No need to explain really. I think that honestly 90% of the tdm community would be very pleased to see Razor being muted for awhile. If you need any explanation about his antics, just go on irc and look in #tastyspleen-live. LITERALLY 1/2 of it is full of his garbage, which is pretty sad because that channel monitors ALL of tastyspleen's servers. He starts stuff with a dozen people a day, no exaggeration.
is it also possible that everytime Razor plays the suffix noob will be forced like "Razor-noob".?do by all means mute him. xD
Quote from: yahoo on August 15, 2008, 10:47:24 PM is it also possible that everytime Razor plays the suffix noob will be forced like "Razor-noob".?do by all means mute him. xD Noob on u fag.
Yahoo noob fag <--- Razor the noob killer
how dare you your lucky to fucking even know i didnt brainwash you fuck im your only fucking hope