Quake2 pak0 etchttps://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/contrib/idgames/share/quake2/baseq2/Linux/Windowshttps://code.google.com/archive/p/tmg/downloadsTMG Railwarz CTF Mod for Windowshttp://www.angelfire.com/mt2/quakebots/railwarz.zipTMG Railwarz CTF Mod for Linuxhttp://www.moddb.com/mods/tmg/downloads/tmg-railwarz-ctf-mod-12-railwarz-linux
[mb@mb ~]$ ./rwz.shrunning server r1q2 on ip : 27910Added packfile ./baseq2/pak2.pak (2 files)couldn't exec default.cfgcouldn't exec config.cfg====== Quake2 Initialized====== Quake2 Initialized ======R1Q2 build 7864, compiled Oct 1 2008.http://www.r1ch.net/stuff/r1q2/Linux i386 (/home/mb/quake/r1q2ded-old)couldn't exec q2srv.cfgcouldn't exec r1q2srv.cfg------- Loading gamei386.so -------Loaded Game DLL, version 3===================================== TMG_MOD version 1.2 This game library contains the bot detection system developed by Doug 'RaVeN' Buckley.TMGBot 'Base' Bot code developed By Ponpoko========================================= Wav Mod v.01 set up ====Adding Wav's to cycle: rsnake, busdriver, ghetto_song1, ghetto_song2, kick_da_baby, excuse_me, stand_up, livingproof********************ERROR: Game Error: Too many maps in rotation: Limit is 25********************==== ShutdownGame ====
warp_list "q2ctf1 q2ctf2 q2ctf3 q2ctf4 q2ctf5" This variable is a space separated list of maps that may be warped to on the server using the warp command. Any base map name (bsp file name) can be specified. Admins and players who start elections for warp requests must specific a map in this list.
sv_maplist none This variable may be set to a list of maps to rotate the server through. For example:sv_maplist "q2ctf1 q2ctf3 q2ctf4"Will cycle the server through the maps q2ctf1, q2ctf3, and q2ctf4.
ul_ctf1 "Rockon"ul_ctf2 "instantBlues"ul_ctf4 "Dragon Keep"f2w "f2w" theshack "shack"trapped "trapped"wont10 "Way it Wont"gobctf1 "gobctf"nxctf1 "Neoxotb CTF 1"nxctf2 "Fleeting Fury"nxctf3 "Else Where"nxctf4 "Heartless"nxctf4b "Rampless"nxctf5 "Alpha Redux"nxctf6 "Synthisis"nxctf7 "Tribute"afctf2a "Crackho 2.0"octoball "Octo-Rena"blckbase "Lightning Round"slimyctf "Slime Mixer"cfctf1 "FeldMan Complex"codctf2 "Strong Resemblence"codctf3 "Dead Heat"codctf5 "Metal Rotunda"codctf6 "Super Guido Bros"delctf1 "Delirium"delctf2 "Delusion"delctf3b "Destiny Awaits Remix"dhctf2 "Anthem"dueling "dueling castles"flag40 "deserted campground"fortsup " FortSupreme"geminictf "gemini temples"gymctf2 "gymctf2"judctf1 "return fire"lmctf11 "enchanted kingdom"lmctf21 "bridge"lmctf22 "disputed"lmctf24 "trembling"lmctf31 "LMCTFReunion"lmctf33 "RockyRailCTF"codctf4 "type mapvote inConsole86MoreMaps!"lmctf34 "oldfortremake--"enchanted "EnchantedCastle--"mactf01 "oldFort--"mactf02 "Warehousewar--"mactf03 "Doomed--"mactf04 "Quakeaholic--"mactf05 "mirror--"mactf06 "kiukku--"octo2beta "serenity--"one "One Milkman--"outdoors "GreatOutdoors--"ow01ctf "obiwan--"pbbzctf1 "UndBridge--"pla2b "waterhole--"pow2ctf "moshpit--"b4ctfb "LushXL--"stdctf4a "Rumn'Choke--" rtctf1a "Bletsw.Doors--"rtctf3 "rtctf3--"dgctf1 "CrackHo1.0--"q2ctflr3 "OasisValley--"q2ctfw4 "McKin Strong--"smap14 "Twin Castles--"smap17 "Return Fire--"smap49 "Be Quick--"smap52 "RkNRllRebel--" dr4ig02 "R.A.T.S.--"b9beta "CrazyTrain--"fragtwca1 "Fragtown--"nectf1 "nectf--"sherm_ctf7 "breaking--"smap10 "supforts--"smap53 "XL Night--"lmctf36 "Gunslinger"lmctf39 "LMCTF Blues"lmctf41 "Airline"marics_ctf1 "Divides--"marics_ctf2 "thunder roars--"marics_ctf3 "MayhemMid--"marics_ctf4 "FacingDragons--"marics_ctf5 "TooManyCrates--"marics_ctf6 "NarrowPass--"marics_ctf7 "BothEnds--"marics_ctf8 "ValleyShadow--"marics_ctf9 "NightsPlutonian--"marics_ctf10 "Arcanum--"marics_ctf11 "Rooftop--"marics_ctf12 "LlamaTomb--"marics_ctf13 "AntagonismHeights--"marics_ctf14 "DragonXL--"marics_ctf14_5 "DragonLite--"marics_ctf15 "AnthrValymorShadows--"marics_ctf16 "Under--"marics_ctf17 "StoneSimp--"marics_ctf18 "Pit--" marics_ctf19 "SuperPit--"marics_ctf20 "DefAnxty--"marics_ctf21 "VariationBlues--"beerct3 "NeonNexus--"lfctf10 "Lush--"as2m7rb "CacoRedBase--"lmctf39 "LMCTFBlues--"q2uctf1 "TooEdgy--"q2uctf4 "DriedEdge--"as2m7 "Caco--"lm2rail "LM2rail--"lrail "LightRail--"sr2 "SkyRail2--"kitchen "kitch--"q2ctf1 "McKinley--"q2ctf2 "Stronghold---"q2ctf3b "SmeltII--"q2ctf4 "outland--"q2ctf4a "outII--"q2ctf8 "Hangar--"lfctf1 "Neuro"lfctf4 "Clones--"lfctf5 "Samurai--"lfctf6 "Mines--"lfctf7 "Mcshimn--"lfctf8 "Dakyne--"lfctf9 "Slips--"rtctf1w "BletsNOdOORS--"sherm_ctf2 "TuTS--"smap05 "OutpostOmega--"xlctf2b "xlctf2b"
#ifndef _WIN32#define stricmp strcasecmp#define strnicmp strncasecmp#endif
## Quake2 gamei386.so Makefile for Linux 2.0## Jan '98 by Zoid <zoid@idsoftware.com>## ELF only## Edited May 5, 2016 by QwazyWabbit## Requires GNU make#ARCH=i386# on x64 machines do this preparation:# sudo apt-get install ia32-libs# sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386# this will let you build 32-bits on ia64 systems##use these cflags to optimize this buildCFLAGS=-O3 -m32 -march=$(ARCH) -DARCH="$(ARCH)"#use these when debugging #CFLAGS=-g -m32 -DARCH="$(ARCH)" -Wall# flavors of Linuxifeq ($(shell uname),Linux)#SVNDEV := -D'SVN_REV="$(shell svnversion -n .)"'#CFLAGS += $(SVNDEV)CFLAGS += -DLINUXLIBTOOL = lddendif# OS X wants to be Linux and FreeBSD too.ifeq ($(shell uname),Darwin)#SVNDEV := -D'SVN_REV="$(shell svnversion -n .)"'#CFLAGS += $(SVNDEV)CFLAGS += -DLINUXLIBTOOL = otoolendifSHLIBEXT=so#set position independent codeSHLIBCFLAGS=-fPICORIGDIR=SourceDO_SHLIB_CC=$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SHLIBCFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<.c.o: $(DO_SHLIB_CC)############################################################################## SETUP AND BUILD# GAME#############################################################################GAME_OBJS = \ anticheat.o bot.o bot_fire.o bot_func.o bot_za.o camper.o e_hook.o eavy.o filehand.o \ filtering.o g_chase.o g_cmds.o g_combat.o g_ctf.o g_func.o g_items.o g_main.o g_misc.o \ g_monster.o g_phys.o g_save.o g_spawn.o g_svcmds.o g_target.o g_trigger.o g_utils.o \ g_weapon.o gslog.o highscore.o hud.o intro.o locdamage.o m_move.o s_map.o models.o \ p_client.o p_hud.o p_light.o p_menu.o p_trail.o p_view.o p_weapon.o q_shared.o \ runes.o stdlog.o timer.o vote.ogame$(ARCH).$(SHLIBEXT) : $(GAME_OBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -shared -o $@ $(GAME_OBJS) -ldl -lm $(LIBTOOL) -r $@############################################################################## MISC#############################################################################clean: /bin/rm -f $(GAME_OBJS) game$(ARCH).$(SHLIBEXT)depend: gcc -MM $(GAME_OBJS:.o=.c)depends: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MM *.c > dependenciesall: make clean make depends make-include dependencies
just tried it out! the mapvote works perfect first try!thank you! i can now convert my windows machine to linux!i wasnt able to get map rotation to work properly ether or highscores working. nether are very important.i do wish i could get wallfly setup on my server eventually.but i will test this new build out n see how it all goes!
mapfilename - "map name"mapfilename - "map name"mapfilename - "map name"mapfilename - "map name"mapfilename - "map name"mapfilename - "map name"mapfilename - "map name"mapfilename - "map name"mapfilename - "map name"