Author Topic: Way too many people insisting I'm a cheater lately... a couple demos  (Read 28409 times)

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Re: Way too many people insisting I'm a cheater lately... a couple demos
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2011, 07:39:38 PM »
all of this shit and he can't be bothered to place one .dll he already has BACK into his q2 folder.
what a surprise.

According to him I am so close minded that I don't feel like watching a demo in 3rd person of FFA DM.
According to me, I WAS IN SPEC AT THE TIME WATCHING. I watched him pull some gay shit the other day too, also from spec.

Why the fuck would I watch what I have already seen?

Seriously if this guy takes his FFA so seriously that he can't handle an occasional crash (that he can't prove ever happened) and demos every ffa game he plays, then he should fucking slash his wrists.

I have seen r1q2 crash to desktop maybe twice in a whole year, and he admits he can't even reliably recreate his reason for ditching AC and that he has no crashdump or anything to prove it's ever happened to him.
(the same excuse others are now using to NOT use AC when they can and should.. great trend...)

Whiney excuses don't mean dick to me, just as people saying "oh i watched over his shoulder one time and that means he's legit forever" don't mean dick to me since you weren't watching TODAY. Should we believe PTBlues about elppen? NO?

I didn't start a thread to beat my chest over being wronged. He did.
The entire "wronging" includes me having an opinion and him being unwilling to prove me wrong by loading up anticheat, which I DO EVERY FUCKING DAY. It could have ended today had he not been afraid to go load up ac.

How about this for "out of line"?

Punk, go get AC and use it or I will fucking call you bullshit every time I see you and you can just get the fuck over it.
I don't care about your baloney stories and you aren't some magical special person who is immune to ever having someone think your play looks like bullshit.. You're just one who refuses to prove otherwise.

btw gator, a bunch of your clan mates aren't using it anymore either. way to be.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2011, 07:45:07 PM by Whirlingdervish »
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Re: Way too many people insisting I'm a cheater lately... a couple demos
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2011, 07:52:44 PM »
lol punk doesnt cheat...

i was shooting around with him for like an hour earlier today on a tourney server... i could both sneak up on him, and make him miss A LOT in the open...

not a wallhack, easily noticed by playing him for awhile, not an aimbot, easily noticed by railing against him in the open for awhile... :)

hes pretty good for an ffa player though, and surprised he wasnt using AC when i saw him connect

@punk no worries, lots of noobs call hax still :) try out the railz server... its so easy to make people cry hax and watch them ragequit lol
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Re: Way too many people insisting I'm a cheater lately... a couple demos
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2011, 08:08:46 PM »
...I don't feel like watching a demo in 3rd person of FFA DM

Just to clarify, it is a demo I recorded in first person.  Again, you just want to accuse without proof.  The proof you COULD have, you're not even willing to observe.  You were chasing me in third person, which when gauging whether or not someone is hacking is inferior to the first person demos that I have uploaded.

I'm glad your opinion and attitude is out in the open for everyone to see, btw.  I for one didn't know you were like this.
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Re: Way too many people insisting I'm a cheater lately... a couple demos
« Reply #18 on: June 23, 2011, 08:09:53 PM »
P.S. Cheater threads are easier to defend yourself if your accusers make the first move.

Too true.

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Re: Way too many people insisting I'm a cheater lately... a couple demos
« Reply #19 on: June 23, 2011, 08:28:25 PM »
So... you're not gonna use the damned anticheat or what?
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Re: Way too many people insisting I'm a cheater lately... a couple demos
« Reply #20 on: June 23, 2011, 08:33:41 PM »
btw gator, a bunch of your clan mates aren't using it anymore either. way to be.

We at clan MCS want to assure everyone that 50% of our total population uses anticheat, while the other 50% is unknown.

(I haven't aclisted issac recently.  :lol: )
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Re: Way too many people insisting I'm a cheater lately... a couple demos
« Reply #21 on: June 23, 2011, 08:34:35 PM »
So... you're not gonna use the damned anticheat or what?

I'd like to use AC to prove I don't hack (because I feel better when I see others using it, tbh), but I get the occasional crash with AC + R1Q2 (which I made a thread about, found HERE), so I have opted not to use it

It can be very annoying to hear that *ding* sound and then seeing the r1q2 crash screen in the middle of a game while you were playing well. Happened to me four times in just two days. Suspecting it was AC screwing something up I removed it and haven't had a crash since.  :-\

That's exactly the one and ONLY reason I stopped using AC, after using it for a very long time.  Not a single crash since then.
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Re: Way too many people insisting I'm a cheater lately... a couple demos
« Reply #22 on: June 23, 2011, 08:45:50 PM »
Added a screen shot showing the crash logs in my Quake2 folder.  Not sure which of those files are needed.
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Re: Way too many people insisting I'm a cheater lately... a couple demos
« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2011, 08:51:49 PM »
Seriously if this guy takes his FFA so seriously that he can't handle an occasional crash (that he can't prove ever happened) and demos every ffa game he plays, then he should fucking slash his wrists.

It's strange; these days r1q2 crashes on me about once a week.  But I can recall a few years ago when it seemed to me it NEVER crashed.

I remember that time somewhat vividly because back then, one of the things I thought was great about r1q2 was how stable it was.  And when I would hear occasional reports from other players about it crashing on their system, I thought, wow, how strange...!

Then perhaps about a year or so ago, r1q2 had begun crashing on me so frequently that I renamed anticheat.dll as a diagnostic/troubleshooting step.  And, indeed, the crashing subsided.

So I played without AC for awhile.

Eventually I did try AC again and for whatever reason the crash frequency had lessened to what I felt was "tolerable", so I've continued to use AC since then.

But as much as I value anticheat, if it starts causing my client to crash beyond some threshold where the crashes start to become annoying again, I'll rename that fucker in an instant.

I have low tolerance for software that crashes, especially when I have an alternative that doesn't crash.

On a related note, one of the surprising things about desktop software, is that just because a piece of software doesn't crash for you or me, doesn't mean it doesn't crash (or perform poorly, or behave weirdly) for someone else.  Unfortunately as a developer, I see this all the time.  Our software may have 100,000 users, and has a reputation for stability, and yet the automated crash report emails roll in on a daily basis.  Further, sometimes a user will call for technical support because our software is crashing like crazy on one of his computers.  But not on his other computers--and nobody else is reporting this crash either!  So we'll work with the user, building special debugging and logging versions of the software, and the user will try the new version out, send us the results, we'll do some detective work, build a new version to try to further pinpoint the problem, etc., until hopefully the problem can be narrowed down.  It would be much more convenient for all involved if we could just debug the problem locally; but we have to send these debugging versions to the user because we can't reproduce his crash on any of our own systems.

The unfortunate lesson is that even if r1q2+anticheat were stable on 99% of systems, it should still not be surprising that it may crash on the remaining 1%.

(Of course, knowing this doesn't stop me for a second from forcing AC on a player who I'm convinced is cheating.)



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Re: Way too many people insisting I'm a cheater lately... a couple demos
« Reply #24 on: June 23, 2011, 08:57:14 PM »
It's a yes or no question. Yeah, I read all that shit already, but none of that leads me to believe that you have the explicit intention of never trying to use it once again. I've already given my opinion of you, not jumping on anyone elses bandwagon just because I'm in the same clan, but if it's enough of an issue for you to waste time in this thread, then maybe you should reinvest that time into getting AC running again and put an end to this. Give it a shot, see what happens.
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Re: Way too many people insisting I'm a cheater lately... a couple demos
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2011, 09:19:23 PM »
God dammit man, you can't even FART and have your butthole coincidentally make a noise that sounds like someone saying "cheat" without this faggot (bundle of sticks) coming runing.

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Re: Way too many people insisting I'm a cheater lately... a couple demos
« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2011, 09:45:45 PM »
there was a point my ac was running fine, then all of a sudden it started crashing every half an hour mid game, so i stopped using it. then i re-used it, same thing. I reformatted my PC and have only crashed mid game maybe once or twice and its been a few months now. Not saying you should reformat your PC but seriously if you are fed up with the cheating accusations, it doesn't hurt anything or anyone to load the ac.dll. I have heard some stupid excuses as to why people don't use it one of the funniest one is "i don't use it cause i don't cheat", or "because r1ch is a liar" (quote from none other than axe2grind),  just load it and play with it. if you still play the same with it loaded and fail no file checks then half your luck
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Re: Way too many people insisting I'm a cheater lately... a couple demos
« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2011, 11:12:41 PM »
Punk has been accused by me countless times (in my head) LOL. Seriously, i've spect him so many times in the past and have NEVER seen ANYTHING to suggest anything but 100% legit. Same with ax2g. Same with Defiant, Elysium, and that other dude that normally plays somewhere else (obviously I can't think of his name).

AC has never crashed me, ever, well mabey once or twice ever. BUT, I HATE it, I use it, but I hate it. While it doesn't crash on me it does lag the hell out of my system in some wierd ass way. Not sure of it's CPU lag, GPU lag, or network lag, but it lags the living crap out of it.
BUT, so does those fancy paks and autorecord.
I have found that since I started using those paks, AC, and auto_record years ago my gameplay fell off a ton. Not that it was anything to write home about to begin with, but it still got much worse.
I myself have (even recently) thought of dumping the whole nine yards and just going back with r1q2 only w/Ely's bright skin pak only and just skip recording demos. I have gigs worth already.

My take is simple, if i think they are cheating, i'll demo. The burden of proof lies with ME. Why should anyone have to prove to me they are not cheating if they are not required to, who do I think i am? It would be nice yes, I prove that i'm not cheating by using it, but it's a choice I choose to do. I'm not going to demand others prove it to me in return and haggle them  ingame if they don't.
While I have questioned some shots (like the one Punk made in dm1 at the mega entrance) and a few other things from players over the console, continuously haggling a good solid player in game just because they aren't using AC when it's not required is very unsportsmanlike and annoys the hell out of everyone else because of all the spam.

Just seems to me in the demo that you we're more upset about AC than actual suspicious play. He missed WAY more shots than he ever nailed.
So reiterating I simply think he posted the very same demo that you was specing him in so others could see what you seen and give their opinion of it.

On a side note: I loved the way Backstaber kept acting dumb about the whole AC thing.  :lolsign:

On a side side note: I've beat Punk once before to. Must have been the one time he was using AC and I wasn't.  :miffed:
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Re: Way too many people insisting I'm a cheater lately... a couple demos
« Reply #28 on: June 23, 2011, 11:41:12 PM »
The burden of proof lies with ME.

I agree. YOU prove that Punk is cheating. Do it now! :eyecrazy:
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Re: Way too many people insisting I'm a cheater lately... a couple demos
« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2011, 04:00:14 AM »

I think it is fine for you to suggest that everyone get on AC but if they don't do it let it go.  It is not right for you to hound or smacktalk people just because they did not do what you wanted.  Just because you like PBJ sandwiches for lunch everyone else should not have to eat them.  If the server makes AC a requirement then YES, otherwise then NO (suggest then drop it).
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