
Do you want a Lithium server?


Author Topic: How About a Lithium Server to Replace Vanilla2?  (Read 14104 times)

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Re: How About a Lithium Server to Replace Vanilla2?
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2009, 06:58:12 PM »
i only ask that if you choose to use my config that it stays pure,without any changes and the maplist i sent is used first in the rotation.

Er... I have no problem with trying your config by default.  But this will be a tastyspleen public server, and if enough people who play there say they want config changes, there will be config changes.

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Re: How About a Lithium Server to Replace Vanilla2?
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2009, 07:16:21 PM »
Good grief! That hook is SLOW! So are the rockets, for that matter. Can you speed things up a bit? Here is a demo of hooking speeds the way I like it. (Sorry, I'm not a very good hooker.)
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Re: How About a Lithium Server to Replace Vanilla2?
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2009, 12:01:30 AM »
Er... I have no problem with trying your config by default.  But this will be a tastyspleen public server, and if enough people who play there say they want config changes, there will be config changes.
while i know the context of this thread reads. if enough players are interested in the mod and enough people express concern about the settings they will be changed. i still have to add this comment.

while i understand you run the servers for the players needs, they requested a lithium Dm server. i however requested the lithium ctf server. i didn't see anyone request a lithium ctf server.

Uh.  Note that I set up both a dm and a ctf server. 

  ctf is
  dm is

So I guess I don't get your point about some players requested lithium dm, and you requested lithium ctf.  I set up both.

however, i have no problem with it being run the way you want. after all its your servers.i just politely ask that if you are going to use my config (that i worked very hard on)that you do not make changes to it and leave it running as is. 

This is a logical fail.  (You have no problem with it being run the way I want, but you want to impose restrictions on it being run the way I want?)

You've asked me repeatedly to set up this server, and I admit a lot of time went by where I put it off, but I finally made the time and set it up, and only AFTER that, you start to add these caveats about the settings.

Basically, I don't agree with your post-hoc restrictions.  I put time into setting up a free server that you've been asking for, and I don't agree that the config must be static.


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Re: How About a Lithium Server to Replace Vanilla2?
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2009, 12:45:41 AM »
My settings

Ya know, if your server has a static IP, it can just be added to GOTO, in the INDEPENDENT ZONE.


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Re: How About a Lithium Server to Replace Vanilla2?
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2009, 01:15:34 PM »
These are the settings I use for my dedicated lithium server (not on the web).

// configuration file for my dedicated lithium server

// cheat detection
set use_zbotkick "1"
set use_zbotlog "1"
set use_suicidekick "1"
// spammer muzzling
set use_chatmuzzle "1"
set use_chatkick "1"
set chatmuzzle_says "6"
set chatmuzzle_time "2"
set chatmuzzle_holdtime "20"
set chatkick_says "10"
set chatkick_time "3"
set chatkick_muzzles "3"
// camper detection
set use_nocamp "1"

// turns on game features
set use_runes "1"
set use_hook "1"
set use_packs "0" // disables ammo packs
set ctf "0" // disables CTF play
set ctf_techs "1"

// rune vars
set rune_flags "31"
set rune_perplayer "0.6"
set rune_life "20"
set rune_min "8"
set rune_max "24"
set rune_resist "2.0"
set rune_strength "1.5"
set rune_regen "0.5"
set rune_regenmax "500"
set rune_vampire "0.5"
set rune_vampiremax "200"
set rune_resist_sound "world/force2.wav"
set rune_strength_sound "items/damage3.wav"
set rune_haste_sound "world/x_light.wav"
set rune_regen_sound "items/l_health.wav"
set rune_vampire_sound "makron/pain2.wav"

// hook vars
set hook_speed "2000"
set hook_pullspeed "1250"
set hook_sky "1"
set hook_maxtime "5.0"
set hook_damage "1"
set hook_initdamage "20"
set hook_maxdamage "40"
set hook_delay "0.2"

// start vars
set start_health "100"
set start_armor "0"
set start_shells "100"
set start_bullets "200"
set start_grenades "100"
set start_rockets "100"
set start_cells "200"
set start_weapon "1"
set start_blaster "1"
set start_shotgun "1"
set start_sshotgun "1"
set start_machinegun "1"
set start_chaingun "1"
set start_grenadelauncher "1"
set start_rocketlauncher "1"
set start_hyperblaster "0"
set start_railgun "1"
set start_bfg "0"

// turns off stuff (leaves it all in! :)
set no_shotgun "0"
set no_sshotgun "0"
set no_machinegun "0"
set no_chaingun "0"
set no_grenadelauncher "0"
set no_rocketlauncher "0"
set no_hyperblaster "0"
set no_railgun "0"
set no_bfg "0"
set no_quad "0"
set no_pent "0"

// max vars
set max_health "120"
set max_armor "200"
set max_shells "100"
set max_bullets "400"
set max_grenades "100"
set max_rockets "100"
set max_cells "200"

// sets weapon stats
set blaster_damage "100"
set blaster_speed "1500"
set shotgun_damage "6"
set shotgun_count "12"
set shotgun_hspread "500"
set shotgun_vspread "500"
set sshotgun_damage "8"
set sshotgun_count "20"
set sshotgun_hspread "1000"
set sshotgun_vspread "500"
set machinegun_damage "8"
set machinegun_hspread "200"
set machinegun_vspread "300"
set chaingun_damage "6"
set chaingun_hspread "200"
set chaingun_vspread "300"
set grenade_damage "500"
set grenade_radius "330"
set rocket_damage "150"
set rocket_damage2 "0"
set rocket_rdamage "120"
set rocket_radius "140"
set rocket_speed "1750"
set rocket_knockback "0"
set hyperblaster_damage "30"
set hyperblaster_speed "1500"
set railgun_damage "120"
set bfg_damage "100"
set bfg_radius "2000"
set bfg_speed "100"
set bfg_raydamage "1"
set bfg_balldamage "500"
set bfg_ballradius "1000"

// turns off tracking
set use_gslog "0"
set use_highscores "0"
set use_lmaster "0"

// map vars
set use_mapqueue "1"
set use_mapvote "1"
set mapqueue "ded_lmaps.lst"
set map_random "0"
set mapvote_min "0"
set mapvote_max "32"
set mapvote_time "30"
set mapvote_need "50"
set mapvote_pass "50"
set mapvote_tries "3"
set mapvote_instant "1"

// miscellaneous "use_" vars
set use_safety "1" // spawn protection
set use_startobserver "1"
set use_startchasecam "0"
set use_hitfactor "0"

// lists (except map list)
set banlist "ded_lban.lst"
set adminlist "ded_ladmin.lst"

// administrator vars
set admin_map "50"
set admin_kick "50"
set admin_dmflags "250"
set admin_uses "150"
set admin_vars "250"

// default vars
set def_bestweapon "0"
set def_id "1"
set def_hud "2"
set def_scores "1"

// speed vars
set fast_minpbound "32" // basically, this will disable fast item spawning
set fast_maxpbound "32"
set fast_wep "1"

// BAUD rate
set max_rate "10000"

// spawn shield time
set safety_time "1"

// falling damage (off)
set fall_damagemod "0"

// armor vars
set power_armor_screen ".5"
set power_armor_shield ".5"
set jacket_armor "40 120 0.30 0.00"
set combat_armor "75 150 0.60 0.20"
set body_armor "200 200 0.90 0.40"
set shard_armor 10

// percentage of default ammo gained from a dropped weapon
set dropweapammo "100"

// intermission
set intermission_time "12"
set intermission_sound "world/xian1.wav"

// basic Quake II server vars
set allow_download_pics "1"
set allow_download_maps "1"
set allow_download_sounds "1"
set allow_download_models "1"
set allow_download_players "0"
set allow_download "1"
set hostname "Tech+Power Weaps Lithium"
set fraglimit "0"
set timelimit "10"

// map to start on (required for server to start with +exec)
// if mapqueue is on, this map is skipped, but REQUIRED here
set map "base1"

// blank line for appropriate processing
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 01:17:55 PM by Slayer :D »
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Re: How About a Lithium Server to Replace Vanilla2?
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2009, 07:17:45 PM »
This is not meant as an insult, but ony an admin who doesn't know anything about Lithium II says that sv_airaccelerate 0 might be changed only if there are enough players requesting it. That argument misses the main point: because airaccelerate is disabled, lithium players don't even consider playing there and Tastyspeeln Lithium II server will always be empty as long as those settings remain. When airaccelerate is disabled it means that the ability to move around (in lithium way) is disabled and same time it means that you can't be effective in air because there's only one way to go and that's directly forward. This will allow strafe jumping, yeah, but like Panjoo already said, lithium has its own way of moving, which is faster, more precise than clumsy strafe jump, and actually allows turning. But it's disabled on Tastyspleen Lithium II at the moment and no one can't move there like that.

Since d3s.q2.us is already Tastyspleen server (at least that wallfly is there), in my opinion you should make counter-part to those settings and disable runes, iclude no power-ups and keep hooks_peed and rocket_speed at 900 and hook_pullspeed at 700, not to forget changing sv_airaccelerate to 10. Also skyhook - the mother of n00b settings - is stupid feature that only reduces the technical side of lithium playing and should be disabled in my opinion.

You are right, Reptile. Those settings are unbalanced. As a response to Slayer, I'm gonna quote myself from flp board:

The real problem is with fast hook speeds and fast rocket speed combination. Because rockets are way faster than in default lithium settings, it means hitting air targets near walls and in mid-air is much easier with rockets. The faster hook speed and pull speed really don't make up for this, because it just means you go longer, faster, and more straight-forward maneuvers, which makes turning angles wider and so turning requires more space. If different areas in different maps aren't very big, that means you're going to hit walls somewhat often and those short moments are easy to exploit with lightspeed rockets. As room size increases, going near walls walls while hooking can be avoided more easily, but that's just one side of the problem. Those longer, faster, and straight-forward maneuvers also make you flight paths more predictable - and really, a much more predictable compared to default hook speeds - and that means hitting mid-air targets with rockets becomes much easier with these lightspeed rockets.

Basically the settings used on the server make rockets just too good deal to mind about any of the other weapons - and because of the high speed hook settings, anyone with really high ping cannot even imagine fragging with rail, ssg, or chain. But it doesn't matter since since rocket launcher is anyway so superior weapon compared to other weapons you have available.

This is the kind of server you would get with the settings Slayer is suggesting - basically a rocket only server. And when unnecessary speed is added, that just means all technically skilled hookers (ehehe) and speedjumpers are the ones who pay the prize. There are anyway enough servers in USA that uses those fast flp-like settings and any american should have a decent in one of those servers. There are even some players on those servers, though not many, so I don't see the point of adding more of those. But of course even that kind of settings are better than the current settings.

I'm only saying this because I know the server will always be empty with the settings it currently has. No one will ever start playing there until airaccelerate is corrected, but since lithium is almost dead mod the server might be that way in any case.
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Re: How About a Lithium Server to Replace Vanilla2?
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2009, 07:35:51 PM »
This is not meant as an insult, but ony an admin who doesn't know anything about Lithium II says that sv_airaccelerate 0 might be changed only if there are enough players requesting it.

For the record, that isn't actually what I meant.

I would be happy to use a config that appeals to enthusiasts of the Lithium mod.  Panjoo's description of airaccelerate-style movement sounded very interesting to me.  I would like to learn more about it, myself, someday.

Rather, my objection was when someone seemed to be saying, "here is my config, but you can only use it if you don't change anything."

Those were not acceptable terms to me.  It's a free server.  I want Lithium players to like the config, but I don't agree to never change anything, either.


If anyone would like to donate a nice Lithium config without any strings attached, I'd be happy to try it on the server.




Since d3s.q2.us is already Tastyspleen server (at least that wallfly is there), in my opinion you should make counter-part to those settings and disable runes, iclude no power-ups and keep hooks_peed and rocket_speed at 900 and hook_pullspeed at 700, not to forget changing sv_airaccelerate to 10. Also skyhook - the mother of n00b settings - is stupid feature that only reduces the technical side of lithium playing and should be disabled in my opinion.

This is helpful, thanks.  (BTW, d3s.q2.us has been added to GOTO at the request of the owner, but it is an independent server (not adminned by tastyspleen.))

« Last Edit: December 26, 2009, 07:38:00 PM by console »
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Re: How About a Lithium Server to Replace Vanilla2?
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2009, 07:59:15 PM »
BTW, there's no need to shut down existing servers to add new servers.

Yeah, just add a lithium server, I would be there.


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Re: How About a Lithium Server to Replace Vanilla2?
« Reply #23 on: December 26, 2009, 08:00:23 PM »
Since d3s.q2.us is already Tastyspleen server (at least that wallfly is there), in my opinion you should make counter-part to those settings and disable runes, iclude no power-ups and keep hooks_peed and rocket_speed at 900 and hook_pullspeed at 700, not to forget changing sv_airaccelerate to 10. Also skyhook - the mother of n00b settings - is stupid feature that only reduces the technical side of lithium playing and should be disabled in my opinion.
This is helpful, thanks. 

OK... Made the changes.  Here's the current config:

Code: [Select]
dmflags: 16918
  -allow-exit (ax,ae)
  +armor (a)
  +falling-damage (fd)
  -fixed-fov (ffov)
  -force-respawn (fr)
  +friendly-fire (ff)
  +health (h)
  -infinite-ammo (ia)
  +instant-powerups (ip)
  -powerups (pu)
  +quad-drop (qd)
  -same-map (sm)
  +spawn-farthest (sf)
  -teams-by-model (tbm)
  -teams-by-skin (tbs)
  +weapons-stay (ws)

set hostname "tastyspleen::Lithium II"
set maxclients 16
set timelimit 30
set fraglimit 50
set sv_airaccelerate 10

set use_runes 0
set use_packs 1
set use_hook 1
set use_safety 1
set use_startobserver 1
set use_startchasecam 0
set use_suicidekick 1
set use_chatmuzzle 1
set use_chatkick 1
set use_zbotkick 1
set use_zbotlog 0
set use_hitfactor 0
set use_nocamp 0
set use_gslog 0
set use_mapqueue 1
set use_mapvote 1
set use_highscores 0
set use_lmaster 1

set def_bestweapon 0
set def_id 0
set def_hud 2
set def_scores 1

set fast_respawn 0.65
set fast_minpbound 4
set fast_maxpbound 16

set fast_wep 2

set max_rate 8000

set safety_time 4.0
set knockback_adjust 1.0
set knockback_self 3.2
set fall_damagemod 1.0

set rune_flags 31
set rune_perplayer 0.6
set rune_life 20
set rune_min 3
set rune_max 12
set rune_resist 2.0
set rune_strength 2.0
set rune_regen 0.25
set rune_regenmax 200
set rune_vampire 0.5
set rune_vampiremax 200
set rune_resist_sound "world/force2.wav"
set rune_strength_sound "items/damage3.wav"
set rune_haste_sound "world/x_light.wav"
set rune_regen_sound "items/l_health.wav"
set rune_vampire_sound "makron/pain2.wav"

set pack_spawn 0.03
set pack_life 20

set hook_speed 900
set hook_pullspeed 700
set hook_sky 0
set hook_maxtime 5.0
set hook_damage 1
set hook_initdamage 10
set hook_maxdamage 20
set hook_delay 0.2

set ping_watch 10
set ping_endwatch 20
set ping_min 0
set ping_max 1000

set chatmuzzle_says 3
set chatmuzzle_time 2.0
set chatmuzzle_holdtime 20
set chatkick_says 10
set chatkick_time 5.0
set chatkick_muzzles 3

set mapvote_min 0
set mapvote_max 8
set mapvote_time 45
set mapvote_need 50
set mapvote_pass 51
set mapvote_tries 3
set mapvote_instant 1

set intermission_time 8.5
set intermission_sound "makron/laf4.wav"

set camp_threshold 250
set camp_time 8.0
set camp_warn 5.0

set dropweapammo 0.6

set jacket_armor "50 100 0.30 0.00"
set combat_armor "75 150 0.60 0.30"
set body_armor "100 200 0.80 0.60"
set shard_armor 5

set power_armor_screen 0.25
set power_armor_shield 0.50

set start_health 100
set start_armor 0
set start_bullets 50
set start_shells 10
set start_rockets 5
set start_grenades 1
set start_cells 50
set start_slugs 5

set max_health 120
set max_armor 200
set max_bullets 240
set max_shells 120
set max_rockets 60
set max_grenades 60
set max_cells 240
set max_slugs 60

set pack_health 120
set pack_armor 250
set pack_bullets 360
set pack_shells 180
set pack_rockets 90
set pack_grenades 90
set pack_cells 360
set pack_slugs 90

set start_weapon 1
set start_blaster 1
set start_shotgun 0
set start_sshotgun 0
set start_machinegun 0
set start_chaingun 0
set start_grenadelauncher 0
set start_rocketlauncher 0
set start_hyperblaster 0
set start_railgun 0
set start_bfg 0

set no_shotgun 0
set no_sshotgun 0
set no_machinegun 0
set no_chaingun 0
set no_grenadelauncher 0
set no_rocketlauncher 0
set no_hyperblaster 0
set no_railgun 0
set no_bfg 1

set no_quad 1
set no_pent 1

set blaster_damage 17
set blaster_speed 1000
set shotgun_damage 6
set shotgun_count 12
set shotgun_hspread 500
set shotgun_vspread 500
set sshotgun_damage 6
set sshotgun_count 22
set sshotgun_hspread 1000
set sshotgun_vspread 500
set machinegun_damage 8
set machinegun_hspread 300
set machinegun_vspread 500
set chaingun_damage 8
set chaingun_hspread 300
set chaingun_vspread 500
set grenade_damage 100
set grenade_radius 140
set rocket_damage 100
set rocket_damage2 20
set rocket_rdamage 120
set rocket_radius 140
set rocket_speed 900
set rocket_knockback 0
set hyperblaster_damage 17
set hyperblaster_speed 1000
set railgun_damage 120
set bfg_damage 200
set bfg_radius 1000
set bfg_speed 400
set bfg_raydamage 5
set bfg_balldamage 200
set bfg_ballradius 100

Any other tweaks requested?


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Re: How About a Lithium Server to Replace Vanilla2?
« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2009, 10:19:31 PM »

I'm a "Lithium Newbie" but really enjoyed playing with all the runes as a standard q2 er against all of the hook masters.  It was fun!   Thanks for hosting it.
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Re: How About a Lithium Server to Replace Vanilla2?
« Reply #25 on: December 29, 2009, 04:22:28 PM »
Hi everyone!,

To clarify, in reference to the independent Lithium server:

IP/Host: q2.d3s.us <~~ this is the correct hostname!!
Goto: LITHIUM2  (from any tastyspleen server)

This server has Runes, Techs (Both powerups), fast hook, fast rockets, fast weapon switching, Air-accelerate, and you start off with lots of rockets and rails to get right into the frag-fest.  Additionally, this server will also be beta testing new versions of the Lithium mod as it comes along.

For more information, including the server's map-pack, stats, and explanation of Runes and Techs, see here:

A HUGE thank you to Quadz for all of his assistance with getting this server added to the independent zone of tastyspleen.

Hope to see many of you stop by for some frags - Lithium style of couse  ;)

PS - [BTF]Defiant!  <~~ Definitely had a great time when you stopped in!
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Re: How About a Lithium Server to Replace Vanilla2?
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2009, 09:03:33 PM »
I would like to learn more about it, myself, someday.

I just tried the lithium server with the changed settings and they're just like lithium should be in my opinion. Airaccelerate is now ok, hook_speed and hookpull_speed are ok and I could move there almost without stopping with my 170 ping. Even few players came by, which was more than I expected - when I go to Chef's Lithium (german server) it's rare that someone joins.

I can try to help anyone who's interested in learning speedjump and maybe also playing lithium, but I don't if know any new players actually want to learn to play a mod that isn't so popular anymore. But speedjump is kinda easy to learn, anyone who know how to strafe should be able to pull it off somehow with little practise. 
« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 09:41:05 PM by [TNC]Piip »
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Re: How About a Lithium Server to Replace Vanilla2?
« Reply #27 on: March 09, 2010, 09:42:55 AM »
As a general update to this thread:

I was able to contact and work with the author of Lithium (WhiteFang) to address numerous bugs and security issues as well as release the source code.  The new release can be found @ http://quake2.lithium.com (Lithium is a server side mod, players don't need to download anything.)

Contrary to some belief, Lithium II has been played throughout the years and has a player base!! However, was not properly represented on Tastyspleen until recently.

For all those that have heard of Lithium, or know folks that would love to play again, I strongly recommend giving the mod a try!!!  Recently we've started to see the return of some [BITCH], =GOM=, and [T2k] clan players to the game along with the steady {FLP} players.  Weekly, I'm starting to see players log in and say "I love this mod, I haven't played in 10 years!!"

q2.d3s.us (in the independent zone, goto lithium2) is the place to come and find Lithium DM players!!  Server settings have been revamped to provide gameplay that's adaptable to the various different playing styles.  All skillsets welcome!

http://d3s.us (server's home page with map-pack, user-guide, stats,etc)
http://www.clanflp.com (Quake 2 Lithium II Community)

What makes Lithium awesome???
- The hook baby!!!!!  (aka red-laser style offhand grapple)
- Runes (powerups for strength, haste, resist, vampire)
- Physics!  (Air-acceleration)

Check out this video here:


Frag on!  :bananaw00t:
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Re: How About a Lithium Server to Replace Vanilla2?
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2010, 01:51:15 AM »
rofl at cowies comment " we sometimes go there 2 chat hahahahah"

where the fuck are you cowie , you have to come out of that bridge sometime troll!

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Re: How About a Lithium Server to Replace Vanilla2?
« Reply #29 on: April 05, 2010, 06:18:09 AM »
sup goat
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September 03, 2024, 05:15:49 PM
And wow Derrick is still playing lol


September 03, 2024, 05:15:15 PM
Just know yesterday is gone and soon tomorrow will be gone too  :)


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In nomine Quake II et Id Software et Spiritus John Carmack, Amen.


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July 24, 2024, 01:25:59 PM
hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fzoloyoze.torito%2Fposts%2Fpfbid03hZrkDUBJPZKCuFgy5hRUy831ekKJYVRzC7ajXaKQbJ6xcPgKftLukUDfovFyEq3l&amp;show_text


July 24, 2024, 01:25:59 PM
hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fzoloyoze.torito%2Fposts%2Fpfbid03hZrkDUBJPZKCuFgy5hRUy831ekKJYVRzC7ajXaKQbJ6xcPgKftLukUDfovFyEq3l&amp;show_text


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