im running 2.12 and switched to DM server. but i cannot join or start playing for some reason.also in CTF the highscores. im not sure if they are recording currently because we played a game and the next map the score didnt display but was higher that the ones listed.
Q2Admin Version 1.17.44-tsmod-2==== InitGame (TMG 0.2.12 built Jun 3 2016) ====
Rcon from[WallFly[BZZZ]]: statusUnknown server command "!stuff"Rcon from[WallFly[BZZZ]]: sv !stuff WallFly[BZZZ] say YO! beaver{KEA} INVITES YOU TO GOTO ACMERWZ - TMG Railwarz CTF !map : xlctf2bnum score ping name lastmsg ip address rate/pps ver
You have not set a server ip. Please add the following to q2admin.txtserverip "ip" where ip matches the outgoing one of the server.
hscores are working well now. i had a some pemission issue on the folder or files that may have been preventing it from there anyway to be notified at end of match that hscores were updated?or even display the highscore chart at the very end before map change.
I'll look at where the scores are captured and written to the file. There's a great deal of time between the frag or capture that triggers the intermission and the scoring of the game within the intermission. I suspect it's also possible to quit the server in the intermission and lose the registration of a high score.
i took a closer look the other night at highscores.they seem to be behind 10 or 15 points. i guess they are not recording the very last flag capture maybe?10 points awarded to them team. 15 for the person who made the capture.possibly the last few frags arent recorded as well i didnt look that closely at the numbers.