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Re: The NFL 2009 season thread
« Reply #90 on: January 04, 2010, 12:32:30 PM »
Speaking of being in the stands... I've got 40 bucks on Boise State over TCU tonight and 150 on Georgia Tech over Iowa tomorrow night. I'm heading to Baton Rouge in a week or two. With any luck, I'll have some extra spending money to get some scalped tickets to see one of the Saints games in New Orleans if they're still in it.

And speaking of sad.. I dunno if you caught if the one play they highlighted where Carson Palmer tossed a bomb out the left side at the front of the end zone. The receiver (forget who it was) didn't even ATTEMPT to catch it, he was too busy staring at the free safety waiting for him to catch it. A total WTF moment.
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Re: The NFL 2009 season thread
« Reply #91 on: January 06, 2010, 12:57:24 AM »
 :rocketright: :rocketleft:

Fuck. Just fuck.

I think this photo pretty much sums up what the Orange Bowl turned out to be.

So like I said before, Georgia Tech has a quarterback that thinks he's a running back. Over 1000 yards rushing for the season is uncanny and amazing for a quarterback... but apparently that's because... Josh Nesbitt really is nothing more than a running back playing quarterback. He threw the fucking ball maybe 9 times the whole game at best. The rest of the time, they were getting wrestled around trying to run every single god damn play. Totally one dimensional style of offense, no passing to speak of. It wasn't until the 3rd quarter that they started to wear out the defensive line enough to make any headway at all with their RUNPLAYRUNPLAYRUNPLAY idiocy. I walked outside the bar after Tech recovered a flubbed field goal fake thinking, "Alright, 5 minutes left, they got the ball on their 12 yd line, only down by 3, they can still win it or at least bring it to overtime." I looked in the window at the TV just in time to see Johnathan Dwyer running backwards into the fucking end zone with the ball and about 3 guys piled on his back, and its a miracle he was able to drag them out to the 1 before going down. I was jumping up and down screaming in the parking lot, "WHAT THE FUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!" Oh well. It's only money. I'll just have to put a much larger chunk on the Alabama and Texas game to make it up.
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Re: The NFL 2009 season thread
« Reply #92 on: January 06, 2010, 04:24:01 PM »
I hope you're going to put the money on Texas.  They are going to win.
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Re: The NFL 2009 season thread
« Reply #93 on: January 07, 2010, 02:11:38 PM »
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Re: The NFL 2009 season thread
« Reply #94 on: January 08, 2010, 05:05:17 PM »
I hope you're going to put the money on Texas.  They are going to win.

Good thing I don't bet on games.  ;) 
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Re: The NFL 2009 season thread
« Reply #95 on: January 08, 2010, 07:32:49 PM »
I hope you're going to put the money on Texas.  They are going to win.

Good thing I don't bet on games.  ;) 

Like the psycho that I am, I put 820 on Alabama to hopefully make up for the Orange Bowl loss and a few other stupid investments I've made lately. I gotta say, thank god Colt McCoy got knocked out of it. Alabama played like shit in my opinion. McElroy apparently has no idea how to give up when a defender breaks through the offensive line. He should've thrown it away or dove back to the line several times rather than trying to shed the tackle and keep searching for an open man downfield. He lost a LOT of yards that killed a few drives fucking around like that. Now I'm an Alabama fan, but I honestly think Texas played a better game. This is why it is SOOOOO important to have a backup QB that is competent and experienced. As much I hate Michael Vick, I think the Philadelphia Eagles made a super smart move bringing him on as a backup. As a 3rd and short backup QB, you can stick him in there and have someone expendable as a rusher (keeping Donovan McNabb in one piece to continue) and someone who is experienced enough not to force a pass into coverage and give the other team an easy pick.

Anyway, aside from THAT game, Alabama played excellent all year and still deserve the BCS title. Good to see Alabama back on top after so long. And good to see them doubling my money too. THANK YOU FOR NOT SUCKING TOO BAD, ALABAMA!
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Re: The NFL 2009 season thread
« Reply #96 on: January 09, 2010, 08:58:52 PM »
O ye of little faith. I told you the Cowboys would stomp the Eagles a 3rd time. I think they're set to play Minnesota next week. Should be a great matchup.
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Re: The NFL 2009 season thread
« Reply #97 on: January 10, 2010, 02:00:39 AM »
I have spent so many years with my team, the bengals....and after tonight I need a fucking break.  Again, as it has been for years, they build it up, then bust like a old womans vag.  Was at the game and just saw it all fall apart.  Fuck Shane Grahm, that fucker missed two field goals, just like he did last time in the playoffs in 2006.  If he still has a career with them on Monday, I am done.  Like an old cheating wife, I have put up with this teams shit for years, I am done!

A little bitter I am, yes.  Humor in it all, yes.  Yet, I am pissed it ended like this, but yet, as sad as it is....they are the Bungels.  Ugh.

Yeah, after 12 hours of boozing.  I am tapping on the board of keys.

Dirty Sanchez killed, Mr. Palmer...who he worshiped as a kid.  Insane.
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Re: The NFL 2009 season thread
« Reply #98 on: January 10, 2010, 07:49:56 PM »
Well if you ask me, the Bengals just got lucky with their schedule. Not only that, but NO team has really shown any consistency in their playing other than Indianapolis. I was rooting against Cincy just because I'm sick of Chad JOHNSON'S retarded showboatery. Loudmouth boisterous buttheads like him will often make a handful of great plays that for some reason outshine the majority of their other plays that are shit. I think I already compared him Deion Sanders,... another by and large overrated shithead. I remember back when guys like Boomer Esiason played for the Bengals and they were class act. I wouldn't count Cincinatti out for good though. They have the potential to put together an elite team if they make the proper adjustments this off-season. On the other hand, they could take the same path that Atlanta has tended to take for so long and completely butcher the roster and lose all their great weapons in an effort to acquire new people that probably won't fit in well with the formula. People in Atlanta have every reason to forget the Falcons after the subpar performance they've always had with a few exceptional and surprising years. But I'm encouraged by their decisions to acquire some of the people they've brought aboard recently. I'm glad they've kept Jerious Norwood after all these years, he's a very versatile running back. Then they brought Michael Turner on from San Diego, which has finally given the Falcons the viable option to run the ball without having to always rely on the passing game to pick up chunks of yardage when they really need to. They did trade Keith Brooking to Dallas though... maybe not such a good move for Atlanta, but he was a Falcon for a long time and the new coaching staff wanted to start fresh on the defensive side of the ball... and he's been GREAT addition for Dallas this season, he's provided them with some veteran experience and leadership for their defense. Like I said though, I think maybe they've finally started making some good choices and I think they've begun piecing together a team that will soon be a total package.

Yeah, I have no doubt Cincy will fire their kicker. Kickers that can't secure points in clutch situations don't stick around. This year there were several teams that fired their kickers midseason. That's probably one of the hardest jobs to keep on an NFL team, because there are so many kickers out there without a team.

Like I said though, don't count them out. They are showing promise. I think you guys could definitely do with a new head coach, some faster corners, and... probably another quarterback too. Carson Palmer just doesn't look like he knows how to read defenses well. That's really what sets the great quarterbacks like Peyton Manning apart from everyone else, their ability to read and sense the opponents defensive strategy and make adjustments at the line to exploit weaknesses.

I wasn't surprised at all that Baltimore "upset" New England. Tom Brady has pissing and moaning lately about his receivers abilities. If I were Bill Bellichick, I'd kick him in the nuts and remind him of ALL the interceptions he's thrown lately. I don't have much hope for Baltimore advancing any further though. To me, it looks like their defense is the only dangerous part of their team.

I thought the Green Bay and Arizona game was going be yet another blowout. Amazingly they fought back to tie it up several times in the 2nd half. I don't think the game should've ended when it did though. Looked to me like Aaron Rodgers got facemasked when that game ending fumble occured.

Arizona at New Orleans next weekend. I'm not too sure of New Orleans abilities any more, but I think they'll have an easier time putting Arizona away than anyone else they could have possibly been matched against. I'm hoping Minnesota beats Dallas next week, not just because I don't like Dallas, I was kinda hoping all year that New Orleans and Minnesota would have a chance to square off.
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Re: The NFL 2009 season thread
« Reply #99 on: January 11, 2010, 10:29:49 AM »
Agreed, I was drunk as all hell, barely remember posting that - Carson use to be able to read much better and throw amanzingly well.  Since he was hurt in the last playoff run, he just hasn't been the same.  Then last seasons injury, made it worse.  He is only on the same page as with 85, the others guys just have zero groove with him.

If they keep Benson and give Johnson more carries, then get some good receivers again, I think they have a decent chance next season.  Hell if Dever gets rid of Marshall, he would be a great fit with the Bengals.  Since they love to pick up troubled players.

The offensive play caller, forget his name, needs to go.  Even I know what he is going to call, when they line up, I am sure the defense knows it too.  They just are unable to spread the field, like they once did.  Pick up some recievers and we may have a decent team.

The schedule wasn't all cake and they did sweep the division - Chargers, Vikings, Steelers, Ravens, Texans....but I too question how strong that division is these days.

Ohhh well, always next year.
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Re: The NFL 2009 season thread
« Reply #100 on: January 11, 2010, 04:41:25 PM »
The schedule wasn't all cake and they did sweep the division - Chargers, Vikings, Steelers, Ravens, Texans

That's kinda what I meant when I said none of the teams are really playing consistent this year, Minnesota started off really well and then kinda fizzled midseason. A lot of teams had some really debilitating injuries, primarily the Steelers and Troy Palomalu. He was an integral part of their blitzing with his speed, agility, and ability to cut around the tackles and make sacks or force bad throws. Kinda sucks too. The beginning of the season was looking really exciting and competitive, and then all at once key players got knocked out and crippled their teams abilities to play as aggressively. Really disappointing. Made a lot of the games pretty boring to watch. Just like how both Colt McCoy and Mark Ingram were injured during the BCS championship game. If I had bought tickets to that and braved the freezing cold to see that game, I would've been pretty pissed that I didn't get to see the clash of the titans that that game was supposed to be. Ended up being more like the entire Alabama team raping a helpless quadraplegic.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2010, 04:47:00 PM by |iR|Focalor »
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Re: The NFL 2009 season thread
« Reply #101 on: January 13, 2010, 06:12:41 AM »
Lan Kiffen LOL what a loser...
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Re: The NFL 2009 season thread
« Reply #102 on: January 13, 2010, 09:14:07 AM »
Who the hell is Lan Kiffen? :WTF:
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Re: The NFL 2009 season thread
« Reply #103 on: January 13, 2010, 09:57:40 AM »
add a silent e to the end of Lan...
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Re: The NFL 2009 season thread
« Reply #104 on: January 13, 2010, 11:31:31 AM »
Quote from: {TNP}Dukie on January 13, 2010, 09:57:40 AM
Quote from: {TNP}Dukie on January 13, 2010, 09:57:40 AM
add a silent e to the end of Lan...

Duke!!!  Where ya been, man? Is your PC encased in ice, down there in the deep South? Seriously, has the LAG finally beaten you so you don't play anymore? We all miss you...
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