Ah forums. The place for cowards to speak there mind. Keep it up pee wee. Its not like you would say any of this in the real world. I would bet my life on the fact that you have 1. Never called a mans woman loose. And 2. Called anyone a vagina. Im gonna let you have your little fantasy land and "own" me with typed words.
elppen... are you retarded? were you dropped on your head one too many times as a child? did you have a terrible accident drinking drano when you were little? were you traumatized as a child that your parents loved the cat more? did your father beat you regularly then sodomize you afterwards? cause it seems you have some issues, and dont understand when to shut the fuck up
im good in the hood , you actually keep me from being bored most of the time heheits never personal , always fun!appology accepted , and im sorry as well.
I'm thinking ellpen needs to make a video of him punching pillows to show he means business!!!