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Messages - Welkin

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Quake / Re: EDL #11 Launch
« on: October 15, 2012, 01:58:47 PM »
i seen you logon and you won't offer an explanation to why you deleted me from the roster? so i guess dervish was right about something for once. you can't admit to your screw-ups. don't host events if you don't have the common sense to do things right.

That's right. I've been on and I've read your messages. The reason I haven't replied is because I'm consulting the Crew as to if it would be possible to offer you a spot in the league now. I figured we could decide on that first, since it seems you're interested in participating, before I got back to you. That way you'd get all the necessary information at the same time.

You shouldn't jump to conclusions. It's only been a matter of hours since you made your first post on the subject. It's reasonable to give me more time than that. Your "case" isn't the only one I might be handling at the moment, you know.

I have no recollection of a Golgo13 signing up for the league. I do remember a "jaquio100" though. As we don't accept signups of aliases, I specificly told you to come back and sign up with the Golgo13 nick. You never did.

(Found it. Here's actually what I wrote to you.. In this thread.)
Yea, you can't change the nickname you've registered. I'd recommend you to register a new account as Golgo13, as it is(?) the nick you're known under, and that's what we wish to register in the league.

Have you signed up already under a different nick? Let me know.

Edit: Just noticed you did sign up with a different nick. Sign up again as Golgo13, and I'll have the other one removed.

The fact that you didn't notice that you weren't in the league until just now, two weeks after its start, sort of indicates that you don't know what you'd be getting yourself into. Also, the message you sent me was a bit too manic for us to think you'd be a delight to admin games for.

Quake / Re: EDL #11 Launch
« on: September 06, 2012, 01:29:21 AM »
Yeah, it was the first thing I tried out. Also I checked the message board and there's no account on there with my username.

I can't explain why that would be. I asked wision about it, and he changed some sort of setting for the forum. I then tested it myself by registering a new account and then logging in on the forum. It all worked perfectly for me. Please, try again, perhaps it's solved now. If not, register a new account and use this just for the forum. If that doesn't work, let me know. :)

wanted to change my screen name on but it still shows as my old old name i used when i first started. i go by Golgo13 now.  I didn't know which one to put since it has to be a recognizable name for the rules. is there a way to delete it and and start another profile or edit and modify the existing one?

Yea, you can't change the nickname you've registered. I'd recommend you to register a new account as Golgo13, as it is(?) the nick you're known under, and that's what we wish to register in the league.

Have you signed up already under a different nick? Let me know.

Edit: Just noticed you did sign up with a different nick. Sign up again as Golgo13, and I'll have the other one removed.

Quake / Re: EDL #11 Launch
« on: September 05, 2012, 08:50:57 AM »
haunted: Yes and no - it's not up to me. I'm sure most people are already aware of how q2dm2 was never forced onto the map list in the first place. It ended up there because people voted for it. Ref:

There is now another vote in progress for this season's map pool. The admin crew has agreed on the layout for this vote, wishing for a couple of old maps to make way for two new ones.

Quake / Re: EDL #11 Launch
« on: September 05, 2012, 01:36:32 AM »
So...I'm newb.  How do I sign up?  lol

1. Register an account (no alias!) on
2. Make sure you accept the rules of the league (they will be updated, but not that much).
3. Login to your account, and then click the sign up button on
4. Send an email to quake2edl at gmail dot com, so that the crew can register your email address (as email is the main method of contact).

That's about it. Start hanging around in #EDL on Quakenet when the time comes, and make sure you stay tuned on the EDL website. News posts with information appear from time to time.

Quake / Re: EDL #11 Launch
« on: September 05, 2012, 01:11:56 AM »
Can a dude like me get in on the action?  Probably won't make it far, but would like to play for fun.  :)

Can't for the life of me see why you wouldn't!

Quake / Re: EDL #11 Launch
« on: September 04, 2012, 10:58:01 PM »
Have fun


Barton: Thrilled to hear you'll be coming back! Welcome!

Quake / EDL #11 Launch
« on: September 04, 2012, 02:13:59 PM »
To whom it may concern; EDL #11 is now being launched.

Hope to see some new faces this year, as well as certain old ones!

More info:

General Ownage / Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« on: July 12, 2012, 10:48:33 AM »
...these 2 guys are taking this 15 yo video game way too seriously...

Agreed, but aren't we taking everything alittle bit too seriously?

General Ownage / Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« on: July 12, 2012, 06:49:24 AM »
My apologies for not replying to the slander quicker. (Absolutely not saying everything replied to is slander, but I'm not apologizing for that. =])

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
fuck it. send the cheater 200 euro and let the poles laugh about it behind your back. Wouldn't be the first time.

1) In many of your posts, it seems obvious that you consider getting stuck in the Hall of Shame to be hard evidence to being a cheater. Then what is your opinion (Muerte, this goes for you too) on the entries made by syanid, provi, Covell, thaigo, gerppa, goat, AlexJ, Murdock, Barton and Muerte (in fact, the list goes on and on)? I'm guessing you don't have one, and you'll probably answer with something along the lines of "faggot, what the fuck do I care about some third world cheating nobodies" (Barton excluded of course).

I myself do not consider the proof of Hall of Shame entries to be sufficient, on their own, to call someone a cheater. There are several different reasons why somebody could end up there, and as long as that is the case, a player should be granted the benefit of the doubt. "Innocent until proven guilty" - does that ring a bell? However, I do agree that a Hall of Shame entry does raise a red flag, but not alot more (especially not without R1CH’s log details).

2) Enlighten us, who are these Poles, and why will they be laughing behind our backs? Also, when have "they" done this in the past?

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
Hasiu's IP is about as close as you will ever see in q2 to being the same as David's.
I've seen legit players' IP change exactly that "little" in a single day many times over.

You sound so sure about yourself, yet you had no reason to be, as quadz has already made clear. Perhaps in the future one shouldn't take your word for things you claim to know so well, since you seem to have a bad sense of your own knowledge's limits.

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
While you're at it, please support your assertion that Hasiu does play now if you're going to shoot down someone else's that he doesn't.

For a 2010 Hall of Shame entry, how is it relevant whether or not Hasiu still plays today?

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
it's poland and it's rare that someone owns a computer good enough to play a new game

Or that people over there are clever enough to realize that 'new' does not necessarily equal 'good'. But of course it's just a matter of taste. Some people just prefer Katy Perry to The Beatles.

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
When you consider that these were both players "good" enough to play in euro league clans, the probability that they are not the same person gets that much lower.

Players of all skill levels play in "euro league clans", so this assertion makes no sense.

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
You probably won't reply and if you do it will be some normanesque nonlogic that skirts the actual issues and puts everything off to some mythical tomorrow when all will supposedly become clear.

You have no reason to believe that the investigation will not be published - if you do, do tell. And I did not say that everything would become clear, because some things just can't. Some of the logs do not exist anymore, and people seem to forget things (or choose not to tell - whatever honks your horn).

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
4 of which are for a proxy which I find to be a lot worse than the models.
modified client and unknown renderer can be a variety of shit. proxies are proxies. [...] proxy tends to be something intentional [...] I know what a lot of the hits for that violation happen to be and it usually starts with R and ends with atbot.

Supposing this is the case; do you think that intentionally trying out a ratbot once in 2010 (and not so during an official game) should get you banned from the EDL? Also, keep in mind that David has not been widely accused of using any aim improving cheat so far.

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
but I definitely take issue with the people acting as though an over the shoulder cam video from someone who knows he's being watched closely negates any previous actions of his and/or proves he never cheated.

I haven't. Thus the investigation.

Quote from: ex
The entire videos are posted of David playing.  Muerte should watch all of them, and pinpoint where David is using a cheat since it matters so much.

+1. Some actual work from his part wouldn't hurt. You won't see it happen though.

Quote from: Muerte
Didn't know then, just had gut feeling nowadays

You shouldn't trust your gut anymore.

Quote from: Muerte
i can admit your English is way better then mine well known engrish

Whether or not your English is worse than mine, has nothing to do with the weak foundation of your arguments, and insisting on calling me a douchebag just because I did, does not strengthen it a bit.

The fact that you respond to almost none of my criticisms of your comments, I believe indicates that you don't have a clue what's going on in this topic. And instead of just walking away, you insist on throwing around new irrelevant assertions and wild random accusations. As somebody already pointed out, when you get cut off trying to go in one direction, you aimlessly set off into another, and you seem completely unaware of any of the previous routes you've tried.

Quote from: Muerte
This topic was start as product of action one of your minor EDL admins who asked me about that hallway rail shot (he didn't watch live)

I suppose this is what you're refering to:

This thread is a result of this rail shot? Have you really never seen a shot like this before?

Quote from: Muerte
Minor = less important admins who liked idea about Wild Card but you 'douchebag' didn't

1) Like I've already mentioned, your "wild card playoffs" proposal was extremely flawed, as you had failed to understand the system and the rules of the competition, and it would have required alot more work than you had put into it (and more than you most probably would be interested in putting in as well), to actually work.

2) Fact of the case is that the decision to not go through with such a proposal, was supported by these "minor" admins. We felt that individual divisional playoffs was in line with what we were trying to achieve, and this is something that I still believe in. I believe it to be more fun and rewarding for players of equal skill levels to match up against eachother, rather than have a bunch of one-sided games in a big time playoffs.

3) I'm a douchebag because I don't like an idea of yours? That sums you up pretty well, doesn't it?

Quote from: Muerte
now we know why You are THE WINER of div3 and what would happen if you joined div2 and what we could expect from you:
I was a notorious douchebag - I was a whiner, a rage-quitter, and a stuck-up bitch in general. While I'm not perfect today
So u played 'safe': better 1st in 'village' instead last in 'city' or u was to afraid u will do a same you did in past

Another comment very difficult to correctly interpret, as it just blends all kinds of ingredients together until it becomes a very illogical stew.

1) You seem to insinuate that I did not belong in division 3, and that I had placed myself there in order to win easily.

At the start of the season I most definitely belonged in division 3, being outranked by players like padonkas, Delita (who also gave me a beating), Hibru, naymlis and Reverence (and to that add some of the players in the Eastern group). However, much like any player who practices alot and applies himself, I got better and eventually reached the same level as the top players in the division. I’m yet to surpass padonkas, adrenaline, michaq, odium, etc.

I might have won the games, but it sure as hell was not like stealing candy from a baby, and you should know better than to claim so. In the Grand Final michaq quite obviously was having a bad day, all the while I had a very good one - hence the results.

Considering I had just come out of a seven year inactivity period, how could I ever have been expected to fit into any higher division so soon?

2) If I would have played in division 2 this season, I would probably not even have reached the playoffs. Why? Because I was not good enough for division 2. You're right on the money there, but who's arguing otherwise?

3) Also as mentioned before, where were you when you were asked to participate in the seedings?

4) "do a same you did in past"? What does this refer to?

5) Because "I'm not perfect today", you could expect exactly what from me?

Quote from: Muerte
Like i said before: for smart once is enough

"For smart once is enough", yet you keep repeating yourself.

Quote from: Muerte
What would real admin do:
- Before match check agreed server - map list AC status
- After server changed check the same and warn players about absence of AC and possible consequences

1) The players came out of nowhere and decided to play the game one hour before the division 1 grand final, and I was the only admin available. I had alot on my plate at the moment, working to sort things out for the big game, and you might be right about calling me a bad admin for not being able to juggle both things at the same time - but then again, you might be wrong. However, my apologies to the scene for not checking the map list on the server, but how come the players themselves have no responsibility?

2) Neither stigmata nor Numavezi have ever been flagged or suspected of cheating, and neither player expressed having any problems with the server, as far as anticheat status goes. Neither did either player show any sign of unfair means on the first server, so I deem the likelihood of either one of them turning on cheats for the second server, to be very small. I let this pass because they found a server that they agreed on, and I did not feel that it was necessary to intervene and obstruct the smooth passing of the game.

I believe in being flexible and putting the game first. Some of you may think that's wrong of me, but I think it was done for the greater good. Plus, there would most definitely have been more angry voices if I would have done otherwise - if that happens to be something to consider.

Quote from: Muerte
- after one of players start complaining about lags, admin should stop game check lag command and ask player to send him screenshot with netgraph ON on irc and then make decision about continue or server change
Your action on server : (how your notorious douchebag mind imagine fair play)
- no server change because player agreed on it before lags start and he must lose because it no meter what happen
- no server change because player who have lags on this server could win on server where he don't have lags

The best referees are always in the stands for some reason...

stigmata has had a history of breaking games while complaining about connection problems and packet loss. I.e. in his playoff game versus warrior, ztn2dm3 was interrupted in order to change servers, and this was very unfair to warrior, who at the time was fully packed with all the goodies and now had to start from scratch. That is definitely a game-changing opportunity, and perhaps especially so on that map.

While this is very unfortunate for stigmata (and for the game), the EDL crew has jointly (this includes your beloved IsBjorn, whom I suppose you've now indirectly called a douchebag) decided that a server agreed on at the start of the map, will be forced for the remainder of the map. This is by no means a perfect rule, but we currently don't see a better solution. It comes down to being able to expect some responsibility from the players, while decreasing the chances for someone to abuse the system.

Quote from: Muerte
Welkin whats wrong with you?

What's wrong with me is that I keep honoring you with replies.

Quote from: Muerte
in future when u have guys like this as admin and unfair player as opponent don't argue with them because they talk the same like twisted sisters:
- take screenshot with netgraph ON
- turn off router/modem or just pull out network cable (on server you will overflow)
- wait few min. then connect to irc and say u cant connect back to server and send screenshot
- do same every time when u have douchebag as admin
Only way to get fair solution for your connection problems...

Congratulations. You figured out how to abuse a very simple system and set of rules. Why don't you head out across the internet and share that with everyone, much like Razor shares "his" hacks? Oh wait, you just did.

Correction: douchebags[/u] as admins[/u]

Quote from: Muerte
even if im spectator i still menage to play more EDL seasons then you (i was with best in groups and didn't run in div3)

1) Yes, you have played two seasons, while I've only played one. However, EDL was first started after I retired in 2004.

2) No, you weren't playing in division 3, because EDL didn't have divisions back then. Looking at your results, divisions would probably have been a good idea though.

Quote from: Muerte
u can read how i play and why opinion of mine  is so different from yours

1) Yes, that's a very grand gesture, to do what you did. However, if I was you, I could argue that the only reason you did that, was that you feared that the game would just have been declared invalid otherwise. You wouldn't benefit from that either. But hey, I'm not you.

2) No, from that log it is not possible to read why our opinions differ. Especially without a context.

Quote from: Muerte
hah my gut feeling rox
peter@xxxxxxx  Subject:Welkin needs your help! Wink    Thu, 9/8/11
til this
Quote from: Welkin on June 20, 2012, 05:14:37 am
I do not wish to continue this debate. The way Muerte approaches it, it's all pain, no gain for me.

What does your gut feeling have to do with this? What exactly has it told you? (Haven't I already asked you that, but you dodged the question?)

Like I've said earlier, I value your opinion (which the email subject refers to), but not the majority of the comments you've shared in this thread (especially on the David topic). Nothing strange about that. I would consult Jack Nicholson on how to grin, but I wouldn't ask him to fix my cavities.

Quote from: Muerte
i already told ya in mail i wont participate in your investigation so your participation on this topic look just your douche way to undermine me (must inform you i grow up in false country ex Yougoslavia where is 'normal' to expect from ppl to be douche) and highlight your greatness as admin

1) Yes, you've made it clear on many occasions that you have no interest to participate in a constructive manner for the scene. You don't wanna sow, only reap.

2) Considering your passion and enthusiasm in the David topic, one would think that you would have an interest in participating in an investigation into the matter. You'd rather spend your time talking in circles about it, and making hollow videos to show on Youtube, rather than spend that same time doing actual and fruitful work. You're just the typical internet slacker.

3) How am I undermining you solely by confronting you on the issue, questioning your arguments and ideas? And how am I doing that in a "douche way"? :)

4) I'm not highlighting my greatness, I'm merely arguing that I might not be as horrible as you allege.

5) Don't blame your country for how you may or may not have turned out. That's just irresponsible.

Quote from: Muerte
Or u respect own rules and respect anticheat servers logs about players caught in violation
or whole anticheat policy is senseless

1) Read my earlier comment on the Hall of Shame weight issue.

2) The whole anticheat policy is not senseless just because the Hall of Shame can not be trusted 100%.

Quote from: Muerte
PS Dont listen to me only (ofc u wont)
consult purri, Damiah, syanid, gerdt, odium...

Purri wrote this about the EDL #9 quarter final, David vs wst:
"After seeing some of the whine here, I decided to check the ztn2dm3 game from David's pov, and he is 'clean' to me. Nothing strange, and everything that happen I could see why, and also since I watched for weird things I noticed that he made a lot of mistakes that people who 'cheat' would not make. This is based only on the ztn2dm3 game."

To which you replied:
"well purri or you need new wh or glasses"

So if I would consult Purri again (which I have), and he would not agree with your accusations, what indicates that you would accept and/or respect that?

Damiah, syanid and Gerdt have not been consulted, while IsBjorn and odium have.

odium seems to think it's ridiculous that we haven't officially cleared David yet, but perhaps he just needs glasses too?

And together with IsBjorn I've watched the EDL #10 Winners Bracket Final, David vs Purri, in detail. We spent five hours doing so, switching between wallhacks, timescales and whatnot, analyzing David's demos. We found nothing incriminating. But hey, we're both just simple-minded douchebags, so what does our opinion matter?

Quote from: Muerte
fla ru from Radomsko or not ?

You seem to be no better than your antagonists. When you criticize David, they call you [whatever it is.. Purri/IsBjorn/etc-lover], and the only Pole left on the forum to question you, must obviously be from Radomsko.

Quote from: haunted
Despite whatever superiority complex you or anyone else has in regard to the euro scene > usa scene... tell me why you think this is the only place where anyone would listen to his ideas?

It's not really my place to try and tell people what michaq meant by what he said, but I would like to explain how I interpreted it. Muerte has been around much longer (and much more actively) on the boards/forums/comment sections in the European community, and while there should be room for all different opinions, people are only human to grow tired of what could be thought of as trolling. He hasn't been active here long enough for that to happen to you yet. That could possibly be what michaq meant.

I would also like to say that I think the superiority complex is equally proportioned on both sides of the pond.

Quote from: haunted
Europe has never had a head server admin who is proficient with coding and knows how ac works.. there are a few measures, some more crucial than others, that usa/tasty zone servers have been implementing for 7 years and even longer that the euro scene doesn't have.

You have a very good point there, and that's a shame for the European community. But historically speaking I think that our community has been bigger and more unruly... It's been scattered into smaller fractions - fractions difficult to unite even to this day. At least that's probably one reason.

Quote from: Muerte
only one 'false accusation' i made against Anathema members Welkin accepted: where he could be harmed!
So no Anathema members on server during Welkin games

Correct, no Anathema members on the server during our game. Neither was any other person except Ceba (the admin) and Teioch (the philanthropist) allowed. This had nothing to do with whatever accusations you've directed at that clan, as I personally don't buy into them, but rather that when the possibility exists (which it does on certain servers that are both connected to a GTV and where we have full rcon access), there is no reason not to lock down the server for a big game. We have done this whenever possible so far - why would our game be an exception?

I haven't said that your accusation was false, only that you haven't provided any proof for what you're saying.

Quote from: Muerte
But i was hoping u could explain how is possible in game Adrenaline vs Michaq where your tm norman wasn't admin: he make decisions on server

You are not very specific, but I'm guessing this is exactly what you've been talking about for some time now, and what I have already explained to you.

- michaq is hometeam, meaning his map pick (homemap) is played first, however, they seem to have agreed to switch turns, making adrenaline's map pick first
- when home/away, michaq's map pick is played on adrenaline's home server, and vice versa, meaning first map is now played on European server
- in bo5 games, the following maps to play are chosen through map elimination, and neither of these maps count as either player's map pick
- after the players' map picks, the servers that the following maps are played on, are decided by turns, meaning that the server used for the 1st map, will be used for the 3rd, and the server for the 2nd map, is used for the 4th

To my knowledge, this game followed the rules. The same rules that you repeatedly fail to comprehend.

Quote from: haunted
And despite whatever y'all may say in defense to norman, that guy does NOT have the composure to make 100% fair calls when someone he dislikes is involved.

norman is not involved in the David investigation. Much for the reason you mentioned - being that anyone with personal interests shouldn't be a part of such.

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
I'm not openminded about Norman being a fair admin bc he was instrumental in helping multiple Polish players get advantages in EDL thru less than legitimate means. This has been shown repeatedly, and yet you polish players who were assisted by him try to claim otherwise..

State the incidents.

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
I'm not openminded about nonlogic being thrown around as if it is logic. A video of David playing a week ago, doesn't mean shit when people are asking about the 4 proxy hits on his IP from a while back, and bad renderer, and modified client hits.


Quote from: Whirlingdervish
how did you ping 130+ to dfuk vs ad?

If I remember correctly, all the Polish guys on that particular ISP had problems with certain servers that day.

Quote from: Muerte
on topic
Published on April Fools' Day serious q2scene admins investigation about David last season

How is this April Fools Day joke relevant to this debate?

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
they had time to mock the situation, but apparently they didn't have time to do any homework

I think it's rather a matter of us not wanting to spend too much time replying on the comments made here. This thread has lost alot of its original legitimacy and even sanity.

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
actually watch any demos

I would suggest watching some yourself, while keeping an objective attitude, instead of just Muerte's Youtube clips.

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
but of course, the stupid americans are crazy for asserting that someone might be covering up dirty shit by the polish players when one of them was obviously walling in last years EDL and nothing happened as a result.

1) "The stupid Americans"? Seems like you're pretty much alone here.

2) Is it David you're refering to, to be the obvious wallhacker in last years (or year's, which is it?) EDL? How is it obvious?

3) Nothing happened as a result after last season of EDL, because you can't punish somebody who is not proven guilty. Perhaps we're working with definitions here? Guilty to you is a couple of AC entries + in-game prediction that you can't wrap your head around? That's not guilty to me, but then again, I'm probably too stupid being the third world illiterate that I am.

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
Notice how fla, and pretty much everyone from across the pond other than muerte who's posted here would rather talk about xenophobia and budapest than these hits by their new savior david, which actually have something to do with the topic of this thread

Maybe they wish to wait for the investigation report to be published, before actually picking it apart.

Quote from: Faderjoko
While I don't think David needs a wallhack to win, don't you find it weird how almost 5 different Poles came to some random Q2 forum to defend David when someone was accusing him?

Forgive me if I'm mistaken (which I very well might be), but I can only count to three Poles. And one of them is a regular in America, right?

Quote from: VaeVictis
but even good players can cheat... people quite capable of playing without cheats have been caught with cheats in the past


Quote from: Muerte
Only 'proof' is: 'someone' played with David IP from David place
so who was it
[ ] David
[ ] hasiu (living 2 streets from David place)
[ ] Flavis (3rd known guy from Radomsko

This is the level you've stooped to? When you say things like that, you make your other points much less convincing.

ex said it so well: "You really think David would waste his time having someone else play as him, this insinuating someone BETTER than him, so that he could win against the out of shape Purri?  And on top of that, have someone either play at David's place, or proxy through David's IP, both ridiculous, just so he could maintain the top player slot?  And have it all videotaped?"

Quote from: Whirlingdervish
pages later and nobody addresses the anticheat violations. surprise surprise!

You haven't really done any digging of your own, have you? You've just mentioned that they exist. That's the easiest thing in the world to do.

Quote from: Muerte
live u could see his face and witch finger he showing q2 community on end of that video

You know exactly what intentions people have when doing the smallest things, don’t you? Personally I believe it much more likely that the finger was directed to you and your easily counted mob members.

Also, I don't think you should be uploading pictures of people without their consent.

Quote from: Muerte
Quote from: Welkin 2012-06-15 01:48
david: lol, "thanks [...] see ya" is not want i'm reading from your middle finger at the end of the recordings ;D

How is this quote relevant to whatever point you're trying to make?

Quote from: Muerte
when i was 'trustworthy adviser'

Much like any fanatic, you can't be trusted because you have an agenda on which reasoning does not work.

Quote from: Muerte
Didn't analyzed the video and do not intend.

Of course not. That implies work.

Quote from: Muerte
Simply videos not cover suspicious demos and don't give answer why is David name/IP on AC server violation list

Correct, and quite obviously so.

Quote from: Muerte
If EDL crew take your advice :
- EDL accept players who got caught on AC server using cheat as legit players
- EDL not accept Rich anticheat protection and all violation recorded on AC server as proof of cheat
- EDL not accept videos with recorded wallhack from official demos as proof of cheat

1) You are implying that the EDL should ban all players with a Hall of Shame record.

2) You are implying that R1CH's anticheat protection is perfect, and all the fruit that it bears is unquestionable.

3) You are implying that any individual's edited video material of a fraction of a game, along with the said individual's interpretation of the happenings within this fraction, is to be considered hard evidence.

4) You are implying that the EDL crew should be taking advice on cheaters by cheaters. You haven't forgotten, have you? You're a registered "cheater", by your own standards of definition.

Quote from: Muerte
since EDL crew is part of q2scene crew

False. The EDL website is hosted by, but that's about it. This might explain why you insist on failing to understand that EQ2L's removal of AprQ2 from its rule sheet had nothing to do with the EDL. Especially not so after EDL having had both its crew and former rule sheet replaced and rewritten.

Quote from: Muerte
- EDL accept videos that does not contain evidence of the case being examined (after fact videos) [...] all players caught cheating from past must be rehabilitated because same evidence r not acceptable anymore because they will all produce videos in latest games where they r not cheating

It has not been officially announced that David is cleared of all charges solely because he has made cam recordings of two recent games.

Quote from: Muerte
If EDL crew kick/ban David:
- EDL/q2scene admin crew work from past season is questionable so that open door on other cases they didn't investigate because of their arrogance
- EDL/q2scene admin crew work from this season is questionable because why they wait so long to investigate violations during group stage

1) The EDL crew and the q2scene admin crew is not the one and same, as already mentioned.

2) Name the other cases that the crew from the previous EDL season should have worked on.

3) There would have been good reason for the EDL crew to begin work earlier on an investigation into David's past and present activities, agreed. However, solely so because of his more recent Hall of Shame entries. This is to be considered a mistake – mainly mine.

Quote from: Muerte
Welkin EDL head admin already showed he fallow 'own rules'
- q2dm2 must get in EDL by any coast (victims match1, q2rdm7 and q2rdm1)
- Fader got 'special permission' for APRQ2 client banned 2009 from q2scene as illegal
- ventrilo suspected crew not allowed on server when Welkin playing

1) What "own rules" do you refer to?

2) It's very interesting that you mention the addition of q2dm2 in this season's map pool. Mainly because I find it highly unlikely that you are really not aware of how it was added. (Not only highly unlikely, but flat out unbelievable.)


Now, you argue that I'm an incompetent admin, and this is one of the arguments you provide. This argument was obviously entirely made up. Tell us, what else are you making up, or just choosing not to disclose, for the benefit of your accusations? For all that we know, you could as well be sitting on evidence to completely clear David. And you question why I don’t consider you trustworthy?

3) Like already mentioned many times, AprQ2 is currently not banned in the EDL.

4) Also like already mentioned, Anathema members were not locked out of the server during my game vs michaq for any such reason. Plus, this is completely unrelated to any existing rules - so how would I be following "my own"?

Quote from: Muerte
Answer to this is simple:
Does the EDL/q2scene crew will make a decision good for them or will make a decision good for quake2

Simple indeed; the crew makes good decisions when Muerte agrees with them, but never otherwise.

Quote from: Muerte
i tested all servers in Europe […] Only one was "bulletproof"

1) Which server?
2) Bulletproof how?

Quote from: Muerte PS this was 'stronger' then 'me' lol

I’m sure it was equally “weak” ( One interesting difference being one game was official, the other not.

You just did the exact same thing now as what you’ve accused Scooby of being lame for doing in the past. I’m referring to the demo of one of the several 2v2 games vs the Unmatched guys. Scooby picked the one game that would make himself look good - you picked the one that would make me look bad. You observed all the games me and Numavezi played during that session, but this was the game that you chose to use. Indeed no full disclosure when you are trying to prove a point.

Also, would it not be appropriate to ask both players first, before publishing demos of their friendly games?

Quote from: Muerte
its just joke about yours and welk 'blaster skill' and 'same q2 understanding'

So giving up during a game equals not understanding Q2? How would you explain Damiah’s recent EDL activity then? Does he no longer understand this game - like you do?

Quote from: Muerte
1st sign of purri bad shape: hes not playing q2dm1 - his most played and best map

1) dm1 is everybody’s most played map.
2) His best map how? The map he knows best, or the map others struggle the most to compete with him on? If the latter, you’re dead wrong.
3) There are many reasons why he wouldn’t pick dm1 as homemap, all having nothing to do with bad shape. Here’s two: 1) risky map to pick vs experienced and highly skilled players, 2) interest in endorsing koldduel1 instead.

Quote from: Muerte
i was amused reading purri 'story' how he played this EDL on top of his shape

He never said anything about being in top shape. He said: “I really felt that I played well so my form was for sure not crap as some of you might think”. So why are you saying that?

Edit: trivial bs

General Ownage / Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« on: June 20, 2012, 05:14:37 AM »
Quote from: Welkin
And if this (see below) is the kind of replies Muerte resorts to, when debating issues of this sort, I wouldn't dream of condescend him with an answer.

I know, I know...

1st sry i 'betray' your trust but i didn't know (after exchanging several mail with you) i become secret consigliere bonded with omerta

Here's a perfect example of what you do, you lash back at me trying to make a point by being funny, but you a) show that you clearly haven't understood any of what I wrote, b) fail to make a point of your own, and c) fail to be funny.

It's remarkable how much text you can muster up without responding to the vast majority of my comments - especially the comments with content of more significance.

Quote from: Muerte
I glad you finally conformed all my suspicion about you, after all your suggestions about further cooperation.

Let's see if I got this right. You suspected me of being a negative influence on the game/scene, and now you're glad that your suspicions were "proven" right? Sure makes it sound like all those people within the community who regard you as nothing but a troll might have been right.

Also, this comment really falls short on the lack of description of these "suspicions" that you mention.

Quote from: Muerte
I had ultimate respect for you as player in old days, and feel honored playing with you in same team in pickup games,

This is also rather puzzling. Back in the day I was a notorious douchebag - I was a whiner, a rage-quitter, and a stuck-up bitch in general. While I'm not perfect today, by any means, I do believe I'm only a fraction of what I was... But why would you respect a player like that? Because I was a top level competitor in those days? Again, judgement...

Quote from: Muerte
but now after few conversation with you about weapons/maps and what you wrote here about how to investigate suspicious player i seriously doubt your understanding Quake 2 as game

Yes, we have different opinions on maps (and weapons? okay), and for that reason you question my understanding for Q2 as a game? That says very little about me, while it says everything about you. You are apparently very narrow-minded with no understanding for opinions other than your own.

Also, I wrote nothing about how to investigate any suspect/player.

Quote from: Muerte
You can't (or you can) put Admin badge on chest and arguing matter you  don't understand and 'speak' from position higher power

True. If I didn't understand the game, I shouldn't head admin the main duel competition around. (If that's what that drivel meant?) Luckily I do.

Quote from: Muerte
All evidence are in official demos on DS its not my fault you skipped several years in Quake2 and you lack of knowledge what and how hacked version of clients work and how to recognize what source code of previous hacked client was used as base to make latest modified client

Wow. Let's see what you're trying to say here.

"All evidence are in official demos". Incorrect. Demos can only support speculations, and may never be considered true and real evidence on their own.

"It's not my fault you skipped several years in Quake2" Correct. It's not. Neither is it a fully valid argument as to why I would not be good at what I do today (and nor is it the opposite).

"You lack of knowledge what and how hacked version of clients work and how to recognize what source code of previous hacked client was used as base to make latest modified client" Correct. I don't know the technicalities of these things, but I'm clever enough to consult those who actually do. Based on the information I receive, I make my decisions (as mentioned, most of the time with help from fellow admins). So I'm not really stumbling around in the dark, am I?

These points you try to bundle together have in fact extraordinarily little to do with eachother.

Quote from: Muerte
Its not my job to make 15 min movie because: For smart is once enough.

Yes, you've clearly proven how "smart" you are and what a "great" understanding you have of the game, by the comments you've made in this thread along with the Youtube clips you've published.

Quote from: Muerte
And this is 1337 Frag Demos section

Then why does only one of the three videos in the original post, contain a frag?

Quote from: Muerte
how your precursor was serous last season u could read in his post and judging by your post yours going in same 'direction'

Like I said, the investigation is ongoing, and I don't wish to publish any of the material before it's complete... But the impression that you can get from my previous post, is that I'm not going in your "direction". Few people are anymore.

Quote from: Muerte
since i cant prove aliens exist (they wasn't crazy to land in Serbia)


Quote from: Muerte
i spent same amount of time as  Whirlingdervish to find David IP address on AC server
to find 'Jimmy Hoffa' aka hasiu mystical David archenemy

You spent the same amount of time, yes, and not a minute more to actually dig into whether or not Hasiu is another individual. I am not the least surprised that WhirlingDervish doesn't know about the player Hasiu - why should he? I don't know every American player from the last 10 years... But you? You have no excuse.

You try to be this journalist character who expose the Watergate equivalences of the Q2 sphere, but you lack all the journalist's qualities. You just throw around accusations without spending a second even questioning them.

Quote from: Muerte
wasnt hard there is cheater section on DS
he playing vs dugg who got caught with same 'illegal style' (by Welkin) i used on David recording demos with wh client

So you're saying that 1) David and Hasiu is the same person, without presenting any evidence, and 2) that Hasiu is playing with the same alleged cheat as the POV player in the demo, eventhough they're neither on the same team nor seem to have any connection to eachother, also without presenting any evidence. Hehe, excuse me for asking, but what are you basing any of these accusations on?

Quote from: Muerte
on ClanBase in same team with RYDEL (kicked using wh in euroq2l) and michaq (today's David tm) (yeye Barton no guilty by association)

Rydel was deemed a cheater by the EQ2L crew, and michaq was in the same clan at one point. In your mind this automatically makes michaq a cheater... And like that was not enough, you also insinuate that in turn this automatically makes David a cheater... Because Rydel was one. Sometime you should listen to yourself speak.

Quote from: Muerte
and mystical hasiu vanished only to reappear 2 years in row 2010 and 2011 'framing' David on AC server with David IP

1) Hasiu is only as "mystical" as you've chosen to make him. Don't forget that.

2) Hasiu is not an active player, but that doesn't mean that he never plays.

3) Hasiu only "framed" (this is not my choice of words, as I don't buy Muerte's version) David once, not twice.

4) David's IP and Hasiu's differ.

Quote from: Muerte
Couldn't mind less about David in that time (only reason i asked IsBjorn to paste this is client 13 ip)

You still can't care less for David, or any of the Anathema players for that matter.

And how does any of this relate to neowolf or his IP?

Quote from: Muerte
Even if is Game of Thrones over and Falling Skies weak sf i don't buying this hasiu fantasy story

Because you thick-headedly choose not to.

Quote from: Muerte
[Endless of screenshots and mumbo jumbo in the 2nd post...]

All this proves is that you're great at collecting data of different sorts, but bad at interpreting it. I'm not saying that you're off on every point you're trying to make here... But as this most probably was a response to my comment on how sloppy your math is, it only seems like you've completely misunderstood things again. I.e. a two month vacation can never decrease your skill level by more than half, and neither can one warmup game increase it by 20%.

You question whether or not I myself understand this game, and I see very little reason to try and convince you otherwise. My impression of you is that you seem to know alot less than I've thought in the past, and maybe that can be attributed to the fact that you're not a player, only an observer. An observer will never get the grasp of the gameplay in the same way as a player - he will never fully understand i.e. some mental aspects - but on the other hand, an observer may get a better sense for certain other things. While the likes of Purri and Damiah know more about the gameplay than I do, since they've been at it actively for over a decade, you can't neglect the fact that I have a considerable competitive history (example 1, 2) - all the while you don't. I just know more than you about how top level Q2 DM duels are played, and I'm sorry if that sounds like the sum-up of a dick measuring contest.

I do not wish to continue this debate. The way Muerte approaches it, it's all pain, no gain for me.

General Ownage / Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« on: June 19, 2012, 04:45:29 AM »
One day poles will win all q2 leagues because all other players will stop playing...

Sounds very similar to the situation during the Golden Era, when Americans stopped playing and allowed Europeans to rise to the top. By the same logic, I guess we can write off Europeans as ever being skilled and deserving too then.

sry to inform you but wining purri in duel when he was clearly 35-45% of his top shape don't make you top player just lucky one

These numbers seem extremely sloppily produced. First off, what would equal 0% - somebody who just installed Q2 for the first time and in fact has no FPS experience at all? Or would you rather have it equal i.e. stigmata's level of skill? If the latter, I think we have no reason to take any of what you say seriously, as your judgement seems to lack substantially.

I would absolutely agree to Purri not being in top shape for this season, but in my humble opinion he was no less than 85-90% of it. That's the level you would still need (if not a lot more) to be able to defeat players like IsBjorn and Damiah (lets not forget that Damiah did well in this particular playoff game vs Purri).

And if this (see below) is the kind of replies Muerte resorts to, when debating issues of this sort, I wouldn't dream of condescend him with an answer.

If you want to speculate whether or not which player is better, I'm not really up for getting into that.
nhf but ur one who need to check 'bibliography' before start to speculate:
atm available demos on net
purri ~1400
Damiah ~ 280
Syanid ~ 55
provi ~ 40

I'm beginning to realise that this circus has been nothing but your own personal little vendetta/crusade against David.

You begin by finding an extremely small number of incidents during a tremendously bigger number of David's games, where his opponent happens to stroll by his crosshair somewhere on the other side of some wall for a fraction of a second, and/or you find a good prediction shot of any kind, and you create some Youtube video when having turned on your wallhack and replayed the demo in slow motion - a method that will make most situations look odd.

On top of this, you completely neglect the fact that you'd be able to find similar incidents in any medium or top skilled player's game - players who have any sense of instinct and timing.

And eventually, when this fails, you post trivial bullshit like this:
this is top level David reached? 1/11 rails against 4 rockets and 9 ssg shots purri's and one frag  :lolsign:

For a long time I have felt the uttermost respect for you, Muerte. You are possibly the only true Q2 professor around, and your opinion in most matters is of importance to me (it still is). When I've had my knowledge gaps in things concerning the game, you've been one of the people I've consulted.

You've made a habit out of insulting me on this forum, and you've betrayed my trust with the "welkleaks" business. In most cases when you've criticized my actions and decisions as head admin, you've either misinterpreted the situation or just failed to understand the rules (i.e. in your suggestions for the playoff system), all the while never delivering a single negative word about IsBjorn, a fellow admin who has supported and/or co-authored many of the same decisions. This clearly proves that you are a very biased observer.

Quite honestly, you have been hurtful. I've put a lot of time and effort into doing what I felt needed to be done for this scene, and I very much realise it would be impossible to have everyone agree with everything that I do... (Hell, isn't it better to at least do something, when most people do nothing?) But how could any sane person blame me for Hibru dropping out, simply because he got seeded into division 3 (where according to his past official record, he clearly belongs) - which you did? In fact, I even asked you for help during the seeding process, but you were not interested. Perhaps it's too difficult to build something, rather than try and tear it down?

On another note, the David investigation is still ongoing. I hope to be able to publish my results soon.

Contrary to what norman has said in this thread, it has not been a wish of mine, nor the official EDL crew position, to postpone publishing the results of this investigation. The fact that it has taken time and is still not done, is because everything Q2 can not be made a top priority in my life. It's an immense body of work for which I receive no compensation.

General Ownage / Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« on: June 18, 2012, 10:37:41 AM »
I was rather impressive though

Good to know you're so modest.

Wayne Gretzky doesn't need to be modest.

General Ownage / Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« on: June 18, 2012, 03:30:21 AM »
I beat the guy...then (insert haunted summary post) happened...I was rather impressive though...thanks.

Where do I find haunted's post?

General Ownage / Re: Official Tourney Map Update Thread
« on: February 06, 2012, 01:20:58 AM »
i've just got duels on my mind, so these comments just apply to that. :)


ztn2 without bfg is a must. there's way too much cells on the map.
rdm2 without rg, i doubt that'd be an uplift for the map. but perhaps remove the slugs by cg?

other suggestions:

dm2 - add a ca between quad and sg? maybe a cg at sg?
dm3 - remove the invu rail?
ztn3 - replace the rl ca with a ja? remove the ra slugs?
ptrip - add more spawns?
aero - replace the gl ja with a ca?
duel5 - just delete this map altogether  :razzberry:

i haven't really thought this through very well.. but i enjoyed considering some changes in the maps. i doubt i would ever support edited maps in any of the main competitions though :)

General Ownage / Re: EDL #10 & EuroQ2L #16 Launched
« on: September 19, 2011, 03:57:35 AM »
I'm expecting a few more of you guys to sign up! Would be absolutely awesome if you'd do!

Thanks for the support!

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