
Should magic be banned

ban: i've played him recently and am convinced or strongly suspect he is walling
3 (10%)
ban: i have not played him, but based on demos i am convinced or strongly suspect he is walling
2 (6.7%)
ban: his troll posts and taunt binds alone warrant a ban, even if he is not cheating
3 (10%)
he should at least be muted
5 (16.7%)
no change in his status is currently warranted
13 (43.3%)
i have no opinion either way about his status
4 (13.3%)

Total Members Voted: 30

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Offline ex

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Re: Magic re ban?
« Reply #60 on: May 05, 2013, 08:12:29 PM »
but even a minor offence will get someones parole revoked.

I would like the record to show that if I knew how much backlash up voting a few of my friends and down voting one particular troll would cause, I would never have bothered. My understanding of the voting system is that it's just a green/red bar that has zero impact on the functionality of the forums. My friends and I had already been victim to numerous undeserved down votes and It appeared that some of the biggest shit stirrers on the forums somehow maintained stellar ratings, so like in Rome I did like the Romans did. If quadz wants to disable my voting privileges I'm fine with that and sorry to have wasted his time (no matter how little).

Sorry man, but you're trolling even with this post you just made.  You knew EXACTLY what you were doing when you were +1'ing Golgo 100 times in 3 days and -1'ing Dervish 100 in 3 days.  There is literally NO ARGUMENT YOU CAN MAKE that says otherwise, because that many votes in that short a time span is extreme and shows what your intentions were in doing it.

Also, you said it's "just a green/red bad that has zero impact on the functionality of the forums."  While it's true on a functional basis it has no impact, that's not an explanation for why you have been abusing it.  The real reason is because you DO place importance in it, contrary to what your post insinuates, and want to shift community opinion of those users with the ratings system to your advantage.  Not only are you a fool for doing this, but almost every person in this community is far too intelligent (save you and your "friends") to be caught up in such a simplistic intellectual faux pas.  Literally every person except for your Axis of Feeble (nice one Derv rofl) saw what you were doing and called you on it, hence why we're considering rebanning you.

Personally, I just want you muted for a while, until you learn what your actions are doing for you.  It will teach you the value of knowing when to shut the fuck up, which trust me magic, is a VERY important life skill.  Of course, if you can get on track before the votes are tallied up and quadz does an administrative action, then maybe any action can be avoided.  But as it stands, and in the current direction you're going, it's not looking good for you man.  You need to learn to stop trolling, stop responding to others who are goading you into this, and basically act like a normal human from here on out.  If you do that, no action will be taken upon you.  But it has to be REAL, magic, and none of what you have shown so far has been anywhere near real on that level.

FYI - At this point, it's not even about you cheating anymore.  The problem has shifted to you as a person now.  Yes, your cheating is what got you here in the first place, but it's not what's fueling the current situation.
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i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim


Offline Golgo13

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Re: Magic re ban?
« Reply #61 on: May 05, 2013, 10:00:56 PM »
man, why are you always the first person to fucking cry wolf?  I don't get where you ever think that you should be treated fairly around here or be given the satisfaction of your rates(and everyone who did it) being wiped clean and you feeling like you somehow have won. 

why would i feel as if i have won, if it didn't affect someone in the least? that they spent all their time down voting me regularly so they can feel as if i'm the actual troll. i have news for you, those who down vote me do care.  or i wouldn't have any votes.

And I'll say this for the 4th time, WHO CARES.  it's a fucking rating system on a fucking forum that is linked to a 15 year old fucking game.  WHO CARES.  And if the rates you were given, bug you in some sort of way, maybe they can be served as a reminder to you about how you're a complete assfuck and nobody likes you around here and nobody is to blame but yourself.  You would prolly receive great ratings/positive ranks a whole hell of a lot more, had you not been a complete faggot (bundle of sticks) since you've joined this forum.

i don't really care, you think i do. i just think in terms of fairness. it doesn't matter either way. however i'm not gonna give away my rationale' for it. not my fault people are miserable pricks holding on to a past nobody gives 2 shits about. they just happen to drag everyone else into their oblivion as a side effect.

I mean hell, some of your very first fucking posts(before you went apeshit and deleted em all) were of you whining about people cheating/dodge bots.  You basically joined this forum to stir up drama, get attention and use it as an outlet to your RL since nobody would ever wanna be caught dead hanging around someone who looks like you(LOL, alien eyed gump).

yea ,so i said AC was hacked a while back. so fucking what? if magic gets banned, then it will prove i was right all along. all the trolls will stop stirring shit? hell no. they knew they were wrong from day one. they are just as loathsome, much like you are.

However considering your condition, i should feel sorry for you, since your just mad in general. feeling the need to insult ppl. now it makes sense. Magic may be detestable to them, however he only replies to your criticisms much like i do.

« Last Edit: May 05, 2013, 10:19:00 PM by Golgo13 »

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Re: Magic re ban?
« Reply #62 on: May 05, 2013, 10:48:51 PM »
PM in IRC just now:

[22:26] <magic> wow, ex, nice lengthy posts there... grow a dick you gapping vagina
[22:26] <magic> bitch tits

Nevermind, you deserve what you get.  You took a post that contained good info on how you can fix yourself here, and you respond with that?  Enjoy your mute.
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i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim


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Re: Magic re ban?
« Reply #63 on: May 05, 2013, 11:16:39 PM »
PM in IRC just now:

[22:26] <magic> wow, ex, nice lengthy posts there... grow a dick you gapping vagina
[22:26] <magic> bitch tits

Nevermind, you deserve what you get.  You took a post that contained good info on how you can fix yourself here, and you respond with that?  Enjoy your mute.

You're taking that out of context, I meant it in a loving way.

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Re: Magic re ban?
« Reply #64 on: May 06, 2013, 04:36:15 AM »

Your post shows how much you care.
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aka IOU

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Re: Magic re ban?
« Reply #65 on: May 06, 2013, 12:48:38 PM »
IRC ban. That is it.
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Re: Magic re ban?
« Reply #66 on: May 06, 2013, 02:36:59 PM »

(#1) i don't really care, you think i do. i just think in terms of fairness. it doesn't matter either way. however i'm not gonna give away my rationale' for it. not my fault people are miserable pricks holding on to a past nobody gives 2 shits about. they just happen to drag everyone else into their oblivion as a side effect.

(#2) yea ,so i said AC was hacked a while back. so fucking what? if magic gets banned, then it will prove i was right all along. all the trolls will stop stirring shit? hell no. they knew they were wrong from day one. they are just as loathsome, much like you are.

(#3) However considering your condition, i should feel sorry for you, (#4) since your just mad in general. feeling the need to insult ppl. now it makes sense. Magic may be detestable to them, however he only replies to your criticisms much like i do.

#1.  If you didn't care, you wouldn't have posted saying you didn't.  You having to point it out actually shows that you care and typing the huge response you did equals caring.  So fail #1.

#2.  You're never right.  You're beyond delusional and need to be put on meds.  You're dumb as shit.

#3.  I don't and never want you to feel bad for me.  Nor anyone for that matter.  There are people in far worse shape than I and they live life to the fullest, so I do the same. 

#4.  This is where you and many others get confused.  I am never mad, I just say things how they are and most of what I say comes off a bit harsh.  Well, truth hurts. 
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Re: Magic re ban?
« Reply #67 on: May 06, 2013, 02:56:34 PM »

(#1) i don't really care, you think i do. i just think in terms of fairness. it doesn't matter either way. however i'm not gonna give away my rationale' for it. not my fault people are miserable pricks holding on to a past nobody gives 2 shits about. they just happen to drag everyone else into their oblivion as a side effect.

(#2) yea ,so i said AC was hacked a while back. so fucking what? if magic gets banned, then it will prove i was right all along. all the trolls will stop stirring shit? hell no. they knew they were wrong from day one. they are just as loathsome, much like you are.

(#3) However considering your condition, i should feel sorry for you, (#4) since your just mad in general. feeling the need to insult ppl. now it makes sense. Magic may be detestable to them, however he only replies to your criticisms much like i do.

#1.  If you didn't care, you wouldn't have posted saying you didn't.  You having to point it out actually shows that you care and typing the huge response you did equals caring.  So fail #1.

#2.  You're never right.  You're beyond delusional and need to be put on meds.  You're dumb as shit.

#3.  I don't and never want you to feel bad for me.  Nor anyone for that matter.  There are people in far worse shape than I and they live life to the fullest, so I do the same. 

#4.  This is where you and many others get confused.  I am never mad, I just say things how they are and most of what I say comes off a bit harsh.  Well, truth hurts.

1: Rick is right.

2: Gaygo says this over and over because he continues to think he was right and other people were wrong by stating that AC was 100% foolproof. Nobody said that though, and even when shown that multiple people said "any software-only solution is hackable and can be evaded" he refuses to believe that he could be wrong. He's still steaming 7 years later bc we all told him to go shove his insistence on all of us using the hacked holywater anticheat, right up his ass.

3 & 4: Rick still right.
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Re: Magic re ban?
« Reply #68 on: May 06, 2013, 02:57:12 PM »
ban Golgay?

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Re: Magic re ban?
« Reply #69 on: May 07, 2013, 01:05:41 PM »
Brief status update -

Busy with work this week. Didn't implement the ratings admin tool last weekend as planned (tasty BBQ though.) Still intending to implement it soon.

Also, as of yesterday, it's possible stress is adding to my level of irritability:

[13:49:57] <magic> tom, they want to take my voice away
[13:50:05] <Pencil> why?
[13:50:13] <magic> because the truth hurts
[13:50:23] <Pencil> magic your always ok in my book
[13:51:21] <magic> pencil/tom, they want to silence my truths
[13:51:39] <tom> the truth hurts thats why
[13:52:43] <Pencil> what is your truth?
[13:58:58] <magic> magic
[14:05:19] <magic> how long is that dumb "magic re ban" poll open for?
[14:05:27] <magic> that thing needs to go
[14:05:48] <magic> its clear i won it, close it down already
[14:08:24] <quadz> [13:52:43] <Pencil> what is your truth?
[14:08:24] <quadz> part of his truth is the more he talks, the more he reminds me of true.douchebag who was permbanned, and who i didn't vote to unban
[14:12:53] <magic> true.douchebag was a cheater and a pest, i am neither of those things anymore
[14:17:01] <magic> magic is a champion for the railz mod, a good sport and a very unappreciated clown
[14:17:07] <quadz> unfortunately, you don't get to decide whether your present antics remind me of true.douchebag or not. I'm telling you they do. What you do with that information is up to you.
[14:18:59] <magic> as much as i dont want to hear it, i think you're telling me to shut my pie hole for a good long time
[14:19:42] <magic> consider it done.

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Offline Golgo13

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Re: Magic re ban?
« Reply #70 on: May 07, 2013, 01:14:16 PM »

[14:17:07] <quadz> unfortunately, you don't get to decide whether your present antics remind me of true.douchebag or not. I'm telling you they do. What you do with that information is up to you.
[14:18:59] <magic> as much as i dont want to hear it, i think you're telling me to shut my pie hole for a good long time
[14:19:42] <magic> consider it done.[/tt]



« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 02:18:24 PM by Golgo13 »
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Re: Magic re ban?
« Reply #71 on: May 07, 2013, 01:19:02 PM »
fkn rekt
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Re: Magic re ban?
« Reply #72 on: May 07, 2013, 02:19:24 PM »
Lol doubt that his promise will last. He's like all of the other trolls here. Can't cope without the limelight here but they are too shit at the game, so they gotta act a fool. : <<<

Offline VaeVictis

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Re: Magic re ban?
« Reply #73 on: May 07, 2013, 06:10:35 PM »
Lol doubt that his promise will last. He's like all of the other trolls here. Can't cope without the limelight here but they are too shit at the game, so they gotta act a fool. : <<<

hey... just gotta throw my two cents in here

starting shit is more fun than playing half you fuckers :D

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Re: Magic re ban?
« Reply #74 on: May 07, 2013, 06:18:29 PM »
everyone is dying for a "fun" match against the kid who ran from my 180 ping hand grenades for 19 overtimes.
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September 03, 2024, 05:15:49 PM
And wow Derrick is still playing lol


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In nomine Quake II et Id Software et Spiritus John Carmack, Amen.


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Jump up and down in you blue suede shoes
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July 24, 2024, 01:25:59 PM
hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fzoloyoze.torito%2Fposts%2Fpfbid03hZrkDUBJPZKCuFgy5hRUy831ekKJYVRzC7ajXaKQbJ6xcPgKftLukUDfovFyEq3l&amp;show_text


July 24, 2024, 01:25:59 PM
hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fzoloyoze.torito%2Fposts%2Fpfbid03hZrkDUBJPZKCuFgy5hRUy831ekKJYVRzC7ajXaKQbJ6xcPgKftLukUDfovFyEq3l&amp;show_text


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