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Re: Jack Kevorkian - Karma assisted suicide
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2011, 01:45:29 PM »
And Jack said just gonna take a quick nap ... zzzzz
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Re: Jack Kevorkian - Karma assisted suicide
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2011, 01:57:35 PM »
Suicide is not a crime. Corporal punishment (which I agree with by the way) is more of a crime than suicide since the person doing the dying is usually not a willing participant.

I believe the word you were looking for is capital punishment, the imposition of the death penalty.
Corporal punishment is a spanking, ruler on the palm, slap on the wrist, tie me up and make me write bad checks punishment.
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Re: Jack Kevorkian - Karma assisted suicide
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2011, 02:09:14 PM »
Way to dodge the question.  ::)

First of all I already did answer it. Second I posted this for the lulz and trolling you this time has been classic.

P.S. Notice how the only people here to mention religion are the ones that have a general problem with it. That focalor, is a red herring.

You didn't post this for the purpose of trolling. You posted it because you obviously wanted some kind of discussion about it. You went far enough to express your half-assed opinion which is obviously based on your archaic and outdated religions commandments, and then use the excuse that it was all done for the purpose of trolling me when you get cornered with a question you know you can't answer with anything sensible or intelligent.

So you win? Really? That does not make you the winner of this debate. That makes you loser by forfeit for failing to answer a simple and direct question.

And no, that is NOT a red herring. The term "red herring" refers to a diversionary tactic, something used to draw attention away from something else... like when someone can't answer a direct question because they know it'll involve an explanation containing the very archaic and outdated religious dogma that they've been accused of using in order to formulate their opinion, so instead they claim they've already answered the question... and then they change their story in the next sentence in the VERY SAME PARAGRAPH and say that the topic was only brought up for "laffz and trollz0rz, hehe, U got troll'd!"

That's a red herring.
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Re: Jack Kevorkian - Karma assisted suicide
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2011, 02:13:13 PM »
Suicide is not a crime. Corporal punishment (which I agree with by the way) is more of a crime than suicide since the person doing the dying is usually not a willing participant.

I believe the word you were looking for is capital punishment, the imposition of the death penalty.
Corporal punishment is a spanking, ruler on the palm, slap on the wrist, tie me up and make me write bad checks punishment.

Yeah, I mean capital. But I believe in corporal punishment too, sure, why not. Child molesters should have their balls whacked with metal yard sticks.
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Re: Jack Kevorkian - Karma assisted suicide
« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2011, 02:23:40 PM »
Suicide is not a crime. Corporal punishment (which I agree with by the way) is more of a crime than suicide since the person doing the dying is usually not a willing participant.

I believe the word you were looking for is capital punishment, the imposition of the death penalty.
Corporal punishment is a spanking, ruler on the palm, slap on the wrist, tie me up and make me write bad checks punishment.

Yeah, I mean capital. But I believe in corporal punishment too, sure, why not. Child molesters should have their balls whacked with metal yard sticks.

Yeah, I'm with you. That Phillip Garrido guy should be chained to the wall of a 6x6 cell and raped up the ass by bubba for 400 years.
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Re: Jack Kevorkian - Karma assisted suicide
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2011, 02:28:47 PM »
Dunno who that is. But I'm pretty sure that if you put someone in chains for 400 years, the NAACP will object. Just a hunch.
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Re: Jack Kevorkian - Karma assisted suicide
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2011, 03:03:39 PM »
Google it.
He's the guy that kidnapped and raped Jaycee Lee Dugard in Lake Tahoe when she was 11 years old and held her captive for 18 years. He fathered 2 daughters by her and she and the daughters were held captive in a shed in back of the house where Garrido and his wife lived. They just pleaded guilty this week and he was sentenced to 431 years to life in prison. Bubba is looking forward to his arrival.
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Re: Jack Kevorkian - Karma assisted suicide
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2011, 03:19:36 PM »
Child molesters should have their balls whacked with metal yard sticks.
That Phillip Garrido guy should be chained to the wall of a 6x6 cell and raped up the ass by bubba for 400 years.

I approve of both of these actions.
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Re: Jack Kevorkian - Karma assisted suicide
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2011, 06:40:38 PM »
here's a question:
Why is it that the very same people who think that every single life is sacred regardless of the wants of the mother, and that every suicide is some sort of crime against God, have no problem with repeatedly killing others for land and power?
Historical precedent would seem to show that God cares a lot less about "killing" and "death" than his followers do, and that murder would be the only one he finds objectionable. (unless it's the firstborn children of an entire north african nation)
The commandment may be paraphrased in the current english translation, but I'm pretty sure "THOU SHALT NOT MURDER" means something very different than "THOU SHALT NOT HELP SOMEONE DIE WHO ASKED YOU TO ASSIST THEM IN ENDING THEIR SUFFERING".

Part of them are hypocrites.  Most don't actually know what they're talking about.  They take snippets of the Bible & use those like nightly news sounds bites.  Like what you're doing (but when you have power to do what you want it's more dangerous).

I'm not sure what's being argued here: if he did a good thing or if he killed people.  The topic seems to be all over the place & I still don't understand why he didn't kill himself vs suffer for these months.
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l33t hacz over yonder.  ;) :)

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Re: Jack Kevorkian - Karma assisted suicide
« Reply #24 on: June 03, 2011, 07:19:53 PM »
refers to a diversionary tactic
Yes. I did that on purpose. Thanks for playing
 :lolsign: :lolsign: :lolsign: :lolsign: :lolsign:

Why the heck are you still posting here? You are making yourself sound like a chimp that throws around microwaves.

You're wrong about every single count of what you just said. Dervish is probably wrong but since he does this EXACT SAME trolling attempt every 12.576 days nobody cares anymore.

I'll backtrack so that you can catch up...  :ohlord:

1st, the original post was because I thought the "Karma assisted suicide" line was clever, plus I like to beat recycled to the punch when he posts these kinds of things. You immediately responded with some kind of weird mumbo-jumbo at which point I started trolling you... BUT NOT BEFORE ANSWERING THE QUESTION FIRST AND FOREMOST.

Let me quote it:
I think that what he did was a crime, but I don't necessarily think it's that horrible.

Meaning that I have no moral convictions to convey in this case. I actually said something similar in the original post but you decided to ignore it. I understand how you may have missed the part about what a crime means. He was convicted soon after playing a self recorded act of manslaughter on NATIONAL TELEVISION and then provoking police to convict him. In a similar post you are yammering about pot charges. Pot charges are a crime. Does that mean you have moral convictions against it?  :frustration: :frustration: :frustration: :frustration:

Secondly, I gave you a hint to try to help you along.

Besides, what do kids in china have to do with this?  :nana:

Euthanasia. Get it?  :lolsign: :lolsign: :lolsign: :lolsign: :lolsign:  :raincloud:

Lastly, this whole religious crap you are yammering about is based in Catholic doctrine (yes it probably came from church of england, but Catholicism maintains the papal structure that brought about those doctrines in the past). I'm not catholic. You don't even know enough about a subject to make that distinction... but nooooo YOU'RE the expert on all world religions.  :WTF:

You know what.. please continue. I'll probably own the ever-loving crap out of you tomorrow.

Oh, and notice that every time I want a discussion about a subject I post it in the right forum. This is in dev/random. I honestly thought it would stick to old jack kevorkian jokes. Boy was I wrong. The almighty forum police just had to chime in with how much they hate people that disagree with them on 12 year old news stories.  :purpleshock:

« Last Edit: June 03, 2011, 07:25:12 PM by peewee_RotA »
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Re: Jack Kevorkian - Karma assisted suicide
« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2011, 07:31:40 PM »
here's a question:
Why is it that the very same people who think that every single life is sacred regardless of the wants of the mother, and that every suicide is some sort of crime against God, have no problem with repeatedly killing others for land and power?
Historical precedent would seem to show that God cares a lot less about "killing" and "death" than his followers do, and that murder would be the only one he finds objectionable. (unless it's the firstborn children of an entire north african nation)
The commandment may be paraphrased in the current english translation, but I'm pretty sure "THOU SHALT NOT MURDER" means something very different than "THOU SHALT NOT HELP SOMEONE DIE WHO ASKED YOU TO ASSIST THEM IN ENDING THEIR SUFFERING".

Part of them are hypocrites.  Most don't actually know what they're talking about.  They take snippets of the Bible & use those like nightly news sounds bites.  Like what you're doing (but when you have power to do what you want it's more dangerous).

I'm not sure what's being argued here: if he did a good thing or if he killed people.  The topic seems to be all over the place & I still don't understand why he didn't kill himself vs suffer for these months.

Kevorkian was in a hospital with the usual complications from old age so he wasn't suffering from the effects of a cancer or debilitating disease that warranted a voluntary termination clause. What got him, apparently, was a dislodged blood clot, not too bad of a way to go. These days it's a lot easier to specify a "do not resuscitate" order in the hospital, for most of them it's a form you sign before undergoing treatment. This is largely due to his work and his bringing the need for such orders to the forefront of the conversation at the time he was practicing. Medical technology can keep you alive when your heart is no good and your brain is dead and you can't even breathe on your own. The medical ethic of "do no harm" means a doctor must do everything he can to prevent your demise. Unless you give orders in a living will or DNRO, they will keep you plugged in for as long as they can. From the description of the nurses playing classical music on a stereo for him, it sounds like he had a DNRO with them.
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Re: Jack Kevorkian - Karma assisted suicide
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2011, 08:31:35 PM »
I am for instant termination, instead of the 400 year rape.  As far as Jack, keep up the good work!!

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Re: Jack Kevorkian - Karma assisted suicide
« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2011, 08:45:19 PM »
So basically you aren't going to answer the question. Explain to me again how I lose?
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Re: Jack Kevorkian - Karma assisted suicide
« Reply #28 on: June 04, 2011, 04:08:15 AM »
So basically you aren't going to answer the question. Explain to me again how I lose?

Let me put it this way. What I *THINK* you are asking about is why I think Active Euthanasia is a crime, is silly. The point of saying it was a crime is to say that unlike kevorkian, I have a respect for existing law regardless of my thoughts on a subject. What he did was a crime based on government rules. I'm not going to do your google searching for you a second time.

What you might of meant is to ask why I morally oppose it. I thought I was clear in that I don't care anymore. It's a 12 year old issue.

What you actually asked is why I think suicide is a crime. Suicide is not currently a crime, but it helps to understand that it has been in the past and the reasons for it. One reason I sent you that google link is because the first result kind of blows away your preconceived notions on the subject. The history of suicide as a crime has been that of the feudal system. Your body belonged to the king and an attempt to destroy the kings property was a crime. It existed because corrupt politicians would steal your stuff form your family when you were dead.

Not sure why you asked that question. Jack Kevorkian never committed suicide. He was never tried with any law relating to suicide. As far as his active euthanasia attempts, none of those were illegal. You REALLY need to at least attempt to look up the case before talking about it.

Seeing as ALL of this was already discussed, you lose again.  :frag:
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Re: Jack Kevorkian - Karma assisted suicide
« Reply #29 on: June 05, 2011, 12:59:31 AM »
lol pee wee says one thing then backtracks to a completely different opinion. Upon saying a completely different thing he then judges you for thinking the first thing was dumb? Im confused.  Did i catch that correctly?  Then cannot answer focs question because he no longer believes his first statement?!  AHHH confused*
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