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Offline Ax2Grind

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Hello, I must be going
« on: February 09, 2006, 03:41:30 AM »
Grab the nachos, kiddies, this will be a read.
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If I repeat myself it's because people didn't read what I typed before or claim I didn't say it in the first place.
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Offline Ax2Grind

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Hello, I must be going: part two
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2006, 03:42:23 AM »
Bleach: I've played an beat axe on a few occasions on ts and

nygang servers.. and i doubt anyone i can beat is hacking

(unless he doesnt always have em on, most possible) if i see him

on nygang maybe ill spec him to see if theres anything

suspicious.. but afaik he seems pretty honest

Much like another reply in that thread, other people, who are admins on those 'other' servers, say they banned me.  The problem with that notion is I've never, or at least extremely rarely ever, used NYGang or 4U2 servers.  In other words, I'm willing to state I don't remember joining those servers more than once, if at all.  Almost every NYGang server is a rail-only, instagib, edge-repeat, other-odd-crap type of server, which have never interested me in the least.  The person they banned was clearly not me, but that wouldn't suffice.  They, perhaps like you, wanted me to join their server to prove it.  Now, I ask you: if I've never been on their server to let them see my IPA, and I join to prove to people who simply don't understand how easy it is to change the characters in one's name, what do you think they'll do now that they have my IPA?

Dukie: Since Axe called me a cheater because I got caught by the

bug and popped into a game invisible.  And since he said it with

such conviction.  And since I am a firm believer in retribution

without mercy for dumbasses.  I will say, without any proof

whatsoever...  he is cheating.  so there, we are even cheater

Perhaps I'm so oldschool and so in tune with this game that I can notice the slightest oddity, like me walking and not producing the characteristic footfalls, but I'd know if I was 'invisible' and would take care of it immediately.  Whereas you and other people have consistently stated that it's something to be taken advantage of.  If you've read what I typed before these quotes you'll know where I stand.  You know this exists, you know abuse of a so-called bug is and unfair advantage, thus cheating.  If anyone here is an expert in fair play, it's me.  That's not ego, it's playing computer games since I was a child and my innate sense of the concept, which has caused my employers more trouble than I was worth as a worker, it seems.

Punk: I find his playstyle suspicious as well, and wow, look at

all the new smileys!   (yet I still chose to use an old boring

one =P)

Namely about A2G is that on maps I know are fairly new, or at

least new to the server, he seems to know them as well as DM1. 

Unless he just has an uncanny ability to learn a map extremely

quickly (I do believe he has made some maps before), it just

seems odd his awareness of where others are.

Punk, I'm not going to to discuss what I think of you or your playstyle (or how I remember you from before you were 'good'), but these maps, the ones you say are new, have been around for ages.  Like I mentioned above, I went through maps, like ChemicalX's Ancient Waters, a long time ago for that clan's server.  I worked on finding maps that fit a mod's style as well as ones we could excel at.  That ability transferred to making maps, too, you're absolutely right.  The first map I publicly released for alpha testing, however, never got very far.

W4Q2DM2a (The Wake for Quake 2 Deathmatch Map 2 Alpha), otherwise known as Tokay's Revival, needed a little work - namely better cutting, a bit more textures to spice things up and slight changes to the structure (mostly across from the railgun, the area between the machinegun bridge and one of the quad towers, and a few entity relocations).  The latter two could easily be done for the beta, but there was no sense in any of it if the next testable version didn't have better BSP management from the build tools - something Requiem complained as being the reason he wouldn't load it again as is (he used software rendering and apparantly didn't know enough about the console's maxsurfs/edges variables).  Certain views had high triangle render rates because of inefficient cutting done by the programs suggested for use with QuArK, which happened to be the best around.  They used the same code from Id's tools almost unaltered in this area, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get anyone to make changes.  The map had unbelievable potential beyond these issues, namely centered around Raistlin's comment about it being reminiscient of Q3DM6.  I took this to mean it could start a new wave of 4v4, spilling over from Q3A, and hoped to get something done.  Nothing came of it.

All this said, I have incredible experience in hundreds of deathmatch maps as well as still hundreds more in single-player.  Check out Ten Four Maps, for the latter.  I haven't been there in a while, so I don't know if it's still up.  Bunch of nice people used to be there, and it took them some time before they made an SP map that challenged my blaster-only style.

Haunted: haunted's Comments:

1. A2G is not good.
2. He is playing complete newbs in the demo.
3. I own him.

alright, those were givens.. but now towards the ungiven, but

incredibly obvious:
(in referring to the demo posted of Ax2Grind, from the bot drop

section, in the the "Another Suspicious Wallhacker" thread that

was originally meant for me.. ROFL. yeah, well the evidence im

providing comes from A2G.dm2 posted by panjoo)

4. He walls. I shouldn't have to explain this to anyone. If you

do not recognize this then you must be suffering from a very

serious illness or disorder.

5. A2G is indefinitely using aim assistance, it is seen NOT IN

HIS SSG, like all of you guys seem to obsess over, but in frags

13 and 31. there is no way around it. In #13, A2G fires a rocket

directly at his opponent, with his crosshair nowhere near this

opponent. After the rocket hits, his crosshair immediately makes

a perfect and straight path towards the exact center point on

his opponent's model (by scale) and makes a dead stop. The path,

the position, and the hault are tell tale signs of a aimbotting,

and the chances of a nonbot doing as he did in this situation

are so minute, that you would be more likely to be struck by

lightning, be engulfed in a tidal wave, and win the lottery at

the same time. (one out of 4,534,243,000,000,438).

Ok, now that ive clarified the chances of him being a bot, lets

check out frag #31 

6. The same exact situation is depcited in this frag as well,

except w/ railgun. A2G fires directly at his opponent and hits

him, and then moments later takes the same bot/machine oriented

path directly towards the center of his opponents model and

makes a dead stop.  The chance of him not botting while

completing this machine process exactly TWICE, would be

something like winning the lottery in 5 different states, while

being struck by lightning and attacked by a white shark in lake


7. The odds of him not walling/aimbotting are indefinitely

infinity - 1. One would be more likely to win the lottery in all

50 states, even in states where it's not legal, than A2G not to

be cheating.

8. timescale .01 + models gg


Wow.  Too much to even wade into, over my head in fact.  Need scuba gear for anything beyond the following:

Before I make comment on any alleged demos of me please list every single one of them, unedited.  I'll watch boring parts and lagged areas, alike, as you've read I used to be dial-up, myself.  This goes for Defiant, 4U2 or NYGang members claiming to have some of me on their server, and anyone else.

Whether or not I address anything else in your quote depends on retraining my breath-holding capabilities.

Console: Good gravy, that frag 31 doesn't look good.  I don't

know if there's any manner of interpolation (e.g. cl_predict 1)

on behalf of the client recording the demo that could account

for that sort of 'slew' in the movement.  I know sometimes

watching demos recorded with a _lot_ of lag, sometimes you can

see sort of laggy slewing/snapping around as the laggy client

tries to record the demoed player turning. 

I can't in my mind yet rule out the possibility that maybe

cl_predict is doing some guesswork that happens to produce this

bot-like post-shot slew... (Need to learn more about it... maybe

r1ch would know..  )

As for the authenticity, it checks out in the log file for

mutant.  The IP associated with the client making this


[2006-01-02 Mon 18:48:46] Ax2Grind: are you asking me to leave

because im so good? A2G's IP address.

Apart from the possibility that the demo isn't really showing

the movement accurately-- . . . . it doesn't look too good. 


That quote was recent and very memorable.  I was playing people below my abilities and was looking for a way to quickfoot it.  If I remember correctly, it was DamnDirtyApe who came in and quickly asked me to leave, taking an extraordinarily long time to respond with a sarcastic 'yes, axe, thats the reason.  just leave', as if he was mulling over what he should say.  He probably thought of saying something more offensive and gave in hoping I'd exit, which I did.  DDA has repeatedly accused me of cheating, and I wanted not to provoke him but force him to acknowledge his stance on my play.  He has a bit more class than I give others credit for, but he still thinks I cheat.  The rest of your quote needs to be related to the response to Haunted.

Dick: Invite him to a LAN, then you play on his comp and him on


He is a tough player, I enjoy playing against him.  I

occasionally win 

before anyone gets banned the cheating must be unquestionable,

that's not the case here so

  lets frag.

I repeatedly requested LANs long ago, when my skills were under scrutiny before leaving for Q3A, but everyone wanted me to go to Quakecon, or up to god-forsaken New York (it feels like I just left that hellhole).  I might have done the latter, but at that point I made a decision to take up another game, one I hoped a few familiar names (Julius, Power3D, etc.) might be able to show a convert the ropes.  Neither really happened, and I haven't LANned since the Game Parlor days, so I'll only consider it if it's financially feasible.  I'm looking for a job now, though, so don't expect much.

Alright, those address most of what's been said, but details remain.  Specifically, why I decided to respond here after what seems like ages of accusations.  Well, I won't go into detail, but it involves the free time I mentioned above, time I used to spend on Tastyspleen's Jumpmod server.  I'm sure Haunted has an excuse, but suffice it to say being accused by someone with admin powers is akin to being accused by someone who runs the server, the head honcho, himself.  I always said if that happens without justification... well, **** it.  He might not have thought he was accusing me, but the evidence was there to exonerate me yet he chose to ignore all of it and delete my score, as if he were killing a hostage every hour I didn't give him a satisfactory response.  I have more class than anyone since the oldschool days, and I voluntarily banned myself from that server until further notice.  I wonder how many other of my scores, over his or otherwise, have been deleted since.

It's amazing, really.  I do things a bit better than everyone and come here to find out one person I'm bettering thought I was cheating the moment he saw me.  Didn't know you had an agenda, Haunted, I thought you were nice and you never heard a bad word from me about you.  Now you won't have to hear any words from me while you're on Jumpmod ever again.  I'll talk about any other subjects as I've likely forgotten quite a few significant ones, like how I know what I know, how to do certain things and even mapping if anyone cares to discuss it.  Probably won't be here for long, though, so take your shots while the target's up.  Oh, and one more thing addressing my alleged 'inconsistency', there are three main reasons but not a single person knows of any of them, save Bobcat.  He knows of an incredibly foolish act, spurred by anger, I committed some time ago which I'm still paying for.  I doubt he's ever spoken of it, which is why he, too, has my respect.  Since I haven't spoken of them to anyone else no one can say I'm using them as an excuse for when I play below the level I'm accustomed, but I doubt anyone would show respect for such, seeing as there are no other oldschoolers left in this game.

Remember, comments, demos and questions, please feel free.
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Re: Hello, I must be going
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2006, 04:28:20 AM »
i'm disapointed you didn't quote me in this..  :WTF:

haha.. it was a good read, and I'm glad you came around to state your opinion.
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Re: Hello, I must be going: part two
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2006, 05:49:15 AM »
Dukie: Since Axe called me a cheater because I got caught by the

bug and popped into a game invisible.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2006, 06:13:15 AM by {TNP}Dukie »
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Re: Hello, I must be going: part two
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2006, 06:23:35 AM »
Quote from: {TNP}Dukie on February 09, 2006, 05:49:15 AM
Quote from: {TNP}Dukie on February 09, 2006, 05:49:15 AM
Dukie: Since Axe called me a cheater because I got caught by the

bug and popped into a game invisible.
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Re: Hello, I must be going
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2006, 07:38:32 AM »
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Re: Hello, I must be going
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2006, 09:13:33 AM »
Hey Ax2Grind,

Thanks for posting!

I'm in "crunch mode" at work at the moment, so I'll just flail on the keyboard briefly here and see what happens.

A lot of folks get cheating accusations thrown their way on our various servers, including other folks who have been playing, like you, since the game came out.  Our general policy is to ask for demos, and look for unassailable proof / evidence of foul play.

Aside from that slow-motion video posted of one of your recent demos, with the cl_predict slew that made the shot look so fishy (and I've since been informed is a common artifact of slowed-down demos), ... I've been sent numerous demos folks have recorded of you and I've watched most of them.  In no case was I able to observe any obvious cheating.  I was able to observe your top-notch movement skills, and sound awareness.

It may be interesting to note that I received demos of haunted in previous tourneys, with folks *demanding* that haunted be kicked out of the tourney for wallhacking.  Someone apparently even quit the tourney out of dissatisfaction that the admins wouldn't "do what is right" and eject haunted from the tourney.  I received more grief over that, than any of your demos so far, probably because of the tourney context.  But anyway, my point is, I couldn't find any definitive evidence to support the allegations against haunted, either.  We are sent a lot of demos to watch.  We believe it's important to keep cheaters off the servers.  Thus, we also get demos sent of players who apparently are not cheating but who are accused by other players in good standing.  It happens a lot.  So I hope you don't take too much of it too personally.

As far as the jump server, haunted (and others) immediately contacted me with the condump of what transpired yesterday afternoon, right after the incident.

I got to hear an earfull from both "sides" - folks who thought haunted was too over-the-top in his handling of the situation, and  some who felt under the circumstances (a 0.0 time) that it was fair to expect an admin who is charged with keeping the maps playable and fixing bad spawns, to want to ask how this was occurring.

Haunted could have handled it with a little less "you will respect my authoritah!!" vibe, but from the condump (which I can post if anyone wants) he didn't accuse you of cheating, either.  He did want to know how the 0.0 was accomplished, as the reason he has admin access there is he has volunteered to fix maps with bad spawns to make them more playable.

So I think the motives were good, even if the handling of the situation could have been better on all sides.  I'm not too worried about the 0.0 score being deleted, since the motivation is to fix the map.  In future, the map should be fixed first, then the too-low scores should be deleted.

In any case, I don't think you need to worry about other jump times being deleted.  I appreciate admins on the jump server who have volunteered to fix maps.  They all know if admin powers were abused, they would be rescinded.

Thanks again for posting,



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Re: Hello, I must be going
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2006, 11:30:14 AM »
There are a few maps on the jump mod server, which places a weapon on the spawn pad, thus when you enter in hard mode you automatically get the weapon and your score time is 0.0 -- these maps need to be removed. Another problem is the ability to remove the time via admin command doesn't work and need to be done manually via local admin.
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Re: Hello, I must be going
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2006, 12:35:39 PM »
heh...  we played one map...  fun, short,  but without a weapon at the end...

and..  never thought you cheated axe.... :rockon:
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Re: Hello, I must be going
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2006, 12:57:35 PM »
see, digency should be admin...because he found out what the bug is!   anyways, this is probably a shot in the dark...but there are consequences for people cheating on the servers...and that should be expected...but are there consequences for accusing others widely and openly of cheating?  I've noticed alot more people get accused of cheating, than there are people found cheating.  some peoples names can be tarnished no matter what the results of if they were cheating or not.  It's as true here as in the real world (such as politics).  this is not directed specifically at this situation, but rather overall situations for the future.  it's at the very least something to think about.  it's just a game, but it's our game, and we must protect it and it's users future so we can thrive.
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Re: Hello, I must be going
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2006, 01:27:47 PM »
It's too bad I was busy at work today...this drama could have been entertaining.
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Re: Hello, I must be going
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2006, 01:40:25 PM »
see, digency should be admin...

Uhh... he already is.

Like haunted, he has volunteered to fix spawns on maps.  I believe haunted already showed digency the relevant admin commands.

because he found out what the bug is!

Uh... yeah.  Maps with bad weapon spawns don't need to be removed.  The bad spawns need to be removed (unless for some reason there's a technical problem with this, in which case we would remove a map if necessary.)

I suspect a map with an intermittent 0.0 score, is likely to be not a weapon on a spawn pad, but a powerup like invulnerability, which only appears once every five minutes, complicating the process of figuring out "what the hell happened".

In such cases, the offending weapon or powerup should be removed.

Again, thanks to the admins for volunteering to fix these things in maps.



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Re: Hello, I must be going
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2006, 01:45:52 PM »
completely forgot...hell i was there when he made him admin!
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Re: Hello, I must be going
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2006, 02:02:55 PM »
There is absolutely nothing wrong with me accusing a2g of cheating, it's hard for person to "tarnish" someone's q2 reputation, lol.. and if you care about your q2 reputation in the first place, then i am very sorry. When debating over something I think it's good to hear a solid position from both sides in order for one to make a well and informed decision.  I took my side, and there is nothing wrong with what I did. If i convinced some people that he was cheating and in doing so "tarnishing his reputation" then I guess my argument owned.

Also, bug or no bug if I see a 0.0 time I will delete it.  It's a false time and impossible to get unless the weapon is on the spawn pad or by a bug. In your cause I believe it was beacuse there is a data cd placed on the spawn pad (which never respawns back).

If I were you I wouldn't want a 0.0 time up there anyways, I would want a time that shows how fast I can do the map to the best of my abilities; not by a bug.

And ax, I never thought you were cheating and i never said so.  I asked you 3x how the 0.0 happened, and you never answered my question but instead took offense and freaked out. An I dont know would have worked, that's all i was looking for.

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Re: Hello, I must be going
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2006, 02:34:07 PM »
didnt read your book you wrote for the forums but i heard its about you whining that ppl accuse you of cheating.. wasn't it you that was accusing me of cheating like last week when i decided to play some q2 after awhile? hypocrites are always funny.. especially when they write a fuckin novel on a forum lol. go away u wont be missed ;)
and btw, i NEVER seen you play q2.. ive seen you in servers ever since I started playing and youre ALWAYS speccing... :\
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