What's with the second and third pictures? Is superman's house on fire?
if i was able to play here on even ping i would probably be in the top 5 insta players easily.
The Salvation army was giving out free hot chocolate in the center of the city. It was a really nice gesture. People just being nice and enjoying the spirit of the games together.
That's kinda how it was in Atlanta back in 96. It was almost unnerving how nice it was to walk the streets of downtown Atlanta without the need for eyes in the back of your head to watch for muggers. It was like Christmas time back in the 40's... minus the whites only water fountains, I guess.
Although that particular hat I usually find a little gaudy.
No Peewee I don't.My wife loves to buy me FOX hats and I like to wear 'em. Although that particular hat I usually find a little gaudy.
I love how women try to change guys. My wife always jokes about how all of my stuff that doesn't match with her idea of what I should wear ends up in the trash. Funny I use the same thing when I delete her smut from the PVR. I chucked the last two seasons of Gossip Girl, all of the ANTM, and all that other "reality" programming and crap shows because it didn't match with what I wanted to watch.