Author Topic: Why Quake  (Read 21285 times)

Offline Beetleguise

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Re: Why Quake
« Reply #45 on: April 10, 2010, 10:39:21 AM »
The only point being contested is the psychological war that goes into this, as stated a corporation being owned and being independent are two different things. Having help with distribution is called marketing, having a publisher publish your work is not independent, as Quadz pointed out he worked at an independent corp in which they published, developed, & packaged their own products, this means that the company was independent. They went to other marketing publishers to help distribute, however, they DID publish their own product. This also means that the corp. also owns all rights to the product and they answer to no one else. I think Xtyfe, you need to study some business. 

Here is some solidified info.

The cute thing here which I would like to point out is that Warner Music Group publishes, music with some of our FAV MUSIC, guess what, ask those artists if they own the songs that they write.

All Material © 2010 WBR & Disturbed
And here is some light reading for you
Publishing Law Center
1163 Vine St.
Denver, CO 80206

This far Xtyfe the ONLY CREDIBLE sources I have seen on here have been from myself and Quadz. When is the last time you did any research?
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Offline X'tyfe

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Re: Why Quake
« Reply #46 on: April 10, 2010, 10:47:20 AM »
As others have pointed out, this was not how ID was run. LOL @ telling me to do research when you throw shit out like you know everything. The only people you listen to are the ones who you think agree with you.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2010, 10:53:44 AM by X'tyfe »
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Offline Beetleguise

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Re: Why Quake
« Reply #47 on: April 10, 2010, 11:10:06 AM »
Xtyfe, what tree did you fall from? Look up their games, look up who else helped in development, and publication you will find many other companies helped to develop most of the games with the id stamp. I've given you tons of sites and legal documentation you're either stupid or retarded, there is no between or neither in this situation. The last time you picked up any book you must have been in high school because you don't get out of your house, you hang out on forums like this because you have no social life outside of the internet, until recently you thought no hot girls played games and thought it was impossible for a good looking girl to be on an internet. You don't even have the social complexity or ability to interact with a girl outside of your family. I honestly thought there was more intelligence in you than Stab but I see I was sorely mistaking.
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Offline V!RaL

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Re: Why Quake
« Reply #48 on: April 10, 2010, 11:24:52 AM »
Beetle, I don't think me and xtyfe get along at all, But I still think, You're being a loud mouthed cunt, That 1. COMPLETLY FORGOT WHY YOU MADE THIS THREAD.
2. Dooon't really seem to wanna understand what people are saying regarding the off-topic flaming you're attempting to do, and horribly failing, Nevermind telling vae to understand what he's reading rather then just the words, by the same token my friend.
6.if you like newer games, leave... and stfu
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Offline VaeVictis

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Re: Why Quake
« Reply #49 on: April 10, 2010, 11:40:29 AM »
Vae, you compare the skill level of an FPS to the skill and mentality of chess, so what you're telling me is that each pawn has a machine gun and just fires rampantly across the screen and neither player really needs to try. You can camp and keep track of where you last died or last killed them or where the weapons are. The mentality of two competitive players is the hunter mentality, when you see each other you aim strafe and attempt to hose your enemy down with bullets and at the same time attempt to avoid the same fate. estimating the where abouts of your opponent is the only other aspect of the game.

LMAO ok man, go ahead and try that :) see how far ya get with a professional 1v1 career in the quake series lol.... combat skills is not even close to the top of the list of required skills, i can win a match without ever directly seeing my opponent

run and gun is for idiots, any numb nuts that sees me and rushes usually gets punished for it, i could start throwing out diagrams and map draw ups with possible situations where you make decisions effecting fights a minute later or purposefully mistime items so you can lock down control on the entire map indefinately... but your not worth the effort, if you dont play quake, and dont understand how deep it can be, then why are you here arguing with me on it?

most of these players might not agree with how competitively i look at the quake series, but they all play the game and most have had a 1v1 experience and can not deny the head game that gos into it with higher skilled players

i agree with vital for once, if you like newer games, we dont care, stfu and go play with your 12 year old friends on xbox live, aight kiddo?
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Re: Why Quake
« Reply #50 on: April 10, 2010, 11:45:03 AM »
Beetle, I don't think me and xtyfe get along at all, But I still think, You're being a loud mouthed cunt, That 1. COMPLETLY FORGOT WHY YOU MADE THIS THREAD.
2. Dooon't really seem to wanna understand what people are saying regarding the off-topic flaming you're attempting to do, and horribly failing, Nevermind telling vae to understand what he's reading rather then just the words, by the same token my friend.
6.if you like newer games, leave... and stfu

Another complete ownage for the topic  :frag:

Now, Beetleguise... Let me tell you something, I played COD, and COD4, and they are awesome... yes, they are, the how you have to kill your opponent first so you don't die... but they don't involve anything at all, more than AIM, and knowing how to hide; unless you're willing to go and just run and shoot (which you'll end up dead). Now, don't get me wrong. I do like 'em. Actually, they are fun, and your statement of the recoil (and others) giving a different dynamic is true. I can't deny it. But that NEW dynamic loses too much making it no fun.

Now, ID was an independent company until it was bought out. THE COMPANY was. They answered to no one. I don't care about the sources, but that's the truth. Having a publisher or anything just means that someone will copy -> Pack -> Distribute, and get paid for it, so you can get your money easily. Also, do you know in what terms the contracts were established?

Back in topic: Before you continue to do any kind of statement, play some quake 2 with some of us, watch us play and pay attention to how players move, how they keep track using key sounds, how knowing the map may be the difference between winning and loosing. After you have played, and seen the others play... I want you, to think about it.

Oh and.. puzzles are awesome, and they take more brain to solve them... but after you figure out how it works, is pretty easy.

PD: ON a side note, vae, I do agree that matches may end up as a chess game in real time.
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Re: Why Quake
« Reply #51 on: April 10, 2010, 12:13:27 PM »
V!ral I'm sorry for your inability to read in context and to do research. The fact that I am using quite simple language and explaining things so Curly from the Stooges can understand it makes this even more sad that you can not understand what is being said. RD, ID was an INDEPENDENT DEVELOPER not INDEPENDENT CORP. I hope you can see the difference in the terms DEVELOPER and CORP. I refer back to Blizzard and such examples. Dispute the facts with the bibliographies and sites and even your own ID software history. If none of you can bring any good information without contradicting yourself, proving me right, or crying out lies like a religious donkey, fam guy ref. without any credible sources then don't comment on the side topics.

FYI V!Ral please refer to several of my posts where I continue to state the idea of this post. :yessign:

Topical note to RD, I respect your opinion on feeling recoil and such takes away the fun, that's an opinion and I can not argue one way or another. I have watched some of the videos for Q2 and QL and it is ultimately an FPS, a template in which all FPS games follow. While each has its own weapon set and player abilities and restrictions it is still an FPS. I can not argue that FF, and Diablo are soooooo different because they are both RPG's, the main gist is to level up, solve problems, flow a story line, and whoop some badies. Difference is Diablo is free roam by nature and does not use restricted turn base, it uses Turn Base Real Time. TBRM means it is not true real time but it simulates real time using the environment interactively. D&D is the same can't say it's not.
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Offline X'tyfe

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Re: Why Quake
« Reply #52 on: April 10, 2010, 12:21:19 PM »

YAY! Atleast something got through to you. Now on to the other points of Quake being made first for a console (Your claim about Doom was turned on it's head already) and being developed by other companies

« Last Edit: April 10, 2010, 12:23:30 PM by X'tyfe »
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Re: Why Quake
« Reply #53 on: April 10, 2010, 12:29:47 PM »
Topical note to RD, I respect your opinion on feeling recoil and such takes away the fun, that's an opinion and I can not argue one way or another. I have watched some of the videos for Q2 and QL and it is ultimately an FPS, a template in which all FPS games follow. While each has its own weapon set and player abilities and restrictions it is still an FPS. I can not argue that FF, and Diablo are soooooo different because they are both RPG's, the main gist is to level up, solve problems, flow a story line, and whoop some badies. Difference is Diablo is free roam by nature and does not use restricted turn base, it uses Turn Base Real Time. TBRM means it is not true real time but it simulates real time using the environment interactively. D&D is the same can't say it's not.

love how you start ignoring my posts when you cant say anything else stupid to argue with them because your completely ignorant to the series :)

and yeah, you do a LOT of problem solving in quake matches, its just done much faster and backed up by skill instead of just get cube A over bridge B so you can use it to jump to ledge C

overall the puzzles and problems you have to solve in action/adventure or rpg games is just so simple and you have ages to figure it out... there is exceptions though such as final fantasy tactics

quake will always be the harder game, no matter how you look at it :) unless you dont know what your talking about like you have shown
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Re: Why Quake
« Reply #54 on: April 10, 2010, 12:39:33 PM »
V!ral I'm sorry for your inability to read in context and to do research. The fact that I am using quite simple language and explaining things so Curly from the Stooges can understand it makes this even more sad that you can not understand what is being said. RD, ID was an INDEPENDENT DEVELOPER not INDEPENDENT CORP. I hope you can see the difference in the terms DEVELOPER and CORP. I refer back to Blizzard and such examples. Dispute the facts with the bibliographies and sites and even your own ID software history. If none of you can bring any good information without contradicting yourself, proving me right, or crying out lies like a religious donkey, fam guy ref. without any credible sources then don't comment on the side topics.

FYI V!Ral please refer to several of my posts where I continue to state the idea of this post. :yessign:

Topical note to RD, I respect your opinion on feeling recoil and such takes away the fun, that's an opinion and I can not argue one way or another. I have watched some of the videos for Q2 and QL and it is ultimately an FPS, a template in which all FPS games follow. While each has its own weapon set and player abilities and restrictions it is still an FPS. I can not argue that FF, and Diablo are soooooo different because they are both RPG's, the main gist is to level up, solve problems, flow a story line, and whoop some badies. Difference is Diablo is free roam by nature and does not use restricted turn base, it uses Turn Base Real Time. TBRM means it is not true real time but it simulates real time using the environment interactively. D&D is the same can't say it's not.

tl;dr, I read the few sentences standing out..You stupid fuck. THERE'S NOTHING TO RESEARCH, I DIDN'T CLAIM TO KNOW ANY OF THIS, I CLAIMED YOU SIR, ARE A FUCKING faggot (bundle of sticks), reading this topic was PLENTY research for thus. Your posts don't mean shit, THE TOPIC "Why quake" and the original post, was asking "why quake, What makes it stand out" Why must you be so fucking stupid, I hope someday you'll make your parents proud.
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Re: Why Quake
« Reply #55 on: April 10, 2010, 01:51:50 PM »
Quote from: X'tyfe on April 10, 2010, 12:21:19 PM
Quote from: X'tyfe on April 10, 2010, 12:21:19 PM
Now on to the other points of Quake being made first for a console

Hint: It wasn't.

I was developing console games at the time (Sega Saturn, Playstation)... We used to avidly read John Carmack's .plan files which he updated almost daily during Quake development.  Someone has awesomely archived them here:

  (In which carmack would also occasionally post amusing things
  like: "2:00 in the morning: My testarossa snapped another input
  shaft (the third time). damn dman damn. >1000 HP is bad for your

QTEST1 was released for MS-DOS on Feb 24, 1996.  Quake shareware was released June 22, 1996, also for MS-DOS.  An unofficial Linux port followed soon after, as did the official win32 ports (95/NT).  The MAC OS port and console ports came later (1997).

More Quake history:



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Re: Why Quake
« Reply #56 on: April 10, 2010, 02:00:13 PM »
Thank you quadz :D Some people just need a little more before they can get it. I'm a little anal about it I guess because I wanted the satisfaction of proving him wrong. It's not the first time Beetle has done this and we have had these kinds of seemingly one sided arguments about all kinds of stuff before. This time Quake, next will be something even more stupid.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2010, 02:13:10 PM by X'tyfe »
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Re: Why Quake
« Reply #57 on: April 10, 2010, 02:42:36 PM »
To be precise Xtyfe, my statement was about Doom and yes, I included Quake although the original statement I did change to only include Doom because I had seen prior to this topic the time lapse between the two releases. But on a side note here I would like to point out how Quadz is using other resources that are credible and help support his claims. That is respectable and shows that his knowledge doesn't come from some self proclaimed idea, and it cuts down on miss communication. :bravo:
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Re: Why Quake
« Reply #58 on: April 10, 2010, 04:07:51 PM »
Wasn't Wolfenstein, doom, quake, and quake 2 all ported to the console by different developers? I know that wolfenstein was, which is what lead to the rats in the SNES version and the SNES Noahs Ark version. In fact there are some rumors floating around that carmack directly influenced the SNES Noah's Ark version as a silent protest to the censorship of the SNES wolfenstein.

I don't see any console versions of doom released the same year as the ms-dos (original release)
« Last Edit: April 10, 2010, 05:49:36 PM by peewee_RotA »
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Re: Why Quake
« Reply #59 on: April 10, 2010, 04:42:10 PM »
Indeed, all console ports had a different developer
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December 25, 2024, 12:15:35 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:06:54 AM


December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


December 19, 2024, 04:55:07 AM
correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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