Hi all,i was hoping somebody could explain how to turn Quake 2 Demos into videos so they can be uploaded to , lets say "youutuppe", and be easily watched here (on tastyspleen.net). Wouldnt that be cool? At least spit out a link to a really userfriendly demoplayer. Or/and a video editing tool to mix some music under ther videos.
Nice step by step clarification.But it looks like i have a codec problem or something. I did this: Aviexport 10 (demoname).dm2 (demoname).aviAprq2 ran the demo with 10 fps and saved the .avi in quake2 (exactly there).I opened it in vlan and it looked like this:all colors messed up and stuff Any ideas?
Hm... ok... so i downloaded seismovision and aprq2, but i cant figure out how to make avis. In seismovision: do i have to execute media player as i play the demo and then just press record?Beefquake looks like not so good, same as q2e, egl and kmquake2 just doesnt work out for me.Q2max doesnt even start.Sure edeting takes some time, but for now i just want to upload a small demo uncut/raw, so everybody can just click and watch it in the forums-oh, yeah, that was the idea More help needed
Maybe http://quakecapture.sourceforge.net/ would be any help. =]
VirtualDub is a free program for basic editing and processing of AVI files. http://www.virtualdub.org/ http://virtualdub.sourceforge.net/
The newest version of AprQ2 is v1.211 BTWhttp://maniac.aq2world.com/apr/aprq2_v1.211.zip