In England you'd be labelled 'jumped up little pricks' - I find that this colourful vernacular describes you very well: Arm0r, Mugz, Whirling, pretty much all of EoM and BTF with one or two exceptions, haunted and X'Tyfe.
Please feel free to add yourselves to this list if I've missed anybody out.
zzzzzzzz stock responses from the stock tastyspleen morons and no-lifers. I'm not supporting him at all. Where did I say that?At least I have a point of view of my own and don't follow the fucking herd. I have a BRAIN with REASONING POWER. This allows me to make REASONABLE judgements and assumptions based on actual evidence.There's this little elitist clique in here who are always right and cannot ever be wrong. Must be beautiful never to have to apologise or admit a mistake. So wrapped up in your own indulgent little self-importance you fail to realise you are actually no better than the people you run down - and as far as I can see that's all you ever do.In England you'd be labelled 'jumped up little pricks' - I find that this colourful vernacular describes you very well: Arm0r, Mugz, Whirling, pretty much all of EoM and BTF with one or two exceptions, haunted and X'Tyfe. Please feel free to add yourselves to this list if I've missed anybody out.Jumped up little pricks. Without your little 'band of heroes' to back each other up you'd have fuck all to say methinks.