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Messages - Coz

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Quake / Re: Why was I banned?
« on: March 15, 2005, 02:55:48 PM »
Coz, forget it dude; your a has been; its over.

Quake / Why was I banned?
« on: January 31, 2005, 10:52:14 PM »
Coldflo...  I honestly pity you...  You go through this much trouble to try and seek attention...   :?  Must be a lonely life you have on that side of the monitor...  Get some help dude.

I don't have anything else to say...  I'm honestly at a loss for words here.

Coz out

Quake / omvg omg ogm gom go l33t p00l choose ati or nvidia cmon!! :)
« on: January 17, 2005, 01:40:06 PM »
I like nvidia but wouldn't feel like a traitor if I got an ati card.  I've always had nvidia cards and I just like them.  Lot prettier than plain old red.  ;)

Quake / Re: omg omg omg omg omg omg NEED HELPZORS!! OMGZORS! O_O
« on: January 01, 2005, 07:12:51 PM »
Quote from: FR4GG3R88
OMG OMG OMG i was connecting to xquake and i joined like at the end of the game then i d/l some l33t models like kenny and something else and when i try to join next game the console didnt exit and for some reason i cudnt connecxt i wasnt on a firewall or anything also i noticed console/host or admin has put on that popular thing " please wait while we check your client for any bots ie hacks do not change your name or model /skin" something like that what admin thing is that also why cant i join the xquake server i dont got my firewall on??/ wtf is this

Proof that the internet is in fact like 8th grade chess club on crystal meth.

Quake / wall hack info
« on: January 01, 2005, 07:08:37 PM »
They're running a version of lithium without the extra lithium stuff...  It's pretty much a straight forward dm server but they probably have the ability to change around the weapons using the lithium mod.  My guess.  :D

Quake / Look Here
« on: December 26, 2004, 09:33:02 PM »

And you're still here, how entertaining!   :D

Quake / Whatever you celebrate...
« on: December 25, 2004, 10:22:54 AM »
Merry Christmas to everyone!  :)  (Yes, I said CHRISTMAS.  SUE ME!)  ;)  :D

Quake / Look Here
« on: December 19, 2004, 08:19:21 PM »
Quote from: ColdFlo
No i could give a shit about advantages of card or connection.  Unbelieveably in q3 i have found benefits of lower frame rates. Regardless, the cheating i speak of is that first perpetrated by COZ on my return.  Back in the day about a year and 2 months ago i came extemely rusty after a 3 year period with no machine.  Coz was and had been here for some time. I owned him cause back then he didnt really try.  i noticed that he and habib had extreme shithead styles.  its not that they are good shots. apple has a good shot and so does chat but when they kill me i dont feel like they are bitches about it.  i never sat down and put my finger on it but i know im not the only one who feels like this (regardless of the shit they say its inherent in thier moves somehow)(Coz, habib, and Slikkster). anyway, after i moved from my school connection it took me 6 months to realize the price of dsl had gone so low.  So i returned only to find a well practiced coz that had been mad that i discovered what a dork he was b4 and clowned on him.  So Coz set about only targeting me hell i could be on the other side of outer courts with 3 idiots standing there and id be the one hes shooting at.  Also around that time maybe 2 weeks after i got back i think fuck face got to licking apples bawls allot and made admin or apple's personal dicksucker(i'm not sure which one).  and since i continued to talk shit in coz's direction (how could anyone with self respect not) and then several other terds jumped on his bandwagon when it suited them.  Coz thats how cocksuckers work. You know b4 i left i seem to remember apple liked me making fun of dork ass coz, but of course i was the better player so i think thats all apple respects. So the cheating i talk about is all these little cliques that developed and specific player targeting.

And who's balls are all tied up in a knot over this?  You my friend.  ;)  I could honestly care less if you show back up.  I like your story though.  All polished and in Coldfloanese and so believable to someone who's never heard about you or been here while you were on the server ranting and raving.  And yeah, I targeted you but I wouldn't go looking for you.  If I saw you in a room, you were the first to die.  It was fun like that.  You didn't like it so in return, I enjoyed it.  :)  Have a good life!

Coz out

Trouble Shooting / re-config
« on: December 19, 2004, 04:28:12 PM »
Quote from: max ping
thanks husker. Now that i have it set up and running good i'm getting bumped off and an error message appears saying, recursive error after: NET_SendPacket ERROR:WSAEINTR to What is this, and what can i do about it?


That error has something to do with Q2, XP, and Dialup.  I've yet to find a fix for it but to just get used to it.   :?  I had a computer for the longest time with ME on it and never came across that error.  Then, my parents got a new computer with XP on it.  That's when it started to pop up.  I searched day and night and never found a sure fire solution for it.  :(  It just randomly pops up and hits you in the middle of a game and it sucks.  Kinda like the gravity loto except anytime.  ;)  I'll be heading back to that in a couple months...   I suspect Coldflo to show back up and laugh at me for it, lol.   :D

Quake / A list of servers
« on: December 06, 2004, 10:33:14 PM »
It messed up for me when I first tried the Q3plug after installing SP2.  It somehow fixed itself...  It might have been after I rebooted.  All I know was it didn't work for a few days and one day I pulled up a site with q3plugs and they all showed up.   :shock:

Quake / Tunes to kill too!
« on: December 06, 2004, 10:27:30 PM »
There are a few Command & Conquer:  Red Alert 2 songs I like to play to.  They're hard to find for the most part since EA didn't want to make a soundtrack out of it.  :p  I ended up finding them somewhere on the net.  Otherwise, I'll pull out some type of rock music.  Just depends on my mood.  Mostly, I play to the sounds of running feet and exploding weapons.  :)

Trouble Shooting / my running man...why oh why
« on: December 06, 2004, 10:17:20 PM »
My parents computer does that...  It's a completely different problem most likely.  It gets "stuck" going in one direction for a while and the computer stops taking commands.  It started after 4 clients were on and was extremely worse the higher the clients got.  (And on xquake, that's always high)  I fixed it by changing graphics to software.  Apparently it had to do with the shared video memory.  The ram was getting overloaded or something like that and just freezing the comp for a second or two and I just froze going in one direction.  Whatever direction I was facing and walking.  It was weird...  I know a sure fire fix for it...  Getting an actual graphics card for it.  ;)

Trouble Shooting / my running man...why oh why
« on: December 01, 2004, 11:28:28 PM »
I had that problem for some reason back on 56k.  All I had to do was hit the direction I kept running in and it would stop after I let go.  So, if I was running forward by itself, I would just hit up and let go and it would stop and be back to normal.  :)

Edit - And of course I tell you this after over a month of you putting it up...  OH I'm good!

Quake / Look Here
« on: November 05, 2004, 06:38:40 PM »
Quote from: ColdFlo
Coz stand for and do? How could u not hate yourself do u realize the fuck u are?  Do u realize what a bitch u are? U let school get to u big time thats y your such a ground in restricted little asslicking weasle.  Your like every nerd i ever met in my honors courses sitting with glasses on and writing tiny like a typewriter.  U are the opitimy of standing for everything that this country creates to screw everyone over.  U take a bunch of shit in school because u cant reach out and become something u want to be so what u do is u fight it and then u internalize all that rage go out into the world and drop that shit on others because your so mad and u cant let go of any of that hate. Come on i got one of those right didnt I do u ride a scooter around college?

*Stops laughing histaricly*  Ohhh my stomach hurts...  Yeah, you hit it on the head there ColdFlo...  

*Starts laughing again*

Quake / Look Here
« on: November 02, 2004, 06:31:55 PM »
Quote from: ColdFlo
look here u ho that wasnt for u all that shit is right on and like i said its therapy at this point u dont expect to see me back bitch u dont know the half of it your a fuckin assclown continue with your campaign of hate u screwed over little fuck

Campaign of hate...  Lets see...  List of people I hate...  none.  :p  I really really dislike this one guy here in town for reasons I won't say here.  Do I hate anyone else?  Nope, I just dislike what they stand for and do.  You truely don't know me so don't even act like you do.  GOOD RIDDANCE

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