Author Topic: Logitech LX700 wireless mouse issues.....  (Read 21142 times)

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Re: Logitech LX700 wireless mouse issues.....
« Reply #45 on: May 30, 2008, 11:14:39 AM »
last time I checked before I left I was owning the trolls stalking me, in game (with a ball mouse)


don't mind me, people.. just stirring the pot.

I don't mind, we're taking turns holding him down while the other one wiggles it up his butt. Grab an arm, join the fun.  :badgrin:
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Offline plastik

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Re: Logitech LX700 wireless mouse issues.....
« Reply #46 on: May 30, 2008, 11:24:01 AM »

"Stuck with me? Am I at fault for having a fucking memory now? I'm sorry that I'm not the forgetful marshmallow-brained dopehead that you probably are."

mmm...nerves...they cause pain...and you cry.

"What's odd about it? You talk about ALL subjects as if you are the foremost authority."

by all means list all of these subjects that I talk about like I'm the foremost authority.  I write what I know about or have experienced.  when you start talking about detailed specs on the space shuttle, let me know I'll be sure to not have anything to add :)

"No, I just know that I'm dealing with someone who is really stupid"

yet you call me stupid and still deal with me of your own's a paradox!

"I love it when idiots break out the emo cutdowns. Emo, whatever the fuck THAT is, was a little before my time. Hehe, yeah, I remember how all the stupid high school dorks used to classify people based on the genre's of music they listened to."

emo doesn't have to have age or music preference boundaries :)

"......It didn't go so well for them? What, did you send the mafia to go work on his legs with baseball bats? Am I supposed to be afraid of something now? I'd love to meet you in person, just remember to bring an extra pair of undies, 'cause you'll shit the ones you came in. My intention is not to wear you down, christ on a stick you have such an over-inflated sense of reality. This is the fucking internet, retard. My reason for doing this is for sheer amusement. If you want me to actually wear you down, you're gonna have to hop a plane and come to me. By all means, make it "not go so well for me" too. What the fuck is a stupid cocksucker like you going to do, huh? Once again, suck my cock, whore!"

lol you didn't seem so amused when you were screaming 'console delete my account!!'.  my address is in longitude and latitude on the MK forums in my you there :) I find it, again, ironic that you say 'this is the fuckin internet' but at the same time threaten me with physical harm (thats when you know you've dug down into them deeper than lex steel does white women) lol and now I gotta come to you?.  just remember we don't have free health care in the USA, so you're going to have a long limp back to the border. you like to fantasize about men sucking your cock eh? mommy not give you the tit enough or to much? lol you're so angry at me, now you're e-stalking me. pathetic. 
"does e-age equal e-power or something?"

lol no it just means I am not out of my element, which is what you stated because you thought I just joined TS.
"Wow, that's neato. "

thanks :)  what have you done for the community?
With each and every sentence you get stupider and stupider. Are you doing one shot of draino after every two sentances, or are you really that stupid? Jesus, does someone have to wipe your ass for you? Does someone cut up your food before you eat it? How the fuck you see THAT as proving your point about anything is...
...just like you.

Wow, the sensitivity can be lowered by changing settings!!! HOLY FUCK, YOU'RE A FUCKING GENIUS!!! ...oh wait, no, you're still stupid. Because I changed the settings, captain obvious. It was still too sensitive. If by "responsive" he meant "accurate", he is most certainly still correct. The polling rate and reports/sec are LOWER, PERIOD! Now shut the fuck up and go back to MK where you belong. You're out of your element over here."

oooh big letters.. stop it you're scaring me!  with letters that large you should be able to intimidate anyone!  the question isn't if someone has to wipe my ass for me or cut up my food for me, the question you want to do it honey?  I usually have a stricter criteria, but you can qualify as a bitch.  :)

"It was still too sensitive"

there are different ways to change the settings, in windows control panel, in the drivers and in any software that may come with the mouse (and in the q2 settings).  you're telling me that at the lowest settings it was somehow still to sensitive?  HAH.  (since I'm a bible beating child rapist) lord, he knows not what he says, please forgive him.  infact, the more sensitive by default the better because you can always lower it.  maybe you're just used to 800dpi mice instead of 1600dpi mice :)
"If by "responsive" he meant "accurate", he is most certainly still correct."

 I love how you unknowingly smash jagers argument, yet are now trying to change your 'meaning' in his favor.  you just said it was to sensitive which is basically the same thing as 'responsive'.  responsive doesn't mean accurate, and you said it was 'too responsive', meaning small movements equal big movements on the screen..which of course as I stated can be fixed with proper settings. 

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Re: Logitech LX700 wireless mouse issues.....
« Reply #47 on: May 30, 2008, 11:24:49 AM »
last time I checked before I left I was owning the trolls stalking me, in game (with a ball mouse)


don't mind me, people.. just stirring the pot.

I don't mind, we're taking turns holding him down while the other one wiggles it up his butt. Grab an arm, join the fun.  :badgrin:

don't air your homosexual fantasies you have about me :)
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Re: Logitech LX700 wireless mouse issues.....
« Reply #48 on: May 30, 2008, 11:31:35 AM »
 :lolsign: :lolsign: :lolsign: :lolsign:

This thread gets better and better each time plastik shits out his mouth.

Keep it up!

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Re: Logitech LX700 wireless mouse issues.....
« Reply #49 on: May 30, 2008, 11:48:57 AM »
"Why would you admit it's common? Then you'd be back peddling which you are pretty much starting to do by admitting there is chance of interference. Regardless of the occurrence of that chance it's still enough to not use a wireless mouse or wireless anything for that matter in a gaming environment."

lol because it isn't common.  if it happened all of the time no one would buy or be able to sell them.
"For shits and giggles I was just fucking around with a cheap logitech cordless mouse. With the receiver on the desk I could communicate with the computer (with the wireless latency feeling of course). I put the receive on the floor and I could no longer communicate with the computer. You tell me what went wrong with the rf?"

odd.. putting my receiver on the floor has no effect on my mouse whatsoever, and never has.  one of us is telling a lie, and it's you :)
"Here we go! You admit they have issues! Debate over. You fail. Lets continue with the personal stomping of you though..."

I've been saying that from the start if you just noticed.  as I recall fagolar clearly shot down your argument without even knowing it :)
if they almost never happen, then there is nothing to debate about.  do you think they would stop making vehicles because of a few car accidents?
"All I heard was... that plastik was run out of the community. I certainly see why now."

go back to my first post in this thread and look at it.  honestly all bullshit aside, there was nothing in there that should of pissed anyone off because it wasn't meant to.  you see, you think I'M the problem, when you're the shit starter.  I was trying to have a perfectly normal and laid back conversation/debate. of course you won't admit this because you would realize you're the one at fault :)

"*you also spelled arguing wrong."

oh did I? where? so much for you saying I use firefox spellcheck then :)

"So people made fun of you and picked on you so you ran off like a child? I know this already."

lol no the rules they broke had nothing to do with me or anything they said towards me.  for example, I altered a post title in the demo's section because we had strict guidelines so that searching of demo's through the forum search would be easier.  they purposely went out of the guidelines and I fixed it. and a few times where their arguments got out of control (not with me) and were moved to the entropy pool (which was common practice). then they cried about me abusing admin privs for doing so, which console wasn't buying. however I do believe I did edit one of adrens written posts one time and was given a tiny 'warning'. :)
"Umm... you honestly think you won this stupid debate? You've made a complete ass of yourself so far and you have no idea, that's the best part. "

that's odd, I was thinking the same about you :)
"Huh? If that was the case then that statement would be a toss in your direction for an excuse to pull yourself out of the hole you've dug."

i refer you to..

"squirming for any reason eh?'
"That's a joke right?"

just throwing fuel on the flaming fags so you can burn yourself out :)
"You're right, we've already established that interference does happen. Enough to not consider a wireless device for gaming. The end."

and I've established interference doesn't happen enough to be problematic, if it happens at all to most people :)

I'll tell you some things that thousands of people have heard after losing to me in a game... 'iwin' and 'owned' gg :)

« Last Edit: May 30, 2008, 11:52:25 AM by plastik »
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Re: Logitech LX700 wireless mouse issues.....
« Reply #50 on: May 30, 2008, 11:56:03 AM »
:lolsign: :lolsign: :lolsign: :lolsign:

This thread gets better and better each time plastik shits out his mouth.

Keep it up!


lol and you're not shitting out of your mouth?

maybe when you grow up into a big spider boy you can stick the landing.

oh and quit dodging the question I asked multiple times... how many milliseconds is this 'latency' you speak of in wireless mice?
« Last Edit: May 30, 2008, 11:58:49 AM by plastik »
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Re: Logitech LX700 wireless mouse issues.....
« Reply #51 on: May 30, 2008, 12:10:02 PM »
lol because it isn't common.  if it happened all of the time no one would buy or be able to sell them.

Obviously common enough for SO MANY people to complain about it happening.

odd.. putting my receiver on the floor has no effect on my mouse whatsoever, and never has.  one of us is telling a lie, and it's you :)

Ohhhh because it doesn't work I must be lying? Right.... makes sense! I can't walk because my leg is broken but you can walk still... I must be lying?

I've been saying that from the start if you just noticed.  as I recall fagolar clearly shot down your argument without even knowing it :)
if they almost never happen, then there is nothing to debate about.  

I've already clearly explained the difference between sensitivity settings and latency issues. You can continue to ignore that if you like.

do you think they would stop making vehicles because of a few car accidents?

Stupid point... AGAIN. You're such a fool. Oh in that case... do you think they would race a Toyota hybrid in a Formula 1 race? No.

go back to my first post in this thread and look at it.  honestly all bullshit aside, there was nothing in there that should of pissed anyone off because it wasn't meant to.  you see, you think I'M the problem, when you're the shit starter.  I was trying to have a perfectly normal and laid back conversation/debate. of course you won't admit this because you would realize you're the one at fault :)

You made a stupid comment and I absolutely corrected you. You are even agreeing with me now. Need a ladder to climb out of that hole? I don't debate the fact I started shit with you, it's fun and passes time at work. Picking on weak people is a great time.

oh did I? where? so much for you saying I use firefox spellcheck then :)

Perhaps you missed it? Oh shit... you must be an idiot! You spelled a word wrong?! burrrrrrrrrrrrn!

lol no the rules they broke had nothing to do with me or anything they said towards me.  for example, I altered a post title in the demo's section because we had strict guidelines so that searching of demo's through the forum search would be easier.  they purposely went out of the guidelines and I fixed it. and a few times where their arguments got out of control (not with me) and were moved to the entropy pool (which was common practice). then they cried about me abusing admin privs for doing so, which console wasn't buying. however I do believe I did edit one of adrens written posts one time and was given a tiny 'warning'.

So... again... people didn't like you so they picked on you? You started crying and ran away? Yup.

that's odd, I was thinking the same about you :)

Of course you would start thinking that. You can't come up with your own material. You're pathetic.

i refer you to..

"squirming for any reason eh?'

Huh? This holds as much ground as it did before... just another shovel digging you deeper.

just throwing on the flaming fags so you can burn yourself out

Only thing that is burning me out is arguing with a dumb fuck like yourself. Obviously your strategy is to act like a retard and make stupid comments while attempting to be clever which in turns makes the other person frustrated at your stupidity so much that they are forced to just give up. I may as well be fighting with a 5 year old.

You're ugly!
No you're ugly!
You're ugly!
No you're ugly!

and I've established interference doesn't happen enough to be problematic, if it happens at all to most people :)

Happens enough to reject wireless mice from an gaming environment. Enough said. Wireless devices are faulty and not as reliable as wired. That is the end all statement that you even agree with.

I'll tell you some things that thousands of people have heard after losing to me in a game... 'iwin' and 'owned' gg :)


I heard you can't even make the jump to the mega health in dm1... pretty good representation of you trying to argue with me.

"So close.... maybe next time plastik."....
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Re: Logitech LX700 wireless mouse issues.....
« Reply #52 on: May 30, 2008, 12:12:00 PM »
lol and you're not shitting out of your mouth?

maybe when you grow up into a big spider boy you can stick the landing.

oh and quit dodging the question I asked multiple times... how many milliseconds is this 'latency' you speak of in wireless mice?

Look plastik! You're copying the same shit I pull on you! Wow you're just a 'master debater'... Pathetic.


Type all the 'lol' and smileys you want. We all know deep down you're ticked off and struggling to breathe. Need a hand?

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Re: Logitech LX700 wireless mouse issues.....
« Reply #53 on: May 30, 2008, 12:43:30 PM »
"Ohhhh because it doesn't work I must be lying? Right.... makes sense! "

lol and mine is still working. I doubt you even did the 'test' :) but if you want to prove it show me some believable video :)

"Stupid point... AGAIN. You're such a fool. "

not stupid...just gotcha there :)
"Oh in that case... do you think they would race a Toyota hybrid in a Formula 1 race? No. "

apples and oranges :) ...especially considering I can move my mouse around the screen just as fast as you and interference free as you :)

"You made a stupid comment and I absolutely corrected you. You are even agreeing with me now. Need a ladder to climb out of that hole? I don't debate the fact I started shit with you, it's fun and passes time at work. Picking on weak people is a great time."

classic example of believing what you say is true without anything to back it up.. how does this comment even go with the one you were replying to? 

"I don't debate the fact I started shit with you, it's fun and passes time at work."

lol then you've already lost.  you've already proven you'll make up bs just to keep the argument going. 

"Picking on weak people is a great time."

 you know who else likes to pick on the weak?  pedophiles.
"Perhaps you missed it? Oh shit... you must be an idiot! You spelled a word wrong?! burrrrrrrrrrrrn!"

lol well you have to prove I spelled it wrong first :) and even if I did I refer you once again to..

"so much for you saying I use firefox spellcheck then "

it is funny that your logic makes you think that by keeping me arguing and dragging it on, even if I shoot your statements down, you some how 'win'.  let me assure that it is a false sense of hope for you :). you're the type of person that...even if you 'lose'.. as long as can convince yourself you've won..that's good enough for you :) don't worry little timmy! we'll put a '#1' over that 3rd place trophy and make your booboo all better.

"Huh? This holds as much ground as it did before... just another shovel digging you deeper."

proof? :)
"Only thing that is burning me out is arguing with a dumb fuck like yourself. Obviously your strategy is to act like a retard and make stupid comments while attempting to be clever which in turns makes the other person frustrated at your stupidity so much that they are forced to just give up."

that's odd...since you admitted this was your strategy :)
"You're ugly!
No you're ugly!
You're ugly!
No you're ugly!"

I disagree, you're not're pretty, and flower..or a pussy!  you sure your brain isn't wireless?  because you seem to have some interference and latency/syncing problems :) a.k.a. retarded.
"Happens enough to reject wireless mice from an gaming environment. Enough said. Wireless devices are faulty and not as reliable as wired. That is the end all statement that you even agree with."

whats the next best thing to having someone agree with you?  claiming they agree with you!  from the start I said both had their drawbacks..I have no preference to wired or wireless, you just made it out to be like I was by posting inaccuracies in your assessments of wireless mice :)

"I heard you can't even make the jump to the mega health in dm1... pretty good representation of you trying to argue with me."

lol there is a demo of me getting mega in the demo's forums.

I don't need mega to whoop your ass  :nana:

""So close.... maybe next time plastik.".... "

yes maybe next time you will argue over something with merit behind you :) it's a crazy world anything could happen! 

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Re: Logitech LX700 wireless mouse issues.....
« Reply #54 on: May 30, 2008, 12:45:50 PM »
lol and you're not shitting out of your mouth?

maybe when you grow up into a big spider boy you can stick the landing.

oh and quit dodging the question I asked multiple times... how many milliseconds is this 'latency' you speak of in wireless mice?

Look plastik! You're copying the same shit I pull on you! Wow you're just a 'master debater'... Pathetic.


Type all the 'lol' and smileys you want. We all know deep down you're ticked off and struggling to breathe. Need a hand?


really, I am copying you?  name one time in this thread where you claimed I was dodging the question. 

still not seeing an answer to that question...maybe because your entire argument hinges on it being an insanely high number :)

even if I was copying you, you can dish it out but can't take it?..(even though there is no copying going on, haha)

there isn't enough 'fail' gifs or pics in the world to compliment you :)

LOL@you for arguing just to argue, and getting owned at it.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2008, 12:49:48 PM by plastik »
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Re: Logitech LX700 wireless mouse issues.....
« Reply #55 on: May 30, 2008, 01:16:11 PM »
lol and mine is still working. I doubt you even did the 'test' but if you want to prove it show me some believable video :)

So I have go as far as to make a video for you? This is just getting retarded. Suck it up kid and face it. Wireless mice suck for gaming.

not stupid...just gotcha there

What world are you in? You didn't prove anything with that. Just that you're a complete fool.

apples and oranges :) ...especially considering I can move my mouse around the screen just as fast as you and interference free as you :)

Not really. They are both cars? The mice are both mice? You're an idiot. Keep em' coming!

classic example of believing what you say is true without anything to back it up.. how does this comment even go with the one you were replying to? 

I have plenty of people backing me up? You're just ignoring it all. I called you out you failed to prove yourself.

lol then you've already lost.  you've already proven you'll make up bs just to keep the argument going. 

This was over a few posts ago when you admit that wireless devices have connectivity issues. There hasn't been any bullshit, just the same shit being said over and over to pound it into your head. Obviously your skull is too thick.

you know who else likes to pick on the weak?  pedophiles.

Yeah... that's why people fuck child... their weak? No point in this statement, another failed attempt to be clever.

lol well you have to prove I spelled it wrong first :) and even if I did I refer you once again to..
at least I can give them credit for being better at argueing than both of you..

Once again... I guess you missed it and didn't correct it? Your point? No point. Stop talking.

it is funny that your logic makes you think that by keeping me arguing and dragging it on, even if I shoot your statements down, you some how 'win'.  let me assure that it is a false sense of hope for you :). you're the type of person that...even if you 'lose'.. as long as can convince yourself you've won..that's good enough for you :) don't worry little timmy! we'll put a '#1' over that 3rd place trophy and make your booboo all better.

I'm not keeping you from doing anything. I'm still at work for another 15 minutes. That's 15 minutes to continue to make fun of you and throw your self created 'smart guy' persona under the bus. You're almost has bad as kobra, whom was also run off this forum.

It's absolutely hilarious that you think you actually insult people with play ground insults like that. Too funny!

proof? :)

Proof, what now? I think I've proved enough already today. You want me to prove that you would claim that if a wireless mouse is acting faulty it's because it was poorly produced? It's obvious enough you would pull that out of your ass as some type of life boat here.
that's odd...since you admitted this was your strategy :)

What? You're really digging for shit to say now to the point your completely mixed us up.

I disagree, you're not're pretty, and flower..or a pussy!  you sure your brain isn't wireless?  because you seem to have some interference and latency/syncing problems :) a.k.a. retarded.

ROFL. You're so lame dude... re-read the insult you just tried to put together... I mean come on? Try harder...

whats the next best thing to having someone agree with you?  claiming they agree with you!  from the start I said both had their drawbacks..I have no preference to wired or wireless, you just made it out to be like I was by posting inaccuracies in your assessments of wireless mice :)

Nice back peddling... it went from Wireless mice are flawless to yeah... sometimes they have their problems. Talk about fail...

lol there is a demo of me getting mega in the demo's forums.

I don't need mega to whoop your ass  :nana:

I bet you're so proud of that demo too! LOL The fact you made a demo of that cracks me up.

You're certainly pretty cocky when it comes to Quake 2 it seems. Judging by how cocky you acted here in this debate, I don't think I'd have anything to worry about considering the breeze this has been.

yes maybe next time you will argue over something with merit behind you :) it's a crazy world anything could happen! 

You jumped right on to my comments, defending a false statement then completely turned your position around to agree with me. Now you're here acting as if you were never part of the argument. You're a sad person, I almost pitty you.

It's ok... you can really smile if you like.

 :busted: :sorry:
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Re: Logitech LX700 wireless mouse issues.....
« Reply #56 on: May 30, 2008, 01:21:01 PM »
really, I am copying you?  name one time in this thread where you claimed I was dodging the question. 

Out of work now. Will have to wait till Monday. I honestly can't wait.  :D

still not seeing an answer to that question...maybe because your entire argument hinges on it being an insanely high number :)

The argument is over. You agreed with me. Forgot already?

even if I was copying you, you can dish it out but can't take it?..(even though there is no copying going on, haha)

 :lolsign: :lolsign:

You're such a dumbass.

I haven't had to take anything... you haven't been insulting.

there isn't enough 'fail' gifs or pics in the world to compliment you :)

Wow you're original?  :zzz:

LOL@you for arguing just to argue, and getting owned at it.

You really are in your own world.  ;)
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Re: Logitech LX700 wireless mouse issues.....
« Reply #57 on: May 30, 2008, 02:12:14 PM »
"What's odd about it? You talk about ALL subjects as if you are the foremost authority."

by all means list all of these subjects that I talk about like I'm the foremost authority.  I write what I know about or have experienced.  when you start talking about detailed specs on the space shuttle, let me know I'll be sure to not have anything to add :)


I think that just about covers it.

"No, I just know that I'm dealing with someone who is really stupid"

yet you call me stupid and still deal with me of your own's a paradox!

Paradox? There is nothing contradictory. I make fun of stupid people all the time. It's called "PREROGATIVE". I feel like forcing you to suck my cock. I have been given the authority to do so by ME. Whether or not I force you to fondle my balls at the same time is also my prerogative. Look, you learned a new word. Feel free to use at as though you know what it means.

"I love it when idiots break out the emo cutdowns. Emo, whatever the fuck THAT is, was a little before my time. Hehe, yeah, I remember how all the stupid high school dorks used to classify people based on the genre's of music they listened to."

emo doesn't have to have age or music preference boundaries :)

I am aware of this. Are you aware that you are an idiot for saying it?

"......It didn't go so well for them? What, did you send the mafia to go work on his legs with baseball bats? Am I supposed to be afraid of something now? I'd love to meet you in person, just remember to bring an extra pair of undies, 'cause you'll shit the ones you came in. My intention is not to wear you down, christ on a stick you have such an over-inflated sense of reality. This is the fucking internet, retard. My reason for doing this is for sheer amusement. If you want me to actually wear you down, you're gonna have to hop a plane and come to me. By all means, make it "not go so well for me" too. What the fuck is a stupid cocksucker like you going to do, huh? Once again, suck my cock, whore!"

lol you didn't seem so amused when you were screaming 'console delete my account!!'.  my address is in longitude and latitude on the MK forums in my you there :) I find it, again, ironic that you say 'this is the fuckin internet' but at the same time threaten me with physical harm (thats when you know you've dug down into them deeper than lex steel does white women) lol and now I gotta come to you?.  just remember we don't have free health care in the USA, so you're going to have a long limp back to the border. you like to fantasize about men sucking your cock eh? mommy not give you the tit enough or to much? lol you're so angry at me, now you're e-stalking me. pathetic. 

No, I wasn't amused. I'm still not amused by your presumptuousness, as is no one else. My reason for not wanting to be a part of the MK forums is partly because I got tired of arguing with you over a fake-admin stunt, partly because I never play there. There aren't many people who do. But of course console will never delete my account there anyway. If he started deleting unused accounts, it would look as though only 20 people ever use the forums. Your presumptuousness is demonstrated by the fact that you think you somehow get to me. Presumptuous morons like yourself often have the keen ability to perceive themselves as more powerful than they really are. Think that all you want, whatever gives you a mental picture to masterbate to.

Ummm... back to the border? Jesus man, is it getting stupid in here or is it just you? When the fuck did Canada annex Georgia again? I guess that was the Canadian American war of 2005, right?  :ohlord: If I were e-stalking YOU, why did YOU decide to start posting HERE again not long after I bid farewell to MK? Come on, man. Be honest. You NEED me to hate you. No one else will pay attention to you.

"Wow, that's neato. "

thanks :)  what have you done for the community?

I've learned how to PROPERLY QUOTE OTHER FUCKING POSTS even though I was never a forum moderator here  :ohlord:,I haven't been stupid, I haven't been an asshole for no reason, I actually PLAY on the fucking servers, the only time I've ever claimed to be an admin is when on my own clans server. You fail at all of those. Good game, retard.

"It was still too sensitive"

there are different ways to change the settings, in windows control panel, in the drivers and in any software that may come with the mouse (and in the q2 settings).  you're telling me that at the lowest settings it was somehow still to sensitive?  HAH.  (since I'm a bible beating child rapist) lord, he knows not what he says, please forgive him.  infact, the more sensitive by default the better because you can always lower it.  maybe you're just used to 800dpi mice instead of 1600dpi mice :)

HOLY SHIT, it's comical as fuck! You honestly think that everyone else is so stupid that they require YOU to tell them how to properly change their native windows mouse sensitivity settings. Did that, fuck-splash. Still wasn't as RESPONSIVE/ACCURATE as I was hoping. Jager does this shit for a living. He gets paid for it because he has proven that he KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK HE'S TALKING ABOUT. And yet a fuckstain like you thinks you know more than him about it. What the fuck do you do all day, besides eat your boogers and clamor for e-attention?
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Re: Logitech LX700 wireless mouse issues.....
« Reply #58 on: May 30, 2008, 02:17:17 PM »
"The argument is over. You agreed with me. Forgot already?"

hah, just as soon as you post those latencies in milliseconds the argument will be over (in my favor) :)
"I haven't had to take anything... you haven't been insulting."

make believe...things children are made of :)

"Wow you're original?"

please post proof of anyone else around here saying that :)

"Not really. They are both cars? The mice are both mice? You're an idiot. Keep em' coming!"

lol and I bet I can make my mouse 'race' around the screen just as quickly or as slowly as you.

apples. and. oranges.  :)
"This was over a few posts ago when you admit that wireless devices have connectivity issues."

and wired devices have cut or chewed cord issues, the 'cord getting caught on things' issue, and the extra 'drag' from the cord.  cord management, rf management...same thing.  connectivity issues are pretty much non existent when compared to the greater numbers of people without problems. just like you don't put your rf receiver anywhere where it can be 'interfered with', you don't put your cord anywhere it might get snagged or get in the way of anything on your desktop (like putting a book on it for example)
"You really are in your own world. "

yes you should visit it some time, it's called 'reality'.

"So I have go as far as to make a video for you? This is just getting retarded."

yes you do now get on it if you want to cross the finish line :)
"What world are you in? You didn't prove anything with that. Just that you're a complete fool. "

lol what part of 'gotcha there' didn't you understand?  was it 'gotcha' or 'there'?  or both? I'll send you a memo next time to warn you are about to be owned.
"Quote from: plastik on Today at 10:13:21 AM
at least I can give them credit for being better at argueing than both of you..

Once again... I guess you missed it and didn't correct it? Your point? No point. Stop talking."

lol well it seems that you're NOT correct :)
since your post was made at...

"« Reply #43 on: Today at 10:59:52 AM »"

and my post was edited to add new parts into it at..

"« Last Edit: Today at 10:38:01 AM by plastik »"

you're telling me you spent nearly an hour writing that post?  HAHAHA.  your wasted time = my happiness.

which is it?  stop talking or keep talking?  you're like a woman who can't make up her mind. 
"You're almost has bad as kobra"

"Proof, what now? I think I've proved enough already today. "

proof of this so called proof?
"What? You're really digging for shit to say now to the point your completely mixed us up."

lol you already admitted you only started to argue to be an asshole. 

I'll quote you..

"Obviously your strategy is to act like a retard and make stupid comments while attempting to be clever which in turns makes the other person frustrated at your stupidity so much that they are forced to just give up.""  lol but that's exactly what you admit to trying to do.

remember, you're telling me more about you, than you think you're telling me about me  :beer:
"Yeah... that's why people fuck child... their weak? No point in this statement, another failed attempt to be clever."

well then you tell us why mr. pedophile.  I don't hear of child molesters molesting adults. maybe it's because they are weak? but then again, you're the pedophile, so you'd know why your kind does it better than me :)
"ROFL. You're so lame dude... re-read the insult you just tried to put together... I mean come on? Try harder..."

with you, there I don't have to try :)
"Nice back peddling... it went from Wireless mice are flawless to yeah... sometimes they have their problems. Talk about fail..."

please quote where I said mice are flawless, wired or not :)
"I bet you're so proud of that demo too! LOL The fact you made a demo of that cracks me up."

wheres your proof of getting mega?  EPIC fail for you. I don't see a demo of it, so you obviously can't get the mega! :)
"You're certainly pretty cocky when it comes to Quake 2 it seems."

lol how do you go from 'certainly' to 'it seems'.  hahahaah.
"You jumped right on to my comments, defending a false statement then completely turned your position around to agree with me. "

I refer you to..

"whats the next best thing to having someone agree with you?  claiming they agree with you! "

and I refer you to my cock, which is leaving bruises on your face from all of the slapping around.

still waiting on that latency report :)

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Re: Logitech LX700 wireless mouse issues.....
« Reply #59 on: May 30, 2008, 02:28:57 PM »
"I think that just about covers it."

really?  you haven't covered anything at all. 
"Paradox? There is nothing contradictory."

you might want to look back at what you said prior to that, that makes it contradictory. :)
"I am aware of this. Are you aware that you are an idiot for saying it?"

well obviously you weren't aware of this (or just trying to squirm your way out again) because you insisted that, and I quote..

"whatever the fuck THAT is, was a little before my time. Hehe, yeah, I remember how all the stupid high school dorks used to classify people based on the genre's of music they listened to."

and I said "emo isn't just classified by the music you listen to"

lol you even said 'whatever the fuck THAT is'.  but now you say you're 'aware'? priceless. 

moving on...
"I've learned how to PROPERLY QUOTE OTHER FUCKING POSTS even though I was never a forum moderator here"

I'm a rebel like that.  I'm proud of you though.  maybe it will fill the void your mommy couldn't :)
"Still wasn't as RESPONSIVE/ACCURATE as I was hoping. "

hahahaha.  and I quote..

"If by "less responsive" you mean "less sensitive to movement", I gotta disagree. The one I had was VERY sensitive. TOO sensitive, in fact. It made fine aiming with a railgun damn near impossible."

first it's TOO RESPONSIVE/SENSITIVE, now it isn't as responsive/sensitive as you were hoping for?   OWNED. E. P. I. C. Fail.  :busted:

get your story straight...but being fagolar, I don't expect anything to be straight about you. :)

it would be more accurate if your sensitivity was lowered. there is no denying that. 

yeahs thats right, just aim down and limp back towards the border.

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hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


July 24, 2024, 01:25:59 PM
hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


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