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Your thougts on Illuminati/New World Order
« on: June 25, 2012, 05:29:10 PM »
What the fuck is this about? Anyone think it's true?

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Re: Your thougts on Illuminati/New World Order
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2012, 06:05:09 PM »
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Re: Your thougts on Illuminati/New World Order
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2012, 06:15:32 PM »
Not what I meant :|
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Re: Your thougts on Illuminati/New World Order
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2012, 06:56:45 PM »
heheh sorry  :D
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Re: Your thougts on Illuminati/New World Order
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2012, 09:40:44 PM »
It is old news, but relevant.  It's been going on for centuries, even millennia... The term you're probably looking for is Oligarchy.  It's the idea of concentrating the power to the fewest people with the highest power ability, and leaving all the other people to be miserably poor, and thusly controlled.

As relating the the U.S., the oligarchy is the main mutual segments of the U.S., the banks, corporate and private sectors mainly, which feed money into themselves to keep making unprecedented gains.  I believe as it stands now, the banks and corporate/private financial giants own about 65% + of the U.S.'s economy.  In 1999, it was around 25%, so the problem is getting worse and worse day by day.

So what does this mean for the average John Q. Taxpayer?  Not much, except for getting a little less and having to pay a little more for it.  The average worker ant has been, is, and always will be poor.  Very rarely does the economy flip on its head to reveal how utterly meaningless it truly is.  It's happened all of two times in the U.S., the most recent 1929 (The Great Depression), and the other shutdown of the banks in 1836 thanks to good ole Stonewall Jackson.

Speaking of meaninglessness, the economy is a joke when you think about it.  The same candy bar, pack of baseball cards, even the childhood whistle that your grandfather bought at the convenience store when he was a kid is worth EXACTLY THE SAME as it is now.  So why does it cost more?  Because we make up the figures for it.  The actual worth of these things are worthless, they have no true worth at all.  We (and I mean that as a collective failure of a species that we are) put worth on things only for the sole purpose to control one another.

Adding worth to an object makes that object valuable, making it valuable makes it sought for, and when sought for people will pay money for the worth of the object.  However, when you can play games with the number value that people have to pay for the worth of the object, you control people and keep a certain amount (99%+) of the population undeservedly poor, and make the top .1% of people richer than they could possibly imagine.

This is how rich people stay rich, keep getting richer, and keep making poor people poorer.  They understand the secret, and they pour into it with every ounce of their being.  Now to be fair, this is not to say that a person can't become close to what the elitists have, but a solitary person will never be able to catch up in a lifetime to the grand sum of the truly elite money families around the world.

The ONLY chance you have of securing yourself, is by securing your FAMILY in the game, by injecting yourself and breaking your back getting the start into the money chase, and then instructing your children on how to continue the chase.  Eventually, after several generations, your grandchildren's children's children will be sitting on billions (or trillions, depending on how hard you originally worked), but for you yourself, you won't be able to truly enjoy that type of money.  You know, the money of being able to sit and do NOTHING AT FUCKING ALL, ALL DAY LONG, EVERY DAY FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, and still keeping making money because your bank account earns interest in the tens or hundreds of thousands DAILY.  That's for your children to enjoy.  For you, you'd have to get it set up for them.

So the question comes down to this.  How much do you love your genetic code?  Do you want to see it in this oligarchical setup, or do you want them to remain poor?  The choice is up to you.  Most people don't realize this, but it is the truth.  You can make your family one of the elites.  It just takes hard work and knowledge, and investing in the right economies at the right times.

Anyway, my .02 c.  :)
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i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim

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Re: Your thougts on Illuminati/New World Order
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2012, 09:41:57 PM »
Illuminati doesn't exist.
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Re: Your thougts on Illuminati/New World Order
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2012, 04:55:58 AM »
I can well imagine old families acquiring and keeping power for centuries.Google for yourself 13 satanic bloodlinesand you'll get a lot of web pages detailing this is one for y'all to ponder and dissect:      Whether or not they get togeather periodically ,put on funny hats and enact rituals as part of the Running Everything behind the Scenes is another matter. But humans cling to their beliefs in defiance of logic and fact,so having a New World Order Hoedown and Fish Fry before setting policy regarding next years Secret Plans sounds plausible,if not factual.Here is a video about it...
ret Rulers of the World - Bohemian Grove -

But the strangest conspiracy I've found is that LIZARDS rule the world. Espoused by this guy:

They can shape shift into human form,and are among us....

I do agree that our so called leaders care very little about the Common People,and all is being shuffled towards a new feudalism...but Lizards?

Why ARE George W. Bushes pupils Verticle Slits?

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Re: Your thougts on Illuminati/New World Order
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2012, 06:12:41 AM »
I can well imagine old families acquiring and keeping power for centuries.Google for yourself 13 satanic bloodlinesand you'll get a lot of web pages detailing this is one for y'all to ponder and dissect:      Whether or not they get togeather periodically ,put on funny hats and enact rituals as part of the Running Everything behind the Scenes is another matter. But humans cling to their beliefs in defiance of logic and fact,so having a New World Order Hoedown and Fish Fry before setting policy regarding next years Secret Plans sounds plausible,if not factual.Here is a video about it...
ret Rulers of the World - Bohemian Grove -

But the strangest conspiracy I've found is that LIZARDS rule the world. Espoused by this guy:

They can shape shift into human form,and are among us....

I do agree that our so called leaders care very little about the Common People,and all is being shuffled towards a new feudalism...but Lizards?

Why ARE George W. Bushes pupils Verticle Slits?


Lizards? :lolsign: That is strange! If this bohemian thing is true along with lizard leaders, than I'm shit out of luck.

These Vertical Slits on people could just be the way the reflection of the camera people filming on the person is. If that makes sense. I'm kinda sleepy right now :zzz:

I do think that if it's not a bohemian grove where they do these so called rituals, than these leaders must at least be somewhere in a circle jerking off and fucking. Anyone who follows this cult is a fucking idiot.

I have a hard time believing this Illuminati crap sometimes.
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Re: Your thougts on Illuminati/New World Order
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2012, 10:13:41 AM »
I'm watching this right now. Kind of making me rethink of all this music that has been around for a while.

Back in 2008 was the first time that I ever heard of the words 'New World Order'. One of my friends from High School was in junior college taking a Philosophy course. And he said that his instructor mentioned being apart of a group called New World Order. And then mentioned to me all of their beliefs about open borders and world currency. I forget all the other stuff, but then I listened to this Public Enemy song later that Summer when I was doing homework. Once again the song mentioned New World Order.

If this is true, then that would mean their belief on wiping out 90% of the population in the world should take effect... when?

This all seems very silly. But I haven't made up my mind yet.

Or maybe this is all pure bull shit made by people who have nothing better to do, but spread a lie online and watch it grow like a brush fire

« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 10:15:39 AM by Escher »
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Re: Your thougts on Illuminati/New World Order
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2012, 02:00:00 PM »
Well it would make it a convenient, and subsequently, an easier answer to deal with if it was made up online.  The idea of NWO is not new at all, however.  People all throughout history have talked about the ruling elites trying to stranglehold the world into doing what they want.

Many societies and in particular certain families have come close several times over.  King Louie XIV was one of the worst offenders, putting literally all of France into an extremely poor financial bracket (most of our poorest people here would be living like kings compared to that society), and made 99%+ of the money go right into his family.  The result?  He made one of the most decked-out wealthiest castles to live in the world had ever seen.  It's still on display today actually.  The public didn't like him or his successors too much after that though, as they stormed the castle and chopped off all the royalty's heads.   :headbang:

That needs to happen here in the U.S. I think.  Our politicians wouldn't be not nearly as ready to fuck over the public if we went in choppin' off their heads every time a bunch of money got spent on our tax dime.   :D  Revolutions are harder to do in the techno-militarized world we live in now tho.

But Baroque France is just one example.  A wicked example is the ancient Mongolian Khan family, with of course Genghis Khan, who within his reign and the reign of his successors, effectively ruled the (developed) world as it was in that period of time.  Historically, his empire controlled damn near all of Asia and quite a bit of Europe, albeit for just about a hundred years or so.  Long enough for him to live like a mega-king.  :)

The point is, many families have tried world domination before.  It's just that now what they're trying to do is instead of being solitary entities vying for control, they're putting their efforts together in a collective push for it.  The idea is they'll get back to trying to knock each other off later.  For now, they're trying to rape the world as it is.

As far as the killing of 90% of society goes, that needs to happen period.  The Earth cannot sustain this level of life, and this goes far beyond any concept of Illuminati control or any conspiracy.  It may be possible that the elites want the numbers to get wiped down to a more controllable level, but the Earth needs this to happen too anyway.  It's been said that if the entire world population was to be effectively evened out per person to the level of food supply we have now, we would all be going pretty hungry at each meal.  The developed world is screwing over the undeveloped side into starvation because there's not enough here anymore to support the 7+ billion of us.  So yes, the population needs to be wiped down to a reasonable number.  90% gone would be far closer to that number actually.  I've seen figures ranging from 250 million to 1.5 billion as a reasonable figure for the Earth to sustain itself with us here, the lower number being the absolute best.  3 billion is the upper limit.  It's when we crested over that number when starvation and world problems started setting in, historically speaking.

As far as the NWO actually being able to cause this to happen, not really sure about all that.  They MIGHT be able to cause a war to break out which will set off a chain reaction of events that would lead to this, but more than likely that's not going to happen.  What is more realistic is that they will get their world domination in the monetary way, concentrating the money more and more into their wealth stripping the world down to its bones.

That means for people in the U.S. and other areas who historically have had it good, we'll get impacted, and it'll get bad, but it'll still be doable.  A loaf of bread might end up costing $20 worst-case-scenario, but the wages will be increased just enough to where you're barely able to scrape by.  The U.S. is very good at doing that for the population, so we won't have to worry like they will in Africa.  They're fucked.  lol
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i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim

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Re: Your thougts on Illuminati/New World Order
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2012, 03:47:47 PM »
What the fuck is this about? Anyone think it's true?


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Re: Your thougts on Illuminati/New World Order
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2012, 04:47:27 PM »
This is pretty much the homepage of the Illuminati.
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« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 03:47:10 PM by TooMuchFun »
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Re: Your thougts on Illuminati/New World Order
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2012, 06:12:48 PM »
Yeah, he hit the nail right on the spot. I love George Carlin. May he rest in peace.
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Re: Your thougts on Illuminati/New World Order
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2012, 12:01:43 AM »
Illuminati doesn't exist.

No offense intended, but you are blissfully ignorant.

I can well imagine old families acquiring and keeping power for centuries.Google for yourself 13 satanic bloodlinesand you'll get a lot of web pages detailing this is one for y'all to ponder and dissect:      Whether or not they get togeather periodically ,put on funny hats and enact rituals as part of the Running Everything behind the Scenes is another matter. But humans cling to their beliefs in defiance of logic and fact,so having a New World Order Hoedown and Fish Fry before setting policy regarding next years Secret Plans sounds plausible,if not factual.Here is a video about it...
ret Rulers of the World - Bohemian Grove -

But the strangest conspiracy I've found is that LIZARDS rule the world. Espoused by this guy:

They can shape shift into human form,and are among us....

I do agree that our so called leaders care very little about the Common People,and all is being shuffled towards a new feudalism...but Lizards?

Why ARE George W. Bushes pupils Verticle Slits?
Bohemian Grove all too real.  The sheeple have no idea.  Reptilian aliens per Icke....nope.  He has good info, but mixes it with way out dis-info....I smell a rat.

Well it would make it a convenient, and subsequently, an easier answer to deal with if it was made up online.  The idea of NWO is not new at all, however.  People all throughout history have talked about the ruling elites trying to stranglehold the world into doing what they want.

Many societies and in particular certain families have come close several times over.  King Louie XIV was one of the worst offenders, putting literally all of France into an extremely poor financial bracket (most of our poorest people here would be living like kings compared to that society), and made 99%+ of the money go right into his family.  The result?  He made one of the most decked-out wealthiest castles to live in the world had ever seen.  It's still on display today actually.  The public didn't like him or his successors too much after that though, as they stormed the castle and chopped off all the royalty's heads.   :headbang:

That needs to happen here in the U.S. I think.  Our politicians wouldn't be not nearly as ready to fuck over the public if we went in choppin' off their heads every time a bunch of money got spent on our tax dime.   :D  Revolutions are harder to do in the techno-militarized world we live in now tho.

But Baroque France is just one example.  A wicked example is the ancient Mongolian Khan family, with of course Genghis Khan, who within his reign and the reign of his successors, effectively ruled the (developed) world as it was in that period of time.  Historically, his empire controlled damn near all of Asia and quite a bit of Europe, albeit for just about a hundred years or so.  Long enough for him to live like a mega-king.  :)

The point is, many families have tried world domination before.  It's just that now what they're trying to do is instead of being solitary entities vying for control, they're putting their efforts together in a collective push for it.  The idea is they'll get back to trying to knock each other off later.  For now, they're trying to rape the world as it is.

As far as the killing of 90% of society goes, that needs to happen period.  The Earth cannot sustain this level of life, and this goes far beyond any concept of Illuminati control or any conspiracy.  It may be possible that the elites want the numbers to get wiped down to a more controllable level, but the Earth needs this to happen too anyway.  It's been said that if the entire world population was to be effectively evened out per person to the level of food supply we have now, we would all be going pretty hungry at each meal.  The developed world is screwing over the undeveloped side into starvation because there's not enough here anymore to support the 7+ billion of us.  So yes, the population needs to be wiped down to a reasonable number.  90% gone would be far closer to that number actually.  I've seen figures ranging from 250 million to 1.5 billion as a reasonable figure for the Earth to sustain itself with us here, the lower number being the absolute best.  3 billion is the upper limit.  It's when we crested over that number when starvation and world problems started setting in, historically speaking.

As far as the NWO actually being able to cause this to happen, not really sure about all that.  They MIGHT be able to cause a war to break out which will set off a chain reaction of events that would lead to this, but more than likely that's not going to happen.  What is more realistic is that they will get their world domination in the monetary way, concentrating the money more and more into their wealth stripping the world down to its bones.

That means for people in the U.S. and other areas who historically have had it good, we'll get impacted, and it'll get bad, but it'll still be doable.  A loaf of bread might end up costing $20 worst-case-scenario, but the wages will be increased just enough to where you're barely able to scrape by.  The U.S. is very good at doing that for the population, so we won't have to worry like they will in Africa.  They're fucked.  lol

Unless you are being sarcastic, I must say it's nice to know we have an eugenicist in the community.    :ohlord:
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El Box de Shoutamente

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February 14, 2025, 12:41:48 PM


February 13, 2025, 07:31:24 AM
I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.


February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


February 03, 2025, 01:20:14 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:15:35 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:06:54 AM


December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


December 19, 2024, 04:55:07 AM
correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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