Unless you're including high res textures, I'm not sure there was ever even 40gb of Q2 stuff ever released. I'm not really interested in different texture sets though, but that's just me.
Mine USED to be about 52 gigs
VaeVictis:i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim
BTW to ImperiusDamian: If you really want to, there's programs out there that you can download that will allow you to recover deleted files, so long as they haven't been overwritten anyway. Might wanna search the net for it...I can't remember the name of the damn thing. This isn't the one I used, but it looks good: http://www.winundelete.com/Also you can try restoring a backup via System Restore. This will of course roll you back to whatever files you had at the time before the deletion as well, so any new work you'd need to back up on a flash drive.Anyway, just some ideas.
how in the fuck...you musta recorded every single damn game you've ever played since day one and have transferred your files on over from HD's over the years or something...I mean, I almost don't even believe you, haha...20 gigs is pushing it for someones q2 folder, but 52gigs?...geez.