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Messages - mir^mortal

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Quake / Re: Quadz, the Loquaciously Multiloquent Member
« on: July 15, 2021, 04:13:08 PM »
Sad news indeed.

If anyone has access to the existing infrastructure I am willing to help fund/administer it - the only thing more sad than quadz passing away would be if we lost this forum and the servers and community.

Count me in!

Quake / Re: Quadz, the Loquaciously Multiloquent Member
« on: July 13, 2021, 02:27:15 PM »
RIP :(

Like many mentioned - I also did grow up with Q2 and at some point was very active on the servers and sort of active on the Tastyspleen forum. I do visit DM from time to time, but unfortunately less and less, got a 2 year old kid and shit, less time, but I do remember Quadz very well, what an awesome guy and kudos for building this community. I wonder what happened and if we can help his family somehow as well.

Community Events / Re: TS500 2019!
« on: January 04, 2020, 05:01:25 PM »
Miseed it :((( hopefully there will be more of these

Community Events / Re: The TS500 Returns!
« on: June 20, 2017, 08:14:19 AM »
Should make it!  :bigshades:

Jump & Trick Demos / people keep asking...
« on: November 15, 2015, 09:16:22 PM »

/dev/random / Re: im drunk
« on: November 15, 2015, 09:00:21 PM »
oh yeah and I am drunk as fuck right now  :peace:

/dev/random / Re: im drunk
« on: November 15, 2015, 08:54:30 PM »
Always a problem when you drunk and fucked up on Sunday  :righteous:

Jump & Trick Demos / Re: Some water tricks
« on: August 28, 2015, 11:07:21 PM »
lol, I never new if you fall into that water on q2dm1 you won't loose any health due to just falling  :uhoh:

Discussion / Re: Editing Demos
« on: February 19, 2015, 07:17:50 AM »
Wow! Thanks a lot man!

Jump & Trick Demos / Re: Here is one on DM5!
« on: February 19, 2015, 07:11:49 AM »
Old but gold!  :lolsign:

Discussion / Editing Demos
« on: February 18, 2015, 09:40:31 PM »
What's the latest/greatest app where you can edit/cut/put together q2 demos. Especially where you can (not sure if it's possible) move around the camera from different sides and angles?


Jump & Trick Demos / Here is one on DM5!
« on: February 18, 2015, 09:31:01 PM »
Accidentally found it lol. 

Never seen it though  :erhmmm:

/dev/random / Re: Quake 2 nostalgia
« on: December 15, 2014, 05:17:32 PM »
BTW im 59

Damn Bro!

That's awesome! :bananaw00t:


mir^mortal: diseases
BastardBovine ate whoever's rocket
rocktj does a back flip into the lava.
rocktj was railed by Buprenorphine
MojoJojo: warm and juicy
rocktj: =)
rocktj: lol
ty: there you go
]2dum doesn't know shit
mir^mortal: 2dum doesn't know shit
rocktj couldn't hide from BastardBovine's BFG
Buprenorphine almost dodged whoever's rocket
mir^mortal: juice!
Buprenorphine ate whoever's rocket
whoever blew itself up.
]there you go, it's all about juice!
mir^mortal: there you go, it's all about juice!
ty: 2d is a certified idiot and that's the last i want to hear about him
MojoJojo: you have to take your steak to dinner
MojoJojo: maybe a movie
rocktj ate Buprenorphine's rocket
MojoJojo: then fuck it
]show that stake what life is!
mir^mortal: show that stake what life is!
ty ate Buprenorphine's rocket
Fraglimit hit.
    Buprenorphine   243      7.40      30
          whoever   122      7.39      15
           rocktj    65      7.41       8
    BastardBovine    49      7.40       6
     macho Grande    41      7.34       5
Buprenorphine: gg
D: hacs
BastardBovine: Moo!
whoever: weak...

Changing map...
reconnecting (soft)...

The Pits
Auto-recording to ./baseq2/demos/2014-05-17-0140-q2dm5.dm2.
mir^mortal entered the game
anticheat mir^mortal is not using anticheat.
ty entered the game
rocktj entered the game
anticheat rocktj is not using anticheat.
Buprenorphine entered the game
Tom Servo entered the game
anticheat Tom Servo failed 1 file check.
BastardBovine entered the game
anticheat BastardBovine failed 1 file check.
MojoJojo entered the game
anticheat MojoJojo is not using anticheat.
WallFly[BZZZ] entered the game
anticheat WallFly[BZZZ] is exempt from using anticheat.
mong entered the game
D entered the game
anticheat D is not using anticheat.
whoever entered the game
anticheat whoever is not using anticheat.
RocK entered the game
anticheat RocK is not using anticheat.
]condump mortalchat4
Sat May 17 01:46:36 2014
 on server, map q2dm6.bsp.
mir^mortal: show that stake what life is!
ty ate Buprenorphine's rocket
Fraglimit hit.
    Buprenorphine   243      7.40      30
          whoever   122      7.39      15
           rocktj    65      7.41       8
    BastardBovine    49      7.40       6
     macho Grande    41      7.34       5
Buprenorphine: gg
D: hacs
BastardBovine: Moo!
whoever: weak...

Changing map...
reconnecting (soft)...

The Pits
Auto-recording to ./baseq2/demos/2014-05-17-0140-q2dm5.dm2.
mir^mortal entered the game
anticheat mir^mortal is not using anticheat.
ty entered the game
rocktj entered the game
anticheat rocktj is not using anticheat.
Buprenorphine entered the game
Tom Servo entered the game
anticheat Tom Servo failed 1 file check.
BastardBovine entered the game
anticheat BastardBovine failed 1 file check.
MojoJojo entered the game
anticheat MojoJojo is not using anticheat.
WallFly[BZZZ] entered the game
anticheat WallFly[BZZZ] is exempt from using anticheat.
mong entered the game
D entered the game
anticheat D is not using anticheat.
whoever entered the game
anticheat whoever is not using anticheat.
RocK entered the game
anticheat RocK is not using anticheat.
]condump mortalchat4
Dumped console text to ./baseq2/condumps/mortalchat4.txt.
macho Grande entered the game
anticheat macho Grande is not using anticheat.
macho Grande was cut in half by Buprenorphine's chaingun
mong: chickens are a good fuck
usage: connect <server>
ty: fuck dinner and a movie, just call up a steak online who charges by the hour
Tom Servo was popped by whoever's grenade
Tom Servo: my kids
]show that steak the love!
BastardBovine ate rocktj's rocket
mir^mortal: show that steak the love!
mong was popped by macho Grande's grenade
couldn't exec cfg/q2dm5.cfg
mir^mortal was popped by macho Grande's grenade
]buy it an icecream
mir^mortal: buy it an icecream
D was railed by BastardBovine
ty was cut in half by Buprenorphine's chaingun
D: pos cow
]usually icecream works
mir^mortal: usually icecream works
rocktj was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
Tom Servo: mong
mong was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
rocktj was shredded by whoever's shrapnel
mong was railed by BastardBovine
]it fucks like a little rabbit afterwards
mir^mortal: it fucks like a little rabbit afterwards
Tom Servo: mong
mong almost dodged Buprenorphine's rocket
]mong is my nigga
mir^mortal: mong is my nigga
BastardBovine ate Buprenorphine's rocket
mong: ?
Tom Servo: mong hows the twig and berries
D: lol
rocktj almost dodged whoever's rocket
mong: ready for some action
D: why the fck do kiwi's have hair
Tom Servo: lol
ty was cut in half by Buprenorphine's chaingun
]kiwi is nasty
mir^mortal: kiwi is nasty
ty ate rocktj's rocket
D: no i mean the bird
]hairy and nasty]
mir^mortal: hairy and nasty]
BastardBovine was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
]why do men have hair though
mir^mortal: why do men have hair though
mir^mortal: o-O
mir^mortal: wtf
MojoJojo: its like fruit of the 70s
mong ate rocktj's rocket
rocktj blew itself up.
Tom Servo: kiwis are better at sex than anyone D
Buprenorphine ate macho Grande's rocket
]men is the impurity of nature
mir^mortal: men is the impurity of nature
BastardBovine was squished.
ty: not all man have hair
rocktj almost dodged whoever's rocket
D: lol
ty: eg. master jiau
ty was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
D: sounds like something spawny would say
mong was railed by Buprenorphine
ty: men*
whoever ate rocktj's rocket
Fatal entered the game
anticheat Fatal is not using anticheat.
rocktj almost dodged macho Grande's rocket
ty: lol d, true
Fatal was railed by Buprenorphine
D: im talking about the bird,
D: kiwi
rocktj was cut in half by Buprenorphine's chaingun
D: man ,.. u
mong was railed by whoever
D: u guys arent paying attention lol
Buprenorphine was blown away by Fatal's super shotgun
ty: you are not true defender of girls
BastardBovine ate macho Grande's rocket
]how the fuck we came from black holes to men having hair, oh... wait...
mir^mortal: how the fuck we came from black holes to men having hair, oh... wait...
D: lol
Tom Servo: u gotta have sex with a redman
BastardBovine ate rocktj's rocket
mong: they dont have hair
Tom Servo: to know
Fatal ate rocktj's rocket
Tom Servo: lol
ty: fake assholes
Fatal was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
D: fake blackholes
]fuck fake assholes!
mir^mortal: fuck fake assholes!
Fatal was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
ty: lols
rocktj was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
Fatal: do normal skin bruno
rocktj was railed by whoever
ty was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
]hate those fuckers! I am only for the real assholes
mir^mortal: hate those fuckers! I am only for the real assholes
]preferrably women assholes
mir^mortal: preferrably women assholes
macho Grande was popped by whoever's grenade
]they feel better
mir^mortal: they feel better
macho Grande was railed by BastardBovine
]that's a fact!
mir^mortal: that's a fact!
D: lol
macho Grande ate whoever's rocket
ty: don't go down that path unless you know spawngirl
ty: its not working
ty: you have to talk like her
mong ate macho Grande's rocket
Fatal was cut in half by BastardBovine's chaingun
whoever was cut in half by rocktj's chaingun
whoever ate Buprenorphine's rocket
ty: cowie will die in a horrible fat
whoever ate Buprenorphine's rocket
mong was railed by ty
]cows have a bad life
mir^mortal: cows have a bad life
ty was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
]they are fat, nasty and they die
mir^mortal: they are fat, nasty and they die
BastardBovine was squished.
Fatal was cut in half by Buprenorphine's chaingun
macho Grande almost dodged rocktj's rocket
ty almost dodged Buprenorphine's rocket
]and they don't understand blackholes
mir^mortal: and they don't understand blackholes
Fatal was railed by whoever
mir^mortal: hahahaha
BastardBovine was popped by ty's grenade
macho Grande was railed by Buprenorphine
Tom Servo: cowie is among us
]actually today
mir^mortal: actually today
Tom Servo: miss cowie
rocktj tripped on its own grenade.
]we had snow in chicago
mir^mortal: we had snow in chicago
macho Grande was railed by Buprenorphine
ty was railed by Buprenorphine
ty ate Fatal's rocket
]may fucken 16
mir^mortal: may fucken 16
mir^mortal: wtf
macho Grande was railed by whoever
Tom Servo: bupren u get a job?
rocktj was cut in half by Buprenorphine's chaingun
ty: at least you didn't get shot by a gang banger
Fatal was cut in half by BastardBovine's chaingun
BastardBovine was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
Tom Servo: bupren
mong was popped by macho Grande's grenade
ty was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
]that's happenning on south side
mir^mortal: that's happenning on south side
rocktj was cut in half by Buprenorphine's chaingun
]i am white, i'd get killed there
mir^mortal: i am white, i'd get killed there
Buprenorphine was cut in half by BastardBovine's chaingun
Tom Servo: bob
BastardBovine was popped by ty's grenade
BastardBovine was popped by whoever's grenade
mir^mortal: BOB!
Can O'Woopass entered the game
anticheat Can O'Woopass is not using anticheat.
ty: so you should stay away from the south side
ty was popped by rocktj's grenade
ty: and also the ukraine
BastardBovine was popped by rocktj's grenade
Tom Servo: bob
ty: two places you might get shot
]but I am from Ukraine
mir^mortal: but I am from Ukraine
mong was shredded by macho Grande's shrapnel
]was born there
mir^mortal: was born there
ty: exactly
]1999 came to usa
mir^mortal: 1999 came to usa
macho Grande was railed by whoever
Tom Servo: ty u moron
]it's fun in ukraine right now!
mir^mortal: it's fun in ukraine right now!
Can O'Woopass was railed by rocktj
ty was blown away by BastardBovine's super shotgun
macho Grande was railed by whoever
rocktj ate Buprenorphine's rocket
ty: best decision you ever made mortal
rocktj was railed by whoever
macho Grande was cut in half by Buprenorphine's chaingun
Fraglimit hit.
    Buprenorphine   306      5.87      30
          whoever   144      5.85      14
           rocktj    92      5.88       9
     macho Grande    82      5.82       8
    BastardBovine    51      5.87       5
Buprenorphine: gg
Can O'Woopass:
whoever: whatever...
Buprenorphine: gg
]that's why
ty: usa is #1
BastardBovine: moo!

Changing map...
reconnecting (soft)...

Lava Tomb
Auto-recording to ./baseq2/demos/2014-05-17-0146-q2dm6.dm2.
mir^mortal entered the game
anticheat mir^mortal is not using anticheat.
Fatal entered the game
anticheat Fatal is not using anticheat.
rocktj entered the game
anticheat rocktj is not using anticheat.
ty entered the game
Tom Servo entered the game
anticheat Tom Servo failed 1 file check.
Buprenorphine entered the game
mong entered the game
WallFly[BZZZ] entered the game
anticheat WallFly[BZZZ] is exempt from using anticheat.
MojoJojo entered the game
anticheat MojoJojo is not using anticheat.
Can O'Woopass entered the game
anticheat Can O'Woopass is not using anticheat.
whoever entered the game
anticheat whoever is not using anticheat.
D entered the game
anticheat D is not using anticheat.
]that's why
mir^mortal: that's why
RocK entered the game
anticheat RocK is not using anticheat.
BastardBovine entered the game
anticheat BastardBovine failed 1 file check.
macho Grande entered the game
anticheat macho Grande is not using anticheat.
macho Grande: whover camper gay !!!
Tom Servo: ty is a moron
Can O'Woopass was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
D was blown away by whoever's super shotgun
macho Grande: whover camper gay !!!
macho Grande: whover camper gay !!!
]i am going to belorussia
mir^mortal: i am going to belorussia
mir^mortal: tomorrow
mir^mortal ate rocktj's rocket
Can O'Woopass was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
usage: connect <server>
]condump 4
Sat May 17 01:56:09 2014
 on server, map q2dm7.bsp.
]I being to florida
mir^mortal: I being to florida
Can O'Woopass was railed by whoever
Tom Servo: D
Tom Servo: u eating
]and lousiana
mir^mortal: and lousiana
Can O'Woopass was railed by Buprenorphine
Can O'Woopass: Dang!
rocktj was railed by Buprenorphine
Tom Servo: mong
ty couldn't hide from rocktj's BFG
Tom Servo: bob
]wisconsin is cool, it's like texas in spring
mir^mortal: wisconsin is cool, it's like texas in spring
Tom Servo: i want sex
rocktj was blown away by BastardBovine's super shotgun
Buprenorphine was blown away by mong's super shotgun
ty: there's shit to do in chicago, you have a huge downtown
ty: the loop
Buprenorphine was railed by rocktj
rocktj was blown away by BastardBovine's super shotgun
]i don't like it
mir^mortal: i don't like it
whoever was disintegrated by macho Grande's BFG blast
]fucken clubs
mir^mortal: fucken clubs
rocktj was machinegunned by Buprenorphine
ty caught BastardBovine's handgrenade
BastardBovine tripped on its own grenade.
whoever ate Can O'Woopass's rocket
ty: what do you like doing then
]not my thing
mir^mortal: not my thing
ty: go to a bar and get drunk and go home with someone
macho Grande: camper gay is down !
whoever was machinegunned by Buprenorphine
rocktj almost dodged whoever's rocket
ty: and wake up the next morning and hope its a girl
macho Grande ate Can O'Woopass's rocket
BastardBovine was machinegunned by Buprenorphine
Fraglimit hit.
    Buprenorphine   367      4.90      30
          whoever   160      4.88      13
    BastardBovine   136      4.85      11
    Can O'Woopass   111      4.88       9
           rocktj   110      4.90       9
]i like signing guitar, getting drunk and fucked up
Buprenorphine: gg
Can O'Woopass: g
whoever: gg?

Changing map...
reconnecting (soft)...

The Slimy Place (tsmod)
Auto-recording to ./baseq2/demos/2014-05-17-0151-q2dm7.dm2.
mir^mortal entered the game
anticheat mir^mortal is not using anticheat.
rocktj entered the game
anticheat rocktj is not using anticheat.
Fatal entered the game
anticheat Fatal is not using anticheat.
ty entered the game
Buprenorphine entered the game
Tom Servo entered the game
anticheat Tom Servo failed 1 file check.
MojoJojo entered the game
anticheat MojoJojo is not using anticheat.
mong entered the game
WallFly[BZZZ] entered the game
anticheat WallFly[BZZZ] is exempt from using anticheat.
]i like signing guitar, getting drunk and fucked up
mir^mortal: i like signing guitar, getting drunk and fucked up
Can O'Woopass entered the game
anticheat Can O'Woopass is not using anticheat.
whoever entered the game
anticheat whoever is not using anticheat.
ty tried to invade D's personal space
D entered the game
anticheat D is not using anticheat.
macho Grande entered the game
anticheat macho Grande is not using anticheat.
BastardBovine entered the game
anticheat BastardBovine failed 1 file check.
macho Grande: whover camper gay !!!
Fatal disconnected
D ate Buprenorphine's rocket
mir^mortal was blown away by Can O'Woopass's super shotgun
usage: connect <server>
RocK entered the game
anticheat RocK is not using anticheat.
BastardBovine ate Buprenorphine's rocket
rocktj was blown away by Can O'Woopass's super shotgun
rocktj was blown away by Can O'Woopass's super shotgun
Can O'Woopass was melted by BastardBovine's hyperblaster
Can O'Woopass: Dang!
macho Grande almost dodged Buprenorphine's rocket
couldn't exec cfg/q2dm7.cfg
ty: there's nothing better than getting drunk and then walking around a big city
macho Grande was melted by rocktj's hyperblaster
]gotta piss now
mir^mortal: gotta piss now
macho Grande: whover camper gay !!!
ty: have you gotten drunk in the suburbs
BastardBovine was melted by rocktj's hyperblaster
ty: it sucks dick
Tom Servo was blasted by Buprenorphine
]i did a few times
mir^mortal: i did a few times
Can O'Woopass was blown away by rocktj's super shotgun
macho Grande ate mong's rocket
mong blew himself up.
BastardBovine was blown away by rocktj's super shotgun
ty: i've wandered around times square drunk a few times
]cops brought me home lol
mir^mortal: cops brought me home lol
rocktj was blown away by BastardBovine's super shotgun
ty: awesome
BastardBovine ate whoever's rocket
mong ate macho Grande's rocket
rocktj ate Can O'Woopass's rocket
macho Grande almost dodged Can O'Woopass's rocket
Buprenorphine: what are you guys saying!
Can O'Woopass blew itself up.
macho Grande ate whoever's rocket
whoever: oh yea!
rocktj blew itself up.
]in ukraine cops would beat the shit out of me
mir^mortal: in ukraine cops would beat the shit out of me
BastardBovine tripped on its own grenade.
rocktj was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
]in here they just bring me home
mir^mortal: in here they just bring me home
BastardBovine was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
Tom Servo: ty
mir^mortal: brb
ty: watched this bitch come out of a pub, take a step and go face first down onto the sidewalk
BastardBovine was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
]can't hold it in any longer :D
mir^mortal: can't hold it in any longer :D
mong was popped by rocktj's grenade
Tom Servo: im the drunkiness one here
Buprenorphine: LOL
ty: ok man go take a piss then
Buprenorphine ate rocktj's rocket
Buprenorphine: that drunk?
macho Grande was gunned down by BastardBovine
BastardBovine didn't see macho Grande's handgrenade
rocktj blew itself up.
ty ate whoever's rocket
Tom Servo: not too drunk
BastardBovine was melted by Can O'Woopass's hyperblaster
Tom Servo: getting there
Buprenorphine: Imma chill for a min
mong almost dodged whoever's rocket
Buprenorphine: you know that guy diable
Tom Servo: tell me your story
mong was blown away by rocktj's super shotgun
macho Grande ate Can O'Woopass's rocket
Can O'Woopass was popped by BastardBovine's grenade
ty: diable is a dick
rocktj was popped by BastardBovine's grenade
mong was blown away by macho Grande's super shotgun
Tom Servo: diable is my son
Buprenorphine: he says I should not play here
Tom Servo: hes my one
Buprenorphine: and I should leave
macho Grande was blown away by BastardBovine's super shotgun
BastardBovine was blown away by rocktj's super shotgun
ty: yeah he's like that
BastardBovine ate Can O'Woopass's rocket
whoever almost dodged macho Grande's rocket
mir^mortal: yeeeeah
ty: just ignore him, he's an idiot
Can O'Woopass ate macho Grande's rocket
macho Grande blew himself up.
]that was awesome
Buprenorphine: wtf
mir^mortal: that was awesome
rocktj almost dodged whoever's rocket
Buprenorphine: I didnt do anything
Buprenorphine: to him
Can O'Woopass was blown away by mong's super shotgun
]your skin sux
mir^mortal: your skin sux
Can O'Woopass almost dodged whoever's rocket
Can O'Woopass: MONG!
Buprenorphine: or anybody
]i fucken hate you
mir^mortal: i fucken hate you
Can O'Woopass caught macho Grande's handgrenade
Tom Servo: please
Tom Servo: dont mind him
ty: diablo = stupid
rocktj was blown away by Can O'Woopass's super shotgun
Buprenorphine: well
whoever was popped by mong's grenade
macho Grande was blown away by BastardBovine's super shotgun
]buprenorphine sucks dick
mir^mortal: buprenorphine sucks dick
Tom Servo: please dont mind him
mong was blown away by whoever's super shotgun
Buprenorphine: wtf did I do
Buprenorphine: im just playing
Can O'Woopass was blown away by macho Grande's super shotgun
rocktj was blown away by mong's super shotgun
mong ate rocktj's rocket
]your skin sucks
mir^mortal: your skin sucks
BastardBovine was popped by whoever's grenade
Tom Servo: tdont mind him too
Buprenorphine: like anyone else
]can't see you
mir^mortal: can't see you
Buprenorphine: aight
Buprenorphine: I will change it
Buprenorphine: you know you can
]be a man
mir^mortal: be a man
mir^mortal: BE A MAN!
macho Grande was blown away by whoever's super shotgun
Buprenorphine: make everybody the same right?
whoever: oh yea!
BastardBovine was melted by rocktj's hyperblaster
rocktj was blown away by whoever's super shotgun
Buprenorphine: type
Tom Servo: bob, and one my friends
mir^mortal: no
Buprenorphine: ..    cl_noskins 1
Buprenorphine: and you wont have to see that bs
]i don't like when everyone is the same
mir^mortal: i don't like when everyone is the same
Can O'Woopass ate macho Grande's rocket
macho Grande was melted by rocktj's hyperblaster
Buprenorphine: I only put it on because other people had it on me
]why choose such gay skin anyways
mir^mortal: why choose such gay skin anyways
whoever was popped by Can O'Woopass's grenade
Buprenorphine: and it pissed me off
BastardBovine was blasted by whoever
]that's a gay response
mir^mortal: that's a gay response
Buprenorphine: np
]fuck other people
mir^mortal: fuck other people
mong was popped by rocktj's grenade
Buprenorphine: I will change it
BastardBovine melted.
mong ate whoever's rocket
rocktj melted.
Buprenorphine: np next time I play
Buprenorphine: I will have reg skin
rocktj ate Can O'Woopass's rocket
]good stuff!
mir^mortal: good stuff!
mong ate Can O'Woopass's rocket
ty: what the fuck
BastardBovine was popped by mong's grenade
Can O'Woopass was shredded by mong's shrapnel
Buprenorphine: thats np
Buprenorphine: sorry about that
ty: don't let other people tell you what skin to wear
mong almost dodged whoever's rocket
whoever ate rocktj's rocket
ty: who gives a shit
mir^mortal: lol
D: well ima get some rest
mong was melted by BastardBovine's hyperblaster
ty: ok later d
whoever was blown away by Can O'Woopass's super shotgun
D: <3
Buprenorphine: ya
mir^mortal: no!
Can O'Woopass was melted by BastardBovine's hyperblaster
D: ggs :D
Buprenorphine: later
rocktj ate macho Grande's rocket
]D be a man!
mir^mortal: D be a man!
D disconnected
mir^mortal: stay!
Buprenorphine: I know I can wear whatever
mir^mortal: dammit
rocktj was popped by Can O'Woopass's grenade
mong was popped by Can O'Woopass's grenade
Buprenorphine: you know you can type
Can O'Woopass ate whoever's rocket
Can O'Woopass: Dang!
]see what you did bupremorphine
mir^mortal: see what you did bupremorphine
whoever: oh yea!
BastardBovine ate macho Grande's rocket
macho Grande blew himself up.
Buprenorphine: cl_noskins 1
]D left :(
mir^mortal: D left :(
BastardBovine caught mong's handgrenade
Buprenorphine: and it all the same skin
mir^mortal: condump7
rocktj almost dodged Can O'Woopass's rocket
]condump 7
Sat May 17 01:59:00 2014
 on server, map q2dm7.bsp.
BastardBovine ate whoever's rocket
mong ate macho Grande's rocket
rocktj ate Can O'Woopass's rocket
macho Grande almost dodged Can O'Woopass's rocket
Buprenorphine: what are you guys saying!
Can O'Woopass blew itself up.
macho Grande ate whoever's rocket
whoever: oh yea!
rocktj blew itself up.
]in ukraine cops would beat the shit out of me
mir^mortal: in ukraine cops would beat the shit out of me
BastardBovine tripped on its own grenade.
rocktj was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
]in here they just bring me home
mir^mortal: in here they just bring me home
BastardBovine was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
Tom Servo: ty
mir^mortal: brb
ty: watched this bitch come out of a pub, take a step and go face first down onto the sidewalk
BastardBovine was blown away by Buprenorphine's super shotgun
]can't hold it in any longer :D
mir^mortal: can't hold it in any longer :D
mong was popped by rocktj's grenade
Tom Servo: im the drunkiness one here
Buprenorphine: LOL
ty: ok man go take a piss then
Buprenorphine ate rocktj's rocket
Buprenorphine: that drunk?
macho Grande was gunned down by BastardBovine
BastardBovine didn't see macho Grande's handgrenade
rocktj blew itself up.
ty ate whoever's rocket
Tom Servo: not too drunk
BastardBovine was melted by Can O'Woopass's hyperblaster
Tom Servo: getting there
Buprenorphine: Imma chill for a min
mong almost dodged whoever's rocket
Buprenorphine: you know that guy diable
Tom Servo: tell me your story
mong was blown away by rocktj's super shotgun
macho Grande ate Can O'Woopass's rocket
Can O'Woopass was popped by BastardBovine's grenade
ty: diable is a dick
rocktj was popped by BastardBovine's grenade
mong was blown away by macho Grande's super shotgun
Tom Servo: diable is my son
Buprenorphine: he says I should not play here
Tom Servo: hes my one
Buprenorphine: and I should leave
macho Grande was blown away by BastardBovine's super shotgun
BastardBovine was blown away by rocktj's super shotgun
ty: yeah he's like that
BastardBovine ate Can O'Woopass's rocket
whoever almost dodged macho Grande's rocket
mir^mortal: yeeeeah
ty: just ignore him, he's an idiot
Can O'Woopass ate macho Grande's rocket
macho Grande blew himself up.
]that was awesome
Buprenorphine: wtf
mir^mortal: that was awesome
rocktj almost dodged whoever's rocket
Buprenorphine: I didnt do anything
Buprenorphine: to him
Can O'Woopass was blown away by mong's super shotgun
]your skin sux
mir^mortal: your skin sux
Can O'Woopass almost dodged whoever's rocket
Can O'Woopass: MONG!
Buprenorphine: or anybody
]i fucken hate you
mir^mortal: i fucken hate you
Can O'Woopass caught macho Grande's handgrenade
Tom Servo: please
Tom Servo: dont mind him
ty: diablo = stupid
rocktj was blown away by Can O'Woopass's super shotgun
Buprenorphine: well
whoever was popped by mong's grenade
macho Grande was blown away by BastardBovine's super shotgun
]buprenorphine sucks dick
mir^mortal: buprenorphine sucks dick
Tom Servo: please dont mind him
mong was blown away by whoever's super shotgun
Buprenorphine: wtf did I do
Buprenorphine: im just playing
Can O'Woopass was blown away by macho Grande's super shotgun
rocktj was blown away by mong's super shotgun
mong ate rocktj's rocket
]your skin sucks
mir^mortal: your skin sucks
BastardBovine was popped by whoever's grenade
Tom Servo: tdont mind him too
Buprenorphine: like anyone else
]can't see you
mir^mortal: can't see you
Buprenorphine: aight
Buprenorphine: I will change it
Buprenorphine: you know you can
]be a man
mir^mortal: be a man
mir^mortal: BE A MAN!
macho Grande was blown away by whoever's super shotgun
Buprenorphine: make everybody the same right?
whoever: oh yea!
BastardBovine was melted by rocktj's hyperblaster
rocktj was blown away by whoever's super shotgun
Buprenorphine: type
Tom Servo: bob, and one my friends
mir^mortal: no
Buprenorphine: ..    cl_noskins 1
Buprenorphine: and you wont have to see that bs
]i don't like when everyone is the same
mir^mortal: i don't like when everyone is the same
Can O'Woopass ate macho Grande's rocket
macho Grande was melted by rocktj's hyperblaster
Buprenorphine: I only put it on because other people had it on me
]why choose such gay skin anyways
mir^mortal: why choose such gay skin anyways
whoever was popped by Can O'Woopass's grenade
Buprenorphine: and it pissed me off
BastardBovine was blasted by whoever
]that's a gay response
mir^mortal: that's a gay response
Buprenorphine: np
]fuck other people
mir^mortal: fuck other people
mong was popped by rocktj's grenade
Buprenorphine: I will change it
BastardBovine melted.
mong ate whoever's rocket
rocktj melted.
Buprenorphine: np next time I play
Buprenorphine: I will have reg skin
rocktj ate Can O'Woopass's rocket
]good stuff!
mir^mortal: good stuff!
mong ate Can O'Woopass's rocket
ty: what the fuck
BastardBovine was popped by mong's grenade
Can O'Woopass was shredded by mong's shrapnel
Buprenorphine: thats np
Buprenorphine: sorry about that
ty: don't let other people tell you what skin to wear
mong almost dodged whoever's rocket
whoever ate rocktj's rocket
ty: who gives a shit
mir^mortal: lol
D: well ima get some rest
mong was melted by BastardBovine's hyperblaster
ty: ok later d
whoever was blown away by Can O'Woopass's super shotgun
D: <3
Buprenorphine: ya
mir^mortal: no!
Can O'Woopass was melted by BastardBovine's hyperblaster
D: ggs :D
Buprenorphine: later
rocktj ate macho Grande's rocket
]D be a man!
mir^mortal: D be a man!
D disconnected
mir^mortal: stay!
Buprenorphine: I know I can wear whatever
mir^mortal: dammit
rocktj was popped by Can O'Woopass's grenade
mong was popped by Can O'Woopass's grenade
Buprenorphine: you know you can type
Can O'Woopass ate whoever's rocket
Can O'Woopass: Dang!
]see what you did bupremorphine
mir^mortal: see what you did bupremorphine
whoever: oh yea!
BastardBovine ate macho Grande's rocket
macho Grande blew himself up.
Buprenorphine: cl_noskins 1
]D left :(
mir^mortal: D left :(
BastardBovine caught mong's handgrenade
Buprenorphine: and it all the same skin
mir^mortal: condump7
rocktj almost dodged Can O'Woopass's rocket
]condump 7
Dumped console text to ./baseq2/condumps/7.txt.
BastardBovine almost dodged whoever's rocket
Buprenorphine: you know that?
mir^mortal: lol
MojoJojo: just play naked man
mong was gunned down by BastardBovine
ty: tasty is an experiment in total anarchy
Can O'Woopass ate macho Grande's rocket
]take your cloth off!
mir^mortal: take your cloth off!
Tom Servo: D left me...
]be a man!
mir^mortal: be a man!
mong ate rocktj's rocket
Buprenorphine: LOL
]Tom :(((((
ty: we're trying to determine if its a viable social platform
mir^mortal: Tom :(((((
BastardBovine was shredded by whoever's shrapnel
macho Grande was shredded by whoever's shrapnel
whoever: oh yea!
Tom Servo: Ty i thought we were getting our relation better
Buprenorphine: lol
macho Grande was shredded by mong's shrapnel
mir^mortal: sociallism!
BastardBovine was popped by whoever's grenade
Buprenorphine: tom how old are you?
whoever was blown away by rocktj's super shotgun
mir^mortal: 34
macho Grande was blown away by BastardBovine's super shotgun
mong was blown away by BastardBovine's super shotgun
BastardBovine ate mong's rocket
rocktj tripped on its own grenade.
Can O'Woopass almost dodged whoever's rocket
Tom Servo: what mir
ty: he's in his 30s but his liver is 65
Buprenorphine: im 29
]did i guess right? :)
mir^mortal: did i guess right? :)
whoever: dang
Tom Servo: dont understand
BastardBovine was melted by mong's hyperblaster
mong was melted by Can O'Woopass's hyperblaster
whoever ate rocktj's rocket
rocktj blew itself up.
macho Grande almost dodged rocktj's rocket
]i am getting 28 in 2 days
mir^mortal: i am getting 28 in 2 days
rocktj was melted by macho Grande's hyperblaster
whoever almost dodged rocktj's rocket
Buprenorphine: you like to drink tom
]sunday my birthday!
mir^mortal: sunday my birthday!
whoever was blown away by BastardBovine's super shotgun
Can O'Woopass almost dodged mong's rocket
ty: tom's liver is 96 in alcohol years
]i already started drinking
mir^mortal: i already started drinking
Buprenorphine: happy b day
Tom Servo: mir if u wanna marry me just ask me.
]thanks :)
mir^mortal: thanks :)
macho Grande almost dodged rocktj's rocket
ty: its already surpassed what a normal liver is supposed to endure
whoever: macho grande...nacho poquito
Can O'Woopass ate rocktj's rocket
Buprenorphine: mir is a woman lol?
]i don't like to marry people
mir^mortal: i don't like to marry people
macho Grande was blown away by BastardBovine's super shotgun
mong was melted by rocktj's hyperblaster
whoever ate rocktj's rocket
rocktj blew itself up.
Can O'Woopass blew itself up.
Buprenorphine: lol tom
ty: who's having a birthday
Buprenorphine: you drinkin mon
ty: i can't follow this conversation
BastardBovine almost dodged rocktj's rocket
]no, fortunately i am not a woman lol
mir^mortal: no, fortunately i am not a woman lol
Can O'Woopass ate rocktj's rocket
rocktj blew itself up.
Can O'Woopass almost dodged macho Grande's rocket
Buprenorphine: ty
Tom Servo: well just say so
rocktj ate macho Grande's rocket
Can O'Woopass almost dodged macho Grande's rocket
Buprenorphine: pay attention son
BastardBovine was blown away by macho Grande's super shotgun
macho Grande almost dodged whoever's rocket
Can O'Woopass ate whoever's rocket
ty: i can't, i took an ambien
]can Tom be a woman name?
mir^mortal: can Tom be a woman name?
Tom Servo: i wanna marry
ty: have to get to sleep soon
macho Grande almost dodged whoever's rocket
Buprenorphine: im on bup
ty: it makes it hard to concentrate on shit
BastardBovine almost dodged rocktj's rocket
Can O'Woopass ate macho Grande's rocket
macho Grande blew himself up.
Tom Servo: i can be a woman if u want
Buprenorphine: well ya
whoever was blown away by rocktj's super shotgun
]no shit, is everybody even playing still?
mir^mortal: no shit, is everybody even playing still?
Buprenorphine: thats what it suppost to do
Buprenorphine: im not
]that's like everybody just started cahtting
rocktj was melted by Can O'Woopass's hyperblaster
mir^mortal: that's like everybody just started cahtting
macho Grande was melted by Can O'Woopass's hyperblaster
mong ate whoever's rocket
whoever blew itself up.
Buprenorphine: ya
]rare shit in q2 these days
mir^mortal: rare shit in q2 these days
]condump 9
Sat May 17 02:08:09 2014
 on server, map q2dm8.bsp.
ty: did you beat my score yet
rocktj ate macho Grande's rocket
]damn this chat rolls too fast
mir^mortal: damn this chat rolls too fast
Buprenorphine: all tdm know me
BastardBovine melted.
whoever was blown away by Can O'Woopass's super shotgun
Tom Servo: returning old player
mong ate macho Grande's rocket
Can O'Woopass was melted by whoever's hyperblaster
mong melted.
ty: you know i was going to talk to quadz about that
whoever: oh yea!
macho Grande was shredded by BastardBovine's shrapnel
whoever almost dodged rocktj's rocket
ty: about having the server scores
ty: displayed as html tables
mong was popped by macho Grande's grenade
macho Grande ate mong's rocket
ty: that you can search
Buprenorphine: ya
macho Grande melted.
Can O'Woopass almost dodged rocktj's rocket
ty: i made a prototype of that years ago
Buprenorphine: Im trying to get frags
ty: but never developed it any further
Buprenorphine: ya
Buprenorphine: that would be awesome
whoever was melted by macho Grande's hyperblaster
Buprenorphine: you know that
rocktj caught mong's handgrenade
mong tripped on his own grenade.
ty: instead of text logs you'd be able to view them like, say, bf3
macho Grande was blown away by Can O'Woopass's super shotgun
]i am definitely throwing in another donation after today's chat!
mir^mortal: i am definitely throwing in another donation after today's chat!
Buprenorphine: I have 2000 frags
BastardBovine was blown away by Can O'Woopass's super shotgun
macho Grande ate rocktj's rocket
whoever ate rocktj's rocket
Fraglimit hit.
           rocktj   188      9.58      30
          whoever   157      9.56      25
    Can O'Woopass   144      9.56      23
     macho Grande   120      9.52      19
    BastardBovine    88      9.51      14
]that's some awesome shit
Can O'Woopass: g
whoever: gg
Buprenorphine: on a name buprenorphine

Changing map...
reconnecting (soft)...

Auto-recording to ./baseq2/demos/2014-05-17-0201-q2dm8.dm2.
mir^mortal entered the game
anticheat mir^mortal is not using anticheat.
rocktj entered the game
anticheat rocktj is not using anticheat.
BastardBovine entered the game
anticheat BastardBovine failed 1 file check.
Buprenorphine entered the game
ty entered the game
Tom Servo entered the game
anticheat Tom Servo failed 1 file check.
]that's some awesome shit
MojoJojo entered the game
anticheat MojoJojo is not using anticheat.
mir^mortal: that's some awesome shit
rocktj tried to invade mong's personal space
mong entered the game
WallFly[BZZZ] entered the game
anticheat WallFly[BZZZ] is exempt from using anticheat.
mong tried to invade Can O'Woopass's personal space
Can O'Woopass entered the game
anticheat Can O'Woopass is not using anticheat.
BastardBovine tried to invade whoever's personal space
whoever entered the game
anticheat whoever is not using anticheat.
Can O'Woopass tried to invade rocktj's personal space
Tom Servo: i dont like u guys talking too much
ty tried to invade BastardBovine's personal space
mir^mortal tried to invade Can O'Woopass's personal space
macho Grande entered the game
anticheat macho Grande is not using anticheat.
RocK entered the game
anticheat RocK is not using anticheat.
Buprenorphine: ty
macho Grande: gg
Tom Servo was machinegunned by Can O'Woopass
Buprenorphine: i mispelled my name
usage: connect <server>
macho Grande: gg
macho Grande: whover camper gay !!!
macho Grande was machinegunned by Can O'Woopass
whoever was railed by rocktj
Buprenorphine: with lower case first letter
]aren't you BI?
mir^mortal: aren't you BI?
couldn't exec cfg/q2dm8.cfg
]BI should like talking a lot
mir^mortal: BI should like talking a lot
Buprenorphine: and I got 2000 frags with that
mong was melted by whoever's hyperblaster
]that's a fact
mir^mortal: that's a fact
Buprenorphine: i was so pissed
BastardBovine was railed by rocktj
]are you bi?
mir^mortal: are you bi?
rocktj was railed by Can O'Woopass
Tom Servo: i am
Buprenorphine: not me
Can O'Woopass ate BastardBovine's rocket
Buprenorphine: I like women
BastardBovine was railed by rocktj
Tom Servo: me too
Buprenorphine: lol
]i am about to give up this shit soon, already starting to fall asleep
mir^mortal: i am about to give up this shit soon, already starting to fall asleep
mong was cut in half by macho Grande's chaingun
rocktj ate Can O'Woopass's rocket
Buprenorphine: why!
]that's some hard to swallow shit
mir^mortal: that's some hard to swallow shit
]swallow lol
mir^mortal: swallow lol
Buprenorphine: lol
Tom Servo: lol
]a lot of information flowing
mir^mortal: a lot of information flowing
macho Grande was railed by BastardBovine
Tom Servo: dont swallow
rocktj was railed by BastardBovine
BastardBovine didn't see rocktj's handgrenade
mir^mortal: spit?
Buprenorphine: ty you there?
]spitting out is boring
mir^mortal: spitting out is boring
rocktj couldn't hide from whoever's BFG
ty: yeah sorry i was getting another perrier
rocktj was disintegrated by whoever's BFG blast
]ty is sniffing another lane
mir^mortal: ty is sniffing another lane
ty: i drink alot of water when i'm on ambien
Buprenorphine: lol
ty: i know you misspelled your name
Tom Servo: i want cock
rocktj couldn't hide from whoever's BFG
Can O'Woopass couldn't hide from whoever's BFG
MojoJojo: wow
BastardBovine saw the pretty lights from macho Grande's BFG
]Tom o-O
mir^mortal: Tom o-O
MojoJojo: nice bush on Cinemax
Tom Servo: mojojo
whoever ate rocktj's rocket
Buprenorphine: thats sucks i did that though
Tom Servo: i want big penis
rocktj saw the pretty lights from mong's BFG
ty was blasted by whoever
macho Grande couldn't hide from mong's BFG
Buprenorphine: tom your really BI
]don't you like small ones?
mir^mortal: don't you like small ones?
ty: the tasty frag logs needs to be updated so that people will give a shit about them
rocktj was railed by BastardBovine
whoever was railed by rocktj
Tom Servo: only when drunk
Buprenorphine: ya
ty: imagine if on the front page of tasty
Buprenorphine: agreed
ty: it said like
Buprenorphine: that would be cool
ty: the top five players of the month for the top 5 most popular servers
rocktj was railed by Can O'Woopass
macho Grande was cut in half by Buprenorphine's chaingun
BastardBovine saw the pretty lights from mong's BFG
Tom Servo: if ur brad pitt yes im bi
ty: like right on the front page when you go to your name was there
ty: wouldn't that be an incentive to play more
]i am brad pitt
mir^mortal: i am brad pitt
Buprenorphine: YES
Buprenorphine: for sure
]but ain't gay
mir^mortal: but ain't gay
Tom Servo: ok
mir^mortal: :(
Buprenorphine: why dont they do that?
Tom Servo: come here
rocktj was railed by Can O'Woopass
Buprenorphine: maybe I can talk to quadz about it
ty: i don't know, quadz is busy
whoever was railed by mong
BastardBovine couldn't hide from whoever's BFG
]no, I just like fucking girls
mir^mortal: no, I just like fucking girls
ty: one does not question his motivations
whoever was machinegunned by macho Grande
Buprenorphine: I talked to him yesterday
rocktj was railed by Can O'Woopass
mir^mortal: motivations!
rocktj: lol
Can O'Woopass: lol
Buprenorphine: ty
Buprenorphine: do you snort
Buprenorphine: he ambian
Buprenorphine: the
]snorting is gay
mir^mortal: snorting is gay
Can O'Woopass was railed by BastardBovine
ty: no and i only took a half
rocktj was railed by BastardBovine
]and fun
mir^mortal: and fun
Buprenorphine: oh I never liked that stuff
Tom Servo: i love u ty
ty: my doctor said to take half as long as it keeps working
]i do
Buprenorphine: I like opiates
mir^mortal: i do
Can O'Woopass was railed by BastardBovine
BastardBovine was disintegrated by mong's BFG blast
Tom Servo: thank u for saving me
ty was cut in half by macho Grande's chaingun
Tom Servo: im drunk
whoever almost dodged Can O'Woopass's rocket
Buprenorphine: I have a doctor too
whoever: dang
ty: sounds like you're not saved tom
]snorting is entertaining
mir^mortal: snorting is entertaining
Buprenorphine was cut in half by macho Grande's chaingun
Can O'Woopass was railed by rocktj
Tom Servo: im drunk
Buprenorphine: lol
Buprenorphine: tom
Tom Servo: as always
Buprenorphine: I wish I was
BastardBovine was disintegrated by macho Grande's BFG blast
Can O'Woopass couldn't hide from macho Grande's BFG
BastardBovine couldn't hide from whoever's BFG
rocktj couldn't hide from whoever's BFG
Buprenorphine: im bored
rocktj was railed by whoever
Can O'Woopass was railed by whoever
]i am drunk as well
mir^mortal: i am drunk as well
ty couldn't hide from mong's BFG
Buprenorphine: but I guess some people dont want me too
Tom Servo: good to know u
Can O'Woopass was disintegrated by mong's BFG blast
]that's kinda normal
mir^mortal: that's kinda normal
]that's acceptable!
mir^mortal: that's acceptable!
Buprenorphine: how bout a ciggerettte
rocktj caught Can O'Woopass's handgrenade
whoever couldn't hide from mong's BFG
Buprenorphine: who smokes
]i smoke rite here
mir^mortal: i smoke rite here
rocktj caught Can O'Woopass's handgrenade
mong saw the pretty lights from macho Grande's BFG
Tom Servo: bupren
ty: i haven't smoked in a few months
]in my offic eroom
mir^mortal: in my offic eroom
]smoking feels awesome!
mir^mortal: smoking feels awesome!
mong was railed by BastardBovine
ty: when i did it was american spirit though
ty was disintegrated by macho Grande's BFG blast
Can O'Woopass almost dodged whoever's rocket
whoever: oh yea!
]i roll my own
mir^mortal: i roll my own
rocktj was disintegrated by macho Grande's BFG blast
Buprenorphine: the yellow one ty?
ty: it raises my blood pressure and makes me feel like shit
ty: yeah the yellow one
rocktj was disintegrated by macho Grande's BFG blast
Buprenorphine: haha
mong was railed by BastardBovine
Buprenorphine: I hate smoking them
mong was disintegrated by macho Grande's BFG blast
ty: tried the blacks once, they're strong as fuck
Buprenorphine: but I cant stop
BastardBovine saw the pretty lights from whoever's BFG
mong saw the pretty lights from whoever's BFG
whoever should have used a smaller gun.
Buprenorphine: the black ones are the stronger ones?
Can O'Woopass ate rocktj's rocket
BastardBovine ate rocktj's rocket
Buprenorphine: I could never figure that out
MojoJojo: Thats what she said...
ty: yep, they're insanely strong
rocktj ate Can O'Woopass's rocket
Buprenorphine: good to know
Can O'Woopass was blown away by BastardBovine's super shotgun
]that's what he said...
mir^mortal: that's what he said...
ty: if i remember right
Can O'Woopass ate BastardBovine's rocket
ty: the regular one is the orange?
]condump 10

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