i only ask that if you choose to use my config that it stays pure,without any changes and the maplist i sent is used first in the rotation.
Quote from: console on September 22, 2009, 06:58:12 PMEr... I have no problem with trying your config by default. But this will be a tastyspleen public server, and if enough people who play there say they want config changes, there will be config changes.while i know the context of this thread reads. if enough players are interested in the mod and enough people express concern about the settings they will be changed. i still have to add this comment.while i understand you run the servers for the players needs, they requested a lithium Dm server. i however requested the lithium ctf server. i didn't see anyone request a lithium ctf server.
Er... I have no problem with trying your config by default. But this will be a tastyspleen public server, and if enough people who play there say they want config changes, there will be config changes.
however, i have no problem with it being run the way you want. after all its your servers.i just politely ask that if you are going to use my config (that i worked very hard on)that you do not make changes to it and leave it running as is.
My settings
This is not meant as an insult, but ony an admin who doesn't know anything about Lithium II says that sv_airaccelerate 0 might be changed only if there are enough players requesting it.
Since d3s.q2.us is already Tastyspleen server (at least that wallfly is there), in my opinion you should make counter-part to those settings and disable runes, iclude no power-ups and keep hooks_peed and rocket_speed at 900 and hook_pullspeed at 700, not to forget changing sv_airaccelerate to 10. Also skyhook - the mother of n00b settings - is stupid feature that only reduces the technical side of lithium playing and should be disabled in my opinion.
BTW, there's no need to shut down existing servers to add new servers.quadz
Quote from: [TNC]Piip on December 26, 2009, 07:17:45 PMSince d3s.q2.us is already Tastyspleen server (at least that wallfly is there), in my opinion you should make counter-part to those settings and disable runes, iclude no power-ups and keep hooks_peed and rocket_speed at 900 and hook_pullspeed at 700, not to forget changing sv_airaccelerate to 10. Also skyhook - the mother of n00b settings - is stupid feature that only reduces the technical side of lithium playing and should be disabled in my opinion.This is helpful, thanks.
dmflags: 16918 -allow-exit (ax,ae) +armor (a) +falling-damage (fd) -fixed-fov (ffov) -force-respawn (fr) +friendly-fire (ff) +health (h) -infinite-ammo (ia) +instant-powerups (ip) -powerups (pu) +quad-drop (qd) -same-map (sm) +spawn-farthest (sf) -teams-by-model (tbm) -teams-by-skin (tbs) +weapons-stay (ws)set hostname "tastyspleen::Lithium II"set maxclients 16set timelimit 30set fraglimit 50set sv_airaccelerate 10set use_runes 0set use_packs 1set use_hook 1set use_safety 1set use_startobserver 1set use_startchasecam 0set use_suicidekick 1set use_chatmuzzle 1set use_chatkick 1set use_zbotkick 1set use_zbotlog 0set use_hitfactor 0set use_nocamp 0set use_gslog 0set use_mapqueue 1set use_mapvote 1set use_highscores 0set use_lmaster 1set def_bestweapon 0set def_id 0set def_hud 2set def_scores 1set fast_respawn 0.65set fast_minpbound 4set fast_maxpbound 16set fast_wep 2set max_rate 8000set safety_time 4.0set knockback_adjust 1.0set knockback_self 3.2set fall_damagemod 1.0set rune_flags 31set rune_perplayer 0.6set rune_life 20set rune_min 3set rune_max 12set rune_resist 2.0set rune_strength 2.0set rune_regen 0.25set rune_regenmax 200set rune_vampire 0.5set rune_vampiremax 200set rune_resist_sound "world/force2.wav"set rune_strength_sound "items/damage3.wav"set rune_haste_sound "world/x_light.wav"set rune_regen_sound "items/l_health.wav"set rune_vampire_sound "makron/pain2.wav"set pack_spawn 0.03set pack_life 20set hook_speed 900set hook_pullspeed 700set hook_sky 0set hook_maxtime 5.0set hook_damage 1set hook_initdamage 10set hook_maxdamage 20set hook_delay 0.2set ping_watch 10set ping_endwatch 20set ping_min 0set ping_max 1000set chatmuzzle_says 3set chatmuzzle_time 2.0set chatmuzzle_holdtime 20set chatkick_says 10set chatkick_time 5.0set chatkick_muzzles 3set mapvote_min 0set mapvote_max 8set mapvote_time 45set mapvote_need 50set mapvote_pass 51set mapvote_tries 3set mapvote_instant 1set intermission_time 8.5set intermission_sound "makron/laf4.wav"set camp_threshold 250set camp_time 8.0set camp_warn 5.0set dropweapammo 0.6set jacket_armor "50 100 0.30 0.00"set combat_armor "75 150 0.60 0.30"set body_armor "100 200 0.80 0.60"set shard_armor 5set power_armor_screen 0.25set power_armor_shield 0.50set start_health 100set start_armor 0set start_bullets 50set start_shells 10set start_rockets 5set start_grenades 1set start_cells 50set start_slugs 5set max_health 120set max_armor 200set max_bullets 240set max_shells 120set max_rockets 60set max_grenades 60set max_cells 240set max_slugs 60set pack_health 120set pack_armor 250set pack_bullets 360set pack_shells 180set pack_rockets 90set pack_grenades 90set pack_cells 360set pack_slugs 90set start_weapon 1set start_blaster 1set start_shotgun 0set start_sshotgun 0set start_machinegun 0set start_chaingun 0set start_grenadelauncher 0set start_rocketlauncher 0set start_hyperblaster 0set start_railgun 0set start_bfg 0set no_shotgun 0set no_sshotgun 0set no_machinegun 0set no_chaingun 0set no_grenadelauncher 0set no_rocketlauncher 0set no_hyperblaster 0set no_railgun 0set no_bfg 1set no_quad 1set no_pent 1set blaster_damage 17set blaster_speed 1000set shotgun_damage 6set shotgun_count 12set shotgun_hspread 500set shotgun_vspread 500set sshotgun_damage 6set sshotgun_count 22set sshotgun_hspread 1000set sshotgun_vspread 500set machinegun_damage 8set machinegun_hspread 300set machinegun_vspread 500set chaingun_damage 8set chaingun_hspread 300set chaingun_vspread 500set grenade_damage 100set grenade_radius 140set rocket_damage 100set rocket_damage2 20set rocket_rdamage 120set rocket_radius 140set rocket_speed 900set rocket_knockback 0set hyperblaster_damage 17set hyperblaster_speed 1000set railgun_damage 120set bfg_damage 200set bfg_radius 1000set bfg_speed 400set bfg_raydamage 5set bfg_balldamage 200set bfg_ballradius 100
I would like to learn more about it, myself, someday.