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Messages - magic

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
1 / Re: Arrrgh! Quake web space, mateys!!
« on: May 21, 2013, 04:39:08 PM »
Requesting a status update on support ticket #8008135. I have been patiently waiting for 2 months now. Thank you for your ongoing consideration.

One or more higher priority tickets is in the queue ahead of your request, including:

Code an admin tool to address someone's gaming of the rating system.

I have removed the 300+ votes that I cast.

2 / Re: Arrrgh! Quake web space, mateys!!
« on: May 20, 2013, 01:41:39 PM »
in case you didnt get the joke, that was his funny was of saying "not a fucking chance in hell"

Tastyspleen webspace is in my destiny. Doubters like you only serve to reinforce my will to discover my true potential, my innermost excellence.

3 / Re: Arrrgh! Quake web space, mateys!!
« on: May 20, 2013, 12:18:54 PM »
Requesting a status update on support ticket #8008135. I have been patiently waiting for 2 months now. Thank you for your ongoing consideration.


/dev/random / Re: Time to clear the air?
« on: May 18, 2013, 04:37:29 PM »
Apology accepted.

5 / Re: Magic re ban?
« on: May 05, 2013, 11:16:39 PM »
PM in IRC just now:

[22:26] <magic> wow, ex, nice lengthy posts there... grow a dick you gapping vagina
[22:26] <magic> bitch tits

Nevermind, you deserve what you get.  You took a post that contained good info on how you can fix yourself here, and you respond with that?  Enjoy your mute.

You're taking that out of context, I meant it in a loving way.

6 / Re: Magic re ban?
« on: May 05, 2013, 04:56:29 PM »
but even a minor offence will get someones parole revoked.

I would like the record to show that if I knew how much backlash up voting a few of my friends and down voting one particular troll would cause, I would never have bothered. My understanding of the voting system is that it's just a green/red bar that has zero impact on the functionality of the forums. My friends and I had already been victim to numerous undeserved down votes and It appeared that some of the biggest shit stirrers on the forums somehow maintained stellar ratings, so like in Rome I did like the Romans did. If quadz wants to disable my voting privileges I'm fine with that and sorry to have wasted his time (no matter how little).


7 / Re: Magic re ban?
« on: May 05, 2013, 02:46:42 PM »
In the meantime, I've been deriving some (small) enjoyment from letting him continue to waste his time. All those rates will be lost, like tears in the rain.

8 / Re: Magic re ban?
« on: May 03, 2013, 06:15:01 PM »
What's my FTP credentials? I'm eager to get to work on my awesome website / epic demo folder ftw. PM me.


9 / Re: Magic re ban?
« on: May 03, 2013, 05:22:37 PM »
When he gets bored again, trolls stupidly and lies about more members of the community, what will we give him then? A new car?

10 / Re: Magic re ban?
« on: May 03, 2013, 04:53:26 PM »
just request any time/map after March 8th, 2013. Does that sound unreasonable?

If your webspace is approved, would you be willing to keep a folder updated with all of your railz demos?


I'm already up to 769 demos @ (212MB Total), if you got Gigabytes of future disk space to waste I got the demos.

11 / Re: Magic re ban?
« on: May 03, 2013, 04:33:37 PM »
1: to the best of my knowledge he was asked repeatedly for a demo of a duel before the day that he publicly made some statement about recording all his demos from that point forward as an alibi. This is why nothing in his demo thread is actually the demo he references being asked for in post 1 of that thread. "As per Alpha's request I am now posting demos of my games to whoever wants them in efforts to expose my suspected wall hacking."

This was troll attempt #1, because Alpha's request was NOT for him to post demos of all future games. It was to post a demo of a specific past duel in which Alpha thought he was walling.

OK. From my point of view it didn't look like a troll attempt, so much as a sequence that followed logically from someone agreeing to make a config change so that all future games would be recorded?

Quote from: magic
Who really cares about my demos before march 8th anyways,

these are the demos that would be more incriminating because it was around a time when you weren't under heave scrutiny. Anyone can take demos when under scrutiny and post the most random one and say "look i aint cheating". you said all demos were available. I am interested in the ones i mentioned. the fact you won't post them or say you don't have them says it all really

Right around here is when it becomes obvious that magic is trolling stupidly to hide something.

He knew from the start that Alpha was requesting a specific demo from before the date he decided to make himself a fake alibi, by enabling auto record as some sort of "show of good faith". He then neglects to show any demo from before this date, and pretends that those demos were meaningless and that "nobody cares to see them" when they were the ONLY ones he was asked to provide.

His own statement about "his demos from before march 8th" implies that there are demos from this time period, and he's just not posting them.

He then uses his supposed "show of good faith" demos to keep up the dumb troll routine for 40 pages of thread, effectively burying the important bit which was that he refused to post demos from before the time that he knew he was being watched.

His whole schtick about how we all really wanted to see his demos or proof of his greatness or w/e is based on these earlier requests for POV demos of specific games when he was spectated on railz (which is 3rd person POV and much harder to get any decent proof on) and before he knew what the purpose of those spectators happened to be.

All told, that's why I've repeated the same line over and over about him refusing to produce evidence.
Unfortunately over 40 pages this line blended in with requests for proof of his OTHER spurious claims like his repeated insistence that he's beaten me many times after I showed a demo of how bad he is at insta duel, even with a wallhack.

There never were any demos before March 8th, 2013. Only after much harassment on IRC and in game did I feel the need to start recording (look how swell that's turning out for you guys). My stats have significantly improved since I was unbanned and I question the value of any phantom demo where I play worse than I do now.  You have plenty of new demos at your disposal, just request any time/map after March 8th, 2013. Does that sound unreasonable?

12 / Re: Magic re ban?
« on: May 03, 2013, 02:36:34 PM »
no i dont have the demos. he knows which ones i am talking about though

I don't actually.

How about you delete some more responses from this thread to help bend the communities opinion in your favor?

Trouble Shooting / Re: Many problems
« on: April 20, 2013, 02:32:43 PM »
Some possible reasons:

When players quit the game it leaves an invisible box or something, passing through it will make you feel like you're being pushed or pulled. I noticed this invisible box doesn't happen if the player times out.

The visibility check to prevent wall hackers will make players disappear when jumping around boxes, pillars, anything that could obstruct view even slightly.

R1Q2 does crash a lot for some people, I have not had any problems with it in a long time, but when I do its crashes a lot.

14 / Re: Arrrgh! Quake web space, mateys!!
« on: April 20, 2013, 11:37:13 AM »
Requesting a status update on support ticket #8008135 (BOOBIES).
I have been patiently waiting for over a month now. Thank you.


Quake / Re: To Quadz Dervish and Focalor!
« on: April 07, 2013, 01:42:50 PM »
this thread is penis

false, your penis is thread.

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