Ok.. I have two problems I am trying to code this in asm (assembly - motorola), it is in asm and my instructor is a dipshit and I don't know what to do. So can anyone help me out, you will be rewarded. Question 2 is much longer.. I need this by tomm morning. Here is a reference to sample code and the language - http://www.owlnet.rice.edu/~elec201/Book/6811_asm.html#SECTION001830000000000000000
it's the code thats getting to me. Like how do I use BVS and BCS to tell the compiler how to execute what I want it to..
ORG $2600 /label & load table1TABLE1 FCB "i dont know what values to put here" ORG $2610 /label & load table2TABLE2 FCB "i dont know what values to put here"
Can't I just use thisFCB $-128,$126,$7,$8,$9.. and so on?instead of having to make a new FCB line for each number? or is a new line required?