the small ammo box and 2 large boxes connected to it, there is zero reason for that setup besides 15 different jumps, now i will say that 13-14 of those jumps im sure werent planned. but the dj to top box to mega seems like it was destined to be. there is no reason for that perfect setup except for an insanely easy and convienient way to get the mega without rl. u couldnt circle to it from y/a box back then so i would have to say the dj was preplanned
That -1 was intentional suicide before i gave up. to bad u wouldnt rematch.
people dislike you so you can say whatever you want...
first.. i get my ego/cockyness/confidence from everything in my life. which would be my "trophy" gf who btw is the nicest person ive ever met and im glad ull never get the chance. from the friends i have and the money i make the life i live, the way i look, and how incredibly smart i am and even yes.. the size of my penis. this attitude transfers over onto q2 because im the best there ever was,is and ever will be. I dont have to lose to know when someone is cheating, it just comes from 10 yrs of playin the game and always being on top.gas station attendent eh? reliving the past are we? I make more money selling weed at work than u do at your job/allowance... just so u know
lol apparently u dont know Canada that well...
$800 Canadian?