
Whom do you credit for Ra2's resurgence?

4 (30.8%)
haunted is trying to steal 2dum's work
6 (46.2%)
Mass Murderer animosity / rk
3 (23.1%)

Total Members Voted: 13

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Author Topic: (Ra2) Rocket Arena Royal Rumble !! Every Tue night 8:30pm-2am pst (Ra2)  (Read 200343 times)

Offline adz1La

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Re: (Ra2) Rocket Arena Royal Rumble !! Every Tue night 8:30pm-2am pst (Ra2)
« Reply #225 on: July 10, 2013, 03:50:04 AM »
it isn't an event, poor fella
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Quote from: Golgo13 link=faggotdeletedpost
i probably have a 1% chance of ever winning in duel against you

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Re: (Ra2) Rocket Arena Royal Rumble !! Every Tue night 8:30pm-2am pst (Ra2)
« Reply #226 on: July 10, 2013, 10:16:00 AM »
Hate to say it, but this is 2dum's one and only success, the ra2 nights.  He's put some effort into making sure it happens, and we have a regular crowd showing up now.  I'm not going to hate on him for that, especially since I enjoy the shit outta ra2.

BTW it's actually pretty awesome with that many people all at once.  Makes for some quick, brutal games with no hiding bullshit (unless Golgo is on, which he was later in the night).  gg's!
i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim


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Re: (Ra2) Rocket Arena Royal Rumble !! Every Tue night 8:30pm-2am pst (Ra2)
« Reply #227 on: July 10, 2013, 03:09:04 PM »
thank you for further confirming your stupidity
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Quote from: Golgo13 link=faggotdeletedpost
i probably have a 1% chance of ever winning in duel against you

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Re: (Ra2) Rocket Arena Royal Rumble !! Every Tue night 8:30pm-2am pst (Ra2)
« Reply #228 on: July 10, 2013, 03:29:19 PM »
nobody hates on 2dum for getting people to play ra2 in the middle of the night on a weeknight, and nobody is angered by people showing up to do so.

its the constant high level of retardism that he sprays us with ingame and on the forum that earns him that, along with his propensity for getting fingers stuffed up his butt.

On top of that, he continually slanders people with his stupid drivel and tries to imply that they think/said things that they didn't. Take his incessant repetition of this "oh haunted and dervish are angry that people are coming to my event and they refuse to show up" line:

Neither of us cares in the least if people want to play this mod that we dont even play, and before these 'events' existed both of us mentioned to him that the times he proposed were not times during which we'd play any q2 anyway. (from the start he chose times haunted would NOT be available so he could avoid getting his shit shoved in)

He can carry on thinking hes winning in some way by never playing during the day anymore and avoiding playing either of us. It doesn't hurt my feelings to not see his stupid ass on the servers. (where historically I raped him)
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Re: (Ra2) Rocket Arena Royal Rumble !! Every Tue night 8:30pm-2am pst (Ra2)
« Reply #229 on: July 10, 2013, 07:21:42 PM »
2dum doesn't want me to participate anyway, it would be a bit detrimental to the trolling.
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Offline 2d

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Re: (Ra2) Rocket Arena Royal Rumble !! Every Tue night 8:30pm-2am pst (Ra2)
« Reply #230 on: July 10, 2013, 08:00:33 PM »
If anyone wants the truth behind why I have been fighting haunted and dervish, read on for logs from IRC

These fags were trying to kill the ra2 event before it even started, lied about showing up, even after i changed the time to 8:30pst, and gave me a hard time for no reason for trying to regain interest in the best form of quake ever released:

[15:24] <[2d> haunted u ass
[15:24] <Elysium> haunted, i didn't make the thread because i'm not interested in hosting the event
[15:25] <Elysium> it's pretty much whoever is motivated enough to host stuff like this
[15:25] <Elysium> someone else can always decide they want to host / gather people for another night
[15:25] <[2d> whats wrong with the thread
[15:25] <[2d> rofl
[15:26] <Elysium> nothing imo, you host it because you're motivated to do it, and you get people to show up
[15:26] <Elysium> = win
[15:27] <Elysium> the point of the community events board / calendar is to enable people to more easily coordinate things they want to do
[15:29] <[2d> i consider 5v5 - 6v6 matches a success
[15:29] <[2d> for 3 hours last time
[15:29] * FragUPlenty (FragUPlent@76-14-169-105.wsac.wavecable.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:30] <[2d> im ganna see if i can a link that has all the maps
[15:31] <Elysium> still hoping we can get a better calendar display higher up on the forum, like a panel on the upper right hand side
[15:32] <haunted> <Elysium> the point of the community events board / calendar is to enable people to more easily coordinate things they want to do
[15:32] <haunted> the thread is counter-productive then
[15:32] <haunted> obviously
[15:32] <haunted> 2 days polled next to each other, 2dum delays for weeks because he wants friday.. then despite him getting his little friends to all vote for friday
[15:32] <haunted> it still loses
[15:33] <haunted> then he picks the losing map anyway
[15:33] <Elysium> haunted, solution: host your own ra2 event at the time you prefer playing ra2 and gather people / advertise it
[15:33] <haunted> or maybe the community events moderator
[15:33] <haunted> should actually do his job
[15:33] <haunted> ...
[15:33] <Elysium> ?
[15:33] <haunted> <Elysium> the point of the community events board / calendar is to enable people to more easily coordinate things they want to do
[15:33] <haunted> the opposite of this is happening
[15:34] <Elysium> he's been getting 6v6 matches and people showing up
[15:34] <haunted> more than 12 people voted
[15:34] <haunted> and he picked the losing day
[15:34] <Elysium> i can't dictate to him how he should host the event he's spending his own free time hosting / promoting
[15:34] <haunted> so the amount of random people showing up on a tuesday night from 1am-5am
[15:35] <[2d> haunted if i got cb to vote it would have been tied
[15:35] <[2d> he said any day
[15:35] <[2d> so whats the difference
[15:35] <[2d> if u wanna host it then go for it
[15:40] <[2d> haunted if u wanna promote/ host the weekend one that works
[15:40] <[2d> and i can promote the tuesday one
[15:41] <[2d> if u wanna make it saturday then u do it
[15:41] <haunted> how about you just be fair and respect the majority
[15:41] <haunted> is that extremely difficult?
[15:41] <haunted> or something
[15:41] <[2d> do u wan me to get cb to vote
[15:41] <[2d> so it can be tied
[15:42] <[2d> its 1 vote
[15:42] <[2d> ufc is on saturday nite
[15:42] <haunted> how about we get quadz to show who voted, and it'll show you and your e-buddies were the only people who voted friday.... :|
[15:42] <[2d> and i go out on saturdays and sundays
[15:42] <haunted> and it's a 2 vote difference
[15:42] <haunted> you say you go out yet y'all are playing ra2 til 5am every night
[15:43] <haunted> shit is a joke
[15:43] <haunted> do whatever you want
[15:43] <haunted> i have this habit of being fair and doing things in the best interest for the community
[15:43] <haunted> sorry it conflicts' with peoples' agendas around here at times
[15:44] <[2d> i thought friday was a weekend nite
[15:45] <Elysium> no matter what day / time he choses it's going to conflict with someones schedule, he created the thread, he's promoting the event, he gets to decide what he wants to do with it
[15:45] <haunted> elysium, so you're saying that the best solution is that which conflicts with the majority?
[15:46] <haunted> that's what was chosen
[15:46] <Elysium> i think you're confused about the purpose of the board
[15:46] <Elysium> it's to enable anyone to more visibly promote their event
[15:46] * Perky (Perky@ has joined #tastyspleen
[15:47] <Elysium> we had trixie constantly updating a thread in the main quake section, so i thought it would be better if there was a dedicated section for it
[15:48] <[2d> the vote was just guidance
[15:48] <[2d> not a hard set vote
[15:49] <[2d> if it were like 11-1
[15:49] <[2d> then i see your point
[15:49] <[2d> but if u wanna do saturday then u can do it i got no problem
[15:49] <[2d> im just saying i cant show up every saturday most likely
[15:49] <haunted> saturday won
[15:49] <haunted> do it yourself
[15:49] <haunted> simple as that
[15:49] <haunted> why should i have to make a competing ra2 thread that stirs up drama
[15:50] <[2d> u dont have to
[15:50] <haunted> just because there's an incompentent TO and an incompetent moderator involved...
[15:50] <[2d> ill edit it to saturday
[15:50] <haunted> bravo
[15:50] <[2d> but then u gotta remind / promote it
[15:50] <[2d> ?
[15:52] * Puffs (Puffins@cpc4-stok16-2-0-cust218.1-4.cable.virginmedia.com) Quit (Quit: zzz)
[15:53] <haunted> all you have to do is make it at a reasonable time ALSO, not just 30 minutes, then me and fader will show up, and adren will show up if i ask him too. that'll triple the skill level present on the server at these events just on it's own
[15:53] <haunted> it's not like skill matters, but better people usually does equate to more people showing up
[15:53] <haunted> i mean why do i even have to explain all of this shit
[15:54] <haunted> is it your actual motive to steer the better people away or something?
[15:54] <haunted> if that's the case, just say the word
[15:54] <haunted> and i'll leave you kiddies to your fun
[15:54] <haunted> :\
[15:54] <[2d> people wanted a weekend nite
[15:54] <[2d> friday is probably the best nite that works for me
[15:55] <[2d> keeping tuesday
[15:55] <[2d> if i do it on saturday i feel like its only a set up for failure
[15:56] <[2d> unless someone else wnat sto promote / show up
[16:00] <haunted> or it's just a ploy for you to post stupid screenshots of you and animosity v. a bunch of mediocre players
[16:00] <haunted> on that stupid thread
[16:00] <haunted> that no one cares about
[16:01] <|iR|Dervish> pretty much
[16:01] * Barton (Barton@96-42-75-59.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com) has joined #tastyspleen
[16:01] <|iR|Dervish> he doesnt actually want good players to show up
[16:01] <magic> 2d is lord
[16:01] <|iR|Dervish> then he'd lose like he does on DM when anyone decent pops in
[16:01] * [2d slaps Elysium around a bit with a large trout
[16:01] <|iR|Dervish> or in duel when pretty much anyone hops in
[16:01] <[2d> are they retarded?
[16:02] <|iR|Dervish> slap away bro, nobody supports your idiocy
[16:02] <haunted> after each community event you post in your shit talking thread to antagonize people about what happened
[16:02] <|iR|Dervish> ely is a nice guy, thats the only reason he even considers your "points" fairly
[16:02] <|iR|Dervish> everyone else just ignores your fucking stupid drivel
[16:02] <[2d> ely showed up all 3 weeks
[16:02] <haunted> and coincidentally you want to schedule this so no one good shows up
[16:02] <haunted> and completely neglect what most of the people want from this event
[16:02] <|iR|Dervish> 10pm-2am PST doesnt even work for WEST COAST PLAYERS
[16:03] <|iR|Dervish> what part of that doesn't make sense to you?
[16:03] <|iR|Dervish> I am 5 miles from the fucking pacific ocean and that time will never work
[16:03] <haunted> ^^^
[16:03] <haunted> he changed it to 9:30 est
[16:03] <haunted> 9:30 pst**
[16:03] <magic> i support 2d
[16:03] <|iR|Dervish> rofl
[16:03] <haunted> as if 30 minutes acknowledge peoples' concerns
[16:03] <[2d> haunted ill make it saturday
[16:03] <|iR|Dervish> 30 minutes earlier on the day that lost the poll
[16:03] <[2d> what time then
[16:04] <haunted> the time is even more important, 2dum
[16:04] <|iR|Dervish> hilarious
[16:04] <haunted> read the thread and what we suggested
[16:04] <haunted> READ YOUR THREAD
[16:04] <haunted> instead of ignoring what everyone says
[16:04] <|iR|Dervish> I dont think he actually reads
[16:04] <haunted> then you'll know what time
[16:04] <[2d> im not ignoring
[16:04] <haunted> i mean holy shit dude
[16:04] <|iR|Dervish> he just blathers
[16:04] <[2d> if i make it saturday and i show up 60% of the time
[16:04] <[2d> what happens the 40% that i dont
[16:04] <Barton> it should be 8-9pm
[16:04] <|iR|Dervish> people play the game and dont have a shitty teammate
[16:04] <|iR|Dervish> thats what happens that other 40%
[16:04] <Barton> tho idk why you play so late at night
[16:04] <[2d> ok dervish
[16:05] <[2d> u remember those words
[16:05] <|iR|Dervish> I will
[16:05] * MCS_FaderJok0 (zeitgeist@c-76-21-134-222.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #tastyspleen
[16:05] <magic> sup fader, looking good bro
[16:05] <|iR|Dervish> last time I played ra2 the same people from your event were getting worked by me and haunted
[16:05] <|iR|Dervish> then you all showed up in the next week with suspicious shit in the ac shame site
[16:05] <[2d> as long as people play
[16:05] <[2d> i dont carew
[16:05] <|iR|Dervish> when adren made it a 3 man team you guys got so shit on it wasnt even funny
[16:06] <|iR|Dervish> remember those words
[16:06] <Barton> that y0 is decent tho
[16:06] <|iR|Dervish> y0 is animosity/rk i think
[16:06] <haunted> no
[16:06] <Barton> i don't think he's playing often on the server anymore
[16:06] <haunted> y0 is alright
[16:06] <haunted> animosity is bad
[16:06] <Barton> yes
[16:06] <|iR|Dervish> so y0mamma isnt rk/anim?
[16:06] <|iR|Dervish> or different y0?
[16:07] <haunted> i'd consider y0 the best ra2 player after me and adren prob, despite vae outscoring him
[16:07] <haunted> ani using his name
[16:07] <|iR|Dervish> ah
[16:07] <haunted> or a version of it
[16:07] <|iR|Dervish> makes sense
[16:07] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> and me of course
[16:07] <|iR|Dervish> the one Ive seen using y0mamma isnt good
[16:07] <|iR|Dervish> so diff guy
[16:08] <haunted> yes, y0 is a semi-decent player
[16:08] <haunted> bout as good as vae at the mod, except one attacks and one doesn't
[16:08] <haunted> so, easy call for me in that comparison
[16:08] <haunted> ;<
[16:08] <MCS_FaderJok0> ones gay and one isnt
[16:08] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> +1 to attacks
[16:08] * isb|stradivarius (isbstradi@c-71-226-133-141.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) has joined #tastyspleen
[16:09] <|iR|Dervish> I like attacky players
[16:09] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> me too
[16:09] <|iR|Dervish> skill is fun on dm/vanilla bc of that
[16:09] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> haha
[16:09] <|iR|Dervish> I can always pick him out of a crowd
[16:09] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> lol
[16:09] <|iR|Dervish> I might see 5 grunts
[16:09] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> b/c i'm running around with someone following me
[16:09] <|iR|Dervish> 4 are cows hes shitting on
[16:09] <|iR|Dervish> hes the one going forward
[16:10] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> anyone here play oWen?
[16:10] <|iR|Dervish> seen him on DM
[16:10] <|iR|Dervish> dunno who it is
[16:10] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> i played him this morning. i don't htink he missed a single rail shot
[16:10] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> he was really good
[16:10] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> with rail at least
[16:10] <|iR|Dervish> I had the same thought with a different conclusion
[16:10] <|iR|Dervish> hah
[16:10] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> oh. lol
[16:11] <|iR|Dervish> but thats just bc I dont see many people actually aim that well anymore
[16:11] <|iR|Dervish> the days are gone of playing ffa and having someone hit 3-4 rails in a row
[16:11] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> yep
[16:11] <|iR|Dervish> on people who are actually paying attention
[16:11] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> hehe
[16:11] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> yeah. that was about what he was hitting
[16:11] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> maybe even better
[16:12] <|iR|Dervish> the random guy jack0480 is similar in "skill"
[16:12] <|iR|Dervish> cant do shit with rl, but hits 3-4 rails on people
[16:12] <[2d> http://forum.tastyspleen.net/quake/index.php?board=72.0
[16:12] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> that is pretty impressive
[16:12] <|iR|Dervish> I'd be impressed if they used anticheat and not a copy of q2pro that was literally compiled 3 days earlier
[16:12] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> i tried to lure him to railz but he didn't follow
[16:13] <|iR|Dervish> makes ya wonder
[16:13] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> i never did an ac check. shoulda looked
[16:13] <|iR|Dervish> havent seen owen on railz
[16:13] <|iR|Dervish> dm only i think
[16:13] <|iR|Dervish> maybe vanilla?
[16:13] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> yeah
[16:13] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> he hogged the armor which made it more difficult
[16:13] <|iR|Dervish> been busy lately watching livestreamed dayz tho
[16:13] <[2d> ok i updated the title
[16:13] <[2d> and the main
[16:13] <|iR|Dervish> so havent been up to date with whos playing where
[16:13] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> gotcha
[16:15] * Erica|kindle (AndChat396@mdm2-66-243-203-179.pivot.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:16] <Alpha> owen was using ac. as for jack, i would keep an eye on that guy
[16:16] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> yeah. i didn't htink owen was doing anything suspicious
[16:17] <|iR|Sk1llSh0t> was just surprised how accurate he was
[16:17] <|iR|Dervish> he was putting up good fph
[16:17] <|iR|Dervish> owen that is
[16:17] <|iR|Dervish> good weapon selection too
[16:17] <|iR|Dervish> had the right thing out at the right time
[16:18] <Elysium> jack's using the starter with q2pro
[16:18] <Elysium> seems to be someone new, maybe from quake live or something
[16:19] <Alpha> he was using EGL the other day while botting on railz
[16:19] <Elysium> demo?
[16:19] <Alpha> i thought i was recording but forgot i was in linux
[16:19] <[2d> ok calander is updated
[16:20] <magic> i played jack0480 on railz all the time
[16:20] <magic> hes ok
[16:20] <magic> wouldnt call him a cheater
[16:21] * Barton (Barton@96-42-75-59.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:21] <haunted> 2dum, the time was more important than the day like i said
[16:21] <haunted> like, a lot more
[16:21] <haunted> i just couldn't believe that you neglected the majority vote in addition to only changing the time by 30 minutes.. lol
[16:22] <haunted> shit is STILL too late even for your own time zone
[16:22] <haunted> the same people will stay up all night playing anyway, there is absolutely no negative effect by starting
it 2 hours earlier than normal
[16:22] <haunted> it's the 5th time i've said that
[16:22] <[2d> it was 10pm pst
[16:22] <[2d> now its 8:30pm
[16:22] <[2d> wtf
[16:23] <Elysium> 2dum host it however you want, that's what the board is for
[16:23] <Elysium> you're going to get grief no matter the time / day
[16:24] <haunted> what great logic to go by to encourage someone to go against the majority
[16:24] <Elysium> haunted: make your own event, problem solved
[16:24] <magic> yea haunted, make it urself
[16:24] <[2d> whats the best time then
[16:24] <Elysium> i don't see why you guys are all ganging up on him when he's just trying to get people to play ra2 during a time he wants to host something
[16:24] <haunted> <haunted> why should i have to make a competing ra2 thread that stirs up drama
[16:24] <haunted> <haunted> just because there's an incompentent TO and an incompetent moderator involved...
[16:25] <haunted> problem solved, you're right
[16:25] <haunted> what a great solution that is for the community
[16:25] <haunted> joke.
[16:25] <[2d> haunted
[16:25] <[2d> what time
[16:25] <haunted> read your thread
[16:25] <haunted> it's not up to me solely
[16:26] <haunted> what are y'all smoking
[16:26] <haunted> PLEASE give me some
[16:26] <haunted> asap
[16:26] <haunted> thanks
[16:26] <magic> i celebrate 2d's efforts, its rare to find somebody who is willing to invest their time growing the player base, inspiring
[16:26] <quadz> [16:24:01] <haunted> what great logic to go by to encourage someone to go against the majority
[16:27] <quadz> someone who wants to organize an event can host it whenever they want

[16:28] <Alpha> ra2 is annoying. maps take forever to download, then when you get there the setup is so whack. would be better off modifying a tdm server and just make it weps stay and a few other tweaks ra2 uses
[16:29] <magic> i do feel a bit like a fish out of water when i jump into RA2, feels different, weird
[16:29] <[2d> the rail switch is faster in ra2
[16:29] <[2d> i think the box jumps are diff too
[16:30] <haunted> oh i'm well aware of that quadz
[16:30] <haunted> that is painfully obvious.. I just have this hunch for some odd reason that going against most of the community's wishes isn't the best approach for a community event.
[16:32] <haunted> friday IS actually better for me
[16:32] <haunted> i've just never let things like that compromise my decisions when i am running something for the community
[16:33] <haunted> I guess I have high standards/expectations that are seemingly easily achieved and miniscule to me.
[16:33] <haunted> ..yet not to others
[16:33] <magic> haunted the only thing you run for this community is your mouth, BURN!
[16:34] <haunted> i'm sure there'
[16:34] <[2d> theres a difference between this being an official tastyspleen community event vs a user trying to post an event for the community
[16:34] <haunted> s plenty of people who appreciate my mouth
[16:34] <haunted> :>
[16:34] <haunted> yes 2dum, that has already been pointed out
[16:35] <quadz> all else aside, i do agree putting up a poll that gives the *appearance* requesting a majority vote, then selecting the minority decision anyway, is a derpy move. :)
[16:35] <haunted> the justification for going against the majority = because it's your event and you can run it how you please.
[16:35] <haunted> meaning, all points i make are moot
[16:35] <haunted> shout-out to kobra
[16:36] * quadz looks around for a gimmick
[16:36] <haunted> lol.
[16:36] <[2d> ok but no one else has said they would contribute
[16:36] <haunted> forgot his usage of gimmick
[16:36] <[2d> i asked
[16:36] <[2d> more than once
[16:36] <Alpha> someone needs to bomb the shit out of india. raping a 5yo girl over a 48 hour period. seriously
[16:37] <magic> alpha, im sure you can find plenty of 5yo girls getting raped for money at trucker stops all around the USA
[16:37] <magic> i watch 60min, im highly educated
[16:37] <[2d> if no one else wants to share the load, why am i being cruicified for picking the best day for me
[16:38] <Alpha> looks like the 2nd boston bomber has been shot
[16:38] <Alpha> unconfirmed
[16:39] <magic> damn, they didnt even last the week i gave them
[16:39] <quadz> [2d: it's just the public relations factor... if you are going to give extra weight to your preferred date, just announce that up front in the poll so that people voting know what's up :)
[16:40] <haunted> i didn't mean to "crucify" youu
[16:40] <haunted> i thought me laying it on extra thick was a favor tbh
[16:40] <haunted> before others chirp on on that thread
[16:40] <haunted> plus, i'm on these new pain killers ill in bed
[16:41] <haunted> and they have me wired a bit
[16:41] * ex (IceChat77@cpe-76-186-91-120.tx.res.rr.com) has joined #tastyspleen
[16:41] <haunted> so.. i could type for hours basically
[16:41] <[2d> ok well we shall see how it goes
[16:41] <haunted> atm
[16:41] <[2d> saturday it is
[16:41] <haunted> just use discretion
[16:42] <haunted> if you want to make it friday one night to dodge the ufc fight night, do it up
[16:42] <Alpha> its already my saturday dumdum. 9:41am saturday morning
[16:42] <haunted> that way you can experiment
[16:42] <[2d> ok
[16:42] <Alpha> dumdum make it 6:45 scandinavian time
[16:42] <haunted> just actually put some basis behind your executive decisions
[16:43] <haunted> opposed to how you "feel" ;>
[16:43] <haunted> or, try to do so, and that would be cool
[16:43] <haunted> you can obviously do it as you please
[16:44] <ex> fu [2d
[16:44] <[2d> lol
[16:44] <[2d> now what ex
[16:44] <ex> just fu
[16:44] <ex> i'm drinkin
[16:44] <ex> niggggerrrrr
[16:45] <[2d> brb :P

In closing, I addressed every concern of Haunted and Dervish's requests...I pushed the event to Saturday, and the server has been filling up around 8-9pm pst, sometimes before I even arrive to invite or post a reminder on the forum. I accommodated every request, and they still haven't shown up ONCE. NOT ONCE, after all that talking and sneering and bullshit. They claim they want to advance this community, but what have they done lately besides spit on people who r putting an effort in. If they would like to get on one knee and apologize and maybe show up every now and then, the Great 2dum has no problem putting the past behind him. But until then, they are two owned Jackasses who not worthy of my greatness.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 08:15:11 PM by 2d »
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Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
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Re: (Ra2) Rocket Arena Royal Rumble !! Every Tue night 8:30pm-2am pst (Ra2)
« Reply #231 on: July 10, 2013, 08:06:37 PM »
IRC logs show me getting you to side with the majority vote for saturday and at a more reasonable time frame, in turn making your ra2 nights more successful. You're welcome.

Please just try and put the past negativity behind you 2dum.

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Re: (Ra2) Rocket Arena Royal Rumble !! Every Tue night 8:30pm-2am pst (Ra2)
« Reply #232 on: July 10, 2013, 08:24:38 PM »
not a good idea posting everybody's ip's

lol and who the fuck cares if someone doesnt show up for your little events, get the fuck over yourself
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Re: (Ra2) Rocket Arena Royal Rumble !! Every Tue night 8:30pm-2am pst (Ra2)
« Reply #233 on: July 10, 2013, 08:32:30 PM »
Well, all dickheadedness aside (adren's and 2dum's equally), this is the only thing that 2dum has succeeded in - making ra2 have a comeback in this dead ass game.  That should be good enough to let everyone relax from the continual trolling and idiocy from all participants involved at this point.

I will say one thing for sure.  2dum, you need to drop haunted/dervish/anyone else not showing up.  You getting the ball rolling is all you can do - riding others for NOT showing up is something you need to lay off of.  Even if you changed the times specifically for them, it doesn't matter if they NEVER show up.  Their opinions were for the majority of the community, and they were correct.  No one wants to play on the east coast on an event starting at 1:00 a.m. on ANY night of the week, including weekend nights.  You have to be a straight-up night owl that stays up until 7 a.m. every night to play with you guys, and the majority of players aren't about that kind of lifestyle.

I have problems staying up past 1 or 2 a.m. CST now that I'm looking for work.  It's just too fucking late when you have to turn around early the next morning and hit the trails.  And this is with the revised time schedule of games starting at 8:30 your time, which is still 10:30 my time FYI - pretty late.  Not saying cancel out on the ra2 nights, but if you enjoy the numbers of people that are showing up, keep in mind how hard it is for people across the country to adhere to your idea of when the events should go down, and be more considerate for your fellow players.

Anyway, my .02 c  ;>
« Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 08:40:40 PM by ex »
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i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim


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Re: (Ra2) Rocket Arena Royal Rumble !! Every Tue night 8:30pm-2am pst (Ra2)
« Reply #234 on: July 10, 2013, 10:22:14 PM »
Your motive for neutrality is good and everything ex, but it's pretty simple here... Weekly ra2 nights was my idea. Going along with what the majority wanted to simply promote more participation was my idea. Making it at a reasonable time was my idea. I encourage ideas like these because I actually care about the activity of the q2 scene, even if some clown like 2dum is running it and simply using this "event" as a way to troll people and write stupid posts on the forums. It's a joke, and that's not what the "tastyspleen community events" section should be about. Elysium is the one who suggested 2dum run it after I had this idea, and he also agrees with 2dum about how I'm apparently stupid for complaining about doing this event right then not showing up. Joke event organizer, joke community events moderator, etc--and to pretend otherwise is disingenuous to the extreme.
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Re: (Ra2) Rocket Arena Royal Rumble !! Every Tue night 8:30pm-2am pst (Ra2)
« Reply #235 on: July 10, 2013, 10:36:42 PM »
Your motive for neutrality is good and everything ex, but it's pretty simple here... Weekly ra2 nights was my idea. Going along with what the majority wanted to simply promote more participation was my idea. Making it at a reasonable time was my idea. I encourage ideas like these because I actually care about the activity of the q2 scene, even if some clown like 2dum is running it and simply using this "event" as a way to troll people and write stupid posts on the forums. It's a joke, and that's not what the "tastyspleen community events" section should be about. Elysium is the one who suggested 2dum run it after I had this idea, and he also agrees with 2dum about how I'm apparently stupid for complaining about doing this event right then not showing up. Joke event organizer, joke community events moderator, etc--and to pretend otherwise is disingenuous to the extreme.

you didn't do shit

you pretend to give a shit about the quake community, and then sit back on your soap box screaming ridiculous shit while you in reality DO NOTHING, you don't care about this community

i think ra2 is just dumbed down quake... but at least it is quake and it is there to play, and it wouldn't have gotten as much attention without treating it as an event, and scheduling it every week to make sure people could have a reliable time to expect games

2dum actually took the initiative to do shit... YOU won't even contribute to pub games, OR to ra2 nights, OR to ctf, OR to the ffa crowd... think fuckin adren plays more than you do, and he shows up once in a blue moon

honestly, any one of the people who actually shows up to this event and plays weekly has more right to say what goes on in the quake community than you do, by far

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Re: (Ra2) Rocket Arena Royal Rumble !! Every Tue night 8:30pm-2am pst (Ra2)
« Reply #236 on: July 10, 2013, 10:40:02 PM »
Weekly ra2 nights was my idea.


ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????????????





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Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
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Re: (Ra2) Rocket Arena Royal Rumble !! Every Tue night 8:30pm-2am pst (Ra2)
« Reply #237 on: July 10, 2013, 10:45:25 PM »
01[18:15] <haunted> you should make a thread in your community events section
01[18:15] <haunted> asking everyone for the best night for ra2 for them, while people are actually playing it at night time a bit actually
[18:16] <Elysium> and how fun that would be too, with the regular players on there that are always talking shit
[18:16] <Elysium>
[18:17] <Elysium> but i see your point, i wish ra2 would become more active again
[18:17] <Elysium> was hoping that board might encourage it more
[18:18] <Elysium> :p
[18:18] <[2d> be ready to play
[18:18] <[2d> we got the acme crew riled up
[18:18] <Elysium> see that 2dum, you should set up a weekly ra2 night
[18:19] <[2d> lol
[18:19] <[2d> u only live once


Vae and 2dum are both afraid to play me, what a coincidence that they both get so angry with me over this garbage. Maybe some day these kids will get over it.
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Re: (Ra2) Rocket Arena Royal Rumble !! Every Tue night 8:30pm-2am pst (Ra2)
« Reply #238 on: July 10, 2013, 10:52:45 PM »
01[18:15] <haunted> you should make a thread in your community events section
01[18:15] <haunted> asking everyone for the best night for ra2 for them, while people are actually playing it at night time a bit actually

You are a sack of shit man, the only reason ra2 is ever brought up is because I BRING IT UP


The reason weekly ra2 started is because Von Slander asked me in POGO games whether or not there was a set schedule. I told him I would be making one and went into irc to run it by you,
fucking shady son of a bitch trying to take credit


Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
Denial is a crime against humanity!

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Re: (Ra2) Rocket Arena Royal Rumble !! Every Tue night 8:30pm-2am pst (Ra2)
« Reply #239 on: July 10, 2013, 11:03:30 PM »
I cant believe anyone would give 2dum credit for shit. He's a shit talking pussy who dodges players better than him. This retard invites people to ra2 and everyone forgets the year and a half of trolling AND how he likes to get his ass fingered. He should learn some respect and bow down to those who have been here long before his retarded ass showed up.  At best 2dum is the TS clown that no one takes seriously and is here to be another angry little target for the rest of us. It must make 2dum feel good to talk shit to players like adren and haunted knowing he could never beat them in q2 so he tries to rival them in shit talking. LOL classic fail douche bag
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gOd2DuM: lady puts finger in ur ass and stimulates behind the dick
goldy: how would you know that?
gOd2DuM: its my favorite


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February 14, 2025, 12:41:48 PM


February 13, 2025, 07:31:24 AM
I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.


February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


February 03, 2025, 01:20:14 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:15:35 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:06:54 AM


December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


December 19, 2024, 04:55:07 AM
correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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