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Messages - QwazyWabbit

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Bot Drop / Re: Failed file check
« on: July 20, 2008, 07:38:25 AM »
A better course of action might be to send them in to the admins for evaluation and addition to the approved files list for the server in question.

Bot Drop / Re: Failed file check
« on: July 19, 2008, 03:36:25 PM »
I think the intent of the file checks is to identify the files that are "not approved" for the particular server. They may be common files on other servers or mods. The approved list is not all-encompassing. It also means the player in question is using files of the same name and path of the "approved" files but they are not identical. This can be true for files in customized paks on the server or on the client. The server could have customized files and the player could be using "vanilla" files. Only by checking them can you actually know which case it is. The vanilla files should have been on the approved list for the server but sometimes things can be missed.

WAV files can be used to time respawns of powerups and give the player useful information about when a powerup is close to respawning. If he is consistently close to the powerup when it respawns this is a clue that he may be using them.

I believe the MD5 hash of the failed file on the client is logged in the server anticheat log. The system admin should be reviewing those logs, identifying the files and getting copies of those failed files and checking their MD5 hashes against the logged events. Once the file is identified this way it can be determined if it is a "cheat" in the context of that particular server or not. If the file is a cheat, it can be added to the "not-approved" list and the automation can kick the player in response, but that is an admin configuration choice for the particular server.

I should also mention that the best source for the questionable files is the player identified with them. If the player is reluctant to provide them for review, it may be wise to set the server to ban those questionable files and kick the player(s) in question.

Religion, and the Changing Moral Zeitgeist / Re: Ye Religion Thread
« on: July 16, 2008, 08:13:00 PM »
To say the laws of nature arise out of chaos without a Creator is to say entropy can be reversed and matter arises from nothing, assembles itself into complex structures and then spends the rest of eternity in decay.

This seems to be stated somewhat in the manner of a False Dilemma.  We've already discovered and observed processes and laws by which matter does indeed assemble itself into complex structures.  So we're left pondering the cause of the Big Bang.  Even if entropy were violated, why make the leap to positing something as complex as a Creator?  (A creator who by definition should be complex enough to ponder the question of its own origins?)

As Bertrand Russell said so succinctly, "If everything must have a cause, then God must have a cause. If there can be anything without a cause, it may just as well be the world as God, so that there cannot be any validity in that argument."

Can the universe create itself? Is then the universe not God?

The semantics here seem murky.  Why not instead ask if the universe is just some kind of weird entropy-violating perpetual motion machine?  Why bring "God" into it by default?  Are there NO other possibilities?

[1] Einstein and Religion by Max Jammer, Princeton University Press, 1999, p. 97

I brought up Einstein to illustrate the folly of setting up Hawking as the smartest guy of his time as an authority on the existence or non-existence of God. No one can "prove" god, it's folly to attempt it. Decartes was another example and the best he could do was the "I think, therefor I am." postulate. Isn't it interesting that in the mythical story of Moses on the mountain receiving the Ten Commandments when he asked God his name the reply was "I am that I am." :)

False dilemma? I don't think so. The observable universe always runs toward increasing entropy but then again there is a lot of unobserved universe out there. As far as increasing complexity is concerned, these are processes where entropy is decreased in one locality at the expense of an increase of entropy in another. My main point was that the human brain inescapably ascribes a prime mover to every effect. The dilemma is how to escape the trap.

Bertrand Russell was a self-confessed atheist and an excellent writer.

Einstein may never have accepted a personal God but he was still confined by his childhood social programming enough to say "God doesn't play dice..." and to speak in public as a believer in some kind of God. This is what I was trying to illustrate about mankind's inability to escape from the concepts of alpha-omega and a prime mover.

Name something that doesn't have a cause? We can't escape it. We even have to say the "cause" of the universe was the big bang. The end of the universe is the big crunch. Einstein tried and failed to describe an eternal universe. But this all still leaves the question unanswered about the certainty of the fundamental nature of it.

You didn't honestly answer the two questions, but they were largely rhetorical. I wanted to see if anyone would fall into the trap of explaining a self-creating universe or a Pantheism.

A weird entropy-violating perpetual motion machine? Weirdness is "the unexplained", this doesn't satisfy the requirements of the TOE whose goal it is to explain everything. To accept "weirdness" as an explanation is to cop out of the whole discussion.

No other possibilities? I never said there were no other possibilities, I only posed questions.

Religion, and the Changing Moral Zeitgeist / Re: Ye Religion Thread
« on: July 15, 2008, 08:18:33 PM »

Einstein was Jewish and was considered the smartest man alive in his time. He regarded mathematics as the key to understanding the fundamental design of the universe. His famous phrase, "God does not play dice with the world [universe]" was his counter-argument to Max Planck's quantum mechanics. He said this even though Einstein's own photoelectric effect and photon theory of light depended on it. The quest for the Grand Unification Theory (GUT) is a quest for that same kind of understanding. The theory about the Theory of Everything (TOE) is that it will be both elegant and beautiful in it's symmetry and simplicity. The idea that the universe could be explained and understood and that the laws of physics would exist without a Creator was completely foreign to their minds.

Today we know Einstein's theories of Special and General Relativity are correct and Planck's Quantum Mechanics are also correct and they both apply to every place in the universe as far as we can observe. To say the laws of nature arise out of chaos without a Creator is to say entropy can be reversed and matter arises from nothing, assembles itself into complex structures and then spends the rest of eternity in decay. Can the universe create itself? Is then the universe not God? The mind of man is nowhere near ready to encompass the questions, much less determine the answers.

Quake / Re: BEN - Random Deathmatch Map Generator for Quake2
« on: July 08, 2008, 08:32:12 PM »
The map would already exist as a file unless the server and client clean up at the end of the level after moving into the new map. There would be no need for a "vote savemap" command unless you were going to keep a collection of favs. Saving faves would be self-defeating of a "random map" server but a good map is a terrible thing to waste.

Depending on the map sizes and textures it looks like a typical Ben2 medium sized map is about 1MB, simple download from game server to the clients would be sufficient unless you want to que them to the client before play to be sure everybody has them and can enter the map simultaneously. This would guarantee that no one would have advantage of exploring the map before everyone downloaded and entered.

Quake / Re: BEN - Random Deathmatch Map Generator for Quake2
« on: July 04, 2008, 05:08:49 PM »
Suggestions and comments:
1. A setting for pointing to custom quake2 executable. Default is quake2.exe, it would be nice to be able to launch user choice of binary like r1q2, q2ace, etc.
2. Maybe a mod setting while you're at it to allow launch into mods for testing the map under that mod.

I noticed on a big map, 100 moves, 12 branches, 4 x 4 on all rooms settings and 5% prob. that there were some vertical railing posts on some platforms. No horizonals railing attached.

Quake / Re: BEN - Random Deathmatch Map Generator for Quake2
« on: July 04, 2008, 01:44:17 PM »
This looks very cool indeed. I tried a few maps and they all have the same flavor and from a tournament standpoint it would be a very nice tool. Everyone is seeing the maps for the first time and they all learn them at the same time. I've never mapped before and it's interesting to see how it's done from this point of view.

Trouble Shooting / Re: AVG found win32 virus in anticheat.dll
« on: June 27, 2008, 09:22:51 PM »
I agree, but it's an indicator that AVG isn't the only one that flags the signature. I have seen them all come up clean on actual viruses too. A lot depends on the currency of the sig files as well as the engine. They seem to be a bit more up to date today. It's been a while since I used that site. The interface is cleaner. I like that. They used to state the scans were based on "default" configuration of the scanners. I'm not sure that's true anymore.

Trouble Shooting / Re: AVG found win32 virus in anticheat.dll
« on: June 27, 2008, 07:00:00 PM »

The false positive arises from the way the file is packed.
In the past, AVG and Panda seem to be the most frequently reported false positives.
AVG marks it safe but if R1ch comes out with a newer version the signature is different and AVG has problems with it again.

R1ch doesn't publish the file's MD5 hash in his documentation or web site. (Perhaps it's time to start.)

Latest version (no version info due to packing) anticheat.dll MD5: a67414c7a740e34e0b92a231820c0ffe

Trouble Shooting / Re: AVG found win32 virus in anticheat.dll
« on: June 25, 2008, 06:01:13 PM »
This is a false postive from AVG. The anticheat DLL is compressed and has a "phone home" capability (necessary for talking to the anti-cheat server) that makes it look like a virus. AVG triggers on these characteristics in their heuristic detection and that's why you get the alert. You can safely ignore the alert on anticheat. AVG is known to be a little more sensitive to false positives than some other A-V programs. (I use NOD32 and it has never triggered on R1ch's anticheat dll.)

If you are getting alerts from other executable files with the same alert, it may be time to do deeper scans of those files.

Tech Junkie Lounge / Re: What is the best monitor for Quake2
« on: June 23, 2008, 10:55:55 PM »
CRT's are declining in the market. There's no incentive to advance the state of the art. Another reason you don't have high frequency monitor CRT's is because as the speed of the spot increases, the intensity has to increase leading to higher and higher acceleration potentials, leading to more X-ray emissions from the CRT. Bad for the complexion when spending hours in front of it. As it is, the face is leaded glass to reduce the external intensity and we know all those nice folks in EU want RoHS and Lead in glass is still Lead. Duh.

Tech Junkie Lounge / Re: What is the best monitor for Quake2
« on: June 23, 2008, 10:59:26 AM »
Regarding 2ms decay rate panels: 2ms does not mean 1/.002 frequency. (500Hz)

The Nyquist rate for a 2ms pixel will be 1/2 the sample frequency since we are dealing with on-off keying of the bit. In this case, 250Hz. (50% duty cycle) This is the max frequency you can turn the pixel on and off and not get aliasing of the state when observed by a non-persistent method (like a photo cell). If you try to key it faster (500Hz) the observed intensity will rise to 100% as the frequency increases or a sub-freqency will appear to make the pixel dim and brighten as a function of the relation between the keyed frequency and the Nyquist frequency. (This is the same phenomenon that makes timing lights work.) Compound this with human persistence of vision and the tendency of the eye to integrate pixel brightness over time and you have considerably less than 250Hz. The blurring effect is a combination of pixel persistence, eye-brain persistence and interpolation of the graphics engine as a system.

As for the best monitor? I haven't a clue. :)

General Ownage / Re: daelmun uses bot!
« on: June 23, 2008, 10:29:19 AM »
for Dork, in English
Q2 Fact #241: demos only record at 10 fps, and record the POV of the client as seen by the server, not locally. When a client does an extremely fast movement, it is interpolated over 100 milliseconds. As a side effect, this makes flick shots very unrealistic looking, as while locally the client may have flicked their mouse in 10 milliseconds, when replayed it will be interpolated for 100 milliseconds, which is exactly what you're seeing in this video.

Demos are recorded at 10 frames per second (fps). [They record the point of view of the recorded player as seen by the server, not the video frames seen in the client.] When a client does an extremely fast movement, it is interpolated over 100 milliseconds. [10 fps = 100ms per frame]
As a side effect, this makes flick shots very unrealistic looking, as while locally the client may have flicked their mouse in 10 milliseconds [10ms = 100 fps, not an unrealsitic video rate], when replayed it will be interpolated for 100 milliseconds, which is exactly what you're seeing in this video. [seeing 100fps video replayed and interpolated by using 10fps data will lead to some strange effects in the replay]

The player being recorded can see things and react to them faster than the demo can record the events and the demo is not a precise record of what he saw.

Interpolation: The estimation of unknown intermediate values from known discrete values of a dependent variable.

We can interpolate 100 fps images from 10 fps data sets, filling in the estimates of positions and angles between points from the original data set.

Quake / Re: trace route is this good or bad
« on: June 18, 2008, 07:14:35 AM »
If anything, with the 45ms jump in ping between hops 10 and 11 I would suspect an oversubscribed server or conjestion in their network.

Discussion / Re: server reset
« on: June 17, 2008, 10:06:57 PM »
I wanted to vote for a reset but I couldn't decide which reset would be better for the server, the reset reset or the reset reset. :sorry: :eyecrazy:

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