// Walk Alias //alias walkon "set storefwd $cl_forwardspeed;set cl_forwardspeed 100;bind space walkoff;echo Stealth Mode"alias walkoff "set cl_forwardspeed $storefwd;bind space walkon;echo Normal Mode"bind space "walkon"
VaeVictis:i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim
+speed isn't a toggle command, you hold it down so you start walkingIf you want to toggle it, you can change the cl_run variable, something likealias walkon "cl_run 0; bind space walkoff; echo Walking speed"alias walkoff "cl_run 1; bind space walkon; echo Running speed"bind space walkonI believe that you'll still make a noise if you strafe+forward/back or if you turn your mouse too fast, +speed or cl_run 0 otherwise. Maybe you have to mess around with cl_forwardspeed/cl_sidespeed/etc or just avoid those movements altogether?
unbindall// Walk Alias //alias walkon "set storefwd $cl_forwardspeed;set cl_forwardspeed 100;bind space walkoff;echo Stealth Mode"alias walkoff "set cl_forwardspeed $storefwd;bind space walkon;echo Normal Mode"// Movement //bind e "+forward"bind d "+back"bind s "+moveleft"bind f "+moveright"bind space "walkon"bind shift "+movedown"bind mouse1 "+moveup"bind mouse2 "+attack"// Weapons //bind w "use rocket launcher"bind r "use railgun"bind a "use Super Shotgun"bind q "use machinegun;use chaingun"bind v "use grenade launcher"bind z "use HyperBlaster;use bfg10k;"bind g "use grenades"// Actions //bind F1 "cmd help"bind F12 "screenshot"bind TAB "inven"bind [ "invprev"bind ] "invnext"bind ENTER "invuse"bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"bind ~ "toggleconsole"bind ` "toggleconsole"bind x "score"bind t "exec drop.cfg"// Chat //bind y "messagemode"bind k "messagemode2"bind c "say_team ENEMY SPOTTED AT [ˆˆ$$loc_thereˆˆ]"bind mouse3 "say_team IM AT [ˆˆ$$loc_hereˆˆ]"// Networks //set adr7 ""set adr6 ""set adr5 ""set adr4 ""set adr3 ""set adr2 ""set adr1 ""set adr0 ""// Downloads //set allow_download "1"set allow_download_players "0"set allow_download_models "0"set allow_download_sounds "0"set allow_download_maps "1"// Video Settingsset gl_driver "opengl32.dll"set intensity "3"set in_initjoy "0"set sw_stipplealpha "0"set cl_pitchspeed "200"set cl_yawspeed "8000"set cl_forwardspeed "8000"set cl_sidespeed "8000"set cl_upspeed "8000"set cl_drawfps "1" set cl_cmdcomplete "2" set cl_defermodels "0" set cl_beginmapcmd ""set cl_endmapcmd ""set cl_predict "1"set cl_stereo_separation "0.4"set cl_lights "0"set cl_blend "0"set cl_particles "1"set cl_blend "0"set gl_swapinterval "1"set gl_3dlabs_broken "1"set gl_swapinterval 0set gl_picmip 1set gl_modulate "1"set gl_shadows "0"set gl_finish "0"set gl_ext_pointparameters "1"set gl_ext_palettedtexture "1"set gl_particle_min_size "2"set gl_particle_max_size "40"set gl_particle_size "40"set gl_particle_att_a "0.01"set gl_particle_att_b "0.0"set gl_particle_att_c "0.01"set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"set gl_texturealphamode "default"set gl_texturesolidmode "default"set gl_vertex_arrays "0"set gl_ext_multitexture "1"set gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"set gl_ext_pointparameters 0set gl_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "1"set gl_ext_max_anisotropy "16"set gl_ext_texture_non_power_of_two "1"set gl_ext_multisample "1"set gl_ext_samples "8"set gl_coloredlightmaps "0.1"set gl_dynamic "0"set gl_flashblend "1"set gl_polyblend "1"set gl_playermip "2"set gl_triplebuffer "1"set gl_ztrick "1"set bob_pitch "0"set bob_roll "0"set bob_up "0"set run_pitch "0"set run_roll "0"set vid_ref "gl"set vid_xpos "63"set vid_ypos "151"set vid_gamma "0.500000"set win_noalttab "0"set vid_fullscreen "1"set viewsize "100"set m_pitch "0.022"set m_filter "1"set m_yaw "0.018000"set scr_conspeed "5000" //r1q2 settingsset cl_async "1"set cl_smoothsteps "2"set cl_cmdcomplete "0"set cl_coloredlightmaps "0.4"set cl_railtrail "30"set cl_autorecord "0"// Sound Settingsset s_volume "0.7"set s_khz "44"set s_mixahead "0.2"set s_primary "0"set s_loadas8bit "1"set s_ambient "0"set s_initsound "1"set cd_nocd "1"// Global Settingsset hostname "noname"set name "random"set crosshair "3"set sensitivity "4"set hand "2"set cl_gun "1"// set cl_run "1"set crosshair "4"set rate "50000"set msg "1"set fov "90"set r_maxfps "800"set cl_maxfps "120"set gl_mode 6set fs_cache "7"set lookstrafe "0"set lookspring "0"set cl_protocol "35"set m_directinput "1"set m_fixaccel "1"set in_dinputkeyboard "1"set freelook "1"set gender "female"set cl_vwep "1"set in_joystick "0"set g_select_empty "0"set sw_waterwarp "0"set sw_drawflat "1"set in_mouse "1"set vid_flip_on_switch "1"
// Walk Alias //alias +walkon "set storefwd $cl_forwardspeed;set cl_forwardspeed 150;set storeside $cl_sidespeed;set cl_sidespeed 150"alias -walkon "set cl_forwardspeed $storefwd;set cl_sidespeed $storeside"bind space "+walkon"
i probably have a 1% chance of ever winning in duel against you