yesterday,i saw in the irc channel the annoucement of the koth signups so i said why not trying it,but when i wanted to play,i saw that it was so late that i cant play ( it was 3 of the morning and i have to wakeup in 7 of the morning,4 hours sleeping )so i have some sugestions about the koth1- why it is maked too late,you have to think about the no-americans-players,so why dont you change the time so we can play ?2-also some players ping so high,so playing maybe a little difficult (180-200 ping vs 30-40 ping ),so maybe the player that will play(the one whose will choose the map) can choose the server too but the server must be hosted by TS (viewable in the GOTO )this is can make some no-american (and no-sametime too ) play and enjoin the koth event
sign up earlier, its an american event
Or make a new thread every week or so bitching about being victimized somehow during KOTH like this little fuckin' twink does. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!
I'll give him some credit.
why does every thread that Vae will post becomes all about vae?
i think this is not an american event vae,if it is called koing of the hill not king of the american hill,koth is open for evry q2 player of the world if it was only for americans so you can never be in the EDL and even if i signup earlier,it still begins very late