Author Topic: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...  (Read 19927 times)

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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #45 on: August 14, 2012, 08:11:12 PM »
The actual number is unknown, but the military estimates it to be a little over 100,000.

i don't need education. i don't need to hear it from some ex government "employee". there are lots of government employees that make it their business to educate people all the time. It's called Psyops and Propaganda. Most of the good people left the military already. knowing what a disaster these policies are. If they havn't, then they are trapped by contract or are trying to curb the damage done by the war machine during their stay until they can get out.. There were many good Ron Paul supporters in the military. No, I'm very well informed indeed. i have no illusions to what state our country is in.

Perhaps you still cling to old talking points and such. Not me. If you were genuinely searching for the answers, you wouldn't come off as you do. Your mind and most of the other trolls on these boards have already been closed. There is nothing to be learned from anything that i can say or anyone else can tell you, otherwise. If people really wanted to be educated, Most of them would have found the answers by now. There's alot of information out there, if someone is so inclined, (if they gave a shit) they would find the reason as to why things are so screwed up. The rest of the lot will stay blissfully ignorant. That is their choice.

Ok, I was going to stay in hiding, but this post has forced my hand:

I am R. C. Christian.  I am calling for the extermination of 95% of the world's population, starting with Golgay13 being put in a human-sized potato gun and shot into outer space, in pieces. :evilalien: :thumbsup:

Seconded as long as he can safely reenter (at a pace that can let him stew over the moments/posts in reflection that have led him to such a fate) and take a few more psychologist sessions once he safely lands.
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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #46 on: August 14, 2012, 08:31:05 PM »
I am R. C. Christian.  I am calling for the extermination of 95% of the world's population

Haha, you got me. Good thing I knew you were joking.  :nana:
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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #47 on: August 14, 2012, 09:47:43 PM »
I'm only joking about one thing in that post.
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i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim

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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #48 on: August 14, 2012, 09:49:33 PM »
It's OK. I always knew you liked Golgo after all.
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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #49 on: August 14, 2012, 09:58:40 PM »
I do, and because I'm his one and only friend in life, I'm going to do him the best favor a friend can do for him, and fucking end his life.  Everyone including him will be happy with that final solution.   :evilgrin:
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i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim

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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #50 on: August 14, 2012, 11:25:58 PM »
I do, and because I'm his one and only friend in life, I'm going to do him the best favor a friend can do for him, and fucking end his life.  Everyone including him will be happy with that final solution.   :evilgrin:

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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #51 on: August 15, 2012, 05:02:14 AM »
I do, and because I'm his one and only friend in life, I'm going to do him the best favor a friend can do for him, and fucking end his life. 

Trying to move this thread to Entropy too?
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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #52 on: August 15, 2012, 05:09:57 AM »
what movie is that from
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Quote from: Golgo13 link=faggotdeletedpost
i probably have a 1% chance of ever winning in duel against you

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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #53 on: August 15, 2012, 05:25:22 AM »
I know a lady who was a colonel in the army in afganistan and got a head injury from some random grenade tossed by her and has retired medically.Or is trying to:the Army beuocrasy has been fighting her left and right for her rightful benefits. Like any other corporation,the Army is being run for profit.

That's definitely not the first time I've ever heard a story like that. I've had people from Vietnam War vets all the way up to current Iraq/Afghanistan War vets tell me about how Uncle Sam was jerking them around with post-service benefits or medical care. A few years ago, I was all set and ready to go sign up with the Marines. And then I talked to a few people who had seen both active duty combat and had no combat experiences. It was actually the active combat vets who told me the worst. One had an IED go off under his armored vehicle and the blast injured his spine. From that day on, he had sharp pains shooting down his left leg if he moved the right way from a bulging disc in his lower back. He declined to have surgery and instead took cortizone injections for it. Then about 11 or 12 months after his discharge date, the Army decides they don't want to cover the cost of the treatment for the injury anymore. So he ended up having to seriously threaten to sue and get an actual lawyer involved in order to scare his insurance into coughing up what they damn well knew they were supposed to be paying.

Ridiculous. The poor guy takes the cheaper and safer route with his treatment, and the fucking Army still attempts to screw him out of what they owe to him. That's the NUMBER ONE biggest reason I changed my mind about enlisting. I didn't want to end up getting some kind of moderate injury where I don't lose an arm or a leg but have long lasting effects from the injury and then have the federal government try to play Indian giver with my treatment coverage.

From what I've been told, playing cheap is the name of the game over in Iraq and Afghanistan, and has been since shortly after Baghdad was taken. They were supplied very well for those two or three weeks during and immediately after the invasion, but once all that shit ran out and the peacekeeping efforts kept dragging on and on, they just had to make due with whatever they could find. And from what I've also been told, it's not exactly because the higher-ups are just greedy bastards pocketing the money. It's because everything is SO god damned expensive. Even the basic kevlar armor. It isn't your everyday kevlar vest that your local highway patrolman would wear on the job. What the Marines wear is a little more advanced and also extends to cover portions of the lower body as well. You think this shit costs a few hundred bucks per person? Wrong. Try a few THOUSAND. A full suit with lower armor runs about 3 grand. It's expensive as fuck to go to war these days. Especially if want to do it as safely as possible like we do.
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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #54 on: August 15, 2012, 09:35:05 AM »
I don't think much thought is put into the common soldiers' safety,really. When you sign up they happily fuck with you.And because they Can,they Will. Human Nature.My friend sent me what their stores give back in change for real US dollars spent:Monopoly Money. Hard cardboard  nickles dimes quarters pennies. That the store WON't TAKE BACK.Like you can't buy something with that money....imagine that? I'll scan a pic of them and upload it later...I have to dig them out of my wallet.Anyway,cheating people who get shot at for spare change is unheard of...and the new paradiem. As a faceless Logo backed by a number of bosses ,without a human face to stare upon the wrong their monions carry out every day...content to watch the flow of figures from the kind of isolation only huge sums of money bring about. The Pentagon is now this. It thrives as a gateway to obscure Brown People and whatever value their resources can provide. "Rogue State=Oil Based Economy" and  "infrastructure rebuilding" = corporations move in and allow a small percentage of your Gross national Product to reach your starving masses only when the cameras are around." This isn't new...Rome "civilized" Europe to line its own pockets and install Republic 2.0 in the areas they conquered to facillitate even more business.

White Man's Burden. Riiiggghhhttt.

We are holding Afganistan for Rare Earths,so said one radio program I heard recently. That's used in the making of electronics somehow,and China has a bigger supply,so we are undoubtedly there for controlling the supply.Even the audiobook The Assault on Reason by Al Gore mentioned that he saw a map of the planning stages of invading Iraq,and the Big Red Circles were around the oilfields. But Unlike Rome,which had to deal politely with their armies because they were big men with pointy metal to stick in things and ultimately you cannot run far or fast enough from it. Our grunts have yet to realize they are a bunch of guys with AK47s and skills. No Sparticus has appeared among the slaves...nor will one.Because the Enemy is the Army Way,and its a long established firm. I must ponder what methods of training have carried down the ages from the ways of Babylon and earlier attempts to convert a young man into someone who will kill or be killed. A process long refined,philosophies to explore. In Heinlien's Starship troopers,the privledge of the Vote was given only to those who served a tour in the armed forces and proven they were willing to lay down their lives for the government they have and so earn the right to affect its policies. In that history,society broke down somehow(I forget) and retired army guys began digging out their guns and formed vigilante justice where there was none and in time orginaized into the ruling caste. It was Army Regulation Law and it worked,and all the Non army were just had to be content with the outcome of policy. It could work:people don't want Freedom they want Fair Masters.

The US seems likely to continue this vacuuming up of the Medeterrainian Wealth will continue,especailly when the Call to Jhaad is being sounded down the street from every Army Base...because "they" won't be near it. Its Golfing Buddies and Soccar Moms and unpleasant details you can push onto a number of minions.The problem as I see it,is this: if the United States is to ape Rome in its foriegn policies,then they should let the plunder flow back to Rome.More Bread Less Circuses Caesar!The more money people have the more they can spend,and let have every kid get a real education. Health Care. But only a few will get rich off of those profits. Look at Mitt RMoney: he has a 14 million dollar house,wants to put a fucking Undeerground Vault to stash all his wife's caddilacs with an elevator garage,tears DOWN the house so he can build another house on top of it. 17 million or so.THAT Rich. People like him will get it so they can move the mountains that get in the way of their sunsets. But Money has ruled always.I imagine the Borgias had the same shenanigans being pulled now(Just ordered the dvd collection). Its unavoidable,but I can only hope the untouchables will realize that investing in the Poor will bring them great riches later in a population ready to earn and ready to buy.George Bush Senior marvelling at a supermarket Laser scanner,something commonplace since the late 70s? He wouldn't go to a supermarket. The supermarket comes to him with a truck around back. Its the very abstractness of the Common Man that makes these creatures unfeeling.

I'll stop now...and leave this here...

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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #55 on: August 15, 2012, 10:30:26 AM »
what movie is that from

Burn After Reading.
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