Author Topic: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...  (Read 19926 times)

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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #30 on: August 11, 2012, 05:28:26 PM »

remember criminals, that's the retirement plan you get when you work for the NWO.

Huh? What the fuck are you talking about? I got news for you, crazy people are everywhere. To sign up for military duty with the possibility of going into combat and losing a body part or your life... you already gotta be at least a little crazy, because "normal" people don't have the discipline it takes to kill and withstand that kind of mental and physical abuse. Statistically speaking, you throw a rock into a crowd and 1 time out of 50 you're gonna hit someone with serious mental problems, ...and sometimes the military will unknowingly recruit these people too. One rogue nutjob asshole with an indiscriminate trigger finger should not be allowed to reflect on the thousands of other warriors who are some of the finest citizens this nation will ever know and serve it with honor. These "criminals" get their fucking limbs blown off with rockets and IED's so you can sit in your comfortable shithole apartment with air conditioning bitching about how they are nothing more than stupid mindless puppets of an evil government. They bleed and die for their country, what the fuck are you doing for it?

good, let every u.s citizen go and sign up for military duty, so these poor men dont have to bleed for their country.
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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #31 on: August 12, 2012, 06:32:55 AM »
See Did you Know topic for those who need to be educated.  Plenty of knowledge in that topic.
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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #32 on: August 14, 2012, 04:10:03 AM »
I bet it is sufficient for the benefit and survival of man.
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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #33 on: August 14, 2012, 05:02:12 AM »
I realize there are good people in the military. many of them are trapped in contracts with the government. those people i feel for. it's how you look at it. of course you will take any chance you get to make an issue out of something to try and smear me. people need to be educated. that is all.

What, educated that the United States government (or NWO as you referred to it) is nothing but an evil empire with a whole army of hired thugs who are "criminals"? It ain't an opportunity to smear you, it's just plain old fucking offensive that you make such bullshit accusations. If you hate this country so much that you'll smear it's hard working military men who do the jobs you're too much of a shivering little wimp to do, you're welcome to pack your shit and get the fuck out. Pretty fucking ridiculous and ironic in a completely retarded way considering your current avatar is from The Patriot.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 05:05:07 AM by |iR|Focalor »
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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #34 on: August 14, 2012, 09:04:00 AM »
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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #35 on: August 14, 2012, 09:29:00 AM »

What, educated that the United States government (or NWO as you referred to it) is nothing but an evil empire with a whole army of hired thugs who are "criminals"? It ain't an opportunity to smear you, it's just plain old fucking offensive that you make such bullshit accusations. If you hate this country so much that you'll smear it's hard working military men who do the jobs you're too much of a shivering little wimp to do, you're welcome to pack your shit and get the fuck out. Pretty fucking ridiculous and ironic in a completely retarded way considering your current avatar is from The Patriot.

it's no use explaining to those who turn themselves over to darkness. BTW there were no WMD's in iraq. in case you didn't know. or whatever other endless bullshit excuses they used to justify the slaughter of millions.

The slaughter of millions? Are you on fucking drugs? Do you know anyone who actually served in Iraq? No you don't. So shut the fuck up. If you hate America so much, then move your dumb ass to North Korea where you'll have a REAL reason to talk shit about everything.
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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #36 on: August 14, 2012, 10:41:13 AM »
It's amazing how youtube videos set to "creepy music" can make people go full on retard.  Make sure you read up on the "death camps" that are being built all over the nation!
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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #37 on: August 14, 2012, 11:58:19 AM »
i don't argue facts

No shit you don't argue FACTS. You're content to toss around complete bullshit like your completely FALSE statement that the US has killed millions of Iraqis. You did not "educate" yourself to that "fact" ("fact" meaning LIE), you just dug your fingers up your ass, pulled it out, and plopped it on the table and said "See!?! I made a fact! Yay, me!" You have NO CLUE what actually goes on over there. I suppose you're going by the bullshit polls, none of which actually counted dead bodies, but instead asked about 1000 Iraqis what they "thought" the number was. The actual number is unknown, but the military estimates it to be a little over 100,000. And to further clarify it, the US military did not inflict that entire number all by themselves. Once the threat of the Republican Guard was eliminated, the Marines put the native Iraqi police officers back to work and did basically NOTHING to interfere with how they policed. They rode along with them in their armored vehicles for a time just to provide support if needed, but when they started beating the shit out of citizens and shooting them for mere burglaries, they did nothing to intervene because their objective was to allow the Iraqis to police themselves, not conquer the country and dictate everything.

If you really wanna "educate" yourself about what actually went on and is still going on over there, I suggest you talk someone who was actually there. I know a few Iraq vets, perhaps I'll tell them to register and properly educate your tiny little empty head themselves.
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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #38 on: August 14, 2012, 12:28:10 PM »
Please help us Jaqueero.  If the NWO takes over, all of us will surely get the razor's edge.

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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #39 on: August 14, 2012, 01:01:42 PM »
The actual number is unknown, but the military estimates it to be a little over 100,000.

i don't need education.

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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #40 on: August 14, 2012, 01:10:41 PM »
i don't need education.
...what you really need is some vagina...
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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #41 on: August 14, 2012, 02:31:58 PM »
If you were genuinely searching for the answers,

I don't have any "talking points", you moron. You're the one with the conspiracy theory "talking points", such as the one about millions of people killed in the Iraq war. Nor am I "searching for answers". There is no search, I know what the fuck goes on over there because the fucking people who WERE there DOING IT fucking TELL ME what happened.

Asked a friend of mine who was a machinegunner with the 3rd Infantry armored division (yeah, the guys who rolled into Baghdad in fucking tanks) to come here and set your moronic ass straight about a few things. He declined. So this is the only response your idiocy will get from a valuable human being with a valuable opinion on the matter, and it was actually addressed to me, but just to show you what REAL Americans think of you...

Me: I wanna ask you a favor
Me: There's this numbskull on a messageboard I frequent talking shit about the Iraq War, saying shit about the Army/Marines killed MILLIONS of civilians
Valuable opinion: HAHAHAHA! what?
Me: Yeah. You wanna come put this dumbass in his place?
Valuable opinion: not really
Me: It's cool, you don't have to.
Me: Just thought maybe you'd like to tell your side of the story. Doesn't sound like he's ever met a vet himself. Probably just saw some hysterical bullshit on a youtube video.
Valuable opinion: dude if I had to set every asshole whos too lazy to pick up a history book straight about what went on over there I would never have time to do anything else
Me: Yeah.
Valuable opinion: dont even bother with those idiots
Valuable opinion: waste of fucking time man
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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #42 on: August 14, 2012, 03:45:31 PM »
Tell you friend, I thank him for his service.

It doesn't matter if you agree/disagree with the policy, the people on the ground do the job and do it well.
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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #43 on: August 14, 2012, 06:20:29 PM »
I know a lady who was a colonel in the army in afganistan and got a head injury from some random grenade tossed by her and has retired medically.Or is trying to:the Army beuocrasy has been fighting her left and right for her rightful benefits. Like any other corporation,the Army is being run for profit. Endless money is tossed into the general coffer,but few actual supplies are seen by the needful grunt.I remember one very brave soldier standing in front of some town hall meeting or somesuch where one of those George W creatures was holding court and the soldier asked Why don't the ATVs have armour plating and why should he need to scavange such from the crude inferior materials in the shithole some corporation demands we occupy? And some pat answer was tossed his way,smiled away at the cameras,dismissed. They sell the kids with the Fun of the Armed Forces,but you don't get to play with those toys,you have to wake the villagers wild eyed with terror in their thatched huts and point AK-47s at screaming mothers and children while looking for the "terrorist" last seen there. What was that noise? What is that shadow? The 1%ers in the Army will never see such things,nor will their children or their friends. Haliburton gets the money and the common man gets Walmart knockoffs that will fail the when they need them most. My friend cannot sit up for too long because she gets dizzy,and they won't let her retire! And her doctors have only so much leeway with the beancounters who have no compassion or mercy.And,she says,are all NeoConservatives,at least the Ruling Class.

Nebraska Republican U.S. senator Chuck Hagel, who has been critical of the Bush administration's adoption of neoconservative ideology, in his book America: Our Next Chapter wrote:
 "So why did we invade Iraq? I believe it was the triumph of the so-called neo-conservative ideology, as well as Bush administration arrogance and incompetence that took America into this war of choice. . . . They obviously made a convincing case to a president with very limited national security and foreign policy experience, who keenly felt the burden of leading the nation in the wake of the deadliest terrorist attack ever on American soil."

Perhaps her term isn't as exacting as she describes their attitude toward her condition(apparently a soldier who falls over every 20 minutes is a Goldbrick),so lemme sum up and say goodnight...I sleepy.
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Re: So you saw 'The Dark Knight Rises'...
« Reply #44 on: August 14, 2012, 07:47:08 PM »
The actual number is unknown, but the military estimates it to be a little over 100,000.

i don't need education. i don't need to hear it from some ex government "employee". there are lots of government employees that make it their business to educate people all the time. It's called Psyops and Propaganda. Most of the good people left the military already. knowing what a disaster these policies are. If they havn't, then they are trapped by contract or are trying to curb the damage done by the war machine during their stay until they can get out.. There were many good Ron Paul supporters in the military. No, I'm very well informed indeed. i have no illusions to what state our country is in.

Perhaps you still cling to old talking points and such. Not me. If you were genuinely searching for the answers, you wouldn't come off as you do. Your mind and most of the other trolls on these boards have already been closed. There is nothing to be learned from anything that i can say or anyone else can tell you, otherwise. If people really wanted to be educated, Most of them would have found the answers by now. There's alot of information out there, if someone is so inclined, (if they gave a shit) they would find the reason as to why things are so screwed up. The rest of the lot will stay blissfully ignorant. That is their choice.

Ok, I was going to stay in hiding, but this post has forced my hand:

I am R. C. Christian.  I am calling for the extermination of 95% of the world's population, starting with Golgay13 being put in a human-sized potato gun and shot into outer space, in pieces. :evilalien: :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 07:56:48 PM by ex »
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i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim


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