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Re: Follies of 2dum
« Reply #75 on: December 09, 2013, 11:04:00 PM »
I was going to ask admin to split this post, however "follies of 2dum" seem appropriate  :forceac:
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Re: Follies of 2dum
« Reply #76 on: December 10, 2013, 04:15:16 AM »
They are not my friends. Many around here understand my humor and that everything i say is light hearted, but to them, I am their enemy...a clown to shit on

Here's the thing... maybe you think all the shit that you say is "light hearted humor", but when you repeat the same "joke" (aka trolling) over and over and over again, people start becoming convinced that you actually believe the shit that you say. Therein is probably the joke for you personally. I'm sure you get a good chuckle thinking you've convinced people you believe the shit you say. There's nothing wrong with a joke, but for God's sake, know when it's gone far enough and know when to reveal the punchline. Otherwise the joke will continue on forever, and you will inevitably become a clown to shit on. Guys like Andy Kaufman and Sasha Baron Cohen created outrageous asshat characters that drew people's ire much to their own amusement. But they knew when the joke had grown stale, retired the character, and moved on to something else.

To be straight honest, I havent done shit to anyone to warrant the hate they have.

Yes, you have. Your "light hearted humor". You've created this 2dum clown character that is always overly competitive in all things to the point where it has become an obnoxious character flaw. You've persisted in this obnoxious activity for so long that it's thoroughly convinced everyone that you are just an obnoxious asshole.

I'm about 99.99% certain I've said this to you before: ACT FUCKING NORMAL.
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Re: Follies of 2dum
« Reply #77 on: December 10, 2013, 07:16:50 AM »
I can't believe people are giving this pos 2dum the time of day. Let's not forget how he came in to the TS community talking shit to any and everyone. And he did this for how long? I hope no one is falling for this retards "who me?" bullshit. 2dum is a fucking troll now and always has been. He's pulled the same shit on other servers as well. He's a trouble maker, a shit starter and an all around fucking retard. He cries about how I threatened him but go back and read his many posts on how people should be tortured, tied up and beat, set on fire, etc. He deserves all the abuse he gets and its all well deserved. The fucked up thing is, as long as people are talking about him, he thinks he's winning. Mute or ban that retard forever and it would crush his world. And last but not least, that fat smelly pos likes to get his asshole fingered.  Nuff said.
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Re: Follies of 2dum
« Reply #78 on: December 10, 2013, 07:41:44 AM »
(2dum)'s a trouble maker, a shit starter and an all around fucking retard. He cries about how I threatened him but go back and read his many posts on how people should be tortured, tied up and beat, set on fire, etc. He deserves all the abuse he gets and its all well deserved. The fucked up thing is, as long as people are talking about him, he thinks he's winning.


We should all agree to stop giving his stupid antics the time of day. Think of it like training a dog not to beg for table scraps.

If he begs for that scrap of meat (attention) deny it to him and deny him any form of recognition that his antics even affect you. If he persists at this begging routine for an unreasonable amount of time without any further input from you, swat him on the nose.

If he keeps at it after being swatted on the nose, you put him outside.

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Re: Follies of 2dum
« Reply #79 on: December 10, 2013, 09:44:34 AM »
I am entitled to reply as I convinced 2dum into posting the audio to defend the matter in hand, a matter that was done with, a matter that Quadz had a problem with, resurrected by fader (to only then call everyone middle schoolers after provoking the incident, GJ.)

just to clarify and get things back on track, this is not a plea bargain 2dum is seeking, simply fader brought it up and was followed by ex once again pointing fingers and saying the usual "I didnt do it". This just proves that everyone looks for any sort of loophole to gang up and attack 2dum to the fullest extent. Although I can agree he deserved it, that debt was paid with a 6 month mute. Regardless of the all the trolling, it was all Quake2 related, the usual q2 smacktalk that goes on in TS.

If 2dum affected you into having to take personal matters to hand, belligerently wanting real life revenge, that person has a serious condition that needs to get checked. I used to HATE rick and wanted his head roasted in a pit during active ra2 days (demos are available to prove this) if you thought 2d's mouth was loud, you never met rick; Yet I never took it that far to look up his information with a group of cheerleaders and prank call...

ex - are you kidding me? The audio is there dude, I was there. How are you still calling LIE after you can crystal clear hear it... Nobody is getting banned, 2dum as he stated before dosent want anyone banned. stop being such a girl and man up, you are such a fag for being the first to throw people under the bus after sucking up to rick every single time in ra2, fukin coward.  :ohlord:

focalor - how in the fuk do u manage to make these threads about you? LOL i have nothing against u dude but fukin a haha.  :dohdohdoh:

I hope this post is long enough to cause attention to be read, after being overshadowed by insignificant 2dum-hate-posts by people at work who don't even play the game.

In conclusion, OF COURSE 2dum gives the "open your mouth's and start kissin quadz ass" line, and Vae is first in line rofl.  :nana:

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Re: Follies of 2dum
« Reply #80 on: December 10, 2013, 10:07:40 AM »
Well I think the ra2 crowd has officially proven which community has the most q2 drama...owned bitches!
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Quote from: John Kreese
Mercy is for the weak. Here, in the streets, in competition: A man confronts you, he is the enemy. An enemy deserves no mercy.

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Re: Follies of 2dum
« Reply #81 on: December 10, 2013, 10:17:23 AM »
gg no re i have demo
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Re: Follies of 2dum
« Reply #82 on: December 10, 2013, 10:39:55 AM »
Well I think the ra2 crowd has officially proven which community has the most q2 drama...owned bitches!

Here I was thinking it was whatever mod I play  ;)
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Re: Follies of 2dum
« Reply #83 on: December 10, 2013, 10:50:51 AM »
focalor - how in the fuk do u manage to make these threads about you? LOL i have nothing against u dude but fukin a haha.  :dohdohdoh:

About me? I can appreciate the fact that you're buddies with 2dum. For Christ's sake, SOMEONE has to be, and no one else wants the job. You calling my presence in this thread into question doesn't change the fact that 2dum has invited his cruel treatment upon himself, something you even admitted. A 6 month mute did not convince him to stop acting like a poor-sport over-competitive asshat. Monopoly, Quake2, poker, even the "for fun" dead pool game I started, he's managed to be an obnoxious 1-upping asshole. All I've attempted to do here is offer him some sound advice: cut out the obnoxious bullshit and people will leave him alone. The fact that he's directed his previous obnoxious behavior AT ME on several occasions I think qualifies me to have an opinion on this subject, just like the fact you're buddy-buddy with him apparently gives YOU qualification to post here.

And in case you think what I've been doing here is defending Rick... nah. Not at all. Rick shouldn't have harassed him or his family (especially his family) over the phone. If Rick isn't banned, he should be. Not that it'll do any good.
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Re: Follies of 2dum
« Reply #84 on: December 10, 2013, 11:38:13 AM »
ex once again pointing fingers and saying the usual "I didnt do it".

ex - are you kidding me? The audio is there dude, I was there. How are you still calling LIE after you can crystal clear hear it... Nobody is getting banned, 2dum as he stated before dosent want anyone banned. stop being such a girl and man up, you are such a fag for being the first to throw people under the bus after sucking up to rick every single time in ra2, fukin coward.  :ohlord:

I was joking in that audio.  I don't use Skype, and don't even have it installed, nor did I at the time.  That was a troll just to piss 2dum off a little more that night.  I would never call someone's personal phone numbers to fuck with them over some online drama.  The only people I have phone numbers of are people who are friends from q2 who I've met in real life OR just really good friends I've known from online for the better part of 15 years.

Again, I would never call someone's personal phone without their permission.  No matter what the circumstance, that's just not something I would do.  I hold myself to higher class behavior and a higher moral standard than that.  Yeah, believe it or not, I do find myself at odds with morally and ethically reprehensible behavior like that.

That doesn't mean I won't still laugh at it if someone else does it, though.  I will feel bad for the victim, but it is funny. :afro:
« Last Edit: December 10, 2013, 11:41:21 AM by ex »
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i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim

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Re: Follies of 2dum
« Reply #85 on: December 10, 2013, 12:03:48 PM »
oh and i wanna add, prank calling is exactly what i would call middle school behavior, which i still stand by, ranfag  :heart:
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Re: Follies of 2dum
« Reply #86 on: December 10, 2013, 12:06:22 PM »
Regardless of my opinion, this is Quadz' enterprise, so open your mouths and get to kissing his ass
Will this advice be included in your new self help book, How to Lose Friends and Alienate People?
They are not my friends. Many around here understand my humor and that everything i say is light hearted I never hated anyone.

Perhaps I have been too subtle. By writing that "kissing ass" statement you stand to diminish support from people (including myself) who might have had some fragment of sympathy for your situation.

As indicated in an earlier post, I regard posting personal info or making harassing phone calls as having crossed an unacceptable line.

But, speaking in general: if you insist on parading around like a vainglorious nudnik, then expect some pushback.

It's not that complicated.

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Re: Follies of 2dum
« Reply #87 on: December 10, 2013, 12:51:05 PM »
2 points for using the word "nudnik". :bravo:
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Re: Follies of 2dum
« Reply #88 on: December 10, 2013, 02:08:57 PM »
I was joking in that audio. I hold myself to higher class behavior and a higher moral standard than that.  Yeah, believe it or not, I do find myself at odds with morally and ethically reprehensible behavior like that.

By writing that "kissing ass" statement you stand to diminish support from people (including myself) who might have had some fragment of sympathy for your situation.

That final quote translated means:
I don't want any of you banned, but regardless of my opinion, quadz may still want you all banned,
so start repenting or possibly face the axe...
I just stated it so eloquently because I provided evidence to have them
all hanging by the noose. excuse my slight power trip, but keep in mind they all showed me no mercy.

But, speaking in general: if you insist on parading around like a vainglorious nudnik, then expect some pushback.
The pushback is arguably the best part of playing Quake. Problem here is people don't understand limits.
ex's continual propagandizing and spamming links to pictures along with killo and erica in mumble continually threatening to prank call again is ludicrous.

As indicated in an earlier post, I regard posting personal info or making harassing phone calls as having crossed an unacceptable line.

Again its your site and servers, how much teeth this has is up to you.

What i think would be a fair resolution would be a repentance on their part and an understanding that there are limits...

And since I was graced with an 8 month full mute for spamming, I think a 3 month name restriction to whatever name I choose for each of them is fair :)
A deferred sentence of ban

this would be optimal. :)  :badgrin:

Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
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Re: Follies of 2dum
« Reply #89 on: December 10, 2013, 03:21:40 PM »
We should all agree to stop giving his stupid antics the time of day.

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DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


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