I gotta think that Quadz knows damn well she can't legally do anything.
And her brothers can travel to the USA to kill Quadz too!!...She has threatend many people already, including me, its all BLUF.
SHHHH, this comes from a reliable source that I cannot disclose...quadz is also spawngirl.You see, it's a ploy to drive up site ratings. The whole thing is a scam just to make people who don't come here often; come (like me).Expect pop up ad's soon; very soon.
rename the sounds and the folder if you want to use them, and she won't be able to say or prove shit.she has no claim to music she didn't record either way.It would be nice to NOT include the huge music files tho, since they make a lot of people leave the server if they connect to try it out and realize they have 8 minutes of downloading to do first. I think this was a common complaint about spawndude's overrides.A good compromise would be to resample them into smaller, lower quality tracks to save space.
On the topic of new overrides, is it OK to use the override sounds a.k.a spawngirlsounds? I can redo the weapon placement, but can we use the sounds that spawngirl never had any copyright over in the first place?