Author Topic: Ya know what...  (Read 19003 times)

Offline VaeVictis

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Ya know what...
« on: May 17, 2010, 01:28:01 AM »
Everyone... I have really done a lot of talking to people on the servers tonight...

Once i cool off a bit, calm down, and look at things in perspective, i realize i really should apologize

I have a really bad temper, i know it, and it gets me in trouble quite often as you all have seen, especially with connection issues recently my fuse has been quite short...

When i lose my temper, i fly off the handle and attack anyone who is near by... Anyone who is talking to me, who is brought up, or is just around generally gets attacked, and for that i am sorry

I know its not going to get accepted, but while im calmed down and cool headed, i want to just formally apologize to many people i have wronged...

Jehar, I am sorry i flipped out at you during your event, i realize it was uncalled for and i was just pissed because as i saw the list that night i was expecting to play a lot more games, however i do still think something needs to be done about map choices as you yourself even noticed the map didnt quite play up to par without a rail

RottenRose, I am really sorry that i always end up dragging you into shit when im pissed at jehar, you are probably one of the most friendly people i have ever seen around tastyspleen, and i havent really always treated you as such... although, if you have not noticed, even when i flip out and drag you into shit, i make sure not to insult you because i really do think quite highly of you, and i admire anyone that can be that nice all the time

Quadz, I am sorry that i have been causing so many problems recently, I know i have not been the nicest or most patient with you over issues concerning the servers or other players, you do an amazing job keeping them running, and i hope you can see that i really do appreciate all your hard work, im sorry i havent said so before, but thank you for trying to help me with the connection issues even if they are a little bit out of your control at the moment

Travolta, Man i really think a lot more of you than you probably know, i think you are a very smart dueler, and have even taken out slugs, which is something that i have yet to do myself, your aim is quite impressive, and i really enjoy playing with you because your head game is just so impressive it makes me have to really think, I am really sorry i flipped out at you during the koth event, I had no reason to attack you at random for trying to say something

Erica, I will apologize here on the forums just so you take the apology a little more serious, I am really sorry i have treated you like shit for trying to step in and stop me from flipping out on everyone, i realize you were just trying to look out for me, I am not mad at you, i really just saw it as you joining in on everyone else to just hit me to the ground, thank you for trying to look out for me, and i am really sorry i havent been nice at all over the past couple days

Members of [RB]
, Most of you that i have got to actually sit down and talk with, or play, are actually quite friendly people, and many of you are quite cool if we get to talk on the right terms, people such as fuckingsheep when he isnt in the mood to insult, gaud (dunno if hes rb but hes friends with vital), rabbit, alpha, and torch, just to name a few off the top of my head, are all great people and i wish we could get on better terms... I admit i have unfairly grouped many of you together and attacked you because of my feud with vital, all that i ask is that you stop supporting all his negative actions towards me, and i will try to stop judging you all by clan tag... I am sorry i have not given any of you the benefit of the doubt up to this point, and i hope we can get along just fine in the future

Focalor, however much you love to troll me, i really have been kinda an ass to you because we just have never really got along very well, I am sorry i have never really made an honest effort to get along with you, and i really think it would be great if we could just drop any stupid disagreements we have because for the most part, there is no real reason for us to even hate eachother other than how we act towards eachother

Armor, we may disagree on levels of skill, and you will not change my mind about anything, but other than that, i would really not like to fight with you, and im sorry our first meeting went so poorly that we havent gotten along since, you are an established member of the community, and if you can just please not insult how i play the game, i think we may be able to put aside our differences and either be indifferent to eachother, or actually get along (little less likely)

Dervish, now lately it has not been so bad, but we really didnt get along for the longest time, and i know you want to keep up being the badass troll, thats just fine :) but i still think i should apologize to how poorly i acted towards you in the past, you are a wonderful server admin on your server and do quite good work against cheaters, and i would enjoy to play you in some 1v1 again some time

Xtyfe, i have already tried just saying lets put stuff aside before, but now i am apologizing for how badly i treated you, i am sorry i was so offensive in trying to prove i am better than you, it was honestly just because you said you were better and once again :/ short fuse... I really should have just been a bit nicer, there was no reason for me to react so offensive to something so small

Goatkilla, man we used to get along great... then we played.. and we never got along again... Lets just NEVER play eachother again, and dont bring it up and we should be good :) lol really man im sorry i raged so much playing you, your aim is really good and that is just something i had not learned to deal with at the time, so my usual tricks and strategies worked a lot less often... you are fairly good, and it just got on my nerves and so i raged, really sorry i lost my temper on you when we used to be friends just playing, i dont think we should ever play again, but i think as long as we put that shit aside we can be just fine

Haunted, you really are quite an amazing player from what i have seen, i really admire your skill, and even after watching your demo vs slugs i had to go out and learn a lot of the stuff you did, i was really amazed, i am sorry i have butted heads with you before stating my opinion, and i really should just put more faith in you that you may know more than me because you have been around so much longer, i am really just too stubborn to give up my opinion unless in 100% proven wrong, but i am right now in this very paragraph going to admit: you were right, i was wrong, i am sure you know much more about naym's and dahang's styles than the small cross section of their decade of playing that i have observed... but please, dont think that just because i am not close to top tier yet that i dont know some really advanced concepts about duel, even if i myself cannot very effectively implement them into my game, i really try to learn as much as i possibly can about dueling and that is how i can compete with people who have played so much longer than me... if you know something that i dont, please, tell me, i would love for some one so skilled to give me tips and teach me some stuff

Barton, i know we really havent gotten along that much since shortly after we met... and i really would just like to say, im sorry for talking shit, you were a pretty cool guy when we got along...

Reaper, honestly i know it wsnt you that i lost to... But im still gonna say sorry, because really i have been quite an ass towards you whenever i say something to you on these forums... And i would really like to just drop everything, its really quite stupid

Adam, you were one player i didnt mind losing to when i started, i know you are quite an alright guy when you want to be, and id really like to say sorry for talking shit on ya... i know you are a pretty decent player playing over seas on a disadvantage, and i really did think highly of you when i started playing quake2, hence the whole run away for 7 minutes on dm1 during koth :) i didnt think i would be able to retake control or even fight you because id lose... so i tried to just fall back and play the ninja... it was really fun playing you though

Peewee, i think you also deserve an apology, from way back, i know i really flipped on you when you called dm7... i really didnt even know people dueled that map... in retrospect it really is quite funny

Realistic, i know we have had our disagreements... But we have been able to get along some times as well... I cant even remember what i did to make things bad between you and me... but i know i was an ass or something lol so, im sorry man

Alright, thats it, im pretty sure i forgot some people, but its really hard to come up with so many people to make a personal apology to... So to every one else, im really sorry for acting like such an ass so often, i really have been trying to improve, but still... short fuse :/

And no, vital does not get an apology
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Re: Ya know what...
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2010, 01:38:57 AM »
wow vae, takes alot of courage to say your sorry. i know playing games can be frustrating especially when u want to do well and u r getting your ass kicked from here to hell, i have experienced both wins and heavy loses but you know what at the end of the day its just a game and not the end of the world. I had the chance to play you today and watched you play against other people and you know what, you aren't too bad, if you stop the raging and the bad chat and just start enjoying your games more u will be fine, and maybe get some respect as a player.

i hope we can see a different vae because i actually enjoyed our game today. striving to play better is never a sin, i ask better players than me to practice against all the time. no shame in losing.

as for your fued with vital its up to you 2 to sort out your issues i spose, i can't speak on vitals behalf but you both should aim for some common ground.

good luck with it all vae
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Offline VaeVictis

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Re: Ya know what...
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2010, 02:00:20 AM »
as for your fued with vital its up to you 2 to sort out your issues i spose, i can't speak on vitals behalf but you both should aim for some common ground.

only common ground me and vital have is a severe hate for dm1  :lolsign:
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Re: Ya know what...
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2010, 02:14:16 AM »
well its a start lol
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Offline [BTF]RottenRose

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Re: Ya know what...
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2010, 11:26:01 AM »
Thank you, Vea, and I have noticed that you have not insulted me which I am grateful. Though insulting the one I love to me has hurt quite a bit if not made me rather upset. Thank you for the kind words. I'm sure this took great effort on your part to apologize and I hope this will be a major turning point. :beer: Need to find a productive way to vent your temper.  :oksign:
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Re: Ya know what...
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2010, 11:34:27 AM »

this is a move in the right direction, and few ever take this path once they've stuck their foot in their mouth a couple times.
I know this well, as I've been munchin on size 13 boots many a time in the past few years.

I'll cut back on ripping on you without provocation, since you seem to be trying to make a change for the better.

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Re: Ya know what...
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2010, 11:53:30 AM »
Nice read,
usually i don't take the time to read everything you type,
this was no exception  :D,
but i read most of it and I think it takes some balls to make a post like this.

Now all you have to do is keep a straight line, not everyone will be kind enough to instantly forgive you  :nana:
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Re: Ya know what...
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2010, 12:00:45 PM »
Only read what was left to myself, but this was a good move. :rockon:
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Re: Ya know what...
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2010, 12:22:56 PM »
Quote from: vae
Reaper, honestly i know it wsnt you that i lost to... But im still gonna say sorry, because really i have been quite an ass towards you whenever i say something to you on these forums... And i would really like to just drop everything, its really quite stupid

Vae you do realize that most of the players on the servers are better than you, and you sit there and not play unless you think you have a chance of winning. And everyone knows it was me playing but you ;p

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VaeVictus "reaper is a lying sack of shit and ragequit then had, probably slugs, come alias and beat me, wasnt even the same person playing OBVIOUSLY, accuracies basicly doubled, and strategy

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Re: Ya know what...
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2010, 01:14:22 PM »
I think that it took some balls to do this. Apology accepted.
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Re: Ya know what...
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2010, 01:21:02 PM »
still requires medication, less talk more action

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VaeVictus "reaper is a lying sack of shit and ragequit then had, probably slugs, come alias and beat me, wasnt even the same person playing OBVIOUSLY, accuracies basicly doubled, and strategy

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Re: Ya know what...
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2010, 02:41:25 PM »
I don't care if you apologize to me or not, I appreciate what you said about RB and I'm going to lay off of you. Just keep the anger down and I'm sure you'd make alot of friends.
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ToRc}{[ReBorN]: i think cress is on some weird voodoo shit
[RB]FuckinSheep: this rape is beyond my expectations

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Re: Ya know what...
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2010, 02:47:44 PM »
I don't care if you apologize to me or not, I appreciate what you said about RB and I'm going to lay off of you. Just keep the anger down and I'm sure you'd make alot of friends.

= win
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Re: Ya know what...
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2010, 02:53:35 PM »
I deleted the poll to mute you.
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ToRc}{[ReBorN]: i think cress is on some weird voodoo shit
[RB]FuckinSheep: this rape is beyond my expectations

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Re: Ya know what...
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2010, 03:12:52 PM »

Erica, I will apologize here on the forums just so you take the apology a little more serious, I am really sorry i have treated you like shit for trying to step in and stop me from flipping out on everyone, i realize you were just trying to look out for me, I am not mad at you, i really just saw it as you joining in on everyone else to just hit me to the ground, thank you for trying to look out for me, and i am really sorry i havent been nice at all over the past couple days

Well I'm glad you're not mad at me, cuz yes i was just trying to look out for you. And i always have. Just keep that in mind. I'm not mad I was just upset you attacked me of all ppl.
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"<[2d> i am considering suiciding dont worry" <br><br>

"<@Killo> damn so ericas right
<@Misery> she always is"


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hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


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