn't about to give up my streak for your whiny ass.

Anyways it's really lame, it's like putting an overload of armor in a little area (enough to take 4 head on BFG blast) and calling it ownege because you're damn near invincible...

Once again lets revert back to what I have already mention in this thread. Look... You have the option TO:

Get a Powershield.
Collect cells whenever you need them.
Get Red Armor.
Collect armor whenever you need it.
Get MegaHealth
Collect health whenever you need it.

You have the option of being "invincible". Just like the guy on DM1 who has total control of the mega health and has collected enough armor shards to have over 140 armor...

If you don't use these options when playing the map then to fucking bad I guess? I find it hilarious when people like you whine about me being "invincible" when you have the same god damn options as I do.

I don't run the megahealth.
I don't run the Red Armor.
A player CAN'T have more then one powershield in your inventory. Nothing is stopping you!

The fact that YOU die even though you're stacked on equipment is not the fault of the map. It's your fault of not being a better player.  :sorry:
epic battles?  more like spam-fest until someone happens to get killed (usually the person not camping the RL)

The battles are epic when you play somebody that knows how to play Quake2. Somebody capable of having the common sense of collecting armor and re-collecting health and armor when needed.

The Spam-fest you speak of is normally the 3 or 4 players unloading everything they have on my ass all at once. The demos I have from the other night start me off with a pretty clean rail.

Here's what we will do. You can stack yourself up with EVERYTHING on the map. 100% full inventory, armor, weapons, ammo, health, whatever! Then once you are in the Court Yard, I'll join the game with nothing. We will see if you can even kill me once before I gear up. Doubt it.
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Offline Arm0r

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Re: what is sheridan and mutant
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2007, 05:47:35 AM »
Funny how this bitch rants about DM1 like I said I play there alot, dude ill play you on rage...mortal coil...match1....chastity...aerowalk...which are all maps I frequent because I tire of DM1, but to debunk ur piece of shit attempt at proving that what you do on Sheridan (with it's huge community of 8 players) and what happens on DM1 are similar it's simple...DM1 offers a maximum of 200 health and 100 armor..thats even the person who does not own the mega at the moment will only have a disadvantage of 100 health with their chances maxed.....Sheridan offers 200 health, 200 reg armor, 200 PA which stacks you enough to go charging and spamming anyone that comes in the canyon (as you sit at RL waiting).    You say you need to be a great player to play Sheridan?  Ive challenged you to 1v1 twice so far and you seem to shy away from tourney (probably why ive seen you only once in a tourney server)  Well lets make it a public challenge then you big mouth bitch.

I challenge you to a 1v1, best of 3 maps.  Ball's in your court dickwad.
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Offline jägermonsta

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Re: what is sheridan and mutant
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2007, 06:55:17 AM »
You're a very insecure person Armor. You lose at a game that you believe you are very good at and your world gets turned upside down. I'm sorry to be the one to put you in this situation. I don't like having to hurt feelings. ;)

Funny how this bitch rants about DM1

Please refer to me as your master when addressing me. Remember, you're the bitch. You define the word. (a malicious, unpleasant, selfish person, esp. a woman)

I think it's funny how you just plain "rant" about everything. Remember playing a computer game like Quake2 is about having fun:D

dude ill play you on rage...mortal coil...match1....chastity...aerowalk...which are all maps I frequent because I tire of DM1

All of those maps have their own strategies very similar to playing DM1 or City1... wow what do you know, Death Match is all the same. It's about knowing your way around the map and collecting certain items before others. Hardly does death match mean you need to be good at aiming to win (but hey, it's a plus). If you can get that Red Armor before the other person then you are likely to be the winner...  Like you said, collect and "spam".

but to debunk ur piece of shit attempt at proving that what you do on Sheridan (with it's huge community of 8 players) and what happens on DM1 are similar it's simple...DM1 offers a maximum of 200 health and 100 armor..thats even the person who does not own the mega at the moment will only have a disadvantage of 100 health with their chances maxed.....Sheridan offers 200 health, 200 reg armor, 200 PA which stacks you enough to go charging and spamming anyone that comes in the canyon (as you sit at RL waiting).

You say you need to be a great player to play Sheridan?

You ignore everything stated. The fact that on the Sheridan server you have the option of having the same armor/health status as me. However when you obtain this status, you still are easily killed by me. Is this what upsets you?

Ive challenged you to 1v1 twice so far and you seem to shy away from tourney (probably why ive seen you only once in a tourney server)  Well lets make it a public challenge then you big mouth bitch.

As I already stated, I wasn't about to give up 140+ kills in a row to cater to your cry baby needs. You just ignored my challenge. I want you to prove that ps/armor stack on City1 is the only reason I don't die and you do die.

You have never seen me on tourney because I don't play tourney! I am a RA2 player that will come around the Sheridan server once in awhile for some death match. I play at the sheridan server because it's the roots of where I started playing. The community there use to be much more then 8 players believe it or not. Some of the best TDM players in the world once played on that server for fun (before the tastyspleen version). I enjoy playing with old friends when they happen to show up.

You are one of those players that believes if you don't play TDM, you must be a noob! This is why when you come in my court you get so pissed off when you can't defeat this noob. TDM may be the largest chunk of Q2 but from a general playing Q2 stand point it doesn't always define Q2's best players.

I challenge you to a 1v1, best of 3 maps.  Ball's in your court dickwad.

I'll play you on whatever map, mod you want... Hell those maps you stated I have probably only played once or twice in my life. But I'm not going to cry like you and blame you for me losing. I would only blame myself for lack of map knowledge as you should for being owned on city1. You will have the advantage but I'll take it to you.  PM me details on when and where. It will have to wait till next week because I don't tend to play weekend nights.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2007, 06:59:58 AM by j »
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Re: what is sheridan and mutant
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2007, 07:04:49 AM »
The 1v1 cry has always been amusing to me.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2007, 07:08:08 AM by lidz »
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Offline Arm0r

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Re: what is sheridan and mutant
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2007, 07:05:38 AM »
same, I don't play weekend nights as well (you might catch a very drunken  version of me on at about 4 a.m. though) but ill set it up
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Re: what is sheridan and mutant
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2007, 07:08:13 AM »
The 1v1 cry has always been amusing to me.  Take a server,  any server,  at any time in history - you have a bunch of people relaxing, having fun, just shooting up the joint.  Then some goon joins the server, can barely keep up, because of his own inadequacies or lack of time spent playing that mod, starts talking smack.  Someone speaks up and tells him to stf or leave the server if they aren't happy - then like a distant old friend comes the typical cry - 'Let's 1v1' or 'I will kick your ass in tourney or railz'.  Which of course the 1v1 must take place on the server and mod, which this goon has played for like 8-10 years.  Thus, proving the mad q2 skills this goon possesses.  Same situation applies to the elitist, whom joins a server which is 'beneath' them and starts the same crap.

What this goon does not understand is the failed logic of:

1. No one gives a shit about your skills or lack of
2. Joining a server, then bitching about the so called 'spam' is just lame - if it is simply spam, then anyone/everyone should be within a few frags of winning each map, which isn't the case
3. Calling a 1v1 is even lamer - penis envy anyone?
4. Repeat #3
5. Picking a 1v1 in a mod that suits you even more pathetic

Here is a thought, if you can't hang in a server that you can't dominate in or just find boring/annoying.  Just simply leave.  I know, I is a vastly noble thought, but try it.  Just leave.

Thank you.  ;D
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Re: what is sheridan and mutant
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2007, 07:11:55 AM »
You ignore everything stated. The fact that on the Sheridan server you have the option of having the same armor/health status as me. However when you obtain this status, you still are easily killed by me. Is this what upsets you?

actually I don't have the same options as you, you camp the're sitting right there 99% of the time.  so the second I go for the PA, your right there spamming rockets.  Anyone that plays you there can confirm as much.
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Re: what is sheridan and mutant
« Reply #23 on: March 30, 2007, 07:20:35 AM »
The 1v1 cry has always been amusing to me.
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Re: what is sheridan and mutant
« Reply #24 on: March 30, 2007, 07:26:01 AM »
1v1 tourney is quake in it's pure form, nothing is modified.   Basically you justify me joining a mod like zethers, hitting someone with multiple nukes while hooking around and repeating "god I pwn".   Did I ever once state id "own" him in tourney?  No, those that do play me in tourney know im not the best, im actually lower than the middle of the totem pole of "ownage" but I go back to tourney because it's pure.    Jager keeps saying "you have to be good to play here, I bet you can't get 1 kill on me"  ok...if you're that good, it should reflect in tourney no?  Sheridan is the exact same as tourney when 2 people are in the room, except for the fact the armor stacking is moronic.  Give me a tank and ill fight anyone with a machinegun and a prayer.   So if he's all that good, then I shouldn't be able to score 1 frag aginst him in tourney like in sheridan...except this time he wont have the option to camp 1 area and collect ludacris amounts of armor.

Jesus Christ!! What is it you don't understand about everything I have been saying.... YOU HAVE THE SAME OPTION TO BE A "TANK" AS I DO! Fucking christ dude you're retarded.

Yes Sheridan is different in the way where due to the armor stack you have a large chance of not dying.  That is the point of the server! I don't expect to not die on a map with only yellow armor. But you have to REALIZE that on city1 you have the same option as me. You don't have to fight a tank with a machine gun!  :ohlord:
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Re: what is sheridan and mutant
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2007, 07:26:47 AM »
Oh and also if im in reg tourney and I spawn, grab a RL/RG/Chaingun and face an encounter, even if they have maxed armor and mega I can still get off some decent shots for the Sheridan you almost zero chance of doing such when confronted with someone stacked to the limit...cmon man, 4 bfg shots? no kill?
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Re: what is sheridan and mutant
« Reply #26 on: March 30, 2007, 07:27:54 AM »
I don't have the same options as you because YOU CAMP THE FUCKING CANYON you mental fuckin midget. 
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Re: what is sheridan and mutant
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2007, 07:30:38 AM »
This is all moot, "tourney" is a mod.

"pure" q2 would either be:

Installation straight from a CD, no patches.


A simple DM server with only 2 people in, going at it 1v1 like that.

But tourney is - Orange Smoothie Productions (OSP), Tourney Mod. the keyword is MOD.

plus, skilled players can pick away at someone like jager who is power shielded, armor'd and fully loaded, it will take some deaths but they can get there, also - you can get the power shield yourself.
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Re: what is sheridan and mutant
« Reply #28 on: March 30, 2007, 07:30:50 AM »
I don't have the same options as you because YOU CAMP THE FUCKING CANYON you mental fuckin midget. 

Red Armor is NOT in the Court Yard. ALL of the guns are available outside of the Court Yard. The Powershield will be spawned 95% of the time. You can already have 200 cells in your inventory and once you pick up the PS it will turn on.

in Sheridan you almost zero chance of doing such when confronted with someone stacked to the limit...cmon man, 4 bfg shots? no kill?   In fact the very reason you win sheridan is because you don't have to even worry about dodging shots "ill just smother and spam, shit I have the armor for it" 

[quote author=j
« Last Edit: March 30, 2007, 07:40:34 AM by j »
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Re: what is sheridan and mutant
« Reply #29 on: March 30, 2007, 07:31:53 AM »
This is all moot, "tourney" is a mod.

"pure" q2 would either be:

Installation straight from a CD, no patches.


A simple DM server with only 2 people in, going at it 1v1 like that.

But tourney is - Orange Smoothie Productions (OSP), Tourney Mod. the keyword is MOD.

plus, skilled players can pick away at someone like jager who is power shielded, armor'd and fully loaded, it will take some deaths but they can get there, also - you can get the power shield yourself.

Exactly adam!
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Ayer me mato 5 veces para robarme en la vida real hará lo mismo? [img]<iframe src=";show_text=true&amp;width=500" width="500"


July 24, 2024, 01:25:59 PM
hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


July 24, 2024, 01:25:59 PM
hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


July 05, 2024, 05:20:36 AM

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