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Messages - Ax2Grind

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Discussion / Re: REAL condump of admin abuse, check logs to be sure
« on: November 07, 2008, 01:20:22 PM »
Apologies for resurrecting a year-and-a-half old thread, but ignoring the complete misinterpretation of my original complaints about the Jumpmod server, I'd like to get this thread back on track and cleared up.

Notice how RL explains that I came in and called him an asshole when I was talking to Kingsize but never mentioned anyone else by name in the actual dump (I actually remember it).  This is because I didn't know who did it, since there were about twenty admins to the server at the time (most of whom did nothing).  I may have suspected RL, who I'm aware is no longer an admin (wonder why), but it was more than deserved since I was on the server (before or after this, too long ago to remember) when he came in and deleted other times right in front of me, only to leave the map ultimately unchanged.  He had to think I was referring to him because he was doing exactly what I accused 'some asshole' of, something that made many on the server angry, yet only I complained about.  Only someone falsely using his name/password could explain that, but then the IPA would tell the truth.

Those, however, are topics for another thread.  Now, to go through those tasty (pun) search results.  Oh, this is going to be fun... and yes, I'm very, very bored.

Discussion / Re: rl as jumpmod admin
« on: April 19, 2007, 10:25:27 AM »
I've been RConned recently and just now saw RL modify a map not needing modification while deleting my first-place time yet again.

Discussion / Let's see how far this gets... Part Two
« on: February 25, 2007, 06:49:51 PM »
There are several map copies, remodels and such on Jumpmod.  I give here a short list of FC-proven duplicates, the first one listed in each group ss probably the preferred keeper, although the last three need more research since there are different series using each naming convention.

*jumpclimb1, jumpclimb4,
*atr_kjump7, atr_kjump, atr_kjump7b, atr_kjump(7)
*atr_kjump10, atr_kjump-10
*apocalypse2, apocalypse2b
*aljump15, aljump15b

*articjumping3, articjumping_3
*ac3jump2, 4c3jump2
*ac3jump3, 4c3jump3

The latter versions should have their statistics (times, completions, etc.) merged with the former before deleting the actual .bsp.  I'm looking into exactly how to do that, and fix the total completions screw-up plaguing TS, with the least work and no errors or lost information.

If you doubt my work, FC them yourselves to confirm my findings.

Discussion / Let's see how far this gets...
« on: February 13, 2007, 09:57:36 AM »
Just now, on Jump, Mesnik/ebanko spamming the scoreboard yet again.  Not sure if the current version being used allows a userid tag to be renamed and, in doing so, combining multiple names into one, but one of them should definitely go.  Check with the latest version of Jumpmod to see if id merging is supported, if not I propose deleting all ebanko times and giving Mesnik a week off.

Discussion / Re: A few questions...
« on: January 15, 2007, 01:14:48 PM »
The question was practically rhetorical, since I have more maps completed than the server has listed... which isn't possible.  The point of the first two incredibly easy questions, which are already known to me and you refused to answer (probably because you knew where I was leading), is the server is utterly fucked.  I so hate having to use profanity, but you've led me to it, similarly with your refusal to shut down the private messaging system you, yourself, said isn't logged.  (BTW, HTF isn't it?  It goes through the same filters all other messages do.)  Not only isn't it logged, it isn't bound by silencing and probably not by permamuting, so I have to listen to ToxicMonkey, Wetarded, and this new little shit who keeps spamming both the scoreboard and my console with dozens of different names saying 'when are you going to suck Mesnik?'

At this point, asking any more questions is futile, and I don't beg, as nothing will be done about the horrid excuse for a system being run.  All I do is come on the server to play and take flak day in and day out (first words out of Bones' mouth this afternoon were "here's the asshole"), and - instead of asking how can that be or how can it be fixed - you ask why do I let it get to me or why aren't I using a non-authorized executable to make up for the lack of administrating.  Clearly, you've forgotten that 'set msg *' does what I want, except you autoboot anyone setting it to something that actually gets the job done!  I don't want to hear the excuses like those you give for the bugged corpse rail.  By allowing such, you're intentionally supplying the circumstances to allow it all without having the balls to ask me to leave.  There's the lack of respect I talked about, so don't expect me to show any in return, any more.

If I lost 5-1 in Tourney to Randy, your bestest buddy who you've let violate the same rules the rest of us are held to, but the scoreboard showed 5-10 because the server put the decimal in the wrong place, he'd flip - he'd have a coniption - he'd spew pea soup while his head spun around, projectile vomiting; I bet something would be done about that immediately.  OTOH, when the numbers don't add up in Jumpmod who cares, right?  Well, that's the entire point of this mod, accurate record keeping, and if you don't want to do that, shut down the server; if you do, fix it.  Leaving it the way it is currently is telling players to go straight to hell.

Discussion / Re: A few questions...
« on: January 11, 2007, 07:13:03 AM »
13/12/06 34.300049 226 67

Date of fastest completion, time of fastest completion, player number, and number of map completions - all for Souljumps specifically.  I'm talking the total number of maps I've completed, not the totaly number of completions of all maps.  Anyone using maplist and playermaps can figure this out.

Discussion / A few questions...
« on: January 10, 2007, 11:56:08 PM »
The first two are simple:

How many maps have I completed on Tastyspleen Jumpmod?
How many maps are run on Tastyspleen Jumpmod?

The third question, and possibly additional others, depend on the responses to these two.

Discussion / Re: why we need to permently silence a few ppl...
« on: January 04, 2007, 12:36:31 PM »
Stop telling people to use an altered executable to pick up the slack of what administrators should be doing.  R1Q2 doesn't fix the problems Jumpmod creates and the mod is no longer being actively updated, so the chances of correcting what's wrong with it are now in Quadz's hands.  As for me, I've now added Toxicmonkey to my Instant Silence list, along with Wetarded.  If this goes on much longer, then it'll basically come down to them or me, which I'm sure Quadz will have no problem in choosing.

As far as I can tell, that stat page is merely a copy of the commands made available in-game.  Those commands are very limited to begin with (they don't give the information I'm looking for) and they're skewed due to errors on the server.  There are barely more than two dozen maps listed as completable, probably due to another file, and that's also the probable reason I'm listed as having 3000% of the maps completed.  Click on my name in the stats page to find out why.  There's no way I have 911 maps completed when only those show up.

Up-to-date isn't as much of an issue as knowing when it's updated or having those stats correct at the time.  If you could, tell me how I might discover the following:

  • Which maps have I completed?
  • Which maps do I have a scoreboard time on?
  • Which maps am I in the top five?

My original idea was the 'maplist * *' enhancement, allowing you to add a second number to the command and find out where that player stands on each map (looks like the 'admin * *' command).  The first number is the list group, just like the command is now, and omitting the second number retrieves only the top time for each map, not a specific player.  So far, no response from Jolt/Wireplay.

Discussion / Request: make current Jumpmod server timetables downloadable
« on: December 19, 2006, 12:58:00 PM »
If we can cull through the .cfg file ourselves, we can find out the information that the coders refused us access to, such as which maps we haven't completed and where we place in the others.  Trying to go through every map on the server and see if I've completed it or if I'm in the top five is ridiculous.  Mapsleft command... what a joke.  All that does, even in the newest version, is subtract the number you've completed from the number which exist, then print a standard maplist.  I've already suggested a fix for it, but I doubt anyone at Wireplay is concerned any more, so give us this ability, at least.

Discussion / Re: why we need to permently silence a few ppl...
« on: December 13, 2006, 04:39:35 PM »
Wetarded was permanantly silenced on Tastyspleen Jump a while back, apparantly with good reason.  Whoever took the gag off should have their admin permanantly removed...  Come to think of it, we should just remove all admin privileges entirely, except from those given such by the owner.  This way, when the rest of us get tired of constant spamming, WE CAN BE THE ONES TO DO IT!  I so dislike putting down the admins, but it's as if they're never around anymore (sounds familiar, I know).  If you want to know why we're pissed, try readin the logs any time Wetarded has been on the server in the last... what, three days?  I think it requires action immediately.

Not to bring back to life a dead thread, but I'd like to save an enhanced version of my jump autoexec.cfg since I have so many problems with my system.  I'm wondering if there's a repository here which allows us to save a backup that we can dis/allow others to see, as well.  Sort of a 'config' section of a user console containing personal information or the like.  Up to you, I guess, but anyway:
alias fps1 "set fpsset 1;echo $fpsset;alias fpsnext fps22;alias fpsprev fps120"
alias fps22 "set fpsset 22;echo $fpsset;alias fpsnext fps25;alias fpsprev fps1"
alias fps25 "set fpsset 25;echo $fpsset;alias fpsnext fps31;alias fpsprev fps22"
alias fps31 "set fpsset 31;echo $fpsset;alias fpsnext fps32;alias fpsprev fps25"
alias fps32 "set fpsset 32;echo $fpsset;alias fpsnext fps33;alias fpsprev fps31"
alias fps33 "set fpsset 33;echo $fpsset;alias fpsnext fps34;alias fpsprev fps32"
alias fps34 "set fpsset 34;echo $fpsset;alias fpsnext fps35;alias fpsprev fps33"
alias fps35 "set fpsset 35;echo $fpsset;alias fpsnext fps60;alias fpsprev fps34"
alias fps60 "set fpsset 60;echo $fpsset;alias fpsnext fps66;alias fpsprev fps35"
alias fps66 "set fpsset 66;echo $fpsset;alias fpsnext fps90;alias fpsprev fps60"
alias fps90 "set fpsset 90;echo $fpsset;alias fpsnext fps120;alias fpsprev fps66"
alias fps120 "set fpsset 120;echo $fpsset;alias fpsnext fps1;alias fpsprev fps90"

bind mouse1 set cl_maxfps 120
bind mouse2 recall
bind mouse3 "set cl_maxfps $fpsset"
bind mwheeldown fpsnext
bind mwheelup fpsprev
bind kp_plus "yes;say_team Affirmative"
bind kp_minus "no;say_team Negative"
bind end replay
bind home recall
bind ins store
bind del reset
bind pgup join easy
bind pgdn join hard
bind , mapvote prev
bind . mapvote next
bind / mapvote random

I know I'm forgetting a lot of jumpmod commands, but this can also be a work in progress.  I'll get to the others ASAP, in case anyone is interested in modifying it for their own use.

Discussion / Re: Here you go, ToxicMonkey!
« on: November 18, 2006, 10:03:54 AM »
Constantly as in whenever you get silenced you would change your name to 'noob map' or 'wankers' on a regular basis.  As for MM3, you know the map I took down Boat on recently you spammed me, suggesting the same thing you just blathered about - el kiddo porno.  I don't need to condump, as the server has the records of your private messages... and why the hell would I bother condumping you?  My porn is high grade!   :P

Most importantly, I couldn't give a shit what happens on the jump server any more.  Just finding out that yet another map, TGAJump1, had my top time erased, only to allow someone else to do the exact same thing I did.  I don't give a rat's ass who did it or why, it doesn't matter.  Utter disrespect for the time and effort I put into playing a map and the courtesy I give the owner and admins shoved back in my face, repeatedly.

Quadz, you know nothing beyond the technical aspects of running these servers, and that's a god damn shame.  Next semester, take a course on ethics.

Discussion / My goal?
« on: November 17, 2006, 07:31:52 PM »
[quote author=j

Discussion / Here you go, ToxicMonkey!
« on: November 15, 2006, 08:28:35 AM »
Alias +Hah "set prevname $name;set name Hah!"
Alias -Hah "set name $prevname"

Bind H +Hah

The above alias/bind config is provided to allow you continuous torment of the players on Tastyspleen Jumpmod (and other servers, depending) whenever you're silenced by majority vote, which seems to happen more often these days.  Feel free to make additional aliases with other worthless spam as actions, thus not to interrupt your jumping expertise and still time with your proper name.  Other players, like Rail Trail and Wetarded, may use this as a framework, too, as it doesn't specifically use anyone's name.  Good luck with it!

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