Author Topic: Just want to enjoy the game  (Read 24388 times)

Offline poser

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Just want to enjoy the game
« on: July 04, 2012, 03:07:57 PM »
So this nimrod Creos just sits on Whaleseye and spams. Like any other server, it totally takes away from the game. Can somebody do something about this?

Mon Jul 02 00:11:38 2012
 on server, map m73a.bsp.
[CAMERA]Creos:  and teleports rather than fight
Tactical MIRV with Shockwave Grenade payload on it's way! ETA 15 seconds.
[CAMERA]Creos:  what a pussy
ex: hit wrong button newbie
[CAMERA]Creos:  o hes up there camping again
[CAMERA]Creos:  pussy
Tactical MIRV reentering atmosphere!
[CAMERA]Creos: camping pussy
ex: newb
Can't change grenade type while firing!
Shockwave Grenade Launcher
Woodhauler(RIP) is PoRKcHoP's Shit Puppet!
Shockwave Grenade Bazooka
PoRKcHoP was detonated by Woodhauler(RIP)'s shockwave grenade.
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 11 credits!
Woodhauler(RIP) was PoRKcHoP's explosive puppet!.
Woodhauler(RIP): ow
[CAMERA]Creos:  ive been playing 15 year u fucking shitlicking sow
Woodhauler(RIP) was fragmented by ex's sonic railgun.
Woodhauler(RIP): ow
[CAMERA]Creos: u can lick my bloody hole u pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  look at you camp like a little gir;l
[CAMERA]Creos:  pussy
ex: wow
[CAMERA]Creos:  cant fight at all
To use, look at sky and issue "paint" command.
ex: rage harder
Class 2: Voodoo Grenade
Class 2: Kamikaze Grenade
Not enough Grenades for Kamikaze Grenade.
Class 2: Vampire Grenade
Class 2: Stun Grenade
Class 2: Sentinel Grenade
Not enough Grenades for Sentinel Grenade.
Class 2: Bubble Grenade
Not enough Grenades for Bubble Grenade.
Class 2: Trap Grenade
Not enough Grenades for Trap Grenade.
Class 2: Gravity Grenade
Not enough Grenades for Gravity Grenade.
Class 2: Black Hole Grenade
Not enough Grenades for Black Hole Grenade.
[CAMERA]Creos:  zero skills
[CAMERA]Creos:  pussy
Tactical MIRV with Black Hole Grenade payload on it's way! ETA 15 seconds.
[CAMERA]Creos:  cant fight at all
[CAMERA]Creos:  pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  look at you camp like a little gir;l
ex: is it that time of the month? :)
[CAMERA]Creos:  look at you camp like a little gir;l
[CAMERA]Creos:  look at you camp like a little gir;l
Woodhauler(RIP): i hear whining helps
[CAMERA]Creos:  look at you camp like a little gir;l
Tactical MIRV reentering atmosphere!
[CAMERA]Creos:  look at you camp like a little gir;l
[CAMERA]Creos:  look at you camp like a little gir;l
[CAMERA]Creos: u can lick my bloody hole u pussy
ex: is it that time of the month? :)
ex: is it that time of the month? :)
[CAMERA]Creos: u can lick my bloody hole u pussy
ex: is it that time of the month? :)
[CAMERA]Creos: u can lick my bloody hole u pussy
ex: is it that time of the month? :)
[CAMERA]Creos: u can lick my bloody hole u pussy
ex: is it that time of the month? :)
[CAMERA]Creos: u can lick my bloody hole u pussy
[CAMERA]Creos: u can lick my bloody hole u pussy
Out of item: Grenade Launcher
Black Hole Grenade Launcher
[CAMERA]Creos:  pussy
Black Hole Grenade Bazooka
[CAMERA]Creos:  pussy
Black Hole Grenade Launcher
Class 2: Shockwave Grenade
Class 2: Voodoo Grenade
Class 2: Kamikaze Grenade
Class 2: Vampire Grenade
Class 2: Stun Grenade
Class 2: Sentinel Grenade
Class 2: Bubble Grenade
[CAMERA]Creos: what a skilless cunt
Class 2: Trap Grenade
Class 2: Gravity Grenade
Gravity Grenade Launcher
Gravity Grenade Bazooka
PoRKcHoP was railed by ex.
ex has taken the lead!
You already have a TECH powerup.
[CAMERA]Creos:  takes the lead by camping     lol
To use, look at sky and issue "paint" command.
Tactical MIRV with Gravity Grenade payload on it's way! ETA 15 seconds.
[CAMERA]Creos:  imbecile
[CAMERA]Creos:  hes above again
Tactical MIRV reentering atmosphere!
[CAMERA]Creos:  fuck his ass porky
PoRKcHoP was creamed by ex's streetsweeper.
Woodhauler(RIP) was creamed by ex's streetsweeper.
[CAMERA]Creos:  takes the lead by camping     lol
[CAMERA]Creos:  takes the lead by camping     lol
[CAMERA]Creos:  takes the lead by camping     lol
[CAMERA]Creos:  pussy
ex is Woodhauler(RIP)'s Shit Puppet!
[CAMERA]Creos: lol
ex was Woodhauler(RIP)'s explosive puppet!.
Woodhauler(RIP): sit
[CAMERA]Creos: die
[CAMERA]Creos: lol
Class 2: Voodoo Grenade
Class 2: Kamikaze Grenade
Class 2: Vampire Grenade
Class 2: Stun Grenade
Class 2: Sentinel Grenade
Class 2: Bubble Grenade
Class 2: Trap Grenade
Class 2: Gravity Grenade
Gravity Grenade Launcher
Gravity Grenade Bazooka
[CAMERA]Creos: lol
[CAMERA]Creos: pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  hey ex - do you even HAVE a dick man?     u fight like a girl
PoRKcHoP is soiled himself!
PoRKcHoP: oink
PoRKcHoP couldn't find his spirit animal.
[CAMERA]Creos:  hey ex - do you even HAVE a dick man?     u fight like a girl
[CAMERA]Creos:  hey ex - do you even HAVE a dick man?     u fight like a girl
[CAMERA]Creos: pussy
[CAMERA]thelone: creos stfu....
[CAMERA]Creos: pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  fuck off asshat
ex: serious creos chill
PoRKcHoP fell like a shit apple from Woodhauler(RIP)'s shit tree.
You picked up a pack with 17 credits and now have 18 credits!
[CAMERA]Creos:  serious ex fuck you
[CAMERA]thelone: ur fuckin stupid...
[CAMERA]Creos:  camper pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  camper pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  camper pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  camper pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  camper pussy
[CAMERA]thelone: ex is a pussy i agree... and noob
[CAMERA]thelone: but u are just annoying
ex: i killed you once
ex: by camping
Woodhauler(RIP) is PoRKcHoP's Shit Puppet!
ex: ur a noob
[CAMERA]Creos:  tough shit genejoke
[CAMERA]Creos:  tough shit genejoke
[CAMERA]Creos:  tough shit genejoke
Woodhauler(RIP) was PoRKcHoP's explosive puppet!.
Woodhauler(RIP): u talk a lot of shit creos for someone that's afraid to play
[CAMERA]Creos:  ur bothy camping cunts who arent worth the dogshit on my shoes
[CAMERA]Creos:  ur bothy camping cunts who arent worth the dogshit on my shoes
[CAMERA]Creos:  ur bothy camping cunts who arent worth the dogshit on my shoes
Class 2: Voodoo Grenade
Class 2: Kamikaze Grenade
Class 2: Vampire Grenade
Class 2: Stun Grenade
Class 2: Sentinel Grenade
Class 2: Bubble Grenade
Class 2: Trap Grenade
Class 2: Gravity Grenade
Gravity Grenade Launcher
Gravity Grenade Bazooka
[CAMERA]Creos:  ur bothy camping cunts who arent worth the dogshit on my shoes
[CAMERA]Creos:  ur bothy camping cunts who arent worth the dogshit on my shoes
[CAMERA]Creos:  ur bothy camping cunts who arent worth the dogshit on my shoes
[CAMERA]Creos:  ur bothy camping cunts who arent worth the dogshit on my shoes
[CAMERA]Creos:  ur bothy camping cunts who arent worth the dogshit on my shoes
[CAMERA]Creos:  ur bothy camping cunts who arent worth the dogshit on my shoes
[CAMERA]Creos:  ur bothy camping cunts who arent worth the dogshit on my shoes
[CAMERA]Creos:  ur bothy camping cunts who arent worth the dogshit on my shoes
ex fell out of Woodhauler(RIP)'s shit nest.
PoRKcHoP fell out of Woodhauler(RIP)'s shit nest.
[CAMERA]Creos:  camper pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  camper pussy
You picked up a pack with 8 credits and now have 17 credits!
You picked up a pack with 35 credits and now have 52 credits!
[CAMERA]Creos:  serious ex fuck you
[CAMERA]Creos:  serious ex fuck you
ex: sup lone:)
[CAMERA]Creos:  serious ex fuck you
Woodhauler(RIP) was displaced by ex's freight train.
[CAMERA]Creos:  ur bothy camping cunts who arent worth the dogshit on my shoest
[CAMERA]Creos:  ur bothy camping cunts who arent worth the dogshit on my shoest
[CAMERA]Creos:  ur bothy camping cunts who arent worth the dogshit on my shoest
[CAMERA]Creos:  ur bothy camping cunts who arent worth the dogshit on my shoest
[CAMERA]Creos: pussy
[CAMERA]Creos: pussy
[CAMERA]Creos: pussy
[CAMERA]Creos: pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  camp some more pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  camp some more pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  camp some more pussy
PoRKcHoP was displaced by ex's freight train.
PoRKcHoP was displaced by ex's freight train.
To use, look at sky and issue "paint" command.
[CAMERA]Creos:  camp some more pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  camp some more pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  camp some more pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  camp some more pussy
[CAMERA]Creos: cmon u pussy
[CAMERA]Creos: cmon u pussy
[CAMERA]Creos: cmon u pussy
[CAMERA]Creos: cmon u pussy
ex was incinerated by PoRKcHoP's positron.
[CAMERA]Creos: lol
To use, look at sky and issue "paint" command.
[CAMERA]Creos: pussy
PoRKcHoP fell like a shit apple from ex's shit tree.
You picked up a pack with 22 credits and now have 48 credits!
[CAMERA]Creos: pussy
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 53 credits!
[CAMERA]Creos: pussy
[CAMERA]Creos: pussy
Class 2: Voodoo Grenade
Class 2: Kamikaze Grenade
Class 2: Vampire Grenade
Class 2: Stun Grenade
Class 2: Sentinel Grenade
Class 2: Bubble Grenade
Class 2: Trap Grenade
Class 2: Gravity Grenade
[CAMERA]Creos: cmon u pussy
[CAMERA]Creos: cmon u pussy
[CAMERA]Creos: cmon u pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  camp some more pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  camp some more pussy

Timelimit hit.
PoRKcHoP: oink
Woodhauler(RIP): gg

Changing map...
reconnecting (soft)...

Lower Mines
Woodhauler(RIP) entered the game
Welcome to Whale's Eye WODX 1.7!


New Forums: "weapons" @
More info at

NEW Binds:

bind key paint 8

bind key use crossbow
bind key use freezatron
bind key use teletron
bind key use gravitron
bind key use cruise missile
bind key use plutoniumsweeper

bind key use bubble grenade
bind key use trap grenade

bind key spawn 1
bind key spawn next
bind key spawn previous

In the console, type 'menu' for more options.

Seeing white dimonds for new items?
Set all download options to yes in:
multiplayer/player setup/download option

Server admin: p1 (

If the server is empty, just hang around
for a minute or two -- most players use
server-monitoring apps to find "active" servers!

Want to
WallFly[BZZZ] entered the game
ex entered the game
PoRKcHoP entered the game
theloneranger entered the game
Creos: pussy
]exec whine.cfg
Creos: pussy
usage: connect <server>
Creos: pussy
PoRKcHoP disconnected
Creos: pussy
Woodhauler(RIP): Whiny ass little bitch
Woodhauler(RIP): Want me to get your binky?
couldn't exec cfg/mine4.cfg
Class 2: Voodoo Grenade
Class 2: Kamikaze Grenade
Class 2: Vampire Grenade
Class 2: Stun Grenade
Class 2: Sentinel Grenade
Class 2: Bubble Grenade
Class 2: Trap Grenade
Class 2: Gravity Grenade
Gravity Grenade Launcher
Gravity Grenade Bazooka
Woodhauler(RIP) ate ex's explosive tracers.
ex has taken the lead!
ex hit the ground too hard.
legerdemain has taken the lead!
Explosive Super Shotgun
Creos:  die camper pussy
Creos:  die camper pussy
Creos:  die camper pussy
Creos: pussy
Woodhauler(RIP): Whiny ass little bitch
Woodhauler(RIP): Want me to get your binky?
ex couldn't take the heat.
Creos: pussy
Creos: pussy
Creos:  camp some more pussy
Creos:  camp some more pussy
]vote map next
1 0
2 0
3 -1
Woodhauler(RIP) started a vote to change the map to m73a
Type YES or NO in the console to vote on this request.
Votes: Yes: 1 No: 0 Needed: 4  Time left: 30s
Creos:  aw no where for the pussy to camp
20 tractor beams left
Creos was wacked by Woodhauler(RIP)'s bushmaster.
Woodhauler(RIP) has taken the lead!
You picked up a pack with 10 credits and now have 10 credits!
Woodhauler(RIP): Whiny ass little bitch
Woodhauler(RIP): Want me to get your binky?
Creos:  oh stfu pussy
Woodhauler(RIP): Whiny ass little bitch
Woodhauler(RIP): Want me to get your binky?
Creos was wacked by Woodhauler(RIP)'s bushmaster.
PoRKcHoP entered the game
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 15 credits!
Woodhauler(RIP): sit
Creos:  thatss not even original
ex was wacked by Woodhauler(RIP)'s bushmaster.
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 20 credits!
Creos:  fuck off you cunt lapping pussy
PoRKcHoP: this map blows
Woodhauler(RIP): Whiny ass little bitch
Woodhauler(RIP): Want me to get your binky?
Creos couldn't take the heat.
Creos:  fuck off you cunt lapping pussy
Creos:  fuck off you cunt lapping pussy
Creos:  fuck off you cunt lapping pussy
Woodhauler(RIP): vote yes
Creos:  no
PoRKcHoP: i did
Your teleport has been used up
Woodhauler(RIP) was erased from existence by ex's eraser.
Woodhauler(RIP): ow
ex: :)
reconnecting (hard)...
Connecting to challenge client_connect
HTTP downloading enabled, URL: print

Welcome to Whale's Eye! (

Many maps exist here; if you're not running r1q2, you should be: downloads will be faster, and
it's a better client.
Download at

Lower Mines
HTTP(sound/misc/dstelept.wav): 404 File Not Found [2 remaining files]
HTTP(weapons.filelist): 404 File Not Found [1 remaining files]
HTTP(sound/weapons/sawup.wav): 404 File Not Found [0 remaining files]
Woodhauler(RIP) entered the game
]vote yes
Map vote passed, 4 YES to 0 NO. Map is changing to m73a.

Changing map...
reconnecting (soft)...

Awakening - A Simple Oddity  by  Maric
WOD Version by Null
Woodhauler(RIP) entered the game
WallFly[BZZZ] entered the game
usage: connect <server>
theloneranger entered the game
20 tractor beams left
couldn't exec cfg/m73a.cfg
PoRKcHoP was perforated by Woodhauler(RIP)'s super shotgun.
Woodhauler(RIP) has taken the lead!
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 5 credits!

ex: much better map
PoRKcHoP was disintegrated by Creos's BFG blast.
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 10 credits!
ex was disintegrated by Creos's BFG blast.
Creos has taken the lead!
Creos saw the pretty lights from Woodhauler(RIP)'s BFG.
Woodhauler(RIP) has taken the lead!
WallFly[BZZZ] was ignited by ex's fire grenade.
legerdemain is PoRKcHoP's Shit Puppet!
legerdemain was Woodhauler(RIP)'s explosive puppet!.
Creos was penetrated by PoRKcHoP's violator.
ex is Woodhauler(RIP)'s Shit Puppet!
ex was Woodhauler(RIP)'s explosive puppet!.
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 15 credits!
Creos was wasted by PoRKcHoP's search and destroy sentinel.
Class 2: Voodoo Grenade
Class 2: Kamikaze Grenade
Class 2: Vampire Grenade
Class 2: Stun Grenade
Class 2: Sentinel Grenade
Class 2: Bubble Grenade
Class 2: Trap Grenade
Class 2: Gravity Grenade
Gravity Grenade Launcher
Gravity Grenade Bazooka
ex was wacked by PoRKcHoP's bushmaster.
PoRKcHoP fell like a shit apple from Woodhauler(RIP)'s shit tree.
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 20 credits!
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 25 credits!
PoRKcHoP fell like a shit apple from Woodhauler(RIP)'s shit tree.
[CAMERA]thelone: atleast creos shut up
[CAMERA]thelone: :>
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 30 credits!
Creos was ignited by PoRKcHoP's fire grenade.
PoRKcHoP fell like a shit apple from Woodhauler(RIP)'s shit tree.
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 35 credits!
ex is Woodhauler(RIP)'s Shit Puppet!
Creos:  oh styfu now ill never shut up
Gravity Grenade Launcher
Gravity Grenade Bazooka
Woodhauler(RIP): Whiny ass little bitch
ex was Woodhauler(RIP)'s explosive puppet!.
[CAMERA]thelone: lol...
Woodhauler(RIP): Want me to get your binky?
[CAMERA]thelone: ok im sorry.... plz just dont talk
[CAMERA]Creos:  imbecilic little cunty
[CAMERA]thelone: im sorry
[CAMERA]thelone: !
PoRKcHoP fell out of Woodhauler(RIP)'s shit nest.
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 40 credits!
You already have a TECH powerup.
[CAMERA]Creos:  too late asshat
ex: wait, creos
[CAMERA]Creos:  fuck ypu pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  fuck ypu pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  fuck ypu pussy
ex: r u vamp^nacht?
[CAMERA]Creos: lowlife little cunt
[CAMERA]thelone: i apologize.... plz shut the hole that makes the words
Woodhauler(RIP): Whiny ass little bitch
Woodhauler(RIP): Want me to get your binky?
[CAMERA]thelone: i apologize.... plz shut the hole that makes the words
BadKitty entered the game
[CAMERA]Creos:  yes ge3t my buinky you genejoke
VaeVict1s entered the game
ex fell like a shit apple from Woodhauler(RIP)'s shit tree.
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 45 credits!
ex: sup vae lol
[CAMERA]Creos:  ill eat ypour fucking skull and shit your brains out my bloody hole
[CAMERA]Creos:  ill eat ypour fucking skull and shit your brains out my bloody hole
[CAMERA]Creos:  ill eat ypour fucking skull and shit your brains out my bloody hole
[CAMERA]Creos:  ill eat ypour fucking skull and shit your brains out my bloody hole
[CAMERA]Creos:  asshat
PoRKcHoP was ignited by ex's fire grenade.
[CAMERA]Creos:  asshat
ex fell out of Woodhauler(RIP)'s shit nest.
VaeVict1s: why are two tourney players wasting time on this server
[CAMERA]Creos:  die camper scum
[CAMERA]Creos:  die camper scum
[CAMERA]Creos:  die camper scum
Woodhauler(RIP): dude doesn't have too many issues
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 50 credits!
[CAMERA]thelone: why are u here wasting time?
BadKitty flew too close to Woodhauler(RIP)'s shit lamp.
ex: im just fuckin around
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 55 credits!
[CAMERA]Creos:  ur an idiot
10 tractor beams left
BadKitty is Woodhauler(RIP)'s Shit Puppet!
ex fell out of PoRKcHoP's shit nest.
ex: fun mod
BadKitty was Woodhauler(RIP)'s explosive puppet!.
VaeVict1s: to ask these two fuckers why they are wasting their time with the worst players in q2
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 60 credits!
[CAMERA]Creos:  npot wasting time     camping like a pussy
Gravity Grenade Launcher
[CAMERA]thelone: ex followed me... im just watching
Gravity Grenade Bazooka
[CAMERA]Creos:  npot wasting time     camping like a pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  npot wasting time     camping like a pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  npot wasting time     camping like a pussy
PoRKcHoP is Woodhauler(RIP)'s Shit Puppet!
PoRKcHoP fell out of Woodhauler(RIP)'s shit nest.
Woodhauler(RIP) was shitted on by PoRKcHoP's shit hawk.
[CAMERA]Creos:  poor pussy
You are in the lead!.
[CAMERA]Creos:  poor pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  poor pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  poor pussy
ex: lol
[CAMERA]Creos:  poor pussy
You picked up a pack with 10 credits and now have 40 credits!
VaeVict1s flew too close to PoRKcHoP's shit lamp.
[CAMERA]Creos:  camp some more little cunt
To use, look at sky and issue "paint" command.
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 45 credits!
VaeVict1s: you do realize, every tourney player that plays here gets banned for cheating right
[CAMERA]Creos:  yeah like that
[CAMERA]Creos:  cunt
[CAMERA]Creos:  yeah like that
[CAMERA]Creos:  yeah like that
Class 2: Voodoo Grenade
Class 2: Kamikaze Grenade
Not enough Grenades for Kamikaze Grenade.
Class 2: Vampire Grenade
Class 2: Stun Grenade
Class 2: Sentinel Grenade
Not enough Grenades for Sentinel Grenade.
Class 2: Bubble Grenade
Not enough Grenades for Bubble Grenade.
Class 2: Trap Grenade
Not enough Grenades for Trap Grenade.
Class 2: Gravity Grenade
Not enough Grenades for Gravity Grenade.
[CAMERA]Creos:  camp some more little cunt
[CAMERA]Creos:  camp some more little cunt
Tactical MIRV with Gravity Grenade payload on it's way! ETA 15 seconds.
[CAMERA]Creos:  camp some more little cunt
[CAMERA]thelone: cheating?
[CAMERA]thelone: lol.....
VaeVict1s: yeah lol
Woodhauler(RIP) was erased from existence by BadKitty's eraser.
ex: i've nearly been banned here :(
Woodhauler(RIP): ow
Woodhauler(RIP): Whiny ass little bitch
Woodhauler(RIP): Want me to get your binky?
Tactical MIRV reentering atmosphere!
BadKitty: Meowww !!
VaeVict1s: wodx players are notorious for being stupid and bad
PoRKcHoP fell out of Woodhauler(RIP)'s shit nest.
You are in the lead!.
VaeVict1s: even fader got banned, BEFORE he learned how to play
[CAMERA]Creos: camping on WOD
PoRKcHoP tried escaping the power of ex's BFG.
[CAMERA]Creos:  pathetic
[CAMERA]Creos:  pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  pussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  pussy
BadKitty was disintegrated by ex's BFG blast.
[CAMERA]thelone: i play everyonce and a while... amazingly ive never been called cheater here
20 tractor beams left
[CAMERA]thelone: just around ts
PoRKcHoP was penetrated by ex's violator.
WallFly[BZZZ]: YO! <Near INVITES YOU TO GOTO TOURNEY2 - Whale has the worst players in Quake II
history. Now get the hell over here and let~s get some
[CAMERA]Creos:  ex camps enuf for all     hes a little cunt
Class 2: Voodoo Grenade
Class 2: Kamikaze Grenade
Class 2: Vampire Grenade
Class 2: Stun Grenade
VaeVict1s: lol see
Class 2: Sentinel Grenade
Class 2: Bubble Grenade
Class 2: Trap Grenade
Class 2: Gravity Grenade
Gravity Grenade Launcher
Gravity Grenade Bazooka
ex fell like a shit apple from Woodhauler(RIP)'s shit tree.
VaeVict1s: fader thinkin the same thing
You picked up a pack with 55 credits and now have 77 credits!
[CAMERA]Creos:  ex camps enuf for all     hes a little cunt
[CAMERA]Creos:  ex camps enuf for all     hes a little cunt
ex was vaporized by his own MIRV warheads.
[CAMERA]Creos:  ex camps enuf for all     hes a little cunt
[CAMERA]Creos: camp some more pussy
[CAMERA]Creos: camp some more pussy
[CAMERA]Creos: camp some more pussy
ex: dude creos hates me
ex: lol
[CAMERA]Creos:  yeah like that
BadKitty fell like a shit apple from Woodhauler(RIP)'s shit tree.
BadKitty disconnected
[CAMERA]Creos:  pyussy
[CAMERA]Creos:  i ahte campers
You picked up a pack with 27 credits and now have 104 credits!
VaeVict1s: lol bitching about camping in ffa is funny
Spawn created.
[CAMERA]Creos: they are scum
[CAMERA]Creos:  a waste of skin
[CAMERA]Creos:  pussies
ex: whats sad is, it was an accidental kill
VaeVict1s: campers are always easy to fuck over one way or another in ffa :P
ex: i flew up above him and owned him
PoRKcHoP fell out of Woodhauler(RIP)'s shit nest.
ex: 1 kill and he wont shut up
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 29 credits!
[CAMERA]Creos:  you own no obne
[CAMERA]Creos:  ur a camper
[CAMERA]Creos:  zero skill
PoRKcHoP tried escaping the power of Woodhauler(RIP)'s BFG.
You picked up a pack with 5 credits and now have 34 credits!
[CAMERA]Creos:  camping is not a skill
[CAMERA]thelone: kamirail takes care of campers
Gravity Grenade Launcher
Gravity Grenade Bazooka
[CAMERA]thelone: easy
[CAMERA]Creos:  anyone can do that
[CAMERA]Creos:  just that some are more honorable than u little cunt
VaeVict1s: creos, we could go to a tourney server and 1v1 :) youll see what no skill is when you
[CAMERA]Creos:  just that some are more honorable than u little cunt
[CAMERA]Creos:  just that some are more honorable than u little cunt
[CAMERA]Creos:  just that some are more honorable than u little cunt
PoRKcHoP fell out of Woodhauler(RIP)'s shit nest.
]condump creos

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Re: Just want to enjoy the game
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2012, 09:47:19 PM »
This bitchy little spammer can't call discrimination now  :D
« Last Edit: July 04, 2012, 09:49:19 PM by your conscience »
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Re: Just want to enjoy the game
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2012, 07:39:42 PM »
This bitchy little spammer can't call discrimination now  :D

Is there currently a way to mute a player in Wodx?  Could a command like that be implemented easily?  It would be useful in some circumstances for sure if someone is being an annoying little ass burger.
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Re: Just want to enjoy the game
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2012, 09:06:36 PM »
I resemble that remark  :P

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Re: Just want to enjoy the game
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2012, 07:45:54 AM »

So is there  a way to Ignore one specific character?  Most of the banter on the server is benign but sometimes you just want to shut one person up.

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Re: Just want to enjoy the game
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2012, 12:46:24 PM »
If you're using R1Q2, then "/ignore <name_of_person>" will do just fine. If you're using AprQ2, then you can use "/ignorenick", but chances are people don't use that client much on wodx.   :shifteyes:

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Re: Just want to enjoy the game
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2012, 07:48:43 PM »
So if I understand correctly, you can only ignore the person if they're also using AC? Since Whaleseye doesn't have AC, will it still work if the other player is using AC?

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Re: Just want to enjoy the game
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2012, 07:57:53 PM »
So if I understand correctly, you can only ignore the person if they're also using AC? Since Whaleseye doesn't have AC, will it still work if the other player is using AC?


It works if you are using the client R1q2.  It appeared to work for me when i tested it on whale.  Your mileage may vary.   
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Re: Just want to enjoy the game
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2012, 09:35:31 PM »

So is there  a way to Ignore one specific character?  Most of the banter on the server is benign but sometimes you just want to shut one person up.

WallFly[BZZZ], that newb who is allways spawn fragged on whale, can mute a specific player!
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Re: Just want to enjoy the game
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2012, 10:29:07 AM »
OK, I love the ignore feature!! I'm sure GrooVTooB is talking up a storm, but I wouldn't know  :P

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Re: Just want to enjoy the game
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2012, 01:19:06 PM »
Turns out yahoo/cowie lamer was pm spamming me earlier today (totally unprovoked) and apparently found a bug in the ignore command:

Quote from: yahoo
(::::::)(private message) h e h e h
(::::::)(private message) h e h e h
(::::::)(private message) h e h e h
(::::::)(private message) h e h e h
(::::::)(private message) h e h e h
(::::::)(private message) h e h e h
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(::::::)(private message) h e h e h
(::::::)(private message) h e h e h
(::::::)(private message) h e h e h
(::::::)(private message) h e h e h
(::::::)(private message) h e h e h
]ignore ::::::
:::::: added to ignore list.
SHINING ARMOR: now the server works
]condump aass

While yahoo was spamming my console, my say command was unresponsive. At least I couldn't see what I was typing, unless I reconnected. Also he could easily change his name to resume the lame ass console spam.

you mean Aircon?

Yahoo you haven't learned anything from Faderjok / Razor have you?  :frustration:

:WTF: :ban:
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 01:42:48 PM by r1 »
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Re: Just want to enjoy the game
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2012, 08:08:34 PM »
Sure... it's good that you introduced yourself on the server... so now you can deny it all you want.  ::)
[2012-09-22 12:37] (Spectator) ......: i am cowie
[2012-09-22 12:37] (Spectator) ......: heheh
[2012-09-22 12:37] (Spectator) ......: heheh

Actually, I DID give a shit being that I was also a regular there.  :busted:
And so was cowie too before you banned him as well.

Quote from: MacGruber
i don't want anyone to think that i forgot about the descendant of Kung Lao ( Yahoo aka cowie/moops/pokemoo/pboy)... Otherwise i wouldn't feel so inspired about what i recently learned about him. i'm sure he would thank me for highlighting his personal experiences. 

« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 08:58:50 PM by r1 »
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Re: Just want to enjoy the game
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2012, 10:11:02 PM »
I would respond to this thread, but I can actually get on the server  :P

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Re: Just want to enjoy the game
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2012, 11:09:29 PM »
I really couldnt believe someoen could make a bigger fool of themself.

You don't say  :P
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Re: Just want to enjoy the game
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2012, 11:41:57 AM »
Sorry you're the stupid one for thinking you can talk shit here, and for falling for it. And by what you just said you're admitting to your ongoing involvement with Razor and basically spilling the beans about:
A) Razor being able to play on a Wallfly enabled server, which you've been actively promoting. I see you have your old pal playing there now, and attacking players at a moment's notice.
B) Having advanced knowledge of Razor activities who should be banned and who you shouldn't be talking to or associating with in the slightest, for the risk of being permanently banned yourself. (I guess you're willing to take that risk)
C) You once again having something to do with it, aiding and abiding him in some way, obviously relaying the information back and forth, and once again stirring shit here for your amusement, trying to start something just like last time.

Conclusion: If FaderJok is once again doing the shit that got him banned in first place, is he really rehabilitated? How safe is this server he's been promoting really? Is it open to hacking, cheating, range of shady activities, and personal attacks on players? I was told by the admin that he doesn't care about such attacks on players, so should this server be associated with TS in any way and what's Wallfly doing there?
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 12:13:47 PM by r1 »
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February 14, 2025, 12:41:48 PM


February 13, 2025, 07:31:24 AM
I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.


February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


February 03, 2025, 01:20:14 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:15:35 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:06:54 AM


December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


December 19, 2024, 04:55:07 AM
correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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