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Messages - FYATroll

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railz / Normal play times?
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:09:44 AM »
Any general times when people play rails, if anyone still plays at all?

Quake / Re: haunted can't accept defeat
« on: July 31, 2012, 09:01:01 PM »
I'm sorry for necro'ing, but this thread tells me this place is still worth lurking around from time to time for some lulz.

Rails Demos / Re: Vae raped by yours truly :(
« on: February 03, 2011, 02:11:34 AM »
Insulting to include Granny's name with this guy. Granny was actually a GREAT edge player. I mean he talked alot and was annoying as hell, but he was among the best edge players in NA. Vae would honestly get shut-out by Granny.

« on: February 03, 2011, 02:04:47 AM »
I popped in to say this: Krez > VaeVictus. And it isn't even close.

railz / Re: iR vs kea
« on: February 05, 2010, 02:58:24 PM »
I don't mean to offend, but I'd rather play actual KEA members in matches vs KEA, and not watch their most active members get displaced for ringers. I can name like 5 off the top of my head that recently joined, play 3-4 days a week and are quite capable players.

I think it would be nice having an additional team to play that can carry their own like the .dC players sinner, bless, flarez and oles, as opposed to one team just scooping every loose player up and then not using the ones that have been around for a while.

Makes to much sense.

Science / Re: Creation science
« on: February 05, 2010, 02:20:44 PM »
I wasn't going to argue evolution vs. biblical creation, but was just going to argue the evidence that there is a God.

I'm interested in what evidence you might have in mind.  Is it the existence something in nature you feel could not have been produced by natural processes?  Or ...?


Things along that line, yes.

railz / Re: iR vs kea
« on: February 05, 2010, 02:19:55 PM »
anyone ever notice that every time there's a hint of a scrim, slugz goes and tries to recruit ringers?

dude, this isnt ra2.

play with the squad you have, you fuckin wimp. go get hydro and ninco to show the fuck up and stick out a match..
TG and damager are quite good, and they get like no play because you're afraid you might lose a scrim in an 11yr old game.


Don't you know...scrims in q2 are really serious business.

/dev/random / Things to think about when you're 11
« on: February 05, 2010, 12:41:02 PM »
Little league baseball. The fair. Vacation. Pokemon cards (or w/e it is these days). Remote control racecars. And children!!!,2933,584936,00.html

I know when I was 11 I was already thinking about starting a family...weren't you?

art, music, etc. / Re: Ke$ha
« on: February 05, 2010, 10:09:30 AM »
And despite these last two responses this is some the worst music I've ever heard in my life. When I first heard the first song, I thought it was the worst song tht I had heard at least i nthe last 5 years. I didn't/coudln't imagine that she could actually have even crappier songs....I was wrong. The suck just continues with this chick.

art, music, etc. / Ke$ha
« on: February 05, 2010, 12:52:38 AM »
Ke$ha is the death of music. It's been coming for a while and we've all known it...but its done. This chick is nail in the coffin. My radio can never recover from this...and quite frankly I'm pretty sure the world is about to end. If you haven't heard her...her is a taste of the terrible that now rules the airwaves. God have mercy on our souls.

it gets worse

Please hide your children....they shouldn't have this being one of their early impressions of music. If you care for humanity at all, please run to your local record store and burn the mother to the ground so they can't sell anymore of this album.

railz / Re: wallhacking
« on: February 04, 2010, 06:40:10 PM »
I admit... I have been walling lately... and now you want me to install that spyware anticheat bullshit! no way! I aint having screenshots and files stolen off my PC (ya thats right... read the fine print in the LALA). Fascist bullshit!

Anywho... adios amigoz

People who get forms of govts. wrong annoy the hell out of me as a Poly Sci major. Fascism is a form of govt. that is in bed with big business. The way you are using it here makes no sense. If Quadz is a fascist, that means he is in bed with...iD? Maybe the creator of r1q2? I dunno. Or, a fascist has an idea of some sort of racial superiority. Again, not making sense.

The word you were looking for was totalitarian....or even dictatorship.

BTW, if you ain't cheatin, you ain't trying.

railz / Re: iR vs kea
« on: February 04, 2010, 06:34:15 PM »
Look at all my former IR members still playing q2. Love it. Sup guys

/dev/random / Re: The NFL 2009 season thread
« on: February 04, 2010, 05:50:03 PM »

okay guys, superbowl weekend !! and i know nothing about football but am in a pool at work and could use some help.....
I have 12  quick questions?
1  who will win? Indy
2  which will be the first team to score? New Orleans
3  will a player rush for more than 100 yards? No.
4  will a quarterback pass for more than 300 yards? yes. Both.
5  will a receiver catch at least eight passes? No.
6  will there be a blocked kick or punt? No.
7  will a kickoff or punt be returned for a touchdown? Yes.
8  will there be a successful field goal over 47 yards? Yes.
9  will there be a successful two-point conversion No.
10  will either defensive unit record five sacks? no.
11  will either starting quarterback be replaced (for any reason)? No.
12  will the game end with a kneel down? Yes.


/dev/random / Re: The last movie you saw....
« on: February 04, 2010, 04:54:37 PM »
2012 4.5/10

It was big budget. It had a lot of neato scenes and for these two reasons it doesn't get a 2.

The plot sucked. The acting was....questionable at best. The story just really didn't go anywhere at all. I hope the real year of 2012 turns out better than this.

Science / Re: Creation science
« on: February 04, 2010, 07:48:26 AM »
Well now that I read the thread the debate I was going to start really doesn't fit. I wasn't going to argue evolution vs. biblical creation, but was just going to argue the evidence that there is a God. However, this thread wasn't really about that and even if it was it's just difficult if not impossible to carry out a meaningful debate about something that serious on the internet.

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