Rates Received - 0rbisson

Pages: [1] 2
Bot Drop / Chacal
Funny Funny
on January 25, 2025, 03:11:04 PM by NoBugsOnMe
Ok so over the years this guys gameplay has been highly suspect. Even people like B100D has called this guy out for blatantly wallhacking (he should know seeing he ran a wallhack clan)
Numerous people on the server today calling this guy out. His play does look suspect, and his skill level does not match the frag count. His movement is like a nooby noob all he does is wait around corners. If you look closely he is constantly aiming up as if looking through the walls. its subtle but its there. Attached demo
Bot Drop / Re: First hack of the year 2993
Funny Funny
on January 03, 2024, 06:47:47 PM by yahoo
Don't you worry, I will be kickin your ass well into the new year
poetry / essays / short stories? / Re: Quotes
Funny Funny
on August 18, 2023, 03:54:35 AM by Focalor
The best quote in human history

Who do you think you are? I AM! - Pete Webber

/dev/random / Re: We the Cows
Demonstrates Exceptional Knowlege of the Game Demonstrates Exceptional Knowlege of the Game
on March 14, 2023, 01:55:18 AM by Prophet
Just like in real life, cows are stinking up the server.  I love when you team camp and I change to cow skin come in and break up the camp.

Oh the mooage
dm / Re: Racism on dm server
Insightful Insightful
on October 24, 2022, 02:26:21 PM by yahoo
Because you don't get it I will spell it out. There is only one race, the human race. It doesn't matter if you are black, white, red, purple with pink polkadots, we are all human we all bleed red, YOU are the cause of "racism" YOU are dividing the human race into a color race of its own by calling yourselves ******.

So seeing humans of black color like calling themselves that word it is fair game for everyone to use seeing there is no black race, they are part of the human race. Hope this helps **********
dm / Re: 888 needs to be muted
Funny Funny
on August 18, 2022, 03:48:29 PM by yahoo
Would not be surprised at all if pastaa is 888 using a proxy. he seems to be on the cheer squad not playing while 888 is there. I am pretty sure pastaa is aka rambo who also sucks 888's penis.
/dev/random / Re: The last movie you saw....
Insightful Insightful
on July 11, 2022, 02:53:45 PM by yahoo
Hoxx VPN addon for firefox. Im sure there are addons for chrome aswell. whilst there is a daily download cap, I manage to download multiple 1 to 2gb movies without problem from yts.mx
dm / Re: DM server suggestions: max players, new maps
Insightful Insightful
on September 30, 2021, 03:48:33 PM by yahoo
I think you should increase the player number from 16 to 20. Days when DM is full and i get directed to the 2nd server i just leave. And yes DM is popular for a reason. Dont mess up a good thing by getting fancy
Religion, and the Changing Moral Zeitgeist / Re: Re: Ye Tubby Smack Thread
Funny Funny
on September 22, 2021, 07:38:53 AM by yahoo
Quote from: |iR|Focalor

LOL damn
tastyspleen.net / Re: Old Doom and Quake
Funny Funny
on August 29, 2021, 03:17:37 PM by yahoo
Welcome back fatso
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