Author Topic: Reminiscence about the year that was...2005.  (Read 17845 times)

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Re: Reminiscence about the year that was...2005.
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2006, 06:06:42 AM »
yeah, there are so many great people here, it is easy to attempt to list them, then offend someone by forgetting them.  Too many good peeps.  How blessed are we?
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Re: Reminiscence about the year that was...2005.
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2006, 03:11:20 AM »
Thanks for the comments everyone.
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Re: Reminiscence about the year that was...2005.
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2006, 08:19:43 AM »
Just wanted to add my two cents...

I don't know many of you very well, but it has been an absolute pleasure playing on Tastyspleen for the past year.  It is gratifying to see so many people who still support Quake 2.

Some highlights for me:

-Seeing the incredible talent some players have at this game.  I had no idea how good people could be at this game until I started spectating TDM and playing some TDM myself.  A very humbling experience, but man what a blast TDM is!  So much fun!

-Seeing Tastyspleen grow as a community and server-wise.  It is a beacon of light when many other servers seem to be perpetually empty.

-Seeing {SX} grow as a clan.  Honestly, this one was a surprise to me.  I didn't like Omega much when I first met him - and we had our disagreements (especially on AW forums), but now I can sincerely say that I respect his dedication to making {SX} a good and competitive clan.  Congratulations, {SX}!

AW has been around Quake 2 for quite a few years now, and even though quite a few of our die-hard Q2 members (myself included) are playing more in our other game divisions - we still hold a special place in our hearts for this game.  Keep up the good work, Tastyspleeners!  You have a great community here - I look forward to fragging all of you for a long time to come!
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Offline [BTF] Reflex

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Re: Reminiscence about the year that was...2005.
« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2006, 08:20:52 AM »
     My 2005 started with a very calm,  desperately needed,  breakup from my girlfriend.
  Without wich my Quake 2 time would not have been possible.  I didn't even get internet access untill a few months later.

  Around the same time I met a friend at work,  and thru talking about diff stuff came across computer games we liked.
Quake was at the top of the list for each of us,   him Q2 and myself Q1.     A few nights of owning him on his server playing my custom Q1 maps we decided to try Q2.   I remember commenting to each other on how big the edge was for 2 ppl,  but we had fun all the same.   While we stopped playing each other for the most part in online games, its been one of the best friendships I've had in a long time...  and launched me off to find servers and ppl out there to meet and play with.

  Madhouse was an early favorite place to hang out.    I was indeed one of those noobs spoken of so fondly in Dael's story of a newb.   Mousewheel to change weps,  nothing bound but movement keys,  "lurking"  here n there for my frags,    and moving about like a snail.     But damnit I was having fun. :)   
   On a visit to my parents house,  with some freetime b4 dinner,  I decided to install and play a few games of quake2.   I happened across AW Rails.   Took first place in my first and only game played there on a packed server,   I was HOOKED!!!!
No weps to worry about,  no switching, searching,  or really having to think about anything but aim and shoot.  I copied down the ip and AW rails/match was my home for the next five months.    AW deserves a plug here,   every bit as organized and friendly as Tastyspleen.     
    Joined my first Q2 clan (tF) the Family,  which was very kewl.   Seemed like all the leet players hanging around were in that clan.    And I happened to impress one of the recruiters enough to get taken in.    Little did I know it was the twilight hour for
them :)   Good times though,   I learned alot about movement/speed,  and the game became 1000 times more interesting.
      tF had a very nice page.  Forums/files/mssgs etc all wrapped up into one.   One day somebody named Laureline stopped by with a message announcing the first tastyspleen tournament.   Till now tastyspleen was just that server that had the "slow" railgun,  and no edge : )    I forget who signed up first,  but we encouraged everyone to sign up and represent the clan.
I think 3 or 4 of us did,   I guess I was the only one aware that it wasnt a rail tourney,  so therefore was the only one to actually play his match.   Why not?   I used to play dm b4,  should be alot of fun.
       I got matched up against haunted :(   I played one game with him beforehand just for fun.   I bet he was pretty happy :)
it was a slaughter,      even still,   I thought just maybe they tournament game in a few days would be fun.   I had some time to go play dm and practice,  which I dont think I did.  Rails was just too much fun at the time.
       Game day, we played,   I dont know if anybody I know now was around for the match ( I was Takkissis at the time)
while I had a blast,    haunted owned me even more hardcore than he does now.   I should rematch him on the exact maps sometime,  aerowalk and dm3.   I think I managed negative scores on both.  And if memory serves,  he managed 15 frags on both too.
        Well,   that game over with I didnt need to follow the tournament anymore,   so off I scurried back to Aw rails.  where I was still competetive.     Then the H20 rails server became aware to me.   Absolutely loved it,  not so much the ffa format, as I was fond on 1 on 1 rails,  but my ping more than halved from 100 to the mid 40's.    and this is where I met Da/soso
         After a night of some really intense games,   awesome corner shots, and a lil hide n seek, Da was impressed.   He mistook my spawn knowledge and timeing as sound knowledge.   And thought I would make a really good TDMer/GXer.    So he dragged me off to the gx servers.   Very good times.   My rail instructor (tF)zzyzx/now AW Gravel,  and Da both worked with me
on how to use the major weps.   With very little luck,  but just enough to spark my interest.   I flipp flopped between rails and dm for a bit,   more rails untill my clan all but dissapeared.   Then I said screw it,   I'm going to dm and hammer at it untill it kills me.
          Somewhere around here I finally broke down and joined to co-lead one of the clans I had the most fun playing with on the AW servers.  Souljas eXtreme.   At the time was basicly just Omega and Adam,  and I dragged them with me to TDM :)

         Funny how this is a blurr,  and everything else was so clear.  But somehow I got wind of the 3rd TS tourney.  Lo and behold!!  they had a novice bracket!!     I signed up,   and was very excited.   Didn't know half the maps ppl were voting on,  but voted the ones I knew,  and the ones that were ahead in the polls at the time to help please the masses.   And set out to do some hardcore practicing.   
         This brings my quake2 lifes story to Elijah.   Who spent MANY MANY MANY hours playng me and working on different things,     till we were both blue in the face.     just had to give him props,  without his tireless efforts to drill stuff into my head
I would not have done as well in the tourney as I did.     
          The tournament itslelf was by far the highlight of my q2 year.     So confident was I about my soon to be victory over a seven year old child :)   I dragged my friend from work to practice the maps with me,  which lasted all of about five minutes and some 15 frags later,  all mine,  he said I had nothing to worry about and disconnected.    The match with Abby was definately a humbling experience.   Thank god for the losers bracket!!!  each following victory was harder fought and sweeter than the last,  till I hit the brick wall that was Kobra.    I cant describe the reliefe and joy in my heart to finally be able to play the game without pressure of a match or upcoming match to worry about.   
            Which is all I've been doing since then,  having fun and playing quake2.  For the most part having the time of my life with all of you,   more than a handfull of games leave ya with a sour feeling in yer stomache.   But typing this has given me
a bit of clarity and shown the reasons I ejoyed the game,  so maybe I can get rid of that sinking feeling that creeps in and rears  its ugly head when owned double digits to negative digits.

        ok,   I spend 8 hours a day in the game,  and am WAY past due for sleep so Imma start thinking about wrapping this up.

thnx to anyone who has had tips n tricks for me to learn,  either directly or from spectating.

soso   without whom I'd still be the guy tdmers come to rails and own
elijah  no comment could do enough
fajin    I'm sure you are AWARE of why you are on here..  lmao 
dael    I always forget if it ends in m or n so that why I call you that :)
luci      that one day on rage lit a fire in me that will burn for years to come
deft     ditto,  and I still use that 20 second run whenever I play dm5
blood   you cross my mind every single time I exit water

scores of you I left out,  forgive me,  as I'm reaching my 24th hour of wakefullness

holla the regulars I've played in the past and regulars I look forward to playing every night (Vickie where are you!!!!)    the rest r just too many to name,   I'll just say hi when I see ya.   lol

I'm spent,    happy new year (belated) everyone :)

happy fraggin,   
Tastyspleen dont you dare go anywhere.

axtra special thnx to adam and manny
some of my fav matches, not because I beat the pants offa ya
but for being so close in skill and beating the pants offa me too
look forward to growing with you guys... 

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Sometimes I think it’s a sin when I feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again

Offline {TNP}Dukie

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Re: Reminiscence about the year that was...2005.
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2006, 09:25:27 AM »
Nice post, fun read :)
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Re: Reminiscence about the year that was...2005.
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2006, 10:08:29 AM »
Ok I'll give this a try... I'm too lazy to make my own thx dealmun for yours.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2006, 10:12:05 AM by BigwigKEA »
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Re: Reminiscence about the year that was...2005.
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2006, 10:59:03 AM »
man..  all this talk about tourney4 being the best server.

was sweet too cause I could ping like 20-30 instead of the 60-100 on t1 or t2

prolly a worst moment realizing I couldnt go there anymore,  and seeing all the ppl on there too,
 :bigcry: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:
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Sometimes I think it’s a sin when I feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again


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Re: Reminiscence about the year that was...2005.
« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2006, 01:06:18 PM »
Worst (or most annoying) moments:
1: KobraKryptic ranting (While kobra seems to be a pretty cool guy, I'm really tired of hearing about anything that happened with UDML and Devine. I mean there's nothing new with q2 players being whiny...why make a big deal out of this. All the games I've won oever the years ware against ppl with new mice, spiky pings, no sounds and trying new settings. So what?!? Do you think I care about what ppl say becaues of q2? You should learn to just let it be and continue having fun as you were before.)

I fail to understand why it is considered "whining" unless you are seeing this for the first time, then I guess it may seem like it...I just didn't appreciate being mislead for months on end.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2006, 01:16:39 PM by KobraKryptic »
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Re: Reminiscence about the year that was...2005.
« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2006, 01:26:18 PM »
Thats right how could you forget me!!??!?! :) lol No I havnt been around as much as before with this new job responsibility and all.Its all good I know you all love me hahahaha! Hell of a post there reflex...almost a novel :P
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Re: Reminiscence about the year that was...2005.
« Reply #24 on: January 05, 2006, 02:25:16 PM »
Mat if you want people to remember you I suggest you try a new cologne for men called SEX PANTHER by Odeon.  It's illegal in 9 different countries. 

Yep, it's made from bits of real Panther, so you know it's good!   :dohdohdoh:

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Re: Reminiscence about the year that was...2005.
« Reply #25 on: January 05, 2006, 02:28:47 PM »
anchorman goodnes..i like it gooood.
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Re: Reminiscence about the year that was...2005.
« Reply #26 on: January 06, 2006, 05:16:47 PM »
I would like to post my story, but i think it is pretty long, and bad! (i prolly have the worst experience)

-Seeing {SX} grow as a clan. Honestly, this one was a surprise to me. I didn't like Omega much when I first met him - and we had our disagreements (especially on AW forums), but now I can sincerely say that I respect his dedication to making {SX} a good and competitive clan. Congratulations, {SX}!

« Last Edit: January 06, 2006, 05:30:56 PM by {SX}Om3ga.S »
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Dallas/Fort Worth, here i cum.


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Re: Reminiscence about the year that was...2005.
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2006, 10:08:58 AM »
Worst (or most annoying) moments:
1: KobraKryptic ranting (While kobra seems to be a pretty cool guy, I'm really tired of hearing about anything that happened with UDML and Devine. I mean there's nothing new with q2 players being whiny...why make a big deal out of this. All the games I've won oever the years ware against ppl with new mice, spiky pings, no sounds and trying new settings. So what?!? Do you think I care about what ppl say becaues of q2? You should learn to just let it be and continue having fun as you were before.)

I fail to understand why it is considered "whining" unless you are seeing this for the first time, then I guess it may seem like it...I just didn't appreciate being mislead for months on end.
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Re: Reminiscence about the year that was...2005.
« Reply #28 on: January 07, 2006, 06:45:17 PM »


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Dallas/Fort Worth, here i cum.


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Re: Reminiscence about the year that was...2005.
« Reply #29 on: January 09, 2006, 12:50:08 AM »
Worst (or most annoying) moments:
1: KobraKryptic ranting (While kobra seems to be a pretty cool guy, I'm really tired of hearing about anything that happened with UDML and Devine. I mean there's nothing new with q2 players being whiny...why make a big deal out of this. All the games I've won oever the years ware against ppl with new mice, spiky pings, no sounds and trying new settings. So what?!? Do you think I care about what ppl say becaues of q2? You should learn to just let it be and continue having fun as you were before.)

I fail to understand why it is considered "whining" unless you are seeing this for the first time, then I guess it may seem like it...I just didn't appreciate being mislead for months on end.
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September 03, 2024, 05:15:49 PM
And wow Derrick is still playing lol


September 03, 2024, 05:15:15 PM
Just know yesterday is gone and soon tomorrow will be gone too  :)


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It's tiem to QuakeCon!!!  ;)


July 26, 2024, 09:34:53 PM
In nomine Quake II et Id Software et Spiritus John Carmack, Amen.


July 26, 2024, 05:10:30 PM
Hey, shout, summertime blues
Jump up and down in you blue suede shoes
Hey, did you rock and roll? Rock on!!  ...QD


July 24, 2024, 01:31:20 PM
Ayer me mato 5 veces para robarme en la vida real hará lo mismo? [img]<iframe src=";show_text=true&amp;width=500" width="500"


July 24, 2024, 01:25:59 PM
hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


July 24, 2024, 01:25:59 PM
hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


July 05, 2024, 05:20:36 AM

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